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Тема 3.1. Предприятие, продукция, услуги Практическая работа №1 Анализирование текста Вариант 1 1. Прочитайте и переведите весь текст. Several years ago a professor who teaches psychology at a large university had to ask his assistant, a young man of great intelligence but little experience, to take over the introductory psychology course for a short time. The assistant worked up ambitious series of lectures. But he made a mistake. He decided to open with a short definition of his subject. When the professor got back to his classroom two weeks later he found his assistant still struggling to define psychology.An alternative approach is to assume at the very outset that everybody knows, more or less, what psychology is all about. “Psychology”, said William James in the first sentence of his classic text, “is the science of mental life”. The key words here are “science” and “mental”. Our conception of what a science of mental life is has been changed considerably since James’s time. At the time James wrote, scientific psychology was very young and the mental life that psychologists had been able to study was largely limited to the conscious mental life of sane, well-educated, adult, human beings. Today, every one of the restrictions implied by those adjectives has been removed. As the science of mental life developed, its base broadened to include children, animals, preliterate people, the mentally retarded,and the insane. It is not obvious that all these newcomers share anything we could call a mental life, in the sense understood during the nineteenth century. Scientific methods are notoriously successful. Since James wrote his Principles there has been a remarkable growth in both the quantity and quality of scientific research on psychological problems. Today when we say that psychology is a science we support the claim with several impressive accomplishments. Indeed, the rapid development of this young science has disrupted the daily pattern of our lives in scores of ways.Like all sciences, psychology has influenced our lives. It has given us technical tricks and it has changed our conception of human nature. 2. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту 1. How did James define psychology in his work? 2. Has our conception of what psychology is been changed since James’s time? 3. Could the assistant give a short definition of psychology? 4. Why was it difficult to study mental life at the time James wrote? 5. Are our scientific methods of psychology successful now? 6. What has been changed with the development of psychology as a science? 7. Does psychology influence our life? Вариант 2 1. Прочитайте и переведите весь текст. The judiciary is the third branch of the federal government of the USA. Its function is to interpret the Constitution, not to change it. In the United States the judiciary (which is a collective term for courts and judges) is divided into the national (federal) and state judiciary. Each is independent of the other with the exception that the US Supreme Court may, under special circumstances involving federal questions, review a state court decisions.The State courts are set up in a system that looks like the system of Federal courts, with the Supreme at the top, which meets in the Supreme Court Building in Washington. It is a beautiful building of white marble. The figures over the entrance represent the national ideas of law and liberty. Above the main entrance there are the words “Equal Justice Under Law”.The US Supreme Court is the highest tribunal in the United States. It includes a Chief Justice and eight Associate Justices. They are all appointed by the President and approved by the Senate. The Supreme Court is in session from October to June. One of the most important duties of the justices is to decide whether laws passed by the Congress agree with the Constitution. The justices do this by interpreting the laws of the Congress and the provisions of the Constitution. If the Supreme Court decides that the Constitution doesn’t give the Congress the power to pass a certain law, the court declares the law to be unconstitutional. Such a law can no longer be enforced by the President and his executive officers.Besides the US Supreme Court there are various district courts and courts of appeals. They have somewhat less political importance, since there principal duty is to settle cases where no constitutional question is at stake. These courts handle both civil and criminal cases. Each state has at least one district court. Each court has from one to twenty four federal judges, depending on the volume of business. All judges are appointed for life by the President, or until they choose to resign. 2. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту 1. What sort of court system is there in the United States? 2. How is the judiciary in the USA divided? 3. Where is the Supreme Court Building situated? 4. How does it look like? 5. Who are the judges appointed by? 6. What cases do district courts handle? 7. What laws are declared to be unconstitutional? 8. The Supreme Court is the highest tribunal in the USA, isn’t it? 9. What is written above the main entrance of the Supreme Court Building? 10. How long do the sessions of the Supreme Court last? Тема 3.2. Структура и персонал фирмы Групповая дискуссия по теме «Структура полиции» Вариант 1 Answer the following questions: 1. What are the two major stages of investigation? 2. What is the main aim of our Police? 3. What are the officers of the Criminal Detection Department responsible for? 4. Who takes part in the process of the investigating a crime? 5. What does the follow-up investigation include? Вариант 2 Answer the following questions: 1. What must the police officer do when the crime is reported to the Police? 2. What are the officers of the Criminal Investigation Department responsible for? 3. What does the preliminary investigation include? 