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1. Fill in the gaps. 1. Writers believe that people – the most interesting subject. 2. Our main consideration – people. 3. Worry, hate and fear – mental poison. 4. Her only trouble – her relatives. 5. Traffic rules – a must for all drivers. 6. His one consolation – his friends. 7. Dogs – Britain's national obsession. 8. Chemicals – a danger to wildlife. 9. It is I who – against it. 10. It was they who – surprised. *** 1. In sentences with the conjunctions either ... or and neither ... nor the predicate agrees with the nearest subject. Eg Neither they nor he has any complaints. Either you or I am wrong. 2. If the subjects are connected by the conjunction as well as, the predicate agrees with the first one. Eg The radio as well as newspapers is a powerful means of propaganda. Newspapers as well as the radio are a powerful means of propaganda. 2. Read the sentences using the verbs in the proper form. 1. Neither Mr Flint nor I (to know) this man. 2. Neither the Hunters nor Mrs Foot (to doubt) it. 3. Try this number again, I'm sure either the girls or Alfred (to be) at home. 4. Neither the buses nor the train (to be running) today. 5. Either the Lanes or Mr Stock (to be to blame). 6. Neither Great Britain nor the USA (to export) oil. 7. Jane as well as the boys (to be going) to the game. 8. The captain as well as the passengers (to be) out of danger. 9. Jack as well as the girls (to be)getting better. 10. The forester as well as the animals (to be) saved. *** Question words used in Russian and English may differ since they refer to different members of the sentence. Note the following patterns. Как называется это растение? What is this plant called? What do they call this plant? Как выглядит единорог? What does a unicorn look like? Как вы думаете? (Какое ваше мнение?) What do you think? 1. Ask questions on the words in bold type. 1. In the USA the government is called the Administration, ministries are called Departments, most of the heads of the Departments are called Secretaries. 2. The US national flag is called Stars and Stripes, the British national flag is called Union Jack. 3. Northern Ireland is called Ulster. 4. The chairman of the House of Commons is called the Speaker. 5. In England the husband of the reigning Queen is called Prince Consort, 6. Guards of the Tower of London are called Beefeaters. 7. They call Agatha Christie the Queen of Crime. 8. The Romans called Zeus Jupiter. 9. The Scots call lakes lochs. 10. People who travel by train or by car between one's work in town and one's home in the country are called commuters. 11. In England a proposal for a new law is called a bill. 2. Say it in English. 1. Как называют полицейских в Англии? 2. Как называют метро в Нью-Йорке? 3. Как называют бензин в Америке? 4. Как называют Японию? 5. Как, вы сказали, называется это блюдо? 6. Что за существо кентавр (a centaur ['sento(r)])? Как он выглядит? 7. В Лондоне есть памятник Питеру Пэну. Как он выглядит? 8. Энтони с этим справится. Как вы думаете? 9. Мы обойдемся без него. Как вы думаете? 10. Я считаю, что это справедливо. А вы как думаете? *** The word order is inverted if the sentence begins with the emphatic adverbs and conjunctions: never, only, especially, no sooner ... than ..., hardly... when ..., under no circumstances, by no means. Note the Past Perfect after no sooner and hardly. Eg Never before have we heard him speak like this. Only then did I realise how unfair I had been. Especially did I like the first act. No sooner had she come, than they quarrelled. Hardly had we reached home, when a hail-storm began. 1. Make the following statements emphatic by placing adverbs and conjunctions at the beginning of the sentence. 1. I liked Ann Weston, the young actress who played the title role. 2. The snow-storm broke out the moment we reached home. 3. The moment I entered the room, the telephone started ringing. 4. I've never seen Mark so angry before. 5. And then Alice realised that nothing could be changed. 6. Then I remembered his warning. 7. They have never heard Mary sing with such feeling before. 8. The professor praised Dobbin more than anybody else. 9. I'll give in under no circumstances. 10. I'll never do it again. 2. Say it in English. 1. Никогда прежде не видели мы Джорджа таким счастливым. 2. Никогда больше не буду ничего просить у Маргарет. 3. Особенно мне понравился конец фильма. 4. Не успел мистер Крок приехать из одной командировки, как его послали в другую. 5. Я устал: только уехали родственники, как приехали знакомые. 