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АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫКUNIT IProfileЗадание 1. Прочтите текст. Выберите ключевые выражения. All of the information that employers might want to know about you should be recorded in an organized way before you contact them. You should put that information into your profile. A profile will make it easier to fill out a job application form completely and correctly. It also helps you to prepare a resume if you need one. A profile is an important part of a job search. Задание 2. Познакомьтесь с краткими анкетными данными Линды Бретт. Расскажите, что вы узнали о ней. Name: Linda Brett Age: 27 Nationality: American Marital status: Married Salary: $ 42,000 per annum Company: US Cosmetics Incorporated Present position: Promotion Manager, is responsible to the Marketing Director Background:
Present responsibilities:
Задание 3. Прочтите текст о Джейн Карри и составьте её краткую анкету Jane Currie is eighteen years old. She comes from a small American town of Linn. After finishing school she was admitted to Susfok University. She is pursuing a BA degree in accounting. Her native town is not far from the University but she lives in a dormitory as many students do. She does not want to live with her parents. She wants to be independent. Although Jane is on a grant, she has to work. She works as a cashier at Target, a big department store, twenty hours a week and gets $8 per hour. Her job is not an easy one. She works at a cash register. Her work responsibilities are to scan products, pack them in plastic bags, receive payments from customers. The payments she receives could be in the form of cash, check or credit cards. If a customer wants to pay with a check she asks for his ID. Any credit card payments require a customer’s signature and she verifies his signature with the one on the back of the credit card. To prevent theft she needs to make sure that no unscanned items are left in a customer’s carriage. She also checks inside boxes and takes out tissue from hand bags to make sure that nothing is hidden there. To provide better customer service she asks customers if they would like to open a store credit card. If a customer agrees he gets a 10 percent discount for everything he buys at Target at that day. Name: Age: Nationality: Marital status: Salary: Company: Present position: Background: Present responsibilities: Objective: Задание 4. Составьте свою анкету. UNIT IIRecruitmentЗадание 1. Прочтите текст. Найдите ответы на следующие вопросы: 1. How do people find jobs? 2. What is the most common hiring procedure? 3. How long does a probationary period last? When a company needs to employ new people, it may advertise the job or position in a newspaper. When replying to an advertisement, candidates apply for the job by sending in a covering letter and a curriculum vitae or CV in the UK or a resume in the USA. They may also be asked to complete a standard application form. The company’s Human Resources department will then select the most suitable applications and prepare a short list of applicants to be invited for an interview. These days many applicants submit their CVs to the companies they would like to work for. They do not apply for an advertised job but hope the employer will be interested enough to keep their CVs on file and contact them when they have a vacancy. The employer will then invite the best candidates to attend an interview. Another way for a company to hire is by using the services of a recruitment agency (search firm) who will provide them with a list of suitable candidates. Nowadays it is normal for successful candidates to have to work a probationary period in a company. This is usually three or six months, after that they are offered a permanent offer. Задание 2. Многие в США считают, что поиск работы по объявлениям в газете – лучший способ найти ее. Подтвердите или опровергните это утверждение на основе данных, которые представлены в таблице эффективности поисков работы. Какой способ поиска работы в нашей стране вы считаете наиболее результативным? Figure 1. Effectiveness of job-finding methods (USA) Method Percentage (%) of people who found a job this way Applying directly to the employer 34.9 Asking friends and relatives for help 26.0 Answering newspaper advertisements 13.5 Private employment service 5.6 State employment service 5.1 School placement service 3.0 All other methods 11.9 UNIT III The Job Application Задание 1. Прочтите текст. Выберите ключевые выражения. An application letter is an essential tool to attract the attention of a potential employer. It should be no longer than a page, and have a four-section format. The first section states what job you are applying for and how you learned about the vacancy. The second section deals with your qualification and experience. The next section demonstrates that you have the necessary qualities to meet the demands of the job. A closing paragraph reiterates your interest in the job and looks forward to discussing your strengths with the employer. An application letter should contain the address of the company you are applying to, your own address, formulas of greeting and farewell. Задание 2. Задайте вопросы по содержанию прочитанного текста. Задание 3. Переведите нижеприведенное сопроводительное письмо. Как вы считаете, правильно ли оно составлено? Приведите ваши аргументы. |
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