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A8 The narrator says that his job in the usability group at Nokia was
A9 According to the narrator, mobile phones 1) are carried more often than keys and money. 2) can be used to identify people. 3) usually fail in emergency situations. А10 In the past few years, the narrator has done a of research
A11 The research shows that
mobile phones. A12 The narrator is surprised that in some countries
A13 The narrator says that their latest innovations have made it possible 1) to create a special mobile phone for those who can't read. 2) to design four new products. 3) for people to keep privacy while sharing their mobiles. A14 The narrator runs his own blog because
2) he wants to work with talented people. 3) he would like to answer people's questions. Автор Музланова Задание 2.10. ответы 1231323 2.5. Welcome to our programme "Technoworld"! Our guest in the studio today is a brand manager for one of the most famous companies producing electronic devices and tech toys — Will Bronson. Hello, Will! Good afternoon! Here is our first question. Everyone knows that the pace at which technology is evolving is having a massive impact on us. How is all of this new technology changing us? Well, it's changing us in many ways, not just in our spending habits, as people tend to buy more and more gadgets, but also in how we spend our leisure time once we've got our gadgets and tech toys back at home. Compared to five years ago, two-thirds of Europeans are now using technological devices in their everyday lives. If we look back 50 years ago, we only had the post and telephone lines in the house. Even ten years ago it was really just the microwave, the TV and the cordless phone. But nowadays people have 10 to 14 different digital devices in their homes. It's a huge increase. So what are these devices people have in their homes now? We're looking at anything from digital TV to digital radio, satellite navigation, MP3 players, PVR technology, cordless phones, mobile phones, PDAs, and the list goes on. Could you tell us how these devices are going to have to change in the future? Yes, essentially, nobody wants to have five or six remote controls at home, which means that we, as producers, have to combine several functions into one device. If you can get down to one device, for example, the entertainment PC that combines electronic devices and PC devices, then you've got a product that allows you to have better content, video on demand, music on demand, and the ability to show your photos and share them with your family. I think that any device that can manage all these functions is going to be the one people would most naturally choose. But it doesn't sound to me like this kind of device would be easy to operate. I think any manufacturer of modern electronic devices has to be very clear that what we produce has to be simple. It can't be a headache to set up, and you shouldn't have to compromise about what you can do with it. It has to enrich our lives, not make them more complex. For the consumer, that means that when you take something out of the box and plug it in, it's going to work. And your devices have to work together. If you're playing music on your stereo, or if you're projecting TV pictures or a film on different screens around the house, it all has to work together and it has to work straight out of the box for the consumer to use easily. A very interesting perspective. Thank you, Will, for speaking to us. Goodbye! Thank you. Goodbye. Enjoy English 11, Unit 3 ex 8, 9 2.6. Having just graduated last year and then joining the firm immediately, I've already spent three months abroad, where I was involved in designing a network to distribute water. The thing about doing a project like that is that you start from scratch to build a huge system and finish it in a short period of time, rather than improving an existing system as you might do over here. We did this by working on a computer model of the distribution network. It was very skilled work, which I learned a lot from, and it was great working in such a different culture. Engineering is a problem in my country and certainly a major reason for the skills shortage in this area. For some reason, engineering is seen as dull and unexciting, when in fact it is at the cutting edge of technology. You won't find such negative attitudes in other European countries or in the US. There, if you say you're studying engineering, people say “Wow” because it's seen as one of the big four professions along with doctors, lawyers and accountants. I think there is also a greater recognition in these countries that engineers are responsible for most of the new technologies. I decided to go into engineering because there's technology involved at every step – from producing an aircraft wing to making a particular kind of automobile. Every day, I feel as though my technical know-how is improving and that makes for an exciting daily life. One of our graduates has recently gone to Antarctica, where she's been involved in the Antarctic survey's new facility. There, she helped create a highly sustainable building in one of the most challenging environments in the world. I've only been in my job for six weeks, so it's still very new, but the reason it appealed to me was that it is all about top-end technology. Once I've finished this three-month period, I'll be moving to another department. I could be working on test engineering for a different product or in a more applications-based role. It's great to get this wide range of experience because it will help me choose the profession I want to settle in. My advice to anyone wanting to get involved in cutting-edge technology is to work in engineering. You really do wind up at the forefront of it. At the moment, I'm working as an engineer at a technical consultancy. I'm really impressed by the level of technological work I've been part of since joining the company in January. For example, I'm involved in upgrading the Heathrow Express so that there's a network for data to be available all around the airport. There are so many different communication technologies involved in this that every day is different and you feel you're shaping tomorrow's world. Enjoy English 11, Unit 3 ex 39 2.7. Secrets of an ancient computer Computers go back farther in history than you might imagine. A mysterious mechanism found in a 2,000-year-old Greek shipwreck may have been used to calculate the positions of planets, predict when eclipses were to occur, and analyse other astronomical