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2. Say what conclusions may be drawn from the following facts. To express certainty use the verb 'must'. Eg Charles has got a good tan. He must have spent his holiday in the south. 1. Miss Gray got an Oscar for this film. 2. The number was encored. 3. Max went to school in England. 4. The watch didn't stop when I dropped it. 5. The water didn't get into the compartment. 6. The man was put in prison. 7. Robert caught up with the class. 3. Say why one of these facts can’t be true. To express disbelief use 'can't'. Eg Ada takes size thirty-five in shoes, but she says these shoes are too small for her. "If Ada (really) takes size thirty-five in shoes, these shoes can't be too small for her." 1. Mr Webb has never left England. But Agnes says she saw him in Paris. 2. James is a hard-working and conscientious student, but Alice says he has failed in his examination. 3. Thomas knows French, but Ann says he failed to translate the article. 4. Ann has been living in this place since she was a girl, but Douglas says she has lost her way. 5. The TV show was thoroughly bad, but Walter says he enjoyed it. 6. Mr Trigger uses hearing aids, but he says that his hearing is good. 7. Alice asked Mrs Webb to dinner, but they are not on speaking terms. The verbs must and can are not used to express certainty and disbelief in negative sentences or when the action refers to the future. Modal words and phrases are used instead. Eg Должно быть, (вероятно, по всей вероятности, очевидно, без сомнения, Я не сомневаюсь (уверен) в том, что) он не известил ее. Probably (most probably, evidently, no doubt, I don't doubt that, I am sure, I am certain that) he didn't let her know. Должно быть, (вероятно, по всей вероятности, очевидно, без сомнения, я не сомневаюсь (уверен) в том, что) он скоро вернется. Probably (most probably, evidently, no doubt, I don't doubt that, I am sure, I am certain) he will return soon. Or:He is sure (certain) to return soon. 1. Change the sentences to express a) certainty, b) supposition, c) disbelief. Use modal verbs. Pay attention to the form of the infinitive. Eg The flight has been cancelled. a) Certainty: The flight must have been cancelled. b) Supposition: The flight may (might) have been cancelled. c) Disbelief: The flight can’t (couldn’t) have been cancelled. a) 1. The door is locked on the inside. 2. Jane sprained her ankle. 3. Helen has been held up by the traffic. 4. He is still lecturing at Moscow University. 5. The Browns will make a stop-over in Paris. 6. The treaty will be ratified in the near future. 7. They didn't get Mr Carter on the phone. 8. Joseph didn't recognise you. 9. The case against Mr Tucker will be dismissed. 10. Robert won't violate traffic rules. b) 1. The driver took a side-road. 2. You've left your passport at home. 3. There was a mistake in the calculations. 4. This point was added later. 5. Evans is digging in the garden. 6. The mechanic is testing the engine. 7. Jean has forgotten all about it. 8. Donald will go on holiday in June. 9. Guy will clear it up. 10. He has an alibi. c) 1. Ann is so naive. 2. We missed our stop. 3. The Mortlakes have been away since October. 4. They are still debating the problem. 5. Mr Hammond will be voted down. 6. Roy was fined for speeding. 7. Mr Sanders will change his mind. 8. Nobody will get injured. 9. Mr Blant was not elected. 10. The plane won't crash. 2. Say it in English. Use modal verbs wherever possible. 1. Очевидно, мисс Грэй хорошая актриса. 2. Очевидно, она будет играть главную роль в новой пьесе. 3. Очевидно, Максу еще не поставили телефон. 4. Возможно, вы забыли паспорт дома. 5. Не может быть, чтобы они не знали мифа об Икаре (Icarus ['aikərəs]). 6. Возможно, Брауны уже переехали на новую квартиру. 7. Должно быть, он решил, что эту пьесу не стоит смотреть. 8. Не может быть, чтобы Дэвид не поздравил их. 9. Очевидно, Мэри развелась с Джоном. 10. Возможно, мы встретим их у Фоксов. *** Should + Indefinite infinitive is used for a present or future action. Should + Perfect infinitive is used for a past action. Eg You should work harder (now and in the future). You should have been more considerate to your relatives (in the past). 1. Advise your friend to do the following (A) and express your disapproval (B) using ‘should + Infinitive’. (A) 1. Keep regular hours. 2. Get more sleep, 3. Have more exercise. 4. Have a balanced diet. 5. Don't worry over trifles. 6. Give up smoking. 7. Relax. 8. Get yourself a hobby. 9. Avoid hurting other people's feelings. 10. Exercise your mind as well as your body. (B) 1. Why didn't you check the brakes before setting off? 2. Why did you take along so much luggage. 3. Why didn't you book hotel accommodation before setting off? 4. Why didn't you let me know you were coming? 