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Where may mixed the fuel with the air if it is gas?Where may mixed the fuel with the air if it is liquid?What does a carburetor consist of?Where is the liquid fuel supplied to?What engines do outnumber any other type of engines?Практическая работа № 15. Injection engines 1. Match the phrases with the Russian equivalents: 1. to evaporate a. испаряться 2. to atomize b. распылять 3. injection engine c. двигатель с впрыскиванием топлива 4. intimate d. однородный 5. uniform mixture e. однообразная смесь 2. Read and translate the text: There are many liquid fuels which are hard to evaporate. Such a fuel can be utilized in internal combustion engines by spraying or injecting it directly into the combustion chamber at the time combustion is to begin- after the air is compressed. In doing so, the liquid must be well broken up into small droplets( atomized), and it must be made to penetrate evenly throughout the entire combustion chamber filled with compressed air, in order to secure the most intimate and uniform mixture which is so necessary for good combustion. Injection engines can be of both the four- and the two-cycle types. It is obvious that during scavenging in two-cycle engines a portion of the fresh charge may be lost through the exhaust with the waste gases. In mixture engines of the two-cycle type only air may thus be lost, since the fuel is not introduced until after compression. From this is follows that mixture engines are best suited for four-cycle operation while injection engines can be of both types, and that injection engines are the only ones which will fully bring out the advantages of the two-cycle principle. 3. Find the following sentences in the text 1. Инжекторные двигатели могут быть и двухтактными и четырёхтактными. 2. Из этого следует, что смешивающие двигатели лучше подходят для четырёхтактных процессов, в то время как инжекторные двигатели могут быть обоих типов, и поэтому инжекторные двигатели являются единственными в своём роде, которые полностью выявляют достоинства двухтактного принципа. 3. Есть много видов жидкого топлива, которое плохо испаряется. 4. Circle the correct word (s) in the sentence 1.A fuel which is hard to evaporate can be utilized in internal combustion engines by spraying/mixturing. 2. The liquid must be well mixed/sprayed/atomized. 3. Injection engines can be of both types/of the four-cycle type/of the two-cycle type. Практическая работа № 16. Ignition. 1. Match the phrases with the Russian equivalents: 1. ignition a. щуп 2. electric spark b. гнездо 3. sparkplug c. электрическая искра 4. spanner d. торцевой ключ 5. socket e. зажигание 6. gap f. свеча зажигания 7. gauge g. Зазор 2. Read and translate the text: After the charge is in the cylinder and after it is compressed in the combustion chamber, it must be ignited. Nearly all modern mixture engines employ electric ignition. It consists in making a hot electric spark at the proper time in the combustion chamber. Such a spark is produced between the two electrodes of a spark plug, energized either from a battery or from an electric generator, and timed by a distributor. When air is compressed, it heats up, and its temperature depends on the compression pressure. If this is high enough, the air gets so hot that oil sprayed into it ignites spontaneously. 3. Answer the questions:
4. Read and translate the instruction how to check a spark plug. 1. Remove the cover. 2. Place the spanner over the spark plug. 3. Rotate the plug anti-clockwise until it is loose. 4. Remove the plug from the socket.
5.True or false? 1. Turn the plug anti-clockwise and tighten it. 2. Look at the gap and clean it. 3. Put the gauge into the gap and check the width. 4. Tighten the plug with your hand. Then use the spanner. 5. Width of the gap is 1.65 mm. Практическая работа № 17. Gearbox 1. Read and translate the text: The gearbox is placed between the clutch and the propeller shaft. The principal function of the gearbox is to vary the speed of the car movement to meet the road conditions. The gearbox provides four forward speeds and one reverse, as follows: first or low gear, second gear, third gear, fourth or top gear, reverse gear. There are many constructional arrangements of gearboxes, which can be classified as follows: sliding-mesh type, constant-mesh type, epicyclic (planetary) type. The sliding-mesh type is the simplest one and is the oldest historically. The constant-mesh type is the most widely used type. They are termed "ordinary" gearing, the characteristic feature of which is that the gears simply rotate about their own axes. The characteristic feature of epicyclic (planetary) gearing is that one gear rotates about its own axis and also rotates bodily about some other axis. To secure the several speeds of the car the clutch shaft is mounted In direct line with the gearbox shaft. The gearbox shaft carries on it the sliding gears which are used for shifting to secure the forward speeds and the reverse drive. 2. Answer the questions: 1. Where is the gearbox situated? 2. What is the function of the gearbox? 3. What speeds does the gearbox provide? 4. What types of gearboxes do you know? 5. Why is the clutch shaft mounted in direct line with the gearbox shaft? 3. Finish the sentences with the words and phrases
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