6. Только тогда Дэвид простил нас. 7. Ни при каких обстоятельствах я не дам такого обещания. *** Differentiate between the following types of Russian sentences and translate them correctly. Было холодно. It was cold. Было трудно дышать. It was difficult to breathe. Было внесено несколько / (очень) много поправок. A few [a (great) number of, a lot of] amendments were made. 3. Say it in English. 1. Было поздно. 2. Было поздно что-либо менять. 3. Было трудно разглядеть что-нибудь в темноте. 4. Было трудно расслышать что-нибудь в таком шуме. 5. Было отмечено несколько недостатков. 6. Было подано много заявлений. 7. Было похищено несколько ценных картин. 8. Было сделано большое количество конструктивных предложений. 9. Было допущено несколько ошибок. 10. Было принято много важных решений. *** 1. Use the anticipatory it after the following verbs in the main clause: think, consider, appreciate, find, like, hate, owe, make clear. Eg I think (consider, find) it strange that he refused your offer. I like (appreciate) it that you came up with a constructive suggestion. I'd appreciate it if you left me alone. I hate (don't like) it when you speak like this. She owes it to her coach that she took first place. He made it clear that my proposals didn't interest him. 2. Clauses denoting manner are introduced by the noun the way. Eg I appreciate the way you broke the news to her. I like the way she treats her children. I don't like the way the boy speaks to his elders. 1. Combine the sentences using the anticipatory 'it' or 'the way'. Eg Norman won the title. He owes it to you. Norman owes it to you that he won the title. John takes defeat easy. I like it about him. I like the way John takes defeat. 1. Rodney was saved. He knows he owes it to you. 2. Mr Wood didn't say a word. We consider that it is a good sign. 3. Mr Nash is willing to take a chance. He said so. 4. Mary was given a free hand. She appreciated it. 5. Helen is glued to the TV set and has no exercise. I think it's very bad for her. 6. Geoffrey put this affair out of his mind. I think that it is very wise of him. 7. Mr Taylor alone has the authority to make decisions. Evans made it clear. 8. The fingerprints on the glass were Mr North's. The inspector thought that it was a convincing evidence. 9. Don't hurry me. I don't like it. 10. Dennis speaks with his superiors with self-respect. I like it about him. 11. Jane admits failure gracefully. We like it about her. 2. Say it in English. 1. Никто не любит, когда его перебивают. 2. Джон терпеть не может, если с ним разговаривают, когда он смотрит футбол по телевизору. 3. Я был бы вам признателен, если бы вы поговорили с мистером Скоффом сами. 4. Считаю странным, что никто не поднял такого важного вопроса раньше. 5. Тем, что Джордж стал известным ученым, он обязан вам. 6. Мистер Кларк дал понять, что не собирается комментировать это событие. 7. Терпеть не могу, когда люди говорят о том, чего не знают. 8. Мне не понравилось, как она исполняет этот романс. 9. Мне не нравится, как он разговаривает со своими подчиненными. 10. Мне понравилось, что он сразу признал, что был не прав. 11. Мне не понравилось то, как вы реагировали на это происшествие. *** The order of attributes used prepositively depends on their meaning. Farthest from the noun modified are the epithets (eg nice, beautiful, charming, famous, notorious, etc), then (from left to right) follow the attributes denoting 1) size, 2) shape, 3) age, 4) colour, 5) place, origin or nationality, 6) material. Eg a charming young girl, a nasty old woman, a small round table, a large green vase, a heavy iron box, a well-known young French actor 1. Construct phrases observing the accepted order of attributes. Eg hair (curly – long – dark) – long curly dark hair 1) curtains (silk – old – faded); 2) wallpaper (grey – expensive – foreign-made); 3) a bear (plush – brown – huge); 4) shrubbery (green – lush); 5) a lady (charming – young); 6) a creature (old – ugly); 7) a device (plastic – small); 8) a dress (velvet – black – simple); 9) a town (little – sleepy); 10) a boy (tall – handsome). REGULAR AND IRREGULAR VERBS / Be careful not to use the verb-ending -ed when there is the auxiliary do in the sentence. 1. Ask questions about people that interest you. Eg James returned from holiday last week. Did Alec (Madge, Colin) return too? 1. Frank applied for membership. 2. They delayed Mr Melton in London. 3. Mark travelled alone. 4. Doris missed the train. 5. Gilbert entered himself for the competition. 6. Doris complained about her children. 7. Mr Hardy cancelled the appointment. 8. James stayed for dinner. 9. Mrs Adams travelled tourist class. 10. Donald objected to it. 2. Ask for confirmation. Eg Agnes contested the championship. Agnes did contest the championship, didn't she? 1. It worked out well. 2. Stephen applied for admission. 