4. What Departments is our Police composed of? 5. What is the main aim of our Police? Практическая работа №1 Лексический тест по теме «Персонал» My _________said I could leave early today. director manager chief boss head Haig has been hotel _________for many years. director manager chief boss head The ________of the church choir is called a chanter. director manager chief boss head Norman Brown is managing _______of a large company. director manager chief boss head The play has been staged by a________ young Jack Droop. director manager chief boss head A colleague told the new teacher that if anybody misbehaves in class she should send him to the ______. director manager chief boss head The_______ waiter showed them to their table. director manager chief boss head Gladys is export _______in a big chemical firm. director manager chief boss head The opening of the exhibition was attended by the________ of the Tate Gallery. director manager chief boss head The hotel ________offered them a better room. director manager chief boss head Who is the __________of the French Department at the university? director manager chief boss head Jack likes the work because he is______ his own and he decides everything himself. director manager chief boss head The stage________ in the commercial theater supervises the arrangement of scenery and props on the stage. director manager chief boss head Wanda telephoned Max, _____waiter of the French restaurant. director manager chief boss head In America _______denotes the person to whom one is responsible at work. director manager chief boss headwork Эталоны ответов
Критерии оценки
Тема 3.3. Экономические и географические особенности страны изучаемого языка. Групповая учебная игра по страноведению 1 этап: Choose the right variant: Which is the oldest written language in the world? Egyptian Chinese Latin Is Boxing Day a famous sport competition? A day to collect empty boxes? A holiday after Christmas Day? Which is the odd one out? Heathrow Marks & Spencer Harrods Which of this degree is the first degree in higher Education in Britain? MA MPhil BSc PhD Which part of England is called Constable’s Country? The Lake District Essex-Suffolk border Cornwall Which of them is a tabloid? The Daily Mirror The Times The Independent What exactly is “the City”? the Bank of England a group of supermarkets an area in central London Which of them is not connected with the USA? The statue of Liberty The Union Jack The Stars and Stripes Butlion’s is a chain of British: supermarkets bookshops holiday camps 2 этап: Answer on questions What was the first name of New York? On what rivers do Washington D.C. and London stand? What is the largest lake in North America? What are the largest British universities? What’s the nickname of New York city? What is the most popular sport in Wales? What country is called a “melting pot” or “mixed salad”? Who was George Washington’s Vice President? Which American companies are called the “Big Three”? In what country do the people most speak Gaelic? What country did America buy Alaska from? What state is Disney World in? What are the four popular professional sports in America? In what city were Paul, John, George and Ringo (Beatles) born? In the legend as well as in the movie, in what city was Robin Hood born? What is the national Scottish musical instrument? Where is the tallest skyscraper in the world? What is the national symbol of America? Эталоны ответов 1 этап A,С,А,С,В,А,С,С,В,С 2 этап New Amsterdam The Potomac, the Thames Lake Superior Oxford, Cambridge Big Apple Rugby The USA John Adams Ford, GM, Crysler Ireland Russia Florida Basketball, baseball, football, hockey Liverpool, England Locksley Bagpipe Chicago The bold eagle Раздел 4. Деловая корреспонденция Тема 4.1. Речевой этикет в деловой корреспонденции. Практическая работа№1 Лексический тест по теме «Деловые письма» Выберите правильное слово: 1. A letter which asks a supplier about the price of his goods is: a) a quotation; b) an order; c) a letter of credit; d)an enquiry. 2. A letter which says an order has been received is called: a) a guarantee; b)a covering letter; c) an order-form.; c) an acknowledgement. 3. A letter which tells a supplier that the customer is unhappy is called: a) a consignment; b)a complain; c) a confirmation; d) a credit period.
Write the following addresses in block style. Расставьте части письма в нужном порядке. Не забудьте поставить подпись. You: Helen Dullwit, Travel agent Your address: Easten Travel Agency 12, The Crescent, Manchester, BR3 5YT Tel: 01219-84436 Fax: 01219-97760 Date: 12.9.2008 Their Address: Blacks Computers, 7 White Blvd, Bristol You: Tatyana Ryshova, Purchasing Supervisor Your Address: 39, Grashdanskaya St.,119 357 Moscow Their Address: Ms.Alison Brown, Sales Manager, Office Furnishings, 907 3rd Ave, New York Date: 23.10.2008 Тема 4.2. Заключение контракта Групповая учебная игра «A job interview» Topic 1 $100 What sport do you do? $200 Have you any previous work experience of any sort? $300 Tell me about your childhood. $400 What do you expect to be doing ten years from today? Topic 2 $100 What problems do you think you’ll have in this job? $200 What kind of salary do you expect? $300 What problems do you think you’ll have in this job? $400 What are your strong/ weak points in relation to the job? Topic 3 $100 What do you enjoy about that job? $200 What makes you angry? $300 Did you like school? Which subject did you like least? Why? $400 What kind of people do you dislike and why? Topic 4 $100 What do you dislike doing? $200 Have you got any questions for me? $300 How long have you been looking for work? Are you willing to work overtime? $400 Give me two reasons why I should NOT hire you? Give me two reasons why I should hire you? Topic 5 $100 At what age would you like to retire? $200 Are you afraid of criticism? Why? $300 What has been your greatest success and failure ? $400 What do you know about our company? |
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