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Глава II. Образцы текстов и аудиозаписей по тематическому принципу Предлагаемая практическая часть пособия представляет собой систематизацию тематических текстов и аудиозаписей в форматах заданий ГИА и ЕГЭ, а также из других источников (программы BBC, VOA и др.) Задания снабжены ответами, источниками записей (часто в оригинальном исполнении носителей языка). Тексты представляют собой разные жанры: объявления, сообщения, диалоги, репортажи и др. Некоторые тексты содержат выделенные слова и словосочетания, которые можно отработать в различных видах упражнений на этапе подготовки к прослушиванию. Целесообразность проведения таких упражнений зависит от подготовки студентов, цели аудирования на уроке, время прослушивания. Но, как показывает практика, снятие языковых трудностей перед прослушиванием повышает результат выполнения заданий. Преподавтель может варьировать задания, пользуясь Приложением 1. Предлагаем самые распространенные задания в практике аудирования. Чтобы адекватно реагировать на услышанное при решении коммуникативных задач необходимо научится понимать основное содержание (наиболее важную для себя информацию) из прослушанных аудиотекстов и выполнять такие речевые действия: выделять главное (значимое); игнорировать детали, препятствия; реализовать речевую догадку. Задания для выявления понимания содержания прослушанного аудио- текста следующие: прореагировать на услышанное; определить, соответствует ли приведенная в задании информация содержанию прослушанного; подобрать к незавершенным предложениям концовку; зафиксировать кратко в письменной форме главное (например, время прибытия автобуса, температуру, время телевизионной передачи и т.д.); подобрать к вопросам об основном содержании текста правильные ответы и др. 2.1. Профессии, работа 1.1. Вы услышите 5 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1 — 5 и утверждениями, данными в списке А — F. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. The speaker is________ A. a vet. B. an old lady. C. a schoolboy. D. a politician. E. a bodyguard. F. a manager. Speaker 1 I'm 85 years old, but I've always been interested in keeping fit. Recently, I started doing aerobics. I go once a week - on - erm - a Thursday morning to the local old people's day center. It's really nice there. They run a special aerobics class for us. We go through all the exercises to music. Speaker 2 I'm crazy about football. I like watching it but especially I love playing it. I play for the local football team at my school's football pitch. I play matches twice a week — on Friday evenings after school and on Sunday mornings. And we also have football coaching on Tuesday evenings when we just practise all our football skills. Speaker 3 You serve the customers. Remember — you must always be polite. You say «Good morning» or whatever the time of day, and then «Can I help you?». When they tell you what they want, you have to enter it into the computer, and when they're finished, you should read back what they have ordered. Speaker 4 I have a dangerous work. I have to risk my own life to protect my clients. I protect politicians, businesspeople, rock stars and other famous people and their families. I have to wear a bullet-proof vest and usually I stay with my clients wherever they go. Speaker 5 I treat animals. My patients are cats, dogs, rats, cows, horses and sometimes zoo animals. But I should be very careful because sick animals can bite, kick or scratch me. I love animals. I know almost everything about their diseases and how to treat them so that nobody gets hurt. You have 30 seconds to complete the task. (Pause 30 seconds.) Listen to the text again and check your answers. (Repeat.)
Фоменко Е.А. ГИА 2012 вар. 7 1.2. Вы услышите 5 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1 — 5 и утверждениями, данными в списке А — F. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. The speaker is_______ A. a doctor. B. a determined person. C. a seller. D. a guide. E. a forgetful person. F. a neighbour. Speaker 1 It's a terrible feeling — you think you're going insane. I remember one patient who came to me so distressed because at three important meetings in one week, she found herself saying «I'm sorry, I can't remember what I'm talking about». This was a patient in a new job, which involved lot of travelling. She also had a home and family to take care of. She had so many things to think about that her brain couldn't cope. Speaker 2 Every night is the same thing. They argue all the time. And we can hear every word they say. During the day it's not so bad because they are both out. But in the evening it's terrible. Usually they start arguing about which TV show to watch. Then he slams the door and goes to the pub. Last night he came back really late and began shouting outside his front door. I won't tell you the language he used! Speaker 3 Some time ago I got ready to go to work. I put on my smart black suit. I'd been working at home the night before - preparing for a very important meeting the next day, and I remembered to put all the right papers into my briefcase. I left home and walked down to the bus stop. Just before I got on the bus, I looked down, and I was still wearing my fluffy, pink bedroom slippers! Speaker 4 I didn't start skiing until my mid 40s. Now I go to ski resorts once or twice a year for two weeks, usually in early spring. I live in London, so I go to Europe. At first it was really difficult, starting at my 40s. I spent most of my time on my bottom! My husband thought I was mad. But I took some classes, and now my instructor says I can give lessons to friends and my husband who has taken up skiing too. Speaker 5 Now we are going to Westminster Abbey. It's a symbol of England. The legend says that Westminster Abbey was founded by St Peter himself. We know that it was built by King Edward in 1065. The coronations of all British Kings and Queens take place here. Some famous English people are buried in Westminster Abbey. The funeral service for Diana, Princess of Wales, took place here in September 1997.
