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1. спорить to argue with smb over/about smth спорить с кем-л. о чём-л.2. аргументировать to argue against/in favour of smth приводить доводы против/в пользу чего-л.3. убеждать to argue into smth/doing smth убедить в чём-л. he argued me into accepting his proposal он убедил меня принять его предложение; to argue out of smth/doing smth разубедить в чём-л.4. утверждать, доказывать to argue that smth isn’t true отрицать правильность или справедливость чего-л.
Word combinationsbe identical in looks and manners – быть похожим внешне и манерой поведения consent to smth – соглашаться на что-то do the killing – убить кого-либо get famous for – прославиться благодаря чему-то, стать известным Focus on Word Building
ir-, un-, il- + adjective makes a negative adj. Pattern: legal-illegal verb + -able makes an adjective Pattern: adore-adorable Regular, frequented, accept, friendly, finished, fit, favourable, natural, like, agree, understand, eat, drink, logical, legitimate, real, advise, argue, common, clear, usual, conscious, necessary.
Забраться под одеяло; плеснуть в лицо холодной водой; мягкие игрушки; носить одинаковую причёску; одеваться одинаково; активно начинать утро; быть общепринятым; быть завсегдатаем; обсуждать вопросы государственной политики; кафе для служащих (“белых воротничков”); идти в контору для решения разных проблем; разъяснять постановление суда и другие юридические тонкости; намазывать джем на тост; сильно удивиться (поразиться), душа ушла в пятки, перегружать желудок, весело болтать об искусстве, слюнки потекли.
Once up, Jake did not permit himself to crawl back under the covers. Once his food was properly prepared, he tasted the coffee and started eating. 1. Если уж у Джейка было правило не опаздывать на работу, то ничто не могло заставить его изменить этот установленный порядок вещей. 2. Стоило только этому опытному адвокату объяснить некоторые тонкости начинающим юристам, и они уже чувствовали себя гораздо увереннее. 3. Раз уж он сдержал обещание и появился у здания суда в назначенное время, вам не о чём беспокоиться, он не подведёт. 4. Стоило ему за обедом завести разговор о политике, и его старший сын присоединялся к обсуждению наиболее важных проблем. 5. Стоило ему дать бесплатный юридический совет одному из завсегдатаев кафе, и уже все остальные непременно хотели воспользоваться этой ситуацией. 6. Раз уж он неукоснительно соблюдал законы, то никакие гонорары, предложенные его клиентами, не могли заставить его нарушить эти законы ради решения их проблем. 7. Раз уж он согласился на интервью до предварительного слушания дела, то значит, он знает, что делает. 8. Уж если он назначил встречу, то вам ничего не остаётся, как прийти и рассказать ему всё, что знаете. 9. Раз обвиняемый признал себя виновным, то нет необходимости продолжать допрашивать свидетелей. 10. Стоило ему признаться, что он совершил это убийство, и все остальные преступления были “повешены” на него тоже.
1. Mrs. Grange reached over for a tin of cigarettes and... 2. Suddenly she looked out, for... 3. Strangers seldom came and... 4. He performed his duty, came home, bathed and changed, and now... 5. He read as... 6. When Grange finished he filled his pipe and lit it, rose from the table and… a) ... the house-boy came up the steps and accompanied by two men went up to her husband. b) ... she could not imagine what they wanted. c) ... smoked while she sipped her tea. d) ... went out on to the veranda. e) ... with his wife opposite him he was eating the substantial meal. f) ... he ate.
To silence the clock, to come to the sink, to splash cold water on one's face, to crawl back under the covers, to take a quick shower, to shave, to make/taste coffee, to have a regular breakfast of ... , to release one's dog into the yard, to discuss something during breakfast, to kiss somebody lightly on the cheek, to kiss goodbye, to walk to the driveway, to make one's entrance to, to be a regular at, to park a car, to frequent a coffee shop, to make an appointment, to greet everybody, to shake hands, to slap backs, to say smart things to somebody.
