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5. Play the dialogue: DIALOGUE Alex: Why are brakes used? Bob: They are used to stop or to slow the car. A: Well, it is one of the most important mechanisms of the car, isn't it? B:Of course, the safety of the passengers depends upon their proper performance. A:What types of brakes are used today? B:Drum brakes, disk brakes and others. A:And in what way are they applied? B:They are applied by the brake pedal. When the driver pushes down on the pedal they are applied. A:Thank you. It was very nice of you to tell me this information. B:Don't mention it. I was glad to serve you Практическая работа № 25. The wheel 1. Read and translate the text: 1. One of mankind's earliest and greatest inventions was the wheel. Without it there could be no industry, little transportation or communication, only crude farming, no electric power. 2. Nobody knows when the wheel was invented. There is no trace of the wheel during the Stone Age, and it was not known to the American Indians until the White Man came. In the Old World it came into use during the Bronze Age, when horses and oxen were used as work animals. At first all wheels were solid discs. The problem to be solved was to make the wheels lighter and at the same time keep them strong. At first holes were made in the wheels, and they became somewhat lighter. Then wheels with spokes were made. Finally, the wheel was covered with iron and then with rubber. 2. Choose the right sentence: The wheel:
The wheel:
Thewheelcameintousewhenhorsesandoxenwereusedasworkanimals. Thewheelwasoneofmankind'searliestandgreatestinventions. Практическая работа № 26. Test yourself. 1. Insert the right components of a car. Translate the definitions.
Практическая работа № 27. The Instrument Panel of a Car 1. Read and translate the text: A modern car is a complex means of transport. However, it is relatively easy to operate as a number of devices help you to keep control. An instrument panel in a modern car, for example, provides the driver with valuable information. It includes such instruments as a speedometer, a fuel gauge, a tachometer and an ammeter. The function of the speedometer is to indicate the speed of the car. A speed limit to be adopted for towns and built-up areas is 30 miles per hour or 60 km per hour. The purpose of the fuel gauge is to indicate the amount of fuel to be contained in the petrol tank. If its level in the tank is very low, the warning light switches on in the car. When this happens it is necessary to put some more petrol into the tank. The tachometer is necessary to indicate the engine speed in revolutions per minute. When the engine turns slowly at the minimum speed the alternator also turns slowly. It doesn't produce enough current for the engine. Therefore, the battery must supply the necessary current. A car battery can easily become discharged in quite a short time. The function of the ammeter is to indicate whether the battery is charging or discharging. Instrument panels in the cars in the near future will become much more complicated. The common devices will soon be replaced by onboard computer systems, as intelligent vehicles are the field to be researched nowadays. The idea is to create automatic cars on automatic highways. The vehicles to be introduced will move with the minimum supervision on the part of man since they will communicate with one another and with the road sensors on the way. This is necessary in order to reduce the load on drivers and to ease the stress on the road network. The leading engineering companies are using advanced mechatronics to achieve this goal. 2. Fill in the table with the data from the text:
3. Answer the questions:
4. Complete the following sentences:
Практическая работа № 28. The thermostat 1. Translate the following compound nouns into Russian: a heat sensor a top hose liquid pressure the coolant temperature hot water flow a coil spring a wax type thermostat engine wear a temperature-sensitive valve fuel consumption 2. Read the text and say what you have learnt about thermostats: As the dictionary says, the thermostat is an apparatus that can be set to keep a room, machine, etc., at an even temperature as it connects and disconnects the supply of heat when necessary. In short, the thermostat is used to control the temperature. ![]() As it is known liquids expand when they are heated. This effect is used in the thermostat in the picture. With an increase in the air temperature the liquid expands in the heat sensor. This expansion causes the valve to close in order to reduce the flow of hot water. After a short time, the temperature goes down and consequently the liquid cools and contracts. The spring load is now greater than the liquid pressure, so the valve will open. Once again, the hot water flow is increased. This type of the thermostat is widely spread in various heating systems. The same principle is used in the wax type thermostat, which is almost universal in modern vehicles. This thermostat is a temperature-sensitive valve that is situated just below the top hose. As the coolant temperature rises, the valve is opened by the expansion of the wax inside it. When the temperature falls, the valve is automatically returned to the closed position by a coil spring. When thermostats of this type fail, it is very important to replace them immediately. It is normally more convenient to fit a new one than to overhaul the old one. The thermostat is used to prevent the flow of water to the radiator when the coolant temperature is less than about 80°C. Its functions are as follows:
3. Say if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false statements:
Практическая работа № 29. Cooling Systems 1. Read the text and translate the distinguished words: When you drive a car, the engine becomes very hot. Why? Burning in the engine the fuel-air mixture produces energy. But only a quarter of this energy makes the pistons move. Most of it turns into heat. About half of this heat goes down the exhaust pipe and the other half stays in the engine making it very hot. In fact, the cooling system on a car driving down the freeway dissipates enough heat to heat two average-sized houses! The primary job of the cooling system is to cool the engine and to keep it from overheating. However, the cooling system also has several other important jobs. The engine in your car runs best at a fairly high temperature. When the engine is cold, components wear out faster, and the engine is less efficient and emits more pollution. So, another important job of the cooling system is to allow the engine to heat up as quickly as possible, and then to keep the engine at a constant temperature. There are two types of cooling systems found on cars: air-cooled and liquid-cooled. Air Cooling. Some older cars, very few modern cars and most motorcycle have air-cooled engines. Constructing the engine block covered in numerous external aluminum fins engineers greatly increase its surface area, which can be cooled by the flow of air passing over it. A powerful fan is used to supply an increased amount of air for cooling multi-cylinder engines. The forced airflow conducts heat away from the cylinders radiating it into the air more efficiently. However, it is difficult to design large engines with an unobstructed airflow over all the cylinders. The alternative is a liquid (water)-cooling system. Liquid Cooling. Most cars are equipped with liquid-cooling systems. Flowing around the engine the fluid absorbs its heat, which consequently allows the engine to get cooled. Then, having entered through the top hose the hot fluid passes through the heat exchanger or radiator. The radiator transfers the heat from the fluid to the air pulled through the exchanger by a fan. Leaving the radiator through the bottom hose the cooled fluid is pumped around the engine again. Cars operate in a wide variety of temperatures. So whatever fluid is used to cool the engine it has to have a very low freezing point, a high boiling point, and it has to have the capacity to hold a lot of heat. Water holds heat quite effectively, but it freezes at too high a temperature to be used in car engines. The coolant used in most cars is a mixture of water and ethylene glycol (C2H6O2), also known as antifreeze. Adding ethylene glycol to water, the boiling and freezing points are improved significantly. 2. Answer the questions:
Практическая работа № 30. Finding a Fault in the Car 1. Read the text attentively and learn about the most common faults in the car and the ways to repair them: Servicing your car regularly you prevent it from becoming unreliable. Of course, you can't foresee everything. Having failed to start the car in the morning you had better check three things first: the battery, the fuel level and the spark plugs. It is quite easy to repair these faults. If the battery appears to be flat it is necessary to recharge it. If this doesn't work, you should replace it. An empty tank is another common fault in the car. Having noticed a fuel warning light on the instrument panel of your car you should fill up the tank with more petrol. Dirty spark plugs are also certain to cause a problem. To drive the car it is important to clean them regularly and adjust the gap in the spark plugs to the proper width. If the gap is not correct the engine will not run well. If your car still does not start, the petrol pump may be broken, or the fuel pipe may be blocked. Having discovered a broken pump, it is a good idea to repair or replace it. If the fuel pipe is blocked, take it off and unblock it. Having heard a loud CLICK! when you turn the key, you are sure to realize that the starter motor may be jammed. If it is, you can try to release it pushing the car forwards and backwards (in the 2nd gear). If the car still doesn't start, the starter motor should be repaired or even replaced. And don't forget about the air filter. Its function is to remove particles of dirt, dust and other impurities from the air passing to the carburetor. A blocked filter decreases the airflow to the carburetor thus increasing the amount of fuel in the mixture. This causes the engine to operate inefficiently. Cleaning and changing filters regularly you prevent a considerable damage that is certain to be caused inside the cylinders. In this case the engine will need a thorough overhaul. If you are a poor mechanic, stopping at service stations periodically you will save at least time and money. As they say, prevention is better than cure. |
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