5. Why didn't you stay with the Watsons when you were in Glasgow? 6. Why did you travel by car but not by plane? *** Needn't + Indefinite infinitive shows that the action if performed would be useless. Needn't + Perfect infinitive shows that the action performed was a waste of time and effort. 1. React to the statements. Use 'needn't + infinitive'. Eg "I waited for the manager but the secretary could have signed the paper." "Of course you needn't have waited for the manager." "It isn't necessary for him to go out to post the letter. There is a mail-chute right here on the floor." "Of course he needn't go out." 1. Why did the speaker go into details? The problem was clear to everybody from the very start. 2. I believe you have told Mr Walker everything. I shan't talk with him about the matter. 3. We made a change, but later on I learnt that there was a through train. 4. I filled in a form. Then they told me it was not necessary at all. 5. Catherine changed a pound note, but I had some small change. 6. Joyce went to a theatre agency, but she could have bought tickets at the theatre box-office. 7. I shan't translate the quotation, I believe everybody knows French. *** When giving advice, expressing disapproval or reprimanding somebody, use should. When stating that the action was or will be a waste of time and effort, use need. 1. React to the statements. Use 'should (shouldn't)' or 'needn't' with the Perfect infinitive. Eg "John was rude to her and she was hurt." "John shouldn't have been rude to her." "He bought a ticket for me but I've got one." "He needn't have bought a ticket for you." 1. I didn't ask him for permission and he got angry. 2. Why did Felix wait for Mr Tweed? The question could have been settled without him. 3. I sat up late and didn't get enough sleep. 4. Mr Baker signed the paper without reading it and it caused a lot of trouble. 5. Harry produced references but they would have taken him on without any references. 6. They spoke loudly and woke up the children. 7. George wrote a twenty-page essay, but a ten-page paper would have been sufficient. 8. Tom wrote a detailed account. But a brief outline would have been just as good. 9. Michael interfered and spoiled everything. 10. Frank told Mary about it and upset her. *** When rendering the Russian не было необходимости, не нужно было' use needn't have done to show that the action was performed but was a waste of effort, use didn't have to do to indicate that the action was not performed because it was not necessary. Cf Ему не нужно было поливать цветы (зря он полил цветы), будет дождь. Не needn't have watered the flowers, it's going to rain. Ему не нужно было поливать цветы (в этом не было необходимости, и он этого не сделал): целый день шел дождь. Не didn't have to water the flowers, it had been raining all day long. 1. Ask for a repetition. Use 'needn't' or 'didn't have'. Eg "I didn't tell him anything, he heard our conversation." "Do you mean to say that you didn't have to tell him anything?" "Quite so." “I regret having changed the article, it was a waste of time." "Do you mean to say that you needn't have changed the article?" "Precisely." 1. He introduced himself but that wasn't necessary. Everybody remembered him. 2. I didn't introduce them to each other; when I came, they were talking with each other. 3. Richard accompanied Mr Hudson all the way to the office. But Mr Hudson knows the way. 4. Richard didn't accompany Mr Hilton as Mr Hilton knows the way 5. I had a duplicate key made, but Helen says she сan spare me one of her keys. 6. Chris was vaccinated but then it turned out that his certificate was still valid. 7. His certificate was still valid and he wasn’t vaccinated. 8. The doctor did not put the patient through all the analyses as the case was clear. 9. The patient went through all the analyses before consulting the professor, but the professor said he would have been able to diagnose the case without any analyses. 10. It's a good thing accommodation was reserved for all the delegates and were spared the trouble of making reservations. 2. Say it in English. 1. Питер был рад, что ему не нужно было делать пересадку. Оказалось, что до Хельсинки есть прямой поезд. 2. Вам не нужно было делать пересадку, вы могли бы доехать до Хельсинки поездом прямого сообщения. 3. Ему не нужно было ждать директора, заявление подписал секретарь. 4. Вам не нужно было ждать директора, заявление мог бы подписать секретарь. 5. Вам не нужно было проверять эти цифры, вы зря потратили время. 6. Он был рад, что ему не нужно было проверять эти цифры. 7. Вам не нужно было делать это упражнение в письменной форме, задание было устное. 8. Мне не нужно было знакомить их, они хорошо знали друг друга. 