3. Mr Williams advertised for a cottage. 4. Mrs Treves advertised the cottage. 5. They pulled down the house. 6. Howard admitted his mistake. 7. They agreed on the issue in principle. 8. He blamed everything on Jack. 9. He called an emergency meeting. 10. They fixed the date. 3. Ask wh-questions to get information about the following. Eg They revived the play. When (Where, Why) did they revive the play? 1. They crossed the Atlantic. 2. He tripped up. 3. Ann wanted to leave. 4. Bob sprained his ankle. 5. The Pratts moved to Edinburgh. 6. Tom called from a call box. 6. The postman delivered the morning post. 7. I booked a trunk call to London. 8. Mr Stanley resigned. 9. The bomb failed to detonate. 10. The bomb exploded. *** Remember the forms of the following verbs: beat – beat – beaten (бить) bend – bent – bent (сгибать) bite – bit – bitten (кусать) cost – cost – cost (стоить) draw – drew – drawn (рисовать, тянуть) feel – felt – felt (чувствовать) fall – fell – fallen (падать) find – found – found (находить) found – founded – founded (основать) hang – hung – hung (вешать картину, люстру и т. п.) hang – hanged – hanged (вешать, казнить кого-л.) lay – laid – laid (положить, класть) lie – lay – lain (лежать) lie – lied – lied (лгать) ring – rang – rung (звонить) rise – rose – risen (вставать, подниматься) raise – raised – raised (поднять) saw – sawed – sawed (пилить) sew – sewed – sewn (шить) sink – sank – sunk (тонуть) spread – spread – spread (распространять) stick – stuck – stuck (приклеивать) strike – struck – struck (ударять) stroke – stroked – stroked (поглаживать) withdraw – withdrew – withdrawn (устранять) 1. Answer the questions. Give two versions. Eg When did they sink the submarine? a) "They sank it a month ago." b) "It was sunk a month ago." 1. When did they lay the cable? 2. Where did they hang the picture? 3. When did they withdraw the troops from the country? 4. When did they raise the workers' wages? 5. Where did they find the manuscript? 6. When did they found the museum? 7. When did they draw up the contract? 8. When did they lay off the workers? 9. When did they raise the alarm? 2. Find out why the following happened. Ask why-questions. 1. Douglas laid the blame on Mr Tucker. 2. Nancy lied to them. 3. Nicholas's behaviour aroused everybody's indignation. 4. The water in the river rose. 5. My suspicion fell on Mr Spencer. 6. Jack fell in my esteem. 7. Lawrence rose in my esteem. 8. Mr Williams withdrew his proposal. 9. My spirits fell. 10. Her spirits rose. 3. Answer the questions in the affirmative. Eg Did you hear Godfrey ring up for a taxi? Yes. He rang up for a taxi. 1. Did you hear Jane ring up the enquiry office? 2. Did you see Joe wind the clock? 3. Did you see Helen beat the rug? 4. Did you hear the clock strike four? 5. Did you see the man stick the notice on the wall? 6. Did you see the car stick in the mud? 7. Did you hear the shelf fall down? 8. Did you see Ann sew on the button? 9. Did they see the lightning strike the tree? 10. Did you see them raise the bridge? 4. Say what would (wouldn't) have happened if the circumstances had been different. Eg He felt bad and went to see the doctor. If he hadn't felt bad, he wouldn't have gone to see the doctor. 1. The coat cost a lot of money and Harris didn't buy it. 2. The boy annoyed the dog and the dog bit him. 3. Dick fell off a ladder and can't join us. 4. They didn't stick together and were defeated. 5. Mr Broad didn't lay claim to the money and didn't get it. 6. Mary didn't wind the clock and it stopped. 7. The patient wasn't given anaesthetic and felt pain. 5. Change the statements to express certainty or disbelief. Use 'must (can't) + Perfect infinitive'. Eg The river froze. The river must (can’t) have frozen. 1. The cost of production rose. 2. Lawrence lay in the sun for five hours. 3. The defendant stuck to his original story. 4. It cost them a lot of money. 5. They hanged an innocent man. 6. Jack beat him at chess. 7. The clock struck twelve. 8. They raised a lot of money. 9. The ship sank. 6. Say what the people did provided they acted as they were told, advised, asked, instructed or ordered. Eg "Bob, stick the stamp on the envelope." Bob stuck the stamp on the envelope. 1. Strike a match, Willy. 2. Everybody, bend down and touch your toes. 3. You'd better spread the herbs out in the sun to dry, Rose. 4. Beat the yolk into mixture, Helen. 5. Lay the table on the terrace, Jane. 6. Hang the lamp over the table, Peter. 7. Raise the curtain, Maggy. 8. Rewind the tape and play it again, Max. 9. Harry, will you saw off the plank? 10. Stroke the dog, Teddy, don't be afraid. *** |
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