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III. A child could do that! British people often complain about modern abstract painting by saying, ‘It doesn’t look very special to. A child of four could do that’. Well, in 1993 a child of four did do it. One of the painting offered to the Manchester Academy of Fine Arts for its annual exhibition was a work called Rhythm of the trees. The Academy’s experts liked it and included it in the exhibition. Only later did they discover that its creator, Carly Johnson, was four years old (the title was her grandfather’s idea). The news of this discovery was greatly enjoyed by the whole of Britain. Everybody loves it when experts are made to look like fools, especially when they are experts about something that most people don’t understand. It did not occur to many people to think that perhaps a child genius had been discovered. Somebody else must have liked Carly’s painting too - it sold for £295. Ex. 52. Read the text and speak on the ways of improving museum services and ways of attracting people. In recent years, there have been many changes in the way museums present their exhibits to the public. The days of large, dusty rooms full of glass cases with ‘DO NOT TOUCH’ signs on them are long gone, together with free admission. Until recently, most museums in Britain did not charge admission fees. They received a grant from the government which covered the cost of running the museum. These grants have been abolished or reduced. Consequently, many museums now charge for admission and need to attract large numbers of visitors in order to generate the income to maintain the building, pay the staff, finance research and restoration services and buy new exhibits. In order to persuade people that it is worth paying for a quite expensive admission ticket, museums have tried to make their exhibitions brighter and more appealing. Many museums, especially devoted to science and technology, now have ‘interactive exhibits’ which means that you can learn how a television camera works by actually using one, or operate the controls of an aeroplane and watch the wings and tail move. Such exhibits appeal strongly to children and most museums, in order to encourage children to visit, have special ‘museum trail’ worksheets which direct them to particular exhibits and have questions for children to answer. These worksheets are very popular with school parties. One of the biggest changes to take place in recent years is that large numbers of teachers are now employed by museums. Their task is to prepare material that makes the museum interesting to children and young people and to advice the curator on how to create strong links with schools and colleges. Museums have also introduced new features which appeal to adults. For example, you can join, for an annual fee, a society linked to your favourite museum which will enable you to visit the museum without paying or to visit at times when it is normally closed, so that you can then admire the exhibits when the crowds have gone. These societies usually publish regular newsletters and organise social events at the museum when you can meet like-minded people. Indeed, because of their need to increase their income, many museums can be hired for social events - a room full of dinosaur skeletons, old locomotives or mummies makes an interesting venue for a party. Many museums now have impressive cafés and restaurants as well as large gift shops selling books, reproductions and models. These are often more crowded than the museum itself. Museums also seek commercial sponsorship as another way of increasing their income. In return for publicity and advertising, large companies will, for example, cover the cost of a special exhibition. Some museums create a realistic environment into which the visitor can enter. An example of this kind of museum is Jamestown in New England where a seventeenth century village has been recreated. There are actors in seventeenth century dress performing seventeenth century tasks. If you speak to them as you wander around, they will reply using seventeenth century English accents and vocabulary. At Blists Hill Open Air Museum in England an entire street from the early nineteenth century has been re-created and the visitor can enter commercial and industrial premises from the time of the Industrial Revolution and observe working machinery and old methods of production.
брать плату за вход, субсидии, покрывать расходы по содержанию музея, платить персоналу, финансировать исследовательские и реставрационные работы, сделать музей более привлекательным, выставлять экспонаты, музей поощряет детей посещать, ежегодный (членский) взнос, увеличивать доход, сувенирный магазин, коммерческое спонсорство, создать реалистичную окружающую обстановку, рабочие механизмы, методы производства. Ex. 53. A dilemma. A report In the early nineteenth century Sir Henry Morton made his fortune by importing tea and coffee. He used his money to build up a magnificent private art collection. Just before he died, in 1842, he put all his paintings and sculptures in a small museum which was open to the public. In his last will and testament he left money for the maintenance of the museum. According to the terms of the will, nothing in the museum must ever be sold and entrance to the museum must be free. The management committee of the museum now face a number of serious problems and cannot agree on what should be done. The museum’s income, from investments made with the money Sir Henry left, is only £100,000 a year and much more money is needed for important projects. Read the information below and decide on the best action to take. Write a report to the management committee, advising them what action to take. Give reasons for your advice. Write about 150 words. MEMO The following projects must be started as soon as funds are available. Cost New roof..................................................................................£500,000 New heating and ventilation system.........................................£500,000 Computerised security system..................................................£300,000 These are matters of extreme urgency. Several painting have been damaged by water and all of them are being badly affected by inadequate temperature control. We are fortunate that, so far, there have ..... Suggestions:
Ex. 54. Fill in the blanks with prepositions and discuss the text. Graffiti The history ...... writing and drawing ........ walls, nowadays known ......... graffiti, is much longer than most ...... us realise. People were painting ....... walls thousands ...... years ago. Although the paintings could have been done ........ religious reasons, there is also the possibility that the artists wanted to express their individuality ...... the same time. These days graffiti can be seen almost everywhere, ........ Paris Metro ........ the outside walls ....... houses ....... Northern Ireland. It is often viewed ........ the work ...... vandals, but some people actually claim that it is a form ...... art. Certainly, there have been a number.......... examples ....... graffiti which have been shown ...... art exhibitions. However, as most graffiti is not appreciated, there are continuous attempts to have it removed, which costs a great deal ..... money. ..... instance, London Underground has spent £5 million a year ...... cleaning its stations. Unfortunately the stations do not remain clean ..... very long. But recent research has led .... the development ..... a new type ....... paint. This is effective ....... the fight ........ graffiti because paint will not dry ...... it, so it is much easier to clean the walls. Ex. 55. Translate the words in brackets and then discuss the text. Why read books? Is it (стоит) reading books, since nowadays there are so many other forms of (развлечений)? Some people say that even paperback books are (дорогие), and not everyone can (взять на время) books from a library. They might (добавить) that television is more (захватывающий) and that viewers can (расслабиться) as they watch the (любимые программы). All that may be true, but books are still very (популярны). They (поощрять) the reader to use his or her (воображение) for a start. You can read a (главу) of a book, or just a few pages, and then stop. Of course, it may be so (захватывающая) that you can’t stop! There are many different kinds of books, so you can (выбрать) a crime (роман) or an autobiography, or a book which gives you interesting information. If you find it hard to (выбирать), you can read (обзоры), or ask friends for ideas. Personally, I (не могу обойтись) books, but I can (отказаться от) television easily enough. You can’t watch television at bus stops! Ex. 56. A cultural education Variations occur in the terminology used to describe people watching leisure entertainment. Those who watch soccer, rugby, cinema, television, theatre or opera are know respectively as ‘crowds’, ‘spectators’, ‘audiences’, ‘viewers’, ‘theatre-goers’ or ‘opera-buffs’. These terms form part of a spectrum of cultural snobbery. Soccer fans are traditionally working class and are called ‘crowds’, suggesting that they are amorphous. Middle-class people who watch rugby are ‘spectators’ - they are dispassionate onlookers. ‘Audiences’ are more sophisticated again because they listen. ‘Viewers’ is a euphemism which denies the passivity of the television ‘couch potato’. ‘Theatre-goer’ implies some form of dynamism and the word ‘buff’ comes from the uniform (made of buffalo hide) worn by smart regiments. a) Questions: How often do you go to see a performance of a play, a classical music concert or an opera? Are members of the audience expected to behave in a certain way? What type of behaviour might other members of the audience find annoying? b) You are going to read an article about the way people sometimes behave in the theatre or concert hall. For questions 1-7, choose which of the paragraphs A-H fit into the numbered gaps in the article. There is one extra paragraph which does not fit in any of the gaps. The trouble with modern audiences Stephen Pollard believes that many of us need to be educated in the norms of social conduct - in particular, concert etiquette. According to the reviews, the performance of Mahler’s Sixth Symphony that I went to last week was ‘transcendent’, ‘emotionally perfect’ and ‘violently good’. A friend called me the following morning and told me that it was one of the most powerful experiences of her life. 1 ___________________ Sitting in the row in front of me, you see, was the family from hell. I don’t know their names, but let’s call them the Fidget-Bottoms. Mr and Mrs Fidget-Bottom spent the entire time stroking and kissing their kids, mock conducting, stretching out their arms across the back of their seats as if they were on the sofa at home and, just for good measure, bobbing their heads up down in time with the music. 2 ____________________ I planted a well-aimed kick in the back of the seat. Nothing. A killer combination of the family’s total self-absorption, and the seat’s wooden solidity, meant that the only effect was a painful toe. So I resorted to another equally fruitless tactic; that of seething with righteous indignation. 3 ____________________ Now there is a more laisser-faire attitude, which, whilst opening up cultural institutions to millions, has its own drawbacks. Today, you come as you please, and behave as you please. It’s your right. If you want to flick through your programme, fine. If you want to use it as a fan, fine. If you want to cough, fine. 4 _____________________ But we are not at home. The very point of theatre is to be out of the house, and part of a crowd. And being part of a crowd has obligations - not shouting ‘fire’ out of mischief, for example, in a crowded room. When travelling by bus, I do not sing arias from Hendel’s Messiah. Nor do I whistle along to the music at weddings. I behave as is expected of me. 5 _____________________ As a result we have forgotten - or more truthfully, never learned -how to listen. When the St Matthew Passion was written it was heard at Easter, once every very few years. A performance was an event, an event which we had no way of even attempting to recreate. Today, we can record the performance and then listen to it in the bath. We can have its choruses playing as background music while we eat. 6 _____________________ It’s hardly surprising that we take that behaviour, and that attitude, into the concert hall with us. Mr and Mrs Fidget-Bottom, and the little Fidget-Bottoms, certainly ruined my concert last week, and I am fairly sure they are going to ruin quite a few others as they got older.
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