3. Comment on the following. Express disbelief, certainty, supposition or disapproval. Use the verbs 'can', 'must', 'may', 'should' or 'need'. If it is permissible logically, give different reactions. Eg I can't get Albert on the phone. (a) He can't be out, try again. (b) He must be at the library. (c) He may be playing tennis. (d) You should have called him up yesterday, (e) You needn't disturb him, I can tell you everything. 1. Frank did the exercises, then read the rule. 2. The hunter shot, then took aim. 3. The majority voted against him and he was elected. 4. The dentist gave the patient the anaesthetic after he pulled out the tooth. 5. The telegram was sent at 9 a.m. and was delivered at 8 a.m. the same day. 6. When leaving the room Richard went ahead of Miss Adams. When getting off the bus he let her go first. 7. When putting through a call from a public call-box Daniel took off the receiver, then dropped a coin in the slot. 8. Mr Gibbson bought the car at three thousand dollars and sold it at ten thousand. *** When rendering the Russian 'должен' use the verb to have to express obligation and necessity, use the verb to be to denote a prearranged action. 1. Paraphrase the following. Use the verbs 'to have' and 'to be'. Eg There is no one to replace him. It is necessary for him to stay. He has to stay. They plan to return on Monday. They are to return on Monday. 1. Howard gave his consent. It was the only thing to do. 2. She arranged to meet Arthur at Claridge's for lunch. 3. The conference is scheduled for late September. 4. Their plan is to double the output. 5. The train is due at 11.30. 6. They plan to pull down the houses to make room for a park. 7. The only thing for me to do was to give in. THE NOUN As distinct from their Russian equivalents, the following commonly used English nouns, in the meaning indicated, are singular in number. As shown by the examples, they take the verb in the singular. advice – советы eg Your advice is always welcome. applause – аплодисменты eg The applause was deafening. debate – дебаты, прения eg The debate was interrupted. lighting – бои eg Fierce fighting was reported in the city. fruit (used collectively) – фрукты eg Eat fruit when it is ripe. evidence – 1) свидетельские показания; 2) улики eg The evidence of the second witness was more convincing. The evidence is against him. a funeral – похороны (Funerals indicate two or more occurrences.) eg A funeral is always a melancholy occasion. a gate – ворота (Gates denote two or more objects.) eg The gate is closed. gossip – сплетни.(a gossip – сплетник) eg It is gossip. She is a gossip. hair – волосы eg His hair is beginning to grey. information – сведения eg The information he gave us is important. knowledge – знания eg Her knowledge is superficial. money – деньги eg The money is as good as lost. news – новости eg Bad news travels fast. progress – успехи eg The progress he has made is surprising. (Note. Do not use successes in this sense.) a race – соревнования, состязания eg The boat-race was spectacular. a sledge – сани eg The sledge is in bad repair. a vacation – каникулы (Vacations denote two or more events.) eg The vacation was great fun. a watch, a clock – часы eg My watch was set by the radio. The clock keeps good time. 1. Say it in English. 1. Ешьте больше фруктов и овощей. 2. Его советы разумны. Советую вам воспользоваться ими. 3. Вы будете принимать участие в состязаниях по гребле? 4. Ваши часы отстают. 5. Это надежные сведения. 6. Его знания неглубокие. 7. Актеров встретили бурей аплодисментов. 8. Прения были долгими. 9. На похороны приехали все родственники. 10. Ваши успехи в шведском языке просто удивительны. 11. Это неожиданные новости. 12. Каникулы были веселые. 13. На улицах города шли ожесточенные бои. 14. Ворота нужно починить. 15. Немного денег лучше, чем ничего. *** As distinct from their Russian equivalents, the following commonly used English nouns, in the meaning indicated, are plural in number. As shown by the examples, they take the verb in the plural. contents – содержание (письма, документа) eg The contents of the letter were not made public. clothes – одежда eg His clothes were torn. grapes, carrots, beets, potatoes, onions, radishes (used collectively) виноград, морковь, свекла, картофель, лук, редис eg The grapes are sour. The carrots (beets, potatoes, onions, radishes) are fresh from the kitchen-garden. opera-glasses – бинокль eg The opera-glasses are out of focus. wages – зарплата eg The workers' wages were raised. 1. Say it in English. 1. В Англии зарплата рабочим выплачивается понедельно (каждую неделю). 2. Современная одежда красива и удобна. 3. Вы знаете содержание этого документа? 4. Морковь богата витаминами. 