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5. The speaker talks about the most popular language in the world. 6. The speaker explains how to teach a foreign language to children. Speaker A I've always been very good at languages. I can speak English and French and it helps a lot as I'm in the export business. When we worked on some contracts with Russian companies, I decided to learn Russian. I take lessons regularly and I've learned a lot of words, but there are very difficult grammar rules in Russian, and there are so many exceptions! I'm not sure I'll ever be able to speak it. Speaker В My friends don't think that learning foreign languages is important - English is understood everywhere. I don't agree with them. I want to start learning Italian. It's a lovely language and it sounds beautiful. I've got a pen-pal Mario, who lives in Italy, and I want to go there next year. I think Mario will appreciate my speaking Italian. And travelling is more enjoyable when you can communicate with the locals in their language. Speaker С English is my native language and I don't have any problems when I travel — people can speak English everywhere. That's why I don't feel motivated to learn foreign languages at school. But according to the curriculum, I must learn two foreign languages. We start learning the first one at the age of seven. Usually it's French or German. At the age of 13 or 14 we choose the second language - Italian, Spanish, Chinese or others. Speaker D. Languages are very important in modern life. But learning languages is very difficult and time consuming. The quickest way to learn a language is to go the country where it's spoken. It works, however, only if you communicate outside the classroom a lot. Watching the news, reading newspapers and writing notes and emails helps a lot too. But the most important thing is not to speak your native language to anyone. Speaker E Lots of adults want to learn foreign languages but have no time for it. Children, on the one hand, have enough time but they lack motivation. The easiest way to get children to speak a fore: language is to use it in a game. Young children are not able to understand language rules, but they can easily imitate their teacher. Pictures and toys work very well too - children pick up new words for toys very quickly. 4.2. Вы услышите 5 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего А — Е и утверждениями, данными в списке 1 — 6. Используйте каждое утверждение из списка 1 — 6 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. 1. The speaker says he/she has a certain number of new words to learn every day.
Speaker A I have a little notebook. It's an address book with the letters of the alphabet, and I write the new words in two or three times a week. I write the English word first, then the translation and a short sentence as an example. I try to learn ten new words a day. Speaker B I have a little notebook. I always have it with me. I try to fill one page a day. Sometimes I put words in groups, like fruit — all kinds of fruit, you know. Or colours, or clothes, or things and the shops where you buy them. I have some grammar pages, where I write irregular verbs, or a page for prepositions. I think prepositions are difficult. Speaker C I stick little bits of paper all over my house! Sometimes I write what the thing is, er... On the mirror I have mirror, on the door handle I have door handle. Year, I know, it's funny. My friends think: 'What's the matter with her?' but I like it. And sometimes I write the words that are new, from the last lesson, and I put the word on the... on the kitchen door and see it every two minutes! Speaker D I write the new words on a little piece of paper, with the English on the one side and the Turkish on the other side. I write the English word in a sentence so I know how to use it, and what words it's used with. Then in my left pocket I have the new words, and in the day when I'm having a break or travelling on the bus, I take out the new words, and if I remember them they go into my right pocket. If I don't remember them, they go into my left pocket again. Speaker E I am very lazy! I don't do anything special at all! But I read a lot. I always have mi English book in my bag. There are a lot of simple books, you know? Stories In easy English, they have questions at the back and they explain some difficult words but I just enjoy the story and I think I learn new words. I see a word six, maybe seven times, and then I know it! And the stories are good!
Фоменко Е.А. ГИА 2013 вар. 1 4.3. Вы услышите 5 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего А — Е и утверждениями, данными в списке 1 — 6. Используйте каждое утверждение из списка 1 — 6 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.
Speaker A When examination time comes, I try to stay awake by drinking cups of coffee while I am studying. But the most important thing for me is to make sure I sleep well the night before the examination. I need at least eight hours a night to feel really energetic the next day. It really wouldn't help if I stayed up late studying because I would be too tired the next day to do my best. Speaker B Some people give up everything to spend their time studying but I still meet up with my friends. As well as that, I do a lot of exercises and what's more I have a good long walk or jog the night before my exam. I know that my brain will function better if I am in a good shape. Speaker C I know that I can only concentrate for a limited time, so I stop every hour for ten minutes when I am getting ready for my exams. I may go for a walk to clear my head or just sit and think about something. After that it's much easier to go back to my books. Speaker D The night before the exams I go out with my friends. I don't believe in last minute revision. We usually go for a walk or watch a video, preferably a comedy. It's good to laugh a lot and to see the funny side of things when there is so much hard work to do the next day. Speaker E I usually panic at exams, so I plan how much time I will need for each question. I try to ignore all those people around me, who are writing really fast and never solve a question until I have thought about it and made some notes.