activity. Known as the Antikythera mechanism, the device is about the size of a shoebox. When it was found underwater about 100 years ago, the mechanism was in poor shape. Its metal pieces had apparently congealed into one mass, and then broken into pieces. People who studied what was left of the mechanism suspected that it had something to do with astronomy. To find out more, researchers recently used advanced imaging methods, including X-ray computer tomography, to look inside the metal fragments and to check for ancient writing on the device. The researchers discovered that the mechanism had at least 30 bronze gears with as many as 225 teeth, most likely all cut by hand. This fresh look provided clear evidence that the device could've been used to compute eclipses of the sun and moon. A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes into Earth's shadow, and a solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the sun and Earth. Scientists suspect that the mechanism was also able to show the motions of the planets. A user could pick a day in the future and, using some sort of crank, work out a planet's position on that date. With the added information, the researchers came up with a new model for how the mechanism operated. All these findings show that the Antikythera mechanism was perhaps 1,000 years ahead of anything else discovered from its time period. Enjoy English 11, Unit 3 ex 59 2.8. Facts about cloning ex 68 Cloning, in scientific terms, started off being a natural phenomenon: identical twins, triplets, quads etc are in fact clones! This is because they have identical DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid — they are simply copies of each other. The term clone is derived from the Greek word for twig — a very small thin branch from a tree or bush. Mice formed from embryo cells were first cloned in Russia in 1986. Dolly, a sheep, was the first mammal to have been successfully cloned from an adult cell. She was cloned at the Roslin Institute in Scotland and lived there until her death at six years of age. Her birth had been announced on the 22 of February 1997. Cloned animals age faster than normal animals. ex 69 It's allowed medical research to advance at a faster pace. Scientists are now discovering alternative methods to find cures for diseases, because cloning is allowing them to discover more about genetics. The thought of a cloned person walking the streets…well, I don't want to even think about it. It makes me worry, and I am sure many others, about the future. The farming industry in this country could be helped greatly by cloning cattle and then maybe farming could get back on its feet. I want to be a doctor, and cloning body organs will help to save many patients' lives. I think that cloning is an amazing medical breakthrough. And the process could stop at cloning organs; it doesn't have to go any further. If cloned babies became a way of helping childless couples to have babies, this would be extremely dangerous and morally unacceptable. If a couple can't have a child, they should adopt. I'm not really into the whole cloning thing, but it's interesting (if not scary) how far they've come in such a short time. Enjoy English 11, Unit 3 ex 68, ex 69 2.3. Компьютеры, Интернет 3.1. Computers or Books Listen to what different people think about the future of books and computers. Tick the correct column.
Dana Computers are such an important part of our children's education! I believe within the next few years, schools will begin to use laptop computers instead of books. This way, our children would be learning from the most current information instead of using a book that is 20 years old. Another way computers could help learning is the chance children have of interacting with children from around the world. What a great opportunity to learn about another country from a child living there. Michael The printed book will be around for a long time. Much longer than anyone thinks. You know why? Because of people like me. I love the feel of a paperback book in my hands. I enjoy turning the pages. The story comes to me page by page. Absolutely glorious. The book will never die. Fiona The future of books should continue to be bright. They have certain advantages over electronic media. Firstly they're fairly cheap (at least paperbacks). Secondly no batteries or other power is required (except maybe a light). Thirdly they're generally very replaceable, so you're not afraid to take them into situations where they might be destroyed. Andrew Books will be around as long as people enjoy using them. That may sound simplistic, but as they say, if it's not broken, why fix it? If people are comfortable with books, why would they seek a replacement? Over time they may come to prefer an electronic version, but it would be a long process. Books have been a part of our culture for hundreds of years. That won't change so soon. In addition, some people — designers like myself — like to create printed material as well as reading it. (I like the possibilities electronic publishing offers as well — both have their merits.) Emma There can be little doubt about the advantages the computer possesses over any textbook as a tool for learning. Technology, such as the World Wide Web, provide an excellent opportunity to access an astronomical amount of information. It may be possible to view the computer as a library, as new technologies provides both the student and the teacher with so much information more conveniently than the ordinary textbook. Simon There is no doubt about the advantages of books online. They are going to replace printed books in future. Printed books will remain only in scientific libraries and only specialists will have an access to them. But even they will prefer computers to books to access most current information. It is impossible to provide everybody with books online bit I'm just predicting the future in the way I see it. New Millenium 10 Unit 8 Lesson1-2 (2B, C, D) 3.2. What do you use the computer for? Listen to the interview with Mike Philips, a journalist and add more uses of computers to the mind-up map. Mainly for word processing (but not writing, which I still do with a pen), keeping track of my life, searching for information from the internet for writing purposes or for travel. When I travel to a place I don't know — for example Russia or Canada — I look at Encarta on CD-ROM, and when I'm going to travel to a place like Krasnoyarsk, I print off the map of the area where I'm going. |
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