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Тема 2.2. В аэропорту Групповая дискуссия по теме «В аэропорту» What is the name of your nearest international airport? Have you ever used it? Where have you flown to? Where would you like to fly to? Групповая учебная игра «В аэропорту» Презентация «At the airport» Слайд 1 At the airport Слайд 2 Do you share this opinion? Adventure is necessary for us all. It keeps people from growing stale and old; it develops our imagination, it gives us movement and change which are necessary to our life. Слайд 3 the most convenient and comfortable means of travelling it saves time is the fastest way of travelling you have an opportunity to enjoy the wonderful scenery and landscapes Слайд 4 English Vocabulary and Expression 1.Arrival Прибытие 2.Departure Отбытие 3.Boarding pass Посадочный талон 4.Take off Взлет 5.Customs declaration form Таможенная декларация 6.Gate № 3 Выход № 3 7.Passport control Паспортный контроль 8.Baggage reclaim Выдача багажа Слайд 5 Match the words and their descriptions Departures Arrivals Boarding pass Belt Luggage Check-in Take-off flights that are leaving this airport flights that are landing at this airport the ticket you give at the gates clothing item that holds up pants bags and cases also known as baggage show your ticket and hand in your baggage to leave the ground and start to fly Слайд 6 TRY TO TRANSLATE How much is the excess baggage charge? Address the luggage to my hotel What is the gate number? How long does it take to make a connection? When is boarding time? I would like to reserve a seat in the non-smoking section What time do we arrive? Is there a Russian-speaking stewardess on board? Could I change seats with you? Слайд 7 Passengers are requested to arrive at the airport one hour before departure time on international flights and half an hour on domestic flights. Before boarding the plane you must check in at the airport. You must register your tickets, weigh in and register the luggage. Слайд 8 take a carry-on – взять с собой ручной багаж;to travel light – путешествовать налегке, без большого багажа;use a barf bag – пользоваться гигиеническим пакетом; have a two-hour layover – сделать 2-х часовую остановку между перелетами;red-eye – ночной рейс. Слайд 9 Work with a partner I’d like to make a reservation for a ticket to ... on ... or about the first of November. Are there any ... on these days?I’ll have a look in the t...... for you and see what is available. What ..... would you like to travel?Economy class, open return, so that I could use it at any time.Belavia Flight. N 751 leaves at 11.30 and flies direct. All right.What’s your .... and a ... ... ?Ivan Borisov, 299-28-93.When can I get my tickets?You’ll have them two days before your departure. Don’t forget to confirm the flight.All right. Thank you. Слайд 10 Make up your story Практическая работа №1 Лексическое упражнение Read the following paragraph with a partner and complete the sentences explaining procedures at an airport, using the clues provided. At an airport, departing p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ go to the c _ _ _ _ - in desk to get a seat number and b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ pass. They leave any b _ _ _ _ _ _ that they will not take into the cabin. They can then go through s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Usually, there is a m _ _ _ _ detector that everyone must walk through. From here, they proceed to p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ control and on into the d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lounge and boarding g _ _ _ for their flight. Passengers on international flights can visit d _ _ _ - f _ _ _ shops before departure. At the destination, passengers enter the terminal building and go to i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , where they show their passports. They collect their baggage from the baggage r _ _ _ _ _ _ and proceed to c _ _ _ _ _ _ , where passengers can have their baggage searched for illegal goods. Finally, they can go through to the a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hall where friends, relatives or colleagues may be waiting for them. Тема 2.3. Гостиница Практическая работа №1 Лексические упражнения 1. Fill in the words correctly. advance, bunk beds, dormitory, double room, family room, key, reception, single room, twin room, vacancies If you book a room for one person, you usually book a _______. If you want a room with a double bed, you book a ________. If you want a room with two separated beds, you book a ________. For families there are usually special offers if they take a _________. In youth hostels rooms are often shared by 10 or more people. This kind of room is called _______. To get 10 people into one room, two beds are usually placed on top of each other. They are called ________. No matter where you're staying, you usually have to fill in a form at the _______. Then the receptionist tells you your room number and gives you the ______for your room. During high season it's advisable to book a room in _______. If a B&B is fully booked, they usually have a sign in the window saying No _______. 2. Complete the sentences. Hotel Beach House, can I_______you? I'm phoning to _____a room. _____ would you like to arrive? Tomorrow. How many nights are you going to _______? Two nights. What kind of room would you _________? A double room with a shower. Just a moment, I'll check. ... We have a nice room on the second ________? How _________is it? It's $25 per person and ______, breakfast included. That's a good price. I'd like to make a _______for that room, please. Very well. May I have your ______ please? Conners. Could you______that , please? It's C-O-N-N-E-R-S. Thank you for your reservation. Практическая работа №2 Анализирование текста по теме « Гостиница» The following text is from an online travel agency. Read the text carefully and answer our questions on the text. The hotel has 8 Standard, 6 Deluxe, 4 Family rooms and 9 Cottages. Rooms have hot and cold shower and private balcony. Room service and laundry are available. All rooms except Cottages offer air conditioning.Each room has two single beds, Family rooms have 4 single beds. All rooms (except for Cottages) have televisions. If you wish to make a reservation or request more information simply complete the form. Our travel staff will typically respond to any request in 1 working day. A confirmation of your booking will be sent to you via e-mail (and fax if required).If for any reason you need to cancel your booking we would ask you to do so as early as possible by e-mailing our travel staff. Questions on the text. Showers
Air Conditioning
Except for the Family rooms, all rooms are ...
