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Ex. 43. Answer the following questions as in the example: How do you like the suit on Peter? (fit; be made-to-measure) It fits him as if it were made-to-measure.
Ex. 44. Translate the sentences into English. 1. У него всегда такой вид, как будто он спешит куда-то. 2. Она вела себя так, как будто ей все было безразлично. 3. Дождь шел без конца, и казалось, что ему не будет конца. 4. Они мчались с такой скоростью, как будто их кто-то преследовал. 5. Он говорит об этом так, словно его открытие является обыкновенной вещью. 6. Он смотрел на нас, как будто, он был удивлен тем, что увидел нас там. 7. Она смотрела вниз со страхом, и ей казалось, что она вот-вот упадет вниз. 8. Он посмотрел на меня так, как будто до него только что дошло, что я имел в виду. 9. Она бросила последний взгляд на дом, как будто решила сюда больше не возвращаться. 10. Она молчала, как будто ей было нечего сказать по этому вопросу. The Subjunctive Mood after ‘It’s (about/high) time’ The time referred to is unreal: It’s (was) time we left. It’s high time I was going. It’s about time you learnt to drive. Ex. 45. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. 1. It’s high time you ________(take) some responsibility for your actions. 2. It’s time you ________ (light) the fire. It’s getting cold. 3. It’s time we _________ (leave) if we want to get the bus. 4. It’s time you ________ (take) better care of your health. 5. She said it was time you ________ (get) rid of this bad habit. 6. It’s time something _______ (be done) about the discipline in the office. 7. It’s about time she _______ (learn) to do without your help. 8. It was time he _______ (tell) us what he was after. 9. It’s time you _______ (stop) wasting time and _______(get) down to real work. 10. It’s time you _______ (learn) to be more particular about the way you speak. 11. I call it a waste of time. It’s high time somebody _______ (put) an end to it. Ex. 46. Paraphrase the sentences, using the Subjunctive Mood. 1. It’s time for you to stop fussing. You make everybody nervous. 2. He looked at the clock on the station building and understood it was time for him to get on the train. 3. It’s time for you to set the wedding date by now. 4. He was so much absorbed in the book that he didn’t notice it was time for him to get off the bus. 5. I think it’s time for you to get down to work. 6. It’s time for you to be more sensible. Ex. 47. Translate the sentence, using the Subjunctive Mood after ‘it’s time’. 1. Пора бы провести выставку его картин. Он очень интересный художник. 2. Пора бы прекратить этот бесполезный спор. 3. Тебе давно пора представить мне своих друзей. 4. Тебе давно пока извиниться перед ней. 5. Ему пора бы высказать свою точку зрения по этой проблему. 6. Не пора ли обсудить его предложение подробно? 7. Тебе давно пора иметь чувство ответственности. 8. Ему давно пора зарабатывать на жизнь самому. 9. Ему давно пора бросить курить. 10. Тебе пора иметь свое собственное мнение. Mixed Bag Ex. 48. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. I. I wish I ________ (have) more money. Life ________ (be) much easier if I ________ (have) some savings in the bank. If only I ________ (save) my money when I was young. At the time, although, I lived only for the moment. I wish I _______ (know) then what I know now. If I _________(be) careful, then I ________ (make) my life much easier. If only I _________(can turn) back the clock. II. Jennifer wishes she ________ (be) a vet. ‘If only I _______ (study) biology at school, maybe things _________ (turn out) differently,’ she says. However if she ________ (be) honest with herself she _________ (admit) that being a vet was never a possibility. Lots of people wish they _______ (do) something for which they are not qualified. If Jennifer _______ (be) more realistic, she _________(tell) you that in reality she’s allergic to animals. III. Many people wish they _________ (have) a job that paid as much as Harold’s, so if they ________ (hear) him complain about it the way he does, they probably ________ (not/have) much sympathy for him. ‘If only I ________ (run) my own business,’ he says, ‘I ________ (be) much happier. I wish the bank ________ (give) me a loan when I asked for one last year. If they ________ (do) it, I _________ (be able) to start up my own company there and then.’ But, as everyone knows, if you _________ (work) for yourself, you _______ (have to) work very hard indeed, and there is no guarantee of success. IV. I wish I ________ (play) a musical instrument. If I _________ (have) the choice, I ________ (be) a pianist, and play in a jazz band. If only my parents ________ (make) me take lessons when I was a child! When I asked my mother about this, she said: ‘We __________ (buy) you a piano if you _______ (ask) us, but you never mentioned it.’ How I wish I _______ (say) something! Still, I suppose if I start saving up now, I ________ (be able to) buy myself one in a couple of years. V. Dear Jenny, Sorry I didn’t answer your last letter. If I ________ (realise) how serious the situation was, I ___________ (write) to you straightaway. You obviously need my advice. I only wish I ________ (be) with you now to help you. I think it’s about time you ________ (leave) your job and ______ (start) to look for a new one. If your boss _______ (insist) on treating you unfairly, then you have very little choice. You say that you’d rather have a job you hate than no job at all, but is that really true? If you _______ (be) worried about money, don’t be. You can come home and live with your father and me for a while. I’d rather you ________ (live) nearer home anyway. Your old boss at the library says you ________ (have) you old job back if you ________(want) it. You _______ (can be) Head Librarian by now if you ________ (not/leave)! Anyway, I’ll let you know if I ________ (hear) about any other suitable jobs. Take care and let me know if you ________ (make) any decisions. Love, Mum VI. On Thursday morning at breakfast Steven said: ‘It’s high time you _______ (make up) your mind about that visit to ‘Four Winds’ this weekend. We ought to go, you know. We haven’t been at the Marshalls’ for ages, we just can’t put them off.’ ‘But, Steven,’ said Ruth ill-temperedly, ‘I can’t go. If my grey dress _______ (not/ send) to the cleaner’s I _______ (wear) it. But I can’t wear my new dress, it’s not hot enough for it yet.’ ‘Why treat it as if it ________(be) a serious problem? Why make such a fuss about nothing? At ‘Four Winds’ everyone wears just anything. What I want to know is, can you go or can’t you?’ asked Steven. ‘I can if you can. You know that.’ ‘I’m not sure yet how busy I’ll be tomorrow. I suggest that you go down tomorrow afternoon. George _________(pick) you up and ________ (drive) you down if you _______ (agree) to go tomorrow. And I _______ (turn up) in the evening, if I ________(can) get away, or on Saturday morning at the latest.’ ‘Oh, no. I wish we _______ (go) together,’ said Ruth. ‘I wish you ______ (go) ahead.’ ‘I’m not going without you,’ Ruth said firmly. ‘But for you they _________ (not /ask) me to come, anyway. They only ask me because I’m your wife. And it looks as if Marion ________ (hate) me. I wish you _______ (ring) them up yesterday and _________ (tell) them that I’m coming with you.’ Ex. 49. Translate the sentences into English. 1. Она уверена, что если бы ее в детстве приняли в балетную школу, она была бы сейчас известной балериной. 2. Если бы он соблюдал правила движения, его бы не обвинили в неосторожном управлении автомобилем. 3. Если бы не его жадность, вор никогда бы не был пойман. 4. Если бы не ее внимательность, мы бы не увидели разницу между копией и оригиналом. 5. Я убеждена, что ему бы поручили эту работу, если бы он подходил для нее. 6. Я бы не поверил, что это его подлинная подпись, если бы он не признался в этом. 7. Если бы этот дом появился на рынке (был выставлен на продажу), он бы обязательно его купил. 8. Если бы не ее настойчивость, он бы не признался, что сделал ошибку. 9. Если бы не огласка (известность), он бы не получил таких денег за свою работу. 10. Если бы только мне удалось отговорить его от занятия скалолазанием. Это очень опасный вид спорта, но он и слушать не хочет. 11. Если бы он был более настойчив, ему бы удалось внести изменения в работу отдела. 12. Если бы я был на твоем месте, я бы не стал перед ним извиняться. Он сам виноват в этом неприятном инциденте. 13. Если бы они приступили к работе на прошлой неделе, они бы уже ее закончили. 14. Если бы он не решил эту трудную задачу, ему бы поручили работу по управлению филиалом (subsidiary) в Глазго. 15. Если бы только он послушался совета родителей и пошел в университет вместо того, чтобы заняться рок-музыкой, он бы сейчас был дипломированным юристом. 16. Он смотрел на еду жадными глазами, как будто не ел несколько дней. 17. Он молчал, как будто ему было слишком трудно извиниться. 18. Хотя он ведет себя так, словно он искренне заинтересован в работе компании, я сомневаюсь в его словах. 19. Она посмотрела на него так, словно пыталась разгадать его. 20. Жаль, что он не смог решить кроссворд. Он мог бы получить приз, если бы он справился с ним. SPEECH EXERCISES Ex. 50. Topics for discussion:
