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2. Do you recognize these parts of the car engine? Find their names in the text ![]() 3. Fill in the table with the data from the text.
4. Complete the instructions with the words given above. Cover, spark plug, socket, spanner, gap, gauge How to Check a Spark Plug First you should remove the cover. Having achieved this, place the ... over the spark plug. Then it is necessary to rotate the ... anticlockwise until it seems to be loose. Having removed the plug from the ..., examine the gap and check it to be clean. After that, you must insert a ... in the gap. Check that the ... is between 0.65 and 1.00 mm wide. Having replaced the plug in the socket you should rotate it clockwise until it is hand-tight. Next, it is necessary to place the spanner over the plug and give ONLY a quarter turn clockwise. Caution should be taken not to over tighten the plug. Finally, replace the .... Практическая работа № 31. Mechanical Tools. 1. Read the text and translate the text: Both in maintenance and in repair of machines all kinds of fitting operations are applied. An important role is played by disassembling and assembling operations. Special instruments are used for performing these operations. Among the variety mechanical tools used for disassembling and assembling machine parts and in their repairing are wrenches. According to their construction and wrenches may be of different types: single-ended and double-ended nut wrenches, adjustable wrenches, socket wrenches and special. A nut wrench is used for screwingand unscrewing nuts. It consists of a handle and a head with an opening known as the span. Adjustable wrenches may be used for unscrewing nuts and bolts of different dimensions. Socket wrenches are applied in cases when nuts or bolt heads located in recesses are hardly accessible for a nut wrench. Special wrenches are used for unscrewing and screwing nuts of a definite type. Wrenches are used by drivers for repairing cars, in locksmith’s shops and fitter’s shops. Fitters use them to screw different types of machine parts as: washers, bolts, shafts, etc. plumbers use them to repair pipes, taps, etc. Besides different types of wrenches there are round pliers or needle nose pliers which are widely used by locksmiths, electricians and other specialists for gripping, screwing or cutting off thin metal and wires. 2. Translate into Russian: Nut, to screw, to maintain, to unscrew, to assemble, to disassemble, nut wrench, adjustable wrench, socket wrench, to grip, plumber, electrician, fitter. 3. Answer the questions: 1. What operations are applied in maintenance and repair of machines? 2. What instruments are used for disassembling and assembling machine parts? 3. How are adjustable wrenches subdivided? 4. What is a nut wrench used for? 5. When are wrenches applied? 6. In what cases are socket wrenches used? 7. What wrenches are used for screwing and unscrewing nuts? 8. By whom are different wrenches used? 9. What other mechanical tools can be used in repairing? 4. Find synonyms to the words: To maintain, to operate, to construct, to fit, to assemble, to apply. Практическая работа № 32. Car of future 1. Match the phrases with the Russian equivalents:
2. Read and translate the international words: Electric starter, innovation, designer, engineer, experiment, system, sensor, figure, distance, distance, object, information, display, instrument panel, photograph, photograph, mechanism, electronic, computerized system, monitor, automobile, module, microprocessor, signal, transistor, automobile expert, 3. Read and translate the text: Since invention the first self-propelled road vehicle was given to the users the gasoline engine, the electric starter, tubeless tires , fuel-injected engines, anti-lock brakes and a lot of innovations. What is next? Here are some examples of what the car designers are working at in the world today. Engineers are experimenting with a "night vision" system. This system uses infrared sensors that can detect a human figure at night more than 1,600 feet away. That's five times the distance at which conventional headlights are effective. The sensors pick up infrared rays emitted by any object that gives off heat. An image-processing system scans the information from the sensors, creating different images for different objects. The images are then displayed on a cathode - ray screen built-in a car's instrument panel. It is like black-and-white photograph of an object ahead. And the system is passive, which means no lights are needed to illuminate the object in front ofthe vehicle. But the biggest problem will be reducing costs and the other one is the size of the sensor mechanism which is too big now. One of the latest applications of sophisticated electronics is the wheel-computerized system that not only monitors air pressure in automobile tires but adjusts it automatically. This system in addition enables a driver to set tire pressure while seated. The system developed consists of three separate modules. The first is the instrument panel display which houses the system's main microprocessor, programming buttons and warning signals. The second component is the detector drive module which is essentially four microchips attached, in one unit, to the chassis. Each chip detecting pressure changes that may occur, the transistors within the module signal the third component - a programmable transducer . The transducer attached to each wheel changes the tire pressure accordingly. However, some automobile experts think this system is too complicated and costly. The design has to be simple and of low cost. 4. Answer the questions: 1. What the car designers are working at in the world today? 2. How feet away can detecta "night vision" system a human figure? 3. What is the latest applications of sophisticated electronics? 4. How many modules has the wheel-computerized system?