Miss Roda (заказала) her breakfast. Tea, poached eggs, (свежие булочки). So adept was the chambermaid that she did not even mention cereals or orange juice. Five minutes later breakfast came. A (удобный поднос) with a big pot-bellied teapot, creamy-looking milk, (серебряный кувшин горячей воды). Two beautifully poached eggs on toast, poached the proper way, not little round hard bullets shaped in tin cups, a good-sized round of butter stamped with (чертополох). Marmalade, honey, and (клубничный джем). Delicious-looking rolls, not the hard kind with papery interiors — they smelled of fresh bread, (самый вкусный запах в мире!). There were also an apple, a pear, and a banana. Miss Roda inserted a knife gingerly but (с уверенностью). She was not (разочарована). Rich deep yellow (желток) oozed out, thick and creamy. Proper eggs! Everything piping hot. A real breakfast. She could have (приготовила) it herself but she hadn't had to! It was brought to her as if — no, not as though she were a queen — as though she were a middle-aged lady staying in a good (дорогой отель). She expressed appreciation to the chambermaid who replied smiling, "Oh, yes, madam, the chef is (особенно разборчив) about his breakfasts."
I was glad, too, because it was the first evening and we had only been _____ a little while and the showing _____ the pictures had taken time, when Maxim, looking _____ the clock, said it was too late to change _____ dinner, so that I was spared the embarrassment _____ Alice, the maid, asking what I should wear, and _____ her helping me to dress, and myself walking _____ that long flight _____ stairs _____ the hall, cold, with bare shoulders, _____а dress that Mrs Van Hopper had given me because it did not suit her daughter. I had dreaded the formality _____ dinner in that austere dining-room, and now, _____ _____ the little fact that we had not changed, it was quite all right, quite easy, just the same as when we had dined together _____ restaurants. I was comfortable in my stockinette dress, I laughed and talked _____ things we had seen in Italy and France, we even had the snapshots _____ the table, and Frith and the footman were impersonal people, as the waiters had been; they did not stare _____ me as Mrs Danvers had done. We sat _____ the library _____ dinner, and presently the curtains were drawn, and more logs thrown _____ the fire; it was cool _____ May, I was thankful _____ the warmth that came _____ the steady burning logs. It was new _____ us to sit together like this, after dinner, for in Italy we had wandered _____, walked or driven, gone _____ little cafes, leant ____ bridges. Maxim made instinctively now _____ the chair _____ the left _____ the open fireplace, and stretched _____ his hand _____ the papers. He settled one of the broad cushions _____ his head, and lit a cigarette. “This is his routine.” I thought, 'this is what he always does: this has been his custom now _____ years.' He did not look at me, he went _____ reading his paper, contented, comfortable, having assumed his way _____ living, the master _____ his house. And as I sat there, brooding, my chin _____ my hands, fondling the soft ears _____ one _____ the spaniels, it came _____ me that I was not the first one to lounge there _____ possession _____ the chair, someone had been before me, and surely left an imprint of her person __ the cushions, and _____ the arm where her hand had rested. Another one had poured the coffee _____ that same silver coffee pot, had placed the cup _____ her lips, had bent _____ _____ the dog, even as I was doing. Unconsciously, I shivered as though someone had opened the door _____ me and let a draught _____ the room. I was sitting in Rebecca's chair, I was leaning _____ Rebecca's cushion, and the dog had come _____ me and laid his head _____ my knee because that had been his custom, and he remembered, in the past, she had given sugar _____ him there.
Frequent v; accept (3); adore (2); agree (2); advice, advise; argue (2); legal; enter (2); promise v, n (3); regular adj, n; rule n, v (2); silence (3), silent; surround (2); wear A 1. The bar was ______ by actors from the nearby theatre. 2. The blacks ______ him because he was Ozzie, one of their own. 3. The child was covered with wet towels and ______ by crying relations. 4. It was difficult to ______ Lucien's craziness. 5. That was one of the great qualities of Anna-Luise: she never went back to a quarrel or back on an ______ decision. 6. He made me ______ not to say a word till Tim