Фоменко Е.А. ГИА 2012 вар. 8 1.3. Вы услышите 5 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1 — 5 и утверждениями, данными в списке А — F. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите каждую аудиозапись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. A. The speaker hasn't had work experience. B. The speaker has worked on projects. C. The speaker works well in teams. D. The speaker is good at written language. E. The speaker pays attention to details. F. The speaker knows the company well. Speaker 1 I'm really interested in getting this job as it'll be a useful introduction into the world of business. I've always dreamt of working in such a large company and get the experience of office work. To be honest, I haven't had any working experience yet but I often help my aunt on her farm and I can say that I am responsible and can work to tight deadlines, which is always important in business. That's why I feel I'm a good candidate for this job. Speaker 2 I think this is just the job for me. Working in an office is boring for some people as you need to do the same thing again and again, like writing letters and stuff like that. I've always liked to make sure that what I write is perfect, and I'm not saying my grammar or my spelling are very good, but I check everything several times for even the smallest mistakes. If necessary I'll look up a word or ask somebody if I'm not sure, even if it's only a comma. Speaker 3 Well, maybe the first thing to admit is that I'm not the sort of person who'd enjoy working with a lot of other people in a large office, but I'm sure I'd adapt quickly. I've devoted hours to find out about this job, and about the structure and development of the company. I think it's important because I've discovered, for example, that they have started a number of new projects that I'd love to be involved in. Speaker 4 Oh, I'm very keen on getting this job for the summer, it would be really exciting. I don't know a great deal about this company but I've been told they are involved in research, and I think I have a lot to offer in that field, I've developed lots of projects at university. I'm quite good at planning them and seeing them through to completion. I must admit, though, my grammar and spelling often needed some improving. Speaker 5 I think for this job, well, probably I'm a good candidate. I have no difficulty in producing a piece of writing, say a report. It just comes naturally to me, and I never need to check it for errors. I'm not terribly good at working under pressure, though, particularly if I'm part of a team and I'm expected to work quickly. But from the little I know about this company, they seem to have a very relaxed attitude.
Фоменко Е.А. ГИА 2011 вар. 9 1.4. Вы услышите 5 высказываний о своей профессии. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1—5 и утверждениями, данными в списке А—F. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. The speaker works as_____
Speaker 1 I've just had my first session with the team, so I'm a bit tired. It's only the reserve team but I'm going to practice with them twice a day to improve my physical fitness and ball control skills. I'm sure I'm good enough to get a place in a professional team. I'm going to work really hard to get into the first team. Speaker 2 You have to be good at dealing with people. Some people get nervous about flying, or they feel ill. Or, sometimes there are arguments between passengers, so you need to listen to people and solve these types of problems. Also, sometimes you have to get people to do things they don't want to do. And of course you have to like travelling. Speaker 3 There are so many things to do. You have to delegate, find other people to do some of the jobs, arrange a lot of appointments. I work under a lot of pressure and work irregular hours too. It is very useful to type fast and I'm used to do a whole range of computer software. Speaker 4 You need to be able to drive well and also to be patient. That's the most important thing. We sometimes get stuck in traffic jams. Everyone becomes angry especially in a hot day. So I have to deal with these people. And then we work irregular hours- at nights or early in the morning. Sometimes that's a bit of pain in my neck. Speaker 5 You always have to look perfect and keep fit. It's also hard trying to think of what to wear every day. Sometimes I have to read not only good but also bad news too. When there are difficult names or names of some places I've never heard of. I should repeat them several times before I can pronounce correctly.