5. Ты взял бинокль? – Нет, он нам не нужен. Наши места во втором ряду. *** 1. The following nouns may correspond to the Russian words in the singular and in the plural authorities – начальство, власти studies – учеба, занятия damage – ущерб, повреждения 2. Note the singular and the plural of noun in the following patterns: Он не жалел сил, чтобы помочь вам выбраться. Не spared no effort to get you out. Это потребует (от них) большой затраты сил (больших усилий). It'll require (cost them) a lot of effort. У вас нет основания для жалоб. You have no grounds for complaint. Не вдавайтесь в детали. Don't go into details. Он объяснил все в деталях. He explained everything in detail. Поразмыслив, он решил ничего ей не говорить. On second thoughts he decided not to tell her anything. Он был погружен в свои мысли. He was deep in thought. 3. The nouns mind and life are plural in number when used with a plural subject or preceded by a plural pronoun. Eg They changed their minds. We couldn't make up our minds. By talking with well-informed people we improve our minds. They laid down their lives for their country. They gave their lives in defence of peace. They risked their lives to save you. It nearly cost them their lives. Spare their lives. 4. Compound numerals with -one (twenty-one, thirty-one, etc) take the noun in the plural. Cf На лекции присутствовал двадцать один студент. Twenty-one students were present at the lecture 1. Say it in English. 1. Вам следует обратиться к начальству. Никто кроме мистера Кроули не может решить этого вопроса 2. Повреждения, нанесенные зданию, были ликвидированы. 3. Джордж не жалел сил, чтобы завоевать это звание. 4. У вас есть основания для жалоб? 5. Если бы докладчик не вдавался в детали, лекция была бы намного интереснее и намного короче. 6. Я ему все детально объяснил. 7. Он был погружен в свои мысли и не слышал, как мы вошли. 8. Вы уже приняли решение? 9. Эта экспедиция чуть не стоила жизни ее участникам. 10. Административно Мексика состоит из тридцати одного штата. 11. В тот день был продан двести сорок один билет. THE ARTICLE Abstract and proper nouns used normally without any article do not take one when modified by a prepositive attribute. The postpositive attribute expressed by an of-phrase calls for the definite article. Cf economy, US economy, the US economy of the late '70s; Russia, tsarist Russia, the tsarist Russia of the 1880s. Proper nouns used with the definite article retain it when a prepositive attribute is added. Eg the East, the Near East, the Middle East. 1. Fill in the gaps with articles wherever required. in — North America; in — Far East; a classic example of — Gothic architecture; to be characteristic of — US imperialism; a book on — ancient history; a book on — history of — ancient Rome; serve the interests of — world imperialism; devoted to — Dutch painting; devoted to — Dutch painting of the 17th century; the rout of — Nazi Germany; in — occupied Paris; in — Northern Caucasus *** 1. Differentiate between the following structures containing a proper noun used prepositively: Nelson's tomb, the Nelson Column; Shakespeare's birthplace, the Royal Shakespeare Theatre; Queen Victoria's reign, the Queen Victoria Memorial; Lincoln's speech, the Lincoln Memorial; Leningrad's museums, the Leningrad museums. 2. Note that there is no article if the proper noun is used in the genitive case. The prepositive proper noun in the common case denotes the name of the person to whom something is dedicated, the noun in the genitive case denotes possession. 3. There is no article if the two nouns are treated as one proper name. Eg Buckingham Palace, Carnegie Наll, Kennedy Airport, Columbus Circle, New York State, Scotland Yard, Hyde Park Corner, Waterloo Bridge, Harvard (Yale, London, Oxford, Moscow) University, etc. 1. Say it in English. музей имени Пушкина, могила Пушкина; зал Чайковского в Москве, дом Чайковского в Клину; театр имени Маяковского, биография Маяковского; небоскребы Нью-Йорка; каналы Венеции *** In the pattern a word (group of words) in the possessive case + a noun the article refers to the attribute. Do not use an article if the attribute does not require one. Eg at today's (yesterday's, tomorrow's, next week's, last year's, last Tuesday's, etc) festival; New York's tallest building; Martin's second wife; Japan's second largest city (but: the world's highest mountain). 1. Paraphrase the sentences to use the possessive case. Eg Robert saw him at the concert yesterday. Robert saw him at yesterday's concert. 1. We were discussing the conference that will be held tomorrow. 2. He was looking through the letters that came last week. 3. The film was shown at the festival last year. 4. Was anyone killed during the border clash last month? 