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2. Give the required information. If you cannot, admit your ignorance saying 'I don't know when/where/who/why ...'. 1. When did the Norman Conquest begin? 2. Why are there so many words of French origin in the English language? 3. When did England go decimal? 4. Where is Charles Dickens buried? 5. Where did the first colonists settle in America? 6. What is the old name of New York? 7. How did Wall Street get its name? 8. When was slavery abolished in the United States? 9. What do the stars on the American flag stand for? 10. How many stars are there on the US flag now? *** To introduce indirect orders use the pattern tell sb to do sth. Eg He told me (not) to lock the door. 1. Say what the teacher told the students to do. Eg Set the tape-recorder for recording. The teacher told the students to set the tape-recorder for recording. 1. Open your books at page ten. 2. Read the text on page ten. 3. Retell the story in the first person. 4. Speak distinctly. 5. Avoid irrelevant details. 6. Leave a wider margin. 7. Don't write in the margin. 8. Clean the board. 9. Do the translation in writing. 10. Review this for our next class. 2. Say it in English. 1. Мэри сказала, чтобы я пригласил Паркеров. 2. Джон сказал, чтобы мы купили путеводитель по Риму. 3. Грегори сказал, чтобы мы сделали пересадку в Будапеште. 4. Мистер Клифф сказал, чтобы они прокомментировали это событие. 5. Я сказал, чтобы Джек проводил ее. *** The parenthesis do you think does not call for the inverted word order. Do-you-think questions are constructed without any other question-forming verbs. Eg Как вы думаете, где он сейчас находится? Where do you think he is now? Для чего, по вашему мнению, этот прибор? What do you think the device is (used) for? Вы думаете, они выиграют? Do you think they will win? 1. Make the questions more personal by changing them. Have the questions answered. Eg Why did he mention it? "Why do you think he mentioned it?" "Maybe he wanted to see your reaction." 1. Why doesn’t England go over to the right-hand traffic? 2. Why are sport, art and hobbies the best topics for light social conversation? 3. Why is chess considered a sport but not a game? 4. Why hasn't TV ousted the theatre and the cinema? 5. Why do many people like to read crime stories? 6. Why don't some people want to be school teachers? 7. Why should the patient have confidence in the doctor? 8. Is there life out in the universe or is the Earth the only planet inhabited by living beings? 9. Are UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) space ships from outer space? 2. Say it in English. 1. Как вы думаете, какой актер будет играть эту роль? 2. Как вы думаете, когда нам объявят об этом? 3. Почему, как вы думаете, письмо адресовано миссис Менсон? 4. Сколько времени, по вашему мнению, им понадобится для завершения работы? 5. Вы думаете, Уолтер согласится на это? *** Parentheses asking for a repetition are used without conjunctions. Sentences with such parentheses have no inversion. Eg Где, как он говорит (пишет, думает), состоится конференция? Where does he say (write, think) the conference will take place? If the verb in the parenthesis is in the past, the principal verb is in the past too. Eg Как, вы сказали, его зовут? What did you say his name was? Кто, как он пишет, это предложил? Who did he write had suggested it? 1. Ask for a repetition. Eg "James will take a holiday in May." "When did you say James would take a holiday?" 1. Shillings and old pence were replaced by decimal currency in 1971. 2. In New York State you can get a driving licence when you are sixteen. 3. Clifford's birthday is in November. 4. Dennis left the tickets in Mr Pratt's name. 5. The film is showing at the Odeon. 6. The visa is valid for three months. 7. The dialling code for Moscow, is 495. 8. The letter is addressed to Mrs Halifax. 9. It cost Walter twenty-one pounds. 10. The parcel weighs half a pound. 2. Say it in English. 1. Какой предмет, вы сказали, он преподает? 2. Когда, вы сказали, у него день рождения? 3. На чье имя, вы сказали, она оставила билеты? 4. Сколько времени, вы сказали, действительна ваша виза? 5. Где, вы сказали, идет этот фильм? 3. Ask for a repetition. Eg "Douglas wrote he would return on Thursday." "When did Douglas write he would return?" 1. Ann says that William gave her a purse for her birthday. 2. Gladys said the TV man had charged her two pounds. 3. Bob says the film will be shown on Channel Two. 4. Madge writes her next exam will be in physics. 5. Donald thinks the experiments will be over next week. 6. Max believes our new manager will be Mr Spencer. 7. Books of etiquette emphasise that a good conversationalist is first of all a good listener. 