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Тема 1.3. Мой рабочий день. Групповая дискуссия по теме «Мой рабочий день» 1. When does your working day usually start? 2. What do you usually do in the morning? 3. What do you usually do in the afternoon? 4. What do you usually do in the evening? 5. When does your working day finish? Практическая работа №1 Грамматический тест 1.What’s ______ job? She is a hotel manager. a. my b. your c. his d. her 2.Anita usually likes coffee, but now she ______ tea. a. drank b. drink c. is drinking d. drinks 3. Is ______ your pen over there? a. that b. this c. these d. those 4. ______? — I'm a pilot. a. What are you doing? b. How are you? c. How do you do? d. What do you do? 5. There are ______ magazines on the shelf. a. any b. some c. a d. the 6.No news ______ good news. a. is b. are c. — d. am 7.The man is old and he can't ______ well. a.heard b.to hear c. hear d. listen 8.He could open the lock ______. a. easy b.most easy c.easily d.easiest 9. The shoes are ______ fashionable! a.such b.so c.the d.this 10. The information is top secret, so naturally, everybody is interested in ______. a. them b. her c. their d.it Эталоны ответов на тест
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Тема 1.4. Мой свободный день. Групповая дискуссия по теме «Мой свободный день» 1. Are you glad when weekends come? 2. When do you usually start your weekends? 3. What do you usually do on Friday evening? 4. What do you usually do on Saturday? 5. What do you usually do on Sunday? Практическая работа №1 Анализирование текста Вариант 1 Read the text. Mark the statements as T (true) or F (false). Dear Carol, Thank you for your letter. We are having a fantastic holiday. Oakwood is a little village in the south of England with a park, a castle and some lovely gardens. People here are really friendly. The lady we are staying with is about fifty-five but she is very energetic. She is really nice.I think we are lucky. This is our second holiday this year and we are doing just what we want to do: sleeping, eating and playing games. The sea is rather cold so we don’t swim often but we spend a lot of time on the beach. The food is lovely, too. We will be back on Tuesday, June, 21. Best wishes, Yours, Mary. Задание к тексту: 1. Mary is in Oakwood now. 2. There is a park in Oakwood . 3. They aren’t staying at a hotel. 4. They don’t play games. 5. Oakwood is near the sea. 6. They swim a lot. 7. Mary doesn’t know when they return. Вариант 2 Read the text. Mark the statements as T (true) or F (false). Kate and Jack are members of an international camping club. Their club is called The Stars. It organizes different trips and excursions all over the world. Every member of the club must have a tent, a sleeping bag and a mountain bike. They also have special clothes because the weather is not always fine. During school holidays they usually go to a camp in Europe. At the moment Kate and Jack are in a camp in Spain. They are staying with a group of twelve-year-old boys and girls. Kate and Jack are having a wonderful time in Spain. Задание к тексту: 1. Jack is a member of a biking club. 2. They are having holidays now. 3. The weather is always fine in camps. 4. They like the camp in Spain. 5. Boys don’t live in camps in Spain. 6. Kate and Jack can ride a bike. 7. They usually go to camps in South America. Эталоны ответов на задание
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Тема 1.5. Речевой этикет. Практическая работа№2 Грамматический тест 1 I can’t play football. I ______ my arm yesterday. a.breaked b.broked c.broke d.broken 2.The information is top secret, so naturally, everybody is interested in ______. a. them b. her c. their d. it 3.There isn’t ______ water in he bottle. a. many b.few c.much d.a few 4.Their house is ______ than ours. a.much more smaller b.the smallest c.much smallest d.much smaller 5.Who ______ after their small kids? — Their grandparents do. a.do looks b.looks c.do look d.look 6.Just look at ______ in the mirror. You are so dirty. a.your b.oneself c.yours d.yourself 7.I am very proud of my sister. She ______ the guitar and the piano. a.cans play b.can plays c.can play d.can to play 8.Do you listen to opera? – No, I ______ listen to opera. I hate it. a.always b.never c.often d.usually 9.They looked ______ each other in surprise. a.with b.for c.at d.after 10.We are flying to Sochi on ______. a.seven July b.the seventh of July c.seventh of July d.the seven of July Эталоны ответов на тест
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Практическая работа №2 Перевод диалогов, содержащих ситуации речевого этикета 1. Перевод с русского на английский Действующие лица: Энн (Э), Марк (М), Мистер Коллинз (К) - (Э) Привет, Марк! Как дела? - (М) Спасибо, нормально. А у тебя? - (Э) Всё в порядке. Ты знаешь, что у нас теперь есть ещё один дополнительный курс (course)? - (М) Нет. Какой курс? - (Э) Психология межличностных (interpersonal) отношений. - (М) Спасибо! Это хорошая новость. Я думаю, это интересно. - (Э) Согласна. Я хочу записаться (to register myself). А ты? - (М) Я подумаю…А кто будет нашим преподавателем? - (Э) Извини, я не знаю. Давай (let’s) спросим у мистера Коллинза! - (М) Хорошо. Извините, мистер Коллинз, можно спросить… - (К) Да, конечно. - (М) Кто будет преподавать новый курс? - (К) Психология межличностных отношений? Мисс Уайт (White), я думаю. - (М) Спасибо. Здорово! Я запишусь. 2. Перевод с английского на русский - Morning! - Morning! - How are you? - Fine, thanks, and you? - I’m fine, too. What do you think about this film? - The film we’ve seen together with Nicky? - Of course, I mean this one. Do you think it’s interesting? - Oh no, I find it very boring... - I agree with you. But Nicky liked it very much, sh easked me to watch the film and to tell her my opinion... I don’t want to tell her the truth, but... - I see, it’s a great problem. Let’s think together what you should tell Nicky... Практическая работа №3 Логические задание на закрепление темы «Речевой этикет» 1. Составить диалог из реплик, перепутанных местами Alex and Kate. My hobby is learning a foreign language. -Sorry for interrupting you. And do you use computers during your classes? It would be well… -Oh, good for you. To my mind, learning languages adds much to the knowledge of your own language. But I think it’s too difficult… -Is that really true? Great! Could you let me go with you to theses courses? -I don’t think so. Believe or not, but it is easy for me. -Of course. You are welcome. -Hi, Alex! It’s nice to meet you. They say you are attending the courses for studying the Spanish language. Are you going to enter Foreign Languages Institute? -Oh, thank you, Alex! What should I take with me? -Thanks a lot! That’s fine! -Kate, you need only a notebook and a pen. They have tape-recorders, voice-recording, videotapes… -You are right. Computers provide not only instruction, but also self-instruction. You will go and see. -Hi, Kate! I am going to enter such kind of educational institution. Learning foreign languages is my hobby. 