5. Joyce served what was left over from dinner they had yesterday. 6. Ireland was the first colony of England. *** When a noun is modified by two attributes, the attribute expressed by the noun in the possessive case comes first. Eg Hemingway's best book, England's longest river, the scientist's recent discovery. 1. Construct phrases based on the sentences and consisting of two modifiers and a noun. Use them in sentences of your own. Eg The scientist made an interesting experiment recently. The scientist's recent experiment. The scientist's recent experiment bears out our theory. 1. The battle off Cape Trafalgar was the last Admiral Nelson fought. 2. That was the last role Vivien Leigh played. 3. This was the first film Fellini directed. 4. These are the best pictures Turner painted. 5. Tolstoy described the first ball Natasha Rostova attended. 6. George sold his old car. 7. That was the best speech Abraham Lincoln made. 2. Say it in English. знаменитая речь президента Линкольна; первый паровоз Джорджа Стивенсона; ужасное произношение Элизы Дулитл; верный друг Шерлока Холмса; лучшая роль Черкасова; окончательное решение полковника Пикеринга; следующий вопрос профессора Хиггинса; неизвестное стихотворение Байрона; последний роман Диккенса; новое хобби Чарльза *** То denote a whole class use the noun in the singular with the definite article. Eg The invention of the steam-engine revolutionised British economy. The lizard is a reptile. The nouns man and woman in this meaning take no article. Eg Man is a social animal. Woman is physically weaker than man. When a plural noun is employed to denote all members of a class, the definite article should not be used. Eg Ants are industrious. Olives grow only in warm climate. The definite article before a plural noun changes the meaning of the sentence. Cf Falcons have been trained to hunt other birds for sport. The falcons (= these falcons) have been trained to hunt other birds for sport. Housewives work harder than office-workers. The housewives (= these housewives) work harder than office-workers. 1. Say it in English. 1. Кто изобрел телефон? 2. Самолет внес большие изменения в жизнь человека. 3. Словари – самые интересные книги: в них можно найти все слова, которые есть в языке. 4. Змеи – пресмыкающиеся. 5. Сова – символ мудрости. 6. Кукушки – птицы ленивые. 7. Глупец всегда готов всех критиковать. 8. Кенгуру живут в Австралии. 9. Клиент всегда прав. 10. Ветряная мельница – один из первых источников энергии. *** The nouns news, weather, advice, progress, information as well as the nouns work 'работа' (деятельность и должность), evidence 'свидетельские показания'; 'улика', 'улики', damage 'ущерб' (in the meaning indicated) are never used with the indefinite article. Eg This is: welcome news. Don't go out in wet weather. To give advice is easier than to follow it. It is sound advice. She is making good (slow) progress. This is reliable information. It is hard work. They gave evidence against him. It was important evidence. The earthquake caused considerable damage. Notes 1. The noun advice though singular in form may be plural in meaning and correspond to the Russian 'советы'. To express the idea of an opinion given in a particular situation use give sb a word (bit, piece) of advice. Eg May I give you a word of advice? 2. The noun job, which can sometimes replace work, is preceded by the indefinite article. Cf He was offered good work. It was hard work. He was offered a good job. It was quite a job. 3. Don't use the article with the nouns listed above (news, weather, etc) after the exclamatory what and the demonstrative such. Eg What glad news! What nasty weather! What strange advice! It was such unexpected evidence. He got such important information. 4. Singular countable nouns in this pattern are used with the indefinite article; before plural nouns there is no article. Eg What a liar (bore, miser, dreamer) you are! What a nuisance that child is! What a thing to say! I've never heard of such a thing. But: What beautiful flowers! I've never seen such computers. 1. Say it in English. 1. Это хорошая новость. 2. Какая приятная новость! 3. Думаю, что это надежная информация. 4. Это важная улика. 5. Наводнение причинило городу значительный ущерб. 6. Саймон делает большие успехи в итальянском. 7. Избегайте выходить в такую сырую погоду. 8. Какая прекрасная погода! 9. Можно дать вам один совет? 10. Поговорите с Дональдом. Он наверняка предложит вам хорошую работу. 11. Какая прекрасная мысль! 12. Он такой скучный человек! *** The noun permission never takes an article. Eg He asked (me) for permission. He got (was given) permission to stay away. 2. Say it in English. 1. Питер получил разрешение не присутствовать на лекции. 