8. Wise people say, "Be careful what you wish for because you may get it." 9. As long as a woman can look ten years younger than her own daughter, she is perfectly satisfied. (Oscar Wilde) 10. A deaf husband and a blind wife are always a happy couple. (Danish proverb) 4. Say it in English. 1. Где, как пишет мистер Спенсер, будет проходить встреча? 2. Где, как она говорит, сейчас работает Дуглас? 3. Сколько, он говорит, с него взяли за починку компьютера? 4. Когда, как сказал профессор, у нас будет экзамен? 5. К кому, он сказал, мне нужно обратиться? *** Conjunctions are not used to introduce the main clause in the following pattern. As the speaker said (pointed out, mentioned) before, labour productivity has creased considerably. Differentiate between a parenthesis making reference to the source of information and an adverbial clause of cause. Cf As was reported in the press... Как сообщалось в печати... As was pointed out in the report... Как отмечалось в докладе... As was clear to everybody... Как было ясно всем... As it was reported in the press... Так как об этом сообщалось в печати... As it was pointed out in the report... Так как это отмечалось в докладе... As it was clear to everybody... Так как это было ясно всем... Note. Как известно, … is 'as is known...'. Eg As is known the Earth goes round the Sun. 1. Explain the statements by making reference to the source of information. Use the parentheses: As was reported in the press…, As was pointed out in the report…, As is clear from what he said... 1. The cause of the fire is not known. 2. Spending on education has risen considerably for the past ten years. 3. The minister has been relieved of his post. 4. The prospects are not encouraging. 5. Differences remain unreconciled. 6. The project was adopted without anybody objecting to it. 7. They agreed on the issue in principle. 8. The measure brought about great changes. 9. New moral problems arise every day. 10. They must be prepared to face economic and social changes. 2. Say it in English. 1. Как отмечалось в докладе, вопрос этот в принципе решен. 2. Как отмечалось в статье, результаты опыта подтвердились. 3. Как было ясно из выступления докладчика, в этой области предстоит сделать многое. 4. Как ясно из того, что он сказал, решение будет принято в ближайшем будущем. 5. Как сообщалось в газетах, 30 октября 1971 года в Каире вспыхнул большой пожар. Сгорел оперный театр, построенный в 1869 году по случаю открытия Суэцкого канала*. 6. Как известно, английский монарх царствует (to reign), но не управляет (to rule). *** Note the customary English pattern corresponding to the Russian: В письме (объявлении, записке, рапорте, инструкции, рецепте) говорится (сказано), что... Eg В рецепте сказано, что смесь нужно довести до кипения. The recipe says that the mixture should be brought to boil. If a letter (a notice, a play-bill, a programme) is quoted, use direct speech. Eg В записке было сказано: «Приходите один». The letter said: "Come alone." 3. Say it in English. 1. В записке говорилось, что мистеру Хортону нужно прийти одному. 2. В объявлении говорилось, что по вторникам банк закрыт. 3. В рецепте сказано, что муку следует добавить позднее. 4. В объявлении сказано, что дети проходят без билета. 5. В программе сказано, что (роль) Гамлета играет Ричард Броуди. 6. В афише говорится: «Окончание спектакля в десять часов». 7. В письме говорилось: «Чем скорее, тем лучше». *** The pattern Don't you know (remember, like, recognize) ... expresses surprise – Разве (неужели) вы не знаете (помните, любите, узнаете) ... То ask for information say Do you (by any chance) remember …, Do you (happen to) know ... Eg Разве (Неужели) он не знает, что Британский музей известен также своей библиотекой? Doesn't he know that the British Museum is noted also for its library? Вы (случайно) не знаете, где родился Голсуорси? Do you (by any chance, happen to) know where Galsworthy was born? 1. Translate the following into Russian. 1. Doesn't he know that the London underground is called the Tube? 2. Do you know that London Bridge was dismantled and sold to the United States? 3. Don't they know that the first ten amendments to the US Constitution are called A Bill of Rights? 4. Doesn't she know that members of the House of Representatives of US Congress are called Congressmen? 5. Do you know what monument in Washington is called the Pencil? 6. Don't they know that the symbol of the US Republican party is an elephant and the symbol of the Democratic party is a donkey? 7. Do you know what event in American history is referred to as the Boston Tea Party? 2. Say it in English. 1. He помните ли вы, кто был президентом США во время первой мировой войны? 