To book a room you must ...
Everyone who makes a reservation will receive a confirmation via ...
Тема 2.4. Ресторан Практическая работа по теме «Ресторан» (лексико-грамматическое задание и перевод диалога) 1. Translate from Russian into English W: May, I take your order, please? L: Да, пожалуйста. M: To start with I’d like the chicken soup. L: Мне тоже куриный суп, пожалуйста. W: Sure. And for the main course? M: Я бы хотел стейк. L: And the grilled fish for me, please. W: Конечно. Что вы будете пить? M: Just some water, please. W: Очень хорошо. L: How is your steak? M: Вкусный. Как насчет рыбы? L: Very tasty, thank you. W: Все было хорошо? M: Yes, thank you. L: Не могли бы вы принести счет, пожалуйста. W: Of course, sir. 2. Match the English equivalents to the Russian ones 1. Here you are. а. Вот, пожалуйста. 2. Anything else? b. Передайте мне соль, пожалуйста. 3. Was everything all right? c. Мне нравится твой выбор. 4. Yes, please. d. Что-нибудь еще? 5. Can I help you? e. Все было хорошо? 6. Pass me the salt, please. f. Я принесу вам меню. 7. I like your choice. g. Здесь вкусно пахнет. 8. It smells good in here. h. Могу ли я вам помочь? 9. The table is laid. i. Да, пожалуйста. 10. I’ll bring you the menu. g. Стол накрыт. 3. Fill in (Вставьте): order, wine, tough, table, glass, main, smells, drink. a) There’s a … for me in the corner. b) It … good in here. c) Do you want anything to …? d) As for me I’ll have mushroom soup and smoked salmon for the … course. e) The steak is a bit overdone and rather …. f) Are you ready to … madam? g) Would you like to see the … list? h) No, thank you. I’ll just have a … of the house red, please? 4. Underline the odd word out. a) A bowl of soup, cereal, cake. b) A carton of milk, orange juice, ham. c) A slice of bread, ham, cake. d) A bag of crisps, sugar, ketchup. e) A cup of tea, coffee, ice-cream. f) A glass of water, wine, butter. g) A box of chocolates, biscuits, vinegar Тема 2.5. Телефонный разговор Практическая работа№1 Лексическое упражнение по теме «Телефонный разговор» 1. Заполните пропуски в инструкции следующими фразами The Phone No function allows the use of four 1_________________ in the phone. This feature is useful for limited coverage area, or when 2_________________. Selection of the preferred number to be used, or selection of an automatic selection is possible in the auto selection.3_________________ will be used until the selection is changed to another number, unless the auto selection is stored. The auto selection 4________________ the phone number for a particular system. а) A selected phone number б) will automatically use в) traveling to different areas г) different phone numbers 2. Прочитайте текст и найдите соответствующий перевод подчеркнутого выражения The Internet originated in the early 1970s when the United States wanted to make sure that people could communicate after a nuclear war. This needed a free and independent communication network without a centre and it led to a network of computers that could send each other e-mail through cyberspace. а) общение через коммутатор б) коммуникационное общение в) общение в работе г) сетевое общение Практическая работа №2 Аудирование Вы услышите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных А, В, С и D. Определите, где происходит каждый из этих диалогов. Используйте каждое место действия из списка 1— 5 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее место действия. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. У вас есть 20 секунд, чтобы ознакомиться с заданием. At the post office At the booking office At the airport At a restaurant In the hospital
Dialogue А A: Give me 100 first-class stamps, please. В: Here you are. That will be 25 dollars. Anything else? A: Yes, I want 20 airmail stamps for Europe. I want to send this letter by registered mail. B: Okay. Your total bill is 34 dollars. You have to fill out this form. Dialogue В A: Is it a direct train to London? B: No, you have to change trains at Bimiham. A: I see. One ticket to London, please. B: Single or return, Ms? A: Single, please. B: 64 pounds, please. Dialogue С A: Good morning. Please, have a seat here. What’s the problem? В: I have a terrible stomachache. A: Do you have diarrhea? B: Yes, I do. A: Do you have any other symptoms? B: Yes, I feel sick. Dialogue D A: Good evening. Two for dinner? В: Yes, that’s right. A: Where would you like to sit? B: Could we have a table near the window, please? A: Certainly. Here is the menu. Раздел 3. Профессиональный иностранный язык |
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