2. Попроси у профессора разрешения присутствовать на семинаре. 3. Мне разрешили немного опоздать. 4. Алекс получил разрешение сдать свою работу на следующей неделе. 5. Герберт попросил разрешения остаться. *** There is no article before nouns denoting places of assembly one goes to for their primary purpose: to go to school (to study), to be in hospital (for medical treatment), to be in prison (as a punishment), to be at table (having a meal), to go to market (to buy or to sell), in court (at a trial). Eg to go to school, to be at school, to stay away from school, to be expelled from school, to leave (= finish) school, before school, after school, when school starts, etc. to go to college, to be at college, to be admitted to (expelled from) college, to graduate from college, etc. to go to work (= to the office), come from work, to be late for work; to be taken (sent) to hospital, to go to hospital, to be in hospital, to be discharged from hospital; \ to be put in prison, to be in prison, to send sb to prison, to be released from prison, to escape from prison; to go to church, to be at church; to go to bed, to stay in bed, to be in bed; to give evidence in court. Note. When the building but not the activities is meant, the article is used. Eg Go past the school, then turn left. I went to the hospital to see my brother, who had just been operated on. 1. Say it in English. 1. Том Сойер не любил ходить в школу. 2. Гека Финна (Huck for Huckleberry Finn) никогда не видели в церкви. 3. О.Генри, написал этот рассказ, когда был в тюрьме. 4. Что Эдвард собирается делать после окончания школы? 5. Почему ты в постели? Ты болен? 6. Айвор все еще учится в колледже. 7. Марта почувствовала себя плохо, и ее отправили в больницу. 8. Вы ездите на работу или ходите пешком? 9. Мистера Пиквика освободили из тюрьмы. 10. Торопись, опоздаешь на работу. *** The article is often omitted in set expressions most of which have an adverbial meaning. Note the following: at (before, after) dinner, supper, etc. before (after) work, classes; to be on holiday (leave, sick leave); return from holiday (leave); at full speed (volume); according to plan (schedule); behind (ahead) of plan (schedule); to be in order; in perfect (alphabetical, reverse) order; to be in good health (condition, repair); to be in (out of) fashion; to come into fashion; to go to town (= to the chief town in the neighbourhood); to be in town (= not in the country); to be out of town (= in the country); to be (go) on deck; to be (go) on board a plane (ship); in foreign territory; by train (bus, etc); But: by the afternoon train, by the 9.30 bus, etc. to travel first (tourist, economy) class. 1. Say it in English. 1. У меня есть время, я в отпуске. 2. Мисс Бейкер еще не вернулась из отпуска. 3. Машина ехала на полной скорости. 4. Работа была закончена досрочно. 5. Все было сделано согласно плану. 6. Карточки нужно поставить в алфавитном порядке. 7. Машина в полном порядке. 8. Такие платья уже не в моде. 8. Ветер прекратился, и пассажиры вышли на палубу. 10. Мистеру Фостеру за восемьдесят, но у него прекрасное здоровье. 11. Мистер Браунинг сейчас в городе. 12. Я зайду к вам после работы. 13. Вы поедете туда на поезде или на автобусе? 14. Они приехали пятичасовым поездом. 15. Почему бы не лететь туристским классом? Ведь это намного дешевле. *** 1. There is no article before nouns followed by cardinal numerals. Eg Switch over to Channel Four. Cash the money order at window five. Continued from page twenty. Our seats are in row eight. The action of the novel takes place on the eve of World War II. Take bus six. But: Take a number six bus. 2. Names of streets with ordinal numerals are not preceded by the article. Eg The main New York Public Library is situated on Fifth Avenue between 40th Street and 42nd Street. 3. When first is an adverb or when its meaning is that of an adjective (= the most important, the best, the earliest), and in some fixed phrases, first is used without an article Eg Ladies first. With him business comes first. Finish your work first. She came first (= won the race). He took first place. She won first prize. They travelled first class. I'll do it, first thing tomorrow morning. Do you believe in love at first sight? 1. Say it in English. 1. Буржуазная пропаганда старается приуменьшить роль Советского Союза в разгроме фашистской Германии во второй мировой войне. 2. Мистер Флинт в комнате 265. 3. Экзамен будет проходить в аудитории № 7. 4. Этот текст на двадцать второй странице. 5. Kaк мне добраться до Третьей авеню? 6. Дом № 36 – на противоположной стороне улицы. 7. Машина остановилась у дома № 19. 8. Отель находится на тридцать четвертой улице. 9. Российская команда заняла первое место. 