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part-time job. At the weekend the park is busy with people of all ages and I'm here to serve them a drink or a sandwich to keep them going. I'm usually here all day on Saturday, which is fine for me! My friends stop by and chat and I can watch all the games. Speaker 3 I used to babysit often but then I specialized in caring for young babies. Most mums won't leave their newborn baby with a babysitter, but they still need help with them. That's where I come in. I've learned all about caring for infants through books, classes and on-the-job training, so I feel very comfortable and confident with them. My business is booming! Speaker 4 I got a job at a nearby car wash to help earn money for university next year. I work at the weekend, drying the cars as they emerge from the car wash. It may not be the most exciting job in the world, but the money is good and the hours are right. I've made quite a bit of money and I'm looking forward to going away to university next year. Speaker 5 I'm a bit of a bookworm, so a part-time job at the public library is ideal for me. My work includes putting books in their proper places on the shelves and helping people find what they're looking for. I work almost every day after school for a few hours so it doesn't interfere with my schoolwork or time with my friends. It's perfect really, and I get a lot of time to read the books that I like. Speaker 6 I love having a job behind the ice cream counter. I am selling ice cream. It gives me something fun to do with my free time and the money really helps. People go out for ice cream when they're feeling good about something or just need a break, so most of my customers are friendly and smiling. I like that. I also enjoy creating exciting ice-cream treats. I have my own specialty — MarshmallowMeltdown. It's delicious!
Темзадания 11 кл. Зад 3 без аудио 1.10. Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1 —6 и утверждениями, данными в списке А—G. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.
Speaker 1 I think there is too much competition at work nowadays. Everybody is longing for promotion and often trying to move on to a better position in another company. On the contrary, teamwork aims at a company's accomplishments. When employees understand they can get ahead with their own company, they cooperate with colleagues and work more effectively to get better common and personal results. Speaker 2 It's very important to understand people around you. If you are a manager, you'd better take time and listen to your colleagues, employees, face to face, if possible. Pay attention to non-verbal ways of communication, as appropriate gestures and eye contact can do more than even words of praise or criticism. The same piece of advice goes to employees. Explain to your management your decisions in detail and you'll get a reputation as a well-balanced person and better career prospects. Speaker 3 I think it is difficult for men and women to work in the same space. Women are more creative and emotional whereas men are more logical and better organized. Women want to feel, men want to think. Any department, if it considers these differences, will be much better off with men and women working separately, without distracting each other, causing conflicts and misunderstandings. Speaker 4 What I dislike about some offices is that there is too much gossip there. It does not depend on who dominates there — men or women. Actually, men are sometimes even worse! It gets on my nerves when people begin to discuss their manager, the latest teambuilding activity or their domestic affairs. It distracts me and is simply unpleasant. To create some personal space and work effectively, I listen to music instead. Speaker 5 I think there should be a law for people not to go to work if they are ill or upset. To work effectively is simply impossible if someone is coughing or wants to scream at you instead of listening to your requests or suggestions. Any manager must ensure that the office environment is calm and appropriate for work. To introduce some relaxation techniques might be a good idea as well. Speaker 6 What is important in any office is that you get a clear explanation of what exactly to do from your management. There should not be any room for confusion or misinterpretation. If instructions can be understood as suggestions, there will not be any result. Instructions in the written form are simply perfect. If you are provided with details of a desirable result, this will be a key to completing the task successfully, I think.
Вербицкая М.В. ЕГЭ 2012 25 вариантов вар. 5 1.11. Stress at work (dialogue) Doug: Hello, I’m Doug Campbell and this is 6 minute English. Today we’re talking about stress. Stress at work. And I’m here with the very relaxed Jackie Dalton. Jackie: Hi Doug, yes our topic today is about difficult jobs – they can make you feel really stressed. Doug: And Jackie as usual I have a question for you. Jackie: Okay, well now I am feeling stressed! What’s the question? Doug: Okay, here we go. Which of these three jobs is considered the most stressful? Is it a) a broadcaster b) a teacher c) a pilot Which of those three jobs is considered the most stressful? Jackie: Oh that’s a very tricky one. I won’t say broadcaster because I’m usually not very stressed. Teacher….I think can be extremely stressful because you’ve got lots of people with you all the time who you’ve got to control. Pilot is probably quite scary because you got to…. you are responsible for lots of lives but I’m going to go with teacher because I think day to day it’s quite a stressful job. Doug: Okay, we’ll check your answers in a few minute. But first here’s Val talking to people on the streets of London. Some workers in London are very stressed out! Here’s Val talking to her first stressed out worker. What’s her job? Val and woman Val: Right, let’s find some stressed out people in London. What stresses you out at work? Woman: Everything!!!!! Val: What do you do? Woman: I work as a waitress at a hotel. Val: So that’s a stressful job? Woman: Well, it can be. Val: What’s stressful about it? Woman: Well, just getting everything done on time and getting all the customers fed at the same time and it’s really busy and things like that. Doug: Well, she’s a waitress. She works in a restaurant in a hotel and she says her job can be stressful sometimes. Jackie: Well if it’s a busy restaurant and there’s a lot to do that can be really stressful. And I’m sure some customers can be difficult, you know when they complain about the service or the food. Doug: And there’s a lot to do. Getting everything done – that’s stressful. Doug: Now Jackie, so you don’t think your job is stressful. Jackie: I think it’s sometimes stressful but it’s really not too bad. But there is a lot do and that sometimes stressful but lots of jobs are like that. Doug: Well let’s hear more from Val who is asking our question - what stresses you out at work? Val and woman Val: Excuse me Ma’am I just want to ask you a question – What stresses you out at work? Woman: What stress do I get at work? Everything – too much work. Val: There you go Doug – too much work. Make sure you don’t do much of that today. Doug: Thank you very much. Well, what does that woman find stressful at work – “Everything”, she said. Jackie: Too much work. People often complain about that. Doug: ….that you have too much work. Stress. That’s a word you hear a lot. And here are different forms of the word. Jackie: So yes you can have stress. Stress at work can be a problem. Stressed. To be stressed. Are you stressed Doug:? Stressed out. That’s a bit more informal. Are you stressed out? I’m feeling stressed out today. Stressful. Do you have a stressful job? Doug: You’re listening to BBC Learning English.com. Jackie: Now here are some more key words and expressions about stress. The people talking about their jobs were quite stressed. Perhaps they were in a hurry. Perhaps they were late for work. Doug: Well, what’s the opposite of stressed? Jackie: When you are not worried about anything you are very relaxed. Doug: When you are making a speech – in front of lots of people that can make you feel really stressed. You can be really nervous. Jackie: But you should relax. Doug: Which is not very easy. Jackie: What else is stressful? Doug: When you are studying English – taking an exam – that’s stressful. Jackie: It certainly is! Doug: And we have been talking about jobs today – stressful jobs. We heard from two women who thought everything about their work was stressful. Here they are again. Val and woman Val: Right, let’s find some stressed out people in London. What stresses you out at work? Woman: Everything! Val: What do you do? Woman: I work as a waitress at a hotel. Val: So that’s a stressful job? Woman: Well it can be. Val: What’s stressful about it? Woman: Well just getting everything done on time and getting all the customers fed at the same time and it’s really busy and things like that. Val: Excuse me Ma’am I just want to ask you a question – What stresses you out at work? Woman: What stress do I get at work? – everything – too much work. Val: Thank you. Doug: Okay and finally my question. Which of these jobs is considered to be the most stressful job? Is it a) a broadcaster b) a teacher c) a pilot It was a tricky quiz today. Jackie: Yes it was and I guessed teacher, but I imagine they can all be stressful at some time. Doug: Yes but I think most people would say that B, a teacher , is the most stressful job, because if you’re a pilot …yes, even though a pilot and perhaps a broadcaster – those jobs can be stressful, surveys say that a teacher is the most stressful job. Big responsibility – you’re taking care of lots of students. Jackie: Yes. I can see that. Doug: That’s all for now. Goodbye. Jackie: Goodbye. BBC Learning English 6 Minute English 03 1.12. Workaholism (dialogue) Kate: Hello, I’m Kate Colin and this is 6 Minute English. Today I'm here with Jackie and we’re talking about people who work too much. Jackie: Hi Kate, yes most of us spend the majority of our lives at work and our working patterns can vary widely. Some people 'clock-watch' all day, waiting for the moment when they can leave and go home, while others voluntarily do unpaid overtime spending many evenings and weekends at work. They find it difficult to stop and can't help thinking about work even when they're supposed to be relaxing at home. It's similar to an addiction and is sometimes called workaholism. Kate: Do you think you're in danger of becoming a workaholic? Jackie: answers Kate: Before we go any further, here's my question for this week. In the UK, how many hours are in the standard working week? a) 20 b) 40 c) 60 Jackie: Answers Kate: OK – we'll check your answer later on. We'd all like to have the right work-life balance. Can you tell me what this means? Jackie: Well, a work-life balance means to get the right combination of working and enjoying our personal life, spending time with friends, relaxing, playing sport etc. Technology plays a big part in disrupting many people's work-life balance because when we have mobile phones and laptops, we are able to work all the time, wherever we are. Kate: Now we're going to hear from a former workaholic who worked as a lawyer in the City of London and had no work-life balance. How many hours would he sometimes be required to work a day, and what were the effects of doing this? Clip 1 You may have a 2/3 month period where you're working 18-20 hours a day. You spend all of your conscious hours in the office. One is physically tired as in that you're not getting enough sleep. Generally in those periods, eating becomes a secondary issue as well. |
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