2. Не знаете ли вы случайно, сколько пассажиров находилось на борту «Титаника» (the Titanic), когда корабль наскочил на айсберг и затонул? 3. Не помните ли вы, за что, согласно легенде, у царя Мидаса (Midas [maidəs]) выросли ослиные уши? 4. Разве он не знает, что в Англии шиллингов в обращении больше нет? 5. Не знаете ли вы, какой памятник в Лондоне служит напоминанием о пожаре 1666 года? 6. 'Edinburgh' произносится ['еdinbərə]. Неужели она не знала этого? *** When using the verbs think, believe, suppose to express an opinion, put the negator in the main clause. Cf Думаю, что они не проиграют. I don't think they will lose the game. "I don't think he'll do it." "Looks like that." 1. Answer the questions expressing a negative opinion. Use the suggested words and phrases. Eg "What are his chances in the election?" (to be elected) "I don't think (suppose, believe) he will be elected." 1. How will the game end? (to lose, win the game) 2. What do you think of the method Mr Gibbs suggested? (to prove effective) 3. What will be the outcome of the debate? (to come to an agreement) 4. The decision is final, isn't it? (to be revised). 5. Can we rely on Robert? (to fail sb) 6. What will Helen say? (to approve of) 7. How will George take it? (to cheer) 8. What about Martin? (to like it) 9.What about the project? (to be adopted) 10. How about the report? (to manage it) 2. Say it in English. 1. Думаю, что решение не будет пересмотрено. 2. Полагаю, план не будет утвержден. 3. Думаю, что Билл не виноват. 4. Думаю, что на этот раз они не проиграют. 6. Думаю, что Эдвард нас не подведет. *** When asking and answering questions, avoid a double subject. "What is rugby?" "Rugby is a kind of football." "I don't know what rugby is." 1. Choose the correct word or phrase to define the following. Eg "Is polo a boat, an article of clothing, a game or a bird?" "Polo is a game." 1. Is bingo a plant, a game, a musical instrument or an animal? 2. Is a barbecue a military signal, a flower, a picnic or an insect? 3. Is a trunk call a telephone call, an invitation, a call for help or a code message? 4. Is a gadget a vegetable, a device, a mineral? 5. Is Piccadilly a monument, a show place, a dish, a street or a museum? 2. Ask for and give information about the following. If you have difficulty in giving a definition, consult a dictionary. Eg a motel "What is a motel?" "A motel is a roadside hotel for motorists." A supermarket, a drive-in, a kilt, a who-dun-it, a squatter, live music, the bagpipes, a soap opera, a penthouse, window shopping, a kitchen-sink drama, a request stop, a one-way street, traffic lights, wire tapping, a juke box, kitch. 3. Say it in English. 1. Вы знаете, что такое аллитерация, не так ли? 2. Что такое морфема? Дайте определение. 3. Дифтонг – это сочетание звуков, диграф – сочетание букв. 4. Герундий – неличная форма глагола. 5. Он не знает, что такое постфикс. А вы? *** Remember that yes introduces affirmative answers, no introduces negative ones. Cf Вам не нравится этот человек? – Да, не нравится. You don't like the man, do you? – No, I don't. Вам не нравится этот человек? – Нет, нравится. You don't like the man, do you? – Yes, I do. 1. Confirm or deny the statements. Eg You don't speak French, do you? – Yes, I do. / – No, I don't. 1. You don't watch TV, do you? 2. Washington isn't the capital of Washington State, is it? 3. You don't speak English, do you? 4. The English noun hasn't got the category of gender, has it? 5. Japanese isn't easy to study, is it? 6. English spelling isn't difficult, is it? 7. You don't believe in fate, do you? 8. American English doesn't differ from British English, does it? 9. You can't have everything, can you? 10. You can't turn back the clock, can you? 2. Say it in English. 1. Мэри не была в Голландии, не так ли? – Нет, была. 2. Она не знает голландского, не правда ли? – Нет, знает. 3. Питер не был в Дании, правда? –Да, не был. 4. Он не знает датского, верно? –Да, не знает. 5. Ирландский язык не похож на английский, не так ли? – Да, не похож. 6. Швейцарского языка не существует, не так ли? – Да, не существует. 7. Швеция не граничит с Россией, не так ли? – Да, не граничит. 8. Норвегия не граничит с нашей страной, не так ли? – Нет, граничит. 9. Колумб не знал, что он открыл новый континент? – Да, не знал. 10. Олбани не является столицей штата Нью-Йорк, правильно? – Нет, является. *** 1. The link-verb in non-emphatic sentences agrees in number with the subject. Eg The main problem was her children. Her children were the main problem. 2. The verb following a relative pronoun agrees with its antecedent. Eg It is I who am wrong. It is they who are right. It is you who are late. |
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