Фоменко Е.А. ГИА 2011 вар. 12 1.5. Вы услышите 5 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1—5 и утверждениями, данными в списке А—F. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Speaker 1 Managers see many job applicants. Their first impressions are formed by what they see and sense in you. If they don't like what they see, they probably will not hire you, no matter what your skills are. So one of the most important things is to dispose the manager in your favour. There are some definite rules that can help you in it. Speaker 2 Dress in the clothes you would wear on the job. Business people should wear suits. Workers should wear work clothes. Make sure your clothes are clean and pressed. Your shoes should be clean and shone. If you look neat and clean, the impression is that you take pride in yourself and your work. If you look dirty and unkempt, the impression is that you may be a sloppy worker. Speaker 3 After a job interview, send a short thank-you note to the manager. It will keep your name in the manager's mind. Write the thank-you note as soon as you get home from the interview. It is important to have the manager read it before he or she forgets who you are. Keep the thank-you note short. One half of a page is enough. First, thank the manager for the interview. Next, write a sentence or two about why you are the best person for the job. Speaker 4 Bring your Social Security card with you to the interview. Bring a pen and new notebook with you. You may want to write down the manager's name, department and other notes about the job. If you have your business card, take a few with you to the interview in case it will be needed. Speaker 5 Arrive at the interview five or ten minutes early. If you are going to be late, call the employer. At the interview shake hands with the person interviewing you. During the interview do not drink coffee. Do not smoke. Do not chew gum. Answer the interview questions clearly. Tell the employer about your job experience.
1.6. Вы услышите 5 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего1—5 и утверждениями, данными в списке А—F. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. A. The speaker is pleased with the new job she/he has. B. The speaker is afraid to lose her/ his job. C. The speaker didn't change the job because the pay is good. D. The speaker works a lot more hours than other people do.
Now we are ready to start. Speaker 1 I'm a university lecturer and I do eight lectures a week, so people think that I only work for eight hours! In fact, I work much longer hours than a secretary or a clerk in an office. I spend a lot of time reading and preparing lectures. Preparing a lecture is like cooking. It takes two or three hours to prepare a good meal, and ten minutes to eat it. Speaker 2 I'm a secretary in an office. It's not a very interesting job and there was a time when I wanted to get another job but the company pays me quite well. In fact, I make as much money as my husband, and that's useful because we're buying a house and we need the extra money. Speaker 3 I'm working in a restaurant. I'm a manager now. I like it much more than working as a waiter. It's a lot more interesting and I'm making much more money than when I worked as a waiter. I have more duties now. And I really like that I have to wear a suit and tie every day. Speaker 4 When I left school, I got a job in a restaurant and I liked it. All I wanted was enough money to take my friends out on a Saturday night. But then they got a dishwasher to do my job and I was out of work. I think I should go to night classes and get some extra training so I can get another job and can earn more money. Speaker 5 I know that I should change my job but it's a difficult decision. If I decide to make a change, I'll make less money. But if I take the job, it will be a lot more interesting. And the best thing is that I'll travel a lot and meet some really interesting people. I think it's the right job for me. You have 15 seconds to complete the task. (Pause 15 seconds.) Now you will hear the texts again. (Repeat.) This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.