10. Для Мартина прежде всего дело. *** As a rule no article is used before the noun following the verbs to be (elected), to act (work) as, to make, to appoint, to run for if the noun denotes a post held by one person only. Eg He was running for Mayor. He was elected chairman. They made him headmaster. In Mr Taylor's absence Mr Brooks acted as manager. 1. Say it in English. 1. Линкольн был президентом США во время гражданской войны в Америке. 2. Этот рассказ Марка Твена о том, как он баллотировался в губернаторы. 3. Мистера Бэнтри назначили заведующим лабораторией. 4. Мистера Брамбла избрали председателем единогласно. 5. Думаю, мистера Огдена больше не изберут мэром. *** The nouns following the rest of, some of, any of, none of, one of, many of, neither of, most of denote definite persons or things and are preceded by the definite article, the possessive (demonstrative) pronoun or another noun in the genitive case. Eg You'll be sorry for it the rest of your life. Most of the tourists will arrive at Victoria Station. Some of his friends kept us company. Neither of her parents is in town now. None of her relatives live here. None of these books are mine. Some of Fred's suggestions are worth considering. 1. Say it in English. 1. Многие мои одноклассники поступили в университет. 2. Остальные деньги были мне возвращены. 3. Кто-нибудь из туристов знал датский? 4. Никто из делегатов не знал голландского. 5. Некоторые студенты ответили на этот вопрос правильно. 6. Один из членов комиссии не был согласен с выводами. 7. Ни один из переводчиков (их было двое) не знал португальского. 8. Ни один из близнецов не похож на мать. 9. Большинство предложений было принято. 10. Некоторые пьесы этого автора показывали по ТВ. 11. Одна из статей Джеймса была недавно опубликована. 12. Что ты купил на остальные деньги? *** The established usage forbids to use an article before the names of holidays containing the word day. Eg on the eve of (before, after) New Year's (Victory) Day on Constitution (Independence, Thanksgiving, All Fools') Day, etc. 1. Say it in English. в День Конституции, в День Победы, накануне Международного Женского Дня, перед Днем Независимости, после Дня Благодарения *** The definite article is used to translate the Russian demonstrative pronoun referring to the noun which introduces a clause. Cf Тот факт, что он отказался от этого предложения, удивил всех. The fact that he refused the offer surprised everybody. 1. Translate the sentences rendering the demonstrative pronouns by the definite article. 1. В то время, когда обсуждался этот вопрос, я был в отпуске. 2. Несмотря на тот факт, что никакие имена не упоминались, всем было ясно, о ком идет речь. 3. Несмотря на то обстоятельство (тот факт), что погода была плохая, полет не был отменен. 4. Тот факт, что не было принято никаких мер, удивил всех. 5. Та рукопись, о которой мы с вами говорили, уже опубликована. 6. Никто не знал того человека, о котором она писала. 7. К тому времени, когда Чарльз окончил университет, произошло много перемен. *** When used with reference to the future, next may or may not be preceded by the article. The pattern the + next + noun is used when the time meant is future in relation to the time mentioned or implied. Eg He was taken on in 1983. The next year (= the following year) he became head of the department. Alice came the next day (= the following day). Cf We shall go there next week (Monday, month, year, January). 1. Say it in English. 1. Энтони говорит, что закончит свою работу не позднее января будущего года. 2. Суд состоялся на следующей неделе. 3. Когда мы увидимся? – В следующий четверг. 4. То, о чем я сейчас расскажу, произошло на следующее утро. 5. На следующий день мы получили от него телеграмму. 6. Будущим летом мы поедем туда же. 7. Спортсмены тренировались целый день. Следующий день был посвящен осмотру достопримечательностей. *** 1. The Russian adjective 'остальной' (остальные люди, вещи; остаток чего-л., оставшаяся часть чего-л.) is rendered in English by the rest of. Eg А как же остальные билеты? What about the rest of the tickets? The rest of can take a plural or a singular verb, depending on the number of the noun that follows it. Cf The rest of the papers are in the drawer. The rest of the vacation was rather dull. 2. The Russian pronoun 'весь (вся, всё)' may correspond to the adjective whole (eg the whole town, city, world) and the noun the whole of. Before a proper name use the noun. Eg The epidemic spread to the whole of London. The fire spread to the whole of Chicago. When the people but not the territory are meant, use all. Cf The whole of Hungary was occupied by Nazi Germany. His name is known to all Hungary. 1. Fill in the gaps with the verb 'to be' in the singular or in the plural. 1. The rest of the proposals — adopted. 