a) Read the descriptions of different objects which these people found particularly beautiful at the exhibitions they visited. Say why they admired them so much. Works of art I. A few years ago I went to an exhibition of art treasures that had been lent by government of Nigeria. The exhibition was travelling to several different museums in different countries. The objects on display spanned a period of more than two thousand years, from the fifth century B.C. to the late nineteen century. They were all small sculptures, mainly in bronze and other metals, but also in terracotta and ivory. The most striking objects were bronze heads from Benin. These were life-size and represented the heads of kings. Apparently, they were used in ceremonies after the king’s death. They had been made by a guild of specialist craftsmen whose sole activity was to produce artistic objects for the king. I was struck by how lifelike they were and by the delicate modelling of the features. The heads have a serene, dignified, rather detached expression, embodying the majesty of the king. The bronze heads were all cast by pouring molten metal into moulds of clay and beeswax, and a very high degree of technical skill went into their production. A few heads are pure copper which is a particularly difficult metal to cast. II. For me the most interesting part of the exhibition was the section devoted to Japanese ceramics of the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. The pottery on display was used in the tea ceremony at that period. What impressed me very much was that the objects were, quite deliberately, asymmetrical, almost misshapen. As well as the irregular shape, they had a rough, natural, texture in earthy colours which gave them a rustic appearance. Most of them had not been made on a potter’s wheel. There was clearly no desire to have an exact, regular shape. This preference for natural and unobtrusive reflected the taste of the great tea-master Sen Rikyu (1552-1591). The tea-bowls, water vessels and vases were simple, informal, harmonious and intensely beautiful. They could not be touched, of course, but I felt that their sensuous beauty could only really be appreciated by handling them. III. Yesterday I went to an exhibition of paintings by the French Impressionist painter, Claude Monet. Because he is a very popular painter some critics dismiss his work as ‘chocolate box’ art, meaning that it is very pretty but not very serious. This exhibition certainly refuted that view. On display were several paintings of the same scene with slight but significant changes. There were a variety of themes, such as haystacks in different light and weather conditions and the bridge over the pond in the garden, but best of all, in my opinion, were his paintings of the tall and slender poplar trees that grew by the River Epte, close to his home. He painted these trees at different times of the year and there is a fascinating contrast between the shapes of the tree-trunks and the curve of the river. In these paintings, Monet is clearly a forerunner of the abstract movement that dominated early twentieth century art.
художественные сокровища; предметы на выставке; ремесленники; в натуральную величину; неправильной формы; отражать вкус; сосуды для воды; оценить; опровергнуть этот взгляд; небольшие, но важные изменения, разнообразие тем; предшественник Ex. 51. Read the texts and give your opinion on this kind of art. I. Can some art be ‘rubbish’ and some rubbish be ‘art’? Most of us throw it away but if you’re an artist maybe you don’t. A few weeks ago I woke up to find that our town had acquired a new sculpture. Surprisingly, it wasn’t in the town’s art gallery. It was in the main street - on the pavement, to be precise. No one knows what it is exactly. This is partly because no one can see it very well. The sculpture stands on yellow scaffolding above everyone’s heads and looks as if it might be four horses, made out of old tin cans and plastic bottles! Everyone in the town’s talking about it but opinion is divided. Some people think it’s ‘interesting’, while others say it’s ‘an eyesore’. Most young people think it’s ‘fun’, although one or two think it must be a joke. Several people have even written to the local paper to complain that it’s an obstruction. But the question no one can answer is: is it art? II. Pop Art absurdists On Tuesday, a large painting by Jasper Johns, the 57-year-old Pop Art absurdist, sold at Christie’s, New York, for £2.2 million. This was an auction record for the work of a living artist, according to my friend Geraldine Norman. I suppose it is the pressure of the great American foundations which keeps this particular pantomime on the road. They have spent so much money on the same sort of rubbish already that they have to go on buying it or their previous investment in ‘modern art’ will be seen to be worthless. But then I read of an enterprising Austrian who has offered Mick Jagger a vast sum of money for his ashes, hoping to sell them eventually in hour-glasses for many hundreds of thousands of pounds each. A spokesman for Jagger was quoted as saying ‘It’s going to be a heavy thing for Mick to figure out and give an answer.’ Even if it is in death, what’s he going to value more - his body or his money? Few of us, I imagine, would be prepared to pay 50p for the whole collection of Rolling Bones. But the fact that money is available for this sort of nonsense might make us revise Marx’s theory of Surplus Value. Technological capitalism produces so much more wealth than there are useful things to spend it on that we have to spend it on rubbish. (The Sunday Telegraph) Notes:
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