Интеллект 2013 тренир. зад 3 с. 15, 83 1.7. Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего А — F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1—7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Which speaker says that... A. he/she can choose a place and time to work B. his/her new job makes him /her feel happy C. he/she works at a hospital D. his/her work will help him/her to live long E. it's difficult to work without inspiration F. his/her work deals with education G. he/she estimates the expenditures for various projects Speaker 1 I'm a writer. I write articles for newspapers and magazines, uhm...film reviews, you know, uhm, and occasionally some fiction, poems and short stories. It's very nice to work at home, of course, and, and have the choice of when to work. But I work long hours at home, usually ten hours or more a day, and it's very lonely sometimes, sitting in front of a computer. At the moment I'm actually doing something very different from my usual work. I'm writing a biography of Leonard Benson, the jazz musician. Speaker 2 I work in the estimating department which means I have to work out exactly how much a job will cost. The way it works is like this. A company or more probably a country, wants, say, an airport or a bridge or a hospital. They employ a consultant engineer to design it. Then someone has to build it, and this is what our company is, a builder. I inspect the documents, examine the site where the building is to be, and name the price. If our price is the most attractive, and usually this means the lowest, we get the contract. Speaker 3 I like getting up early in the morning. If I live to be 80, I'll say it's because of the fresh air and getting up early, and doing physical work. This means a lot to me because I've always been an active type of person and an early bird. I used to help the milkman when I was at school. Another good thing, of course, is that I finish early. It's nice to look at other people going to work with their briefcases and things, and think, 'Well, I've done over half my work, I'll be finished at lunch time'. Speaker 4 I never liked it — hated it in fact — stuck in an office all day with computers and a telephone. But when I lost my last job, my hobby became my full-time job. Now I start work very early, er... in summer I usually leave home about 5.30 in the morning but in winter not until about 8.00.1 have a small van, and I carry all my tools and equipment in that. It's autumn now so I'm tidying the garden. Every season is so different and I love them all. I just love working outside in the open air after all those years in a stuffy office. Speaker 5 I think my job is one of the most rewarding though it may seem difficult and non prestigious to somebody. I take care of sick and injured people, give them medicine and treat wounds. Very often I am expected to give emotional support to my patients and their families. Of course, sometimes my work can be stressful. I often have to help many patients at once. Besides I spend a lot of time walking and standing. I also need to be careful in order to stay safe because sometimes I care for people who have diseases that I can catch. Speaker 6 For an amateur musician, playing an instrument or singing in a choir can be the highlight of the week. Being a professional musician, however, often involves practicing even when we have no desire to do so or writing music when we are completely out of ideas. I have no doubts that those who choose composing as a profession do it out of love but surviving in the profession can be extremely taxing, particularly when confronting with deadlines. 1.8. Вы услышите беседу с Мелани о том, как нужно составлять анкету при приеме на работу. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений А1 — А4 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated). Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды. У вас есть 30 секунд, чтобы ознакомиться с заданиями. A1 The majority of CVs are well enough.
A2 The main problem is that they are too detailed.
A3 They give wrong information about themselves.
A4 A Danish woman wanted to surprise.
Now we are ready to start. Melanie: I read hundreds of CVs every week. Most of them are good. A few are excellent. And about five per cent of them are terrible. Interviewer: Really? What makes a bad CV? Melanie: There are a number of things. A CV should be short. No more than two pages long. I recently read a CV that was twenty pages long. Interviewer: Unbelievable. Melanie: But usually the problems are quite simple. Interviewer: What type of things? Melanie: Spelling mistakes. People who write their CV with a pen, not on a computer. But the worst thing is that twenty-five per cent of CVs are not true. Interviewer: What do you mean? Melanie: People tell lie. They say they have certain qualifications and we find that they don't have them. Interviewer: So what advice can you give about writing a CV? Melanie: Read the advert carefully. Learn as much as possible about the job. Then write a new CV especially for this job. Write it on a computer and only write what is important for this job. Interviewer: Are there any imaginative or interesting ideas that work? Melanie: There was a woman from Denmark who applied for a job in an office. She sent some Danish food with her CV to remind us that she was from Denmark. And she got a job. Keys: A1 True; A2 False; A3 True; A4 Not stated Фоменко Е.А. ГИА 2011 вар. 11 1.9. Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1 —6 и утверждениями, данными в списке А—G. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. A. The speaker is working in the world of literature. B. The speaker thinks that experience leads to success. C. The speaker is learning about the law. D. The speaker is working to save money. E. The speaker likes preparing tasty delights. F. The speaker is helping with the family business. G. The speaker is working for free. Speaker 1 I am 16 and I started working as a volunteer last year. Although I'm not paid, there are a lot of benefits to my work. I had thought about studying to become a doctor when I was younger, and now I'm really sure about it. I see the doctors in action every day, and I dream about living a life like theirs. Speaker 2 I'm working in the kiosk in the park. My parents have run the kiosk in the park for many years, so it was only natural for me to join them. While I'm still a student, it's a perfect |
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Программа по дисциплине "иностранный язык (основной)" Настоящая программа по дисциплине "Чешский язык" составлена в соответствии с требованиями Федерального государственного образовательного... |
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Программа по дисциплине "иностранный язык (основной)" Настоящая программа по дисциплине "Болгарский язык" составлена в соответствии с требованиями Федерального государственного образовательного... |
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