2. The rest of his life — uneventful. 3. John and Henry were playing, the rest of the boys — looking on. 4. The rest of the flour — in the larder. 5. The rest of the vegetables — not good to eat. 2. Say it in English. 1. Остальные туристы купили билеты на завтрашний поезд. 2. Остальные деньги здесь. 3. Остальные фрукты неспелые. 4. Остальные прения были менее интересны. 5. Остальные спектакли были намного интереснее. 6. Остальные вопросы были гораздо легче. 7. Наполеон мечтал завоевать всю Европу. 8. Эта история (это происшествие) стала известна всему Парижу. 9. На следующий день его имя стало известно всей Англии. 10. Ее встречал весь Лоуфорд. 11. Весь Эшфилд вышел проводить их. *** The noun number meaning 'число, количество' when used with the definite article takes a singular verb. Eg The number of literary adaptations for the screen and TV is growing. When used with the indefinite article it takes a plural verb. In the pattern A number of (= a few, several), a large (great) number of (= many, a lot of) new houses were built in our neighbourhood a plural verb is obligatory; in the pattern There are a (large/ great) number of new houses in our neighbourhood a plural verb is preferable. Note the absence of article after a (the) number of. 1. Insert the missing articles and verbs. 1. — number of Congressmen elected to US Congress from each state — on the state's population. — number of Senators — fixed: each state elects two Senators. 2. In the English language there –– – number of 'Dutch' expressions: Dutch auction, Dutch courage, go Dutch, talk double Dutch, etc. 3. –– great number of England's outstanding people — buried at Westminster Abbey. 4. — number of workers engaged in commerce — growing. 5. There — a number of misprints in the text. 6. –– number of exceptions –– so great that the rule isn't helpful at all. 7. — great number of pictures — added to the collection last year. 8. In the English language there — a great number of verbs converted from nouns. 9. — number of applicants — increased. 10. — number of names — added later. 2. Say it in English. 1. Было сделано большое количество рекомендаций. 2. В прошлом году состоялось несколько интересных выставок. 3. Число желающих принять участие в этом конкурсе растет с каждым годом. 4. Число делегатов на конгресс еще не определено. 5. В его коллекции есть несколько ценных картин. 6. Количество дорожных аварий уменьшилось. 1. Note the following patterns which require the definite article (not the possessive pronoun): to take (seize, hold, grip, pull) sb by the hand (arm, ear, hair, collar, sleeve, tail) to strike (hit) sb in (across) the face (eye), on the chin (nose, jaw) to pat sb on the back (shoulder) to stab sb in the back (chest) to wound (shoot) sb in the back (arm, leg) to look sb in the face (eyes) 2. The definite article but not the possessive pronoun is found in the widely used sentences: It's a slip of the tongue. It's a slip оf the pen. 1. Say it in English. 1. Когда будете переходить улицу, возьмите ребенка за руку. 2. Подержите собаку за ошейник. 3. Его ранило в ногу. 4. Стив почувствовал, как кто-то потянул его за рукав. 5. Он получил пощечину. 6. Мяч попал ему в голову. 7. Фокстерьера пришлось вытаскивать из норы за хвост. 8. Отец похлопал сына по плечу. 9. Его убили ударом ножа в спину. 10. Не тяни щенка за ухо, ему больно. 11. Это оговорка. 12. Я оговорился. 13. Это просто описка. 1. Before nouns denoting social groups use the definite article: the working class, the proletariat, the bourgeoisie, the aristocracy, the intellectuals, etc. 2. No article is used before the nouns society meaning 'social order', opinion meaning 'views of a group', mankind [mæn'kaınd] meaning 'humanity'. Eg socialist (Commumst, capitalist, bourgeois, civilized, consumer) society; (world) public opinion; (all) mankind. 3. Note the absence of article in the following fixed phrases: in public – публично, перед аудиторией in company – в обществе, в компании to be (not) true to fact to be great fun to be part of the plan (programme, task, assignment) to seize power, to come to power, to be in power to take office, to hold office, to be in office, sb's term of office to declare war on sb, sth to be at war (with sb, sth) to take sb prisoner (hostage), to keep (hold) sb prisoner (hostage) to take aim , to commit murder, suicide; but: to commit a crime to lose consciousness, to lose control of sb (sth, oneself); but: to lose one's temper (balance) 4. The noun in the of-phrase following the words kind, type, sort, part, style is mostly used without an article. Eg this kind of person(s), that sort of thing(s), this type of film(s) What kind of person is he? What kind of people are they? 5. 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