Фоменко Е.А. ГИА 2013 вар. 13 4.5. Listen to Alex and mark these sentences TRUE, FALSE or NOT STATED (if there’s not enough information in the text). 1. Alex is British. 2. Alex’s family lives in Russia. 3. “Mayonnaise Alexander” means “Give mayonnaise to Alexander”. 4. Alex speaks very good English. 5. English is Alex’s first language. 6. Alex’s Mum tells him a lot about Russian Literature. 7. Alex found it easy to fit in to his English school. 8. English pupils don’t like children from other countries. 9. Alex’s best friends are Daniel and Lewis. 10. Alex is not friends with Jessica anymore. 11. Girls are often very bossy. 12. There are a lot of interesting projects in Alex’s school. 13. Alex and Daniel rarely quarrel. 14. Daniel is a good boy, but he doesn’t have a good sense of humour. 15. Daniel used to be a very cute baby. My name is Alex. I’m Russian, but I started learning English at the age of three. Well, I had to: my Dad got a very good job in Scotland. My first English sentence was “Mayonnaise Alexander” which meant “My name is Alexander,” of course. I’ve lived in the UK for six years and English is my second language. Yes, Russian is and always will be the first, thanks to my Mum, who always speaks Russian to me. She tells me a lot about Russian literature, history and traditions. Besides, I spend every summer in Moscow at my Granny’s. I go to Sidgate Primary. Life hasn’t always been easy for me in school. Although my English is very good, I didn’t feel accepted for a long time. But later on I made some great friends. My best friends are Lewis and Daniel, but I also like Harris, Joad and Sam. I was sort of friends with Jessica when I was in Year Three, but now she is very bossy. Girls are, you know. Together we take part in different activities. Every term we have some kind of interesting project. Last year we had two projects: “Earth” and “Water facts”. Actually, three — I forgot “Space”. I bought a black sheet of cardboard and drew the planet Earth with oil pastels. The boys said it was cool. I thought so, too! Lewis and I share everything together and rarely fall out. If we do, we make up the same day. As for Daniel, he is very smart, but sometimes he starts to show off. What I like about Daniel is his sense of humour. We both like a good joke. Daniel has two older sisters. When he was a baby, they thought he was very cute, so one of his sisters dressed him up as a teddy bear and took him on the bus to school! Kaufman 10th Form, Unit 2 Lessons 13, 14 Заключение По своей природе аудирование — это восприятие акустического сигнала и аналитико-синтетический процесс по его обработке, результатом которой является осмысление, понимание воспринимаемого объекта, сопоставление его с хранящимся в долговременной памяти образцом. Аудирование относится к рецептивному виду речевой деятельности. В процессе обучения иностранному языку аудирование является средством и целью обучения. Обучение смысловому восприятию иноязычной речи на слух, то есть аудированию, — самый трудный для студентов вид устной речевой деятельности, который может протекать без внешних проявлений, но требует больших интеллектуальных усилий со стороны воспринимающих иноязычную речь. Результатом аудирования является понимание или непонимание информации. Понимание речи на слух тесно связано с говорением – выражением мыслей средствами изучаемого языка. Говорение и аудирование – две взаимосвязанные стороны устной речи. Аудирование – не только прием сообщения, но и подготовка во внутренней речи ответной реакции на услышанное. Чтобы сказать, надо услышать. Таким образом, аудирование подготавливает говорение, говорение помогает формированию восприятия речи на слух. Аудирование связано и с чтением. Их объединяет принадлежность к рецептивным видам речевой деятельности, когда происходит восприятие – понимание – активная переработка информации, получаемой из речевых сообщений – при аудировании через слуховой канал, при чтении – через зрительный канал. Самым тесным образом связано аудирование и с письмом. В процессе графического оформления человек проговаривает и слышит то, что пишет. Таким образом, предлагаемая в пособии практическая часть аудирования тематически связанных текстов, а также систематизированный материал по видам упражнений на разных этапах аудирования, надеемся, поможет преподавателям иностранных языков уместно и эффективно использовать этот очень важный вид деятельности на уроке и во внеурочной деятельности при подготовки студентов к конкурсам, олимпиадам. Использованные источники
4. Иностранный язык. Планируемые результаты. Система заданий: пособие для учителей общеобразоват. учреждений / [М. 3. Биболетова, М. В. Вербицкая, К. С. Махмурян, Н. Н. Трубанёва]; под ред. Г. С. Ковалёвой, О. Б. Логиновой. — М.: Просвещение, 2012. — 123 с. — (Работаем по новым стандартам). 5. Конышева, А.В. Английский язык. Современные методы обучения: кн. для студентов и преподавателей ВУЗов/ А.В. Конышева.- М.: ТетраСистемс, 2007.-352 с. 6. Соловова, Е.Н. методика обучения иностранным языкам: базовый курс лекций:пособие для студентов пед. ВУЗов и учителей/ Е.Н. Соловова.- М.: Просвещение, 2002.-239 с. 7. Тимофеев, В.Г. Английский язык : Up & Up : программа для 10 —11 классов : среднее (полное) общее образование (базовый уровень) / [В.Г.Тимофеев, А.Б.Вильнер, И.Л.Колесникова и др.] ; под ред. В. Г. Тимофеева. — М. : Издательский центр «Академия», 2007. — 24с.
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