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William Brown Liza BrickmanProfessor of Journalism News Editor University of Bristol The Bristol Tribune UNIT IV Resume Writing Задание 1. Прочтите, переведите текст и ответьте на вопрос “What is a resume? ”. Найдите ключевые выражения. What is a resume? A resume is one- or two-page summary of your education, skills, accomplishments and experience. A resume does its job successfully if it does not exclude you from consideration. To prepare a successful resume, you need to review, summarize and present your experiences and achievements on one page. Outline your achievements briefly and concisely. Your resume is a fact sheet that tells a prospective employer that you are a prospective employee. Your profile contains most of the information you need to prepare a resume. You now have to select and arrange that information in the way that best relates your background to the job you select. Your resume is an individualized presentation of your qualifications for a particular job. Remember that your resume is your ticket to an interview where you can sell yourself. Задание 2. Переведите резюме. Сформулируйте основные пункты, которые должны быть отражены в резюме. RESUME Personal DetailsName: Kuznetsova Anna Present address: 13, 1 Prospect Lenina, Samara, 443001, Russia Telephone number: 242-22-22 E-mail: Akuznets@mail.ru Date of Birth: 15 May, 19…Marital status: single Objective Personal Assistant to the Sales Manager Education 2000 - 2000 Medical and engineering lycee 2000 – 2005 Samara Institute of Economics and Management, Management Department Work Experience June 2005 – present “Aviakor” Samara Type of company: Aircraft manufacturer Post: Secretary to Assistant Director Responsibilities: Secretarial work including typing, shorthand, correspondence, taking minutes at meetings, coping reports and minutes from shorthand notes, filing, tabulating data, answering customers / calls, mail distribution and general office duties. June 2003 - May 2005 “Shar” Samara Type of company: Ball-Bearing Plant Post: Junior Secretary Responsibilities: Dealing with all correspondence, taking minutes at meetings and writing up Assistant Director’s reports, receiving customers and suppliers, dealing with all kinds of enquiries; making decisions on behalf of A.D. in his absence; and representing the company at various business functions. Languages: Fluent English Computer skills: Windows, Word, Excel, Internet References: Available on request Current salary: 10,000 rubles per month Задание 3. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. Who wrote the resume? 2. Where does she live? 3. What school did she go? 4. Did she receive a higher education? 5. In what capacity did she work for “Shar”? 6. How long did she work there? 7. What is her position at “Aviacor”? 8. How long has she been working for “Aviacor”? 9. What are her duties at “Aviacor”? 10. What does she write about her command of languages? 11. Why do you think she is looking for a new job? Задание 4. Прочтите текст о Деррике Крейне и напишите его резюме. Derrick Crane lives at 214 Ford Street, Ann Abor, MI 77843. His telephone number is 331-555-4725. He is twenty two. He is not married. He studies at the University of Michigan. In May he is getting a B.S. degree in mechanical engineering. He manages to combine successfully his studies with work. As he has always been fond of automobiles, after finishing school Derrick began his career as an assistant mechanic in Dowey’s Garage where his duties were to perform oil changes, tire rotations and radiator flushes and other tasks. He also ran errands for the family-owned automobile repair shop. In Summer 2004 he worked at the Southwest Research Institute assisting in experimental research, preparing figures and data for technical papers and computing engineering calculations. In 2005- 2006 he worked on a six-member team of students that designed and built a miniature stock car and competed in the National Society of Automobile Engineers-sponsored competition. Derrick was awarded Daniel M.Joseph Prize in Mechanical Engineering. Now he is an engineer for General Motors Corp. He is working on advanced test project that involves mechanical design, CAD/CAM composite technologies, automobile structures and coordination among project groups. It’s only natural that he is quite familiar with such software products as CAD, AutoCAD, MathsCAD, C++, Word, Excel. Although his salary is $15 per hour he does not want to leave his present employer. He is sure there are good chances of promotion after graduating the University. This summer he is going to apply for a team leader in the Design Department. Задание 5. Составьте свое резюме в фирму, где вы хотели бы работать. |
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