2. Составить диалог из реплик, перепутанных местами - It doesn’t suit us. How could we solve this problem? - Yes, I have. But there’re questions to discuss. - I have to discuss this problem with Mr. Snow. Let’s make another appointment at 15, if you are not very busy. - Good morning, Mr. Smith. - I mean the terms of delivery. We’d like to have the equipment in a month. - But you know, Mr. Ivanov, this will change the price. - Let’s settle our problems. - Good morning, Mr. Ivanov. Have you read the draft of the contract? Практическая работа №4 Задания творческого характера 1. Исправить ошибки с точки зрения речевого этикета a) Kelly, come quickly and make me a cup of coffee! b) What do think about it, madam Ann Snow? c) Hey, mister, could you help me? 2.Самостоятельно составить диалог Make up a dialogue for the following situation. Don’t forget the rules of English spoken etiquette Диалог между мистером Кэмероном (Cameron) и мистером Коллинзом (Collins). Они обсуждают организацию конференции. Мистер Коллинз считает, что нужно оставлять больше времени для обсуждения выступлений. Мистер Кэмерон согласен с ним и добавляет, что заседания следует заканчивать не позже 5 вечера. Они решают обратиться в оргкомитет со своими предложениями. Раздел 2. Деловой иностранный язык Тема 2.1. Командировка Практическая работа №1 Анализирование текста по теме «Командировка» Mr. Calder is a successful American businessman. He has been in business for about 13 years. His company produces good equipment. The equipment is sold well in his own country. But he needs more customers. He has an idea. Why not sell his equipment abroad? He began to look for new customers in foreign markets. He knows that it may take him months or years to become a successful exporter. He decided to go to Russia to get export orders. Mr. Calder believes that one of the best preparations for a trip is reading magazines about the country to which he intends to go. He learned a lot about the Russian economy, the country’s trade, the main suppliers, customers, customs and traditions of the people.Before he left for Russia he had contacted the commercial representatives of his country in Russia to get some information about the market and import duties.His secretary booked tickets, a room at a hotel and made some business appointments for her boss. Mr. Calder is an experienced businessman and he hasn’t forgotten to get letters of introduction, lots of business cards and pictures of the equipment and his plant. Mr. Calder has arrived in Omsk to discuss some business matters with the people of the plant. The company is interested in buying Mr. Calder’s equipment.Mr. Belov, a representative of the plant, phone him. Belov: Good morning Mr. Calder, glad to know you are in Omsk at last. Did you have a good trip? Calder: Oh, yes. Thank you. Everything was all right. B: Is it your first visit to Omsk? C: Yes, it is. B: Oh, I’m sure Omsk will impress you greatly. There are many places of interest here and you’ll enjoy sightseeing I think. I’m sure, I will. Thank you. And now I’d like to discuss with you some points of the contract. C: I think it’s better for us to make an appointment. B: Absolutely agree with you. Could I meet you on Monday? C: Oh, I’m very busy on Monday. How about Wednesday morning at 10 o’clock? B: Good. See you on Wednesday. Good bye! Complete the sentences from the text. Mr. Calder is ... He has been in business for about ... His company produces ... He began to look for ... He decided to go to ... Mr. Calder believes that one of the best preparations for a trip is ... He learned a lot about ... His secretary booked ... The company is interested in... Mr. Belov is ... C: Oh, I’m very busy on ... How about Wednesday morning at …? |
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Программы подготовки специалистов среднего звена (ппссз) по специальности спо ПМ. 03 Ремонт и техническое обслуживание аварийно-спасательной техники и оборудования |
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Программа подготовки специалистов среднего звена (ппссз) по специальности... ... |
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Программа подготовки специалистов среднего звена (ппссз) по специальности... Программа подготовки специалистов среднего звена (ппссз) по специальности 43. 02. 11 Гостиничный сервис (углубленная подготовка) |
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Программа подготовки специалистов среднего звена (ппссз) по специальности... Программа подготовки специалистов среднего звена (ппссз) по специальности 43. 02. 11 Гостиничный сервис (углубленная подготовка) |
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Программа подготовки специалистов среднего звена (ппссз) по специальности... ... |
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Программа подготовки специалистов среднего звена (ппссз)разработана... Программа подготовки специалистов среднего звена (ппссз)разработана на основе Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта... |
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Программа подготовки специалистов среднего звена (ппссз) по специальности... Программа подготовки специалистов среднего звена (ппссз) по специальности 19. 02. 08 Технология мяса и мясных продуктов (базовая... |
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Программа государственной итоговой аттестации Целью гиа является установление соответствия результатов освоения студентами образовательной программы среднего профессионального... |
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Программа подготовки специалистов среднего звена (ппссз) специальности... Программа подготовки специалистов среднего звена (ппссз) специальности 11. 02. 08 Средства связи с подвижными объектами |
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