Практическая работа № 33. Traffic Lights 1. Fill in the gaps in the text with one of the four choices given below. Choose the correct answer and mark it. Example: He 1 a lovely holiday in the country last year a) bought b) had c) passed d)gave The first traffic signal was invented by a railway-signaling engineer. It was installed 1 the Houses of Parliament in 1868. It looked like any railway signal of the time, and was operated by gas. However, it exploded and killed a policeman, and the accident 2 further development until cars became common. Modern traffic lights are an American 3_. Red-green systems were installed in 1914. Three-color signals, operated by hand from a tower in the middle of the street, were installed in New York in 1918. The first lights of this type in Britain were in London on the junction between St. James's Street and Piccadilly, in 1925. In the past, traffic lights were 4 . In New York, some lights had a statue on top. In Los Angeles the lights did not just change 5 but rang bells to wake the sleeping motorists of the 1930s. These are gone and have been replaced by standard models, which are universally adopted. 1. a) inside b) in c) outside d) in front 2. a) discouraged b) disappointed c) displeased d) disarmed 3. a) discovery b) puzzle c) intelligence d) invention 4. a) tragic b) useless c) active d) special 5. a) loudly b) silently c) slowly d) quickly 2. Choose the one best answer to each question on the basis of what is stated or implied in the text: 1. Which of the following is not true? a) The first traffic signal was the cause of death of a British policeman. b) The first traffic signal was invented in the Houses of Parliament. c) The first traffic signal didn't look like the traffic lights of today. d) The first traffic signal was placed near the Palace of Westminster. 2.What are traffic lights? a) Special signal controlling road traffic by colored lights. b) Movement of cars along roads. c) An official controlling over the movement of cars. d) Regulation of traffic with the help of colored lights. 3. Whom do we owe the traffic lights of the type now to? a) Americans. b) Members of Parliament from Westminster Palace c) British. d) Sleeping motorists. 4. Why was the changing of the traffic lights follow the bells in 1930s? a) To break the silence of Los Angeles at night. b) To wake the sleeping drivers. c) To replace the standard models of the time. d) To keep step with the time. 5. The word junction means: a) a narrow country road. b) the main public road, main route. c) a paved way at the side of a street for people d) a place where roads meet or diverge. Практическая работа № 34. Caesar' with a Mobile Phone? 1. Read the text and underline its main idea. Give a brief summary of the text: When looking carefully at the cars moving along the road, you will notice that every fourth driver is using a mobile phone. One is probably giving valuable instructions to his subordinates, the other is talking to his wife explaining his being late, another one is reprimanding his son for some fault... Everybody seems to know that the famous Roman emperor could do many things simultaneously. But what about us? ... Hear or see — it’s up to you to decide... We receive most part of the information through the visual and sound perceptions. For instance: noticing slight fume a turner reduces the step over of a cutter, hearing particular sound he realizes that the cutter must be changed. And what does driver do? We’re fed up with comparing a driver and a pilot. That might be very similar, but nobody ever heard of buying flying license. Meanwhile, the number of people dead and injured in traffic accidents is growing every year and has already overcome the losses in men in military conflicts and techno geneous disasters taken together. The authorities of car-building enterprises have been working on improving safety measures for a long time, but what do we have to do with the accessories, like mobile phones? The fact that they worsen your driving is obvious. Realizing this problem perfectly well, mobile-phone producers have developed a “hands-free” system. However that hasn’t decreased the number of traffic accidents. Table 1
These results have been obtained after numerous experiments were carried out in laboratories. However, there are some ‘vivid’ data received by scientists of West Australian University. They have questioned 456 drivers injured in traffic accidents! The result is the same: Accident risk increases 4 times! It is clear that our brain can’t process the information coming through the sound and visual perceptions simultaneously that’s why the former worsens the last. Shall we ban it? The main question is: ‘Can we use a mobile phone while driving without risking our and other people’s life?’ You may admit that an excellent experienced driver may use a mobile phone in the situations when the beginner can’t even think about it. But rules must be common for everybody, as traffic accidents can happen to any driver. The only thing to be done is to ban! Table 2
'Applying in New York, this law brings 6 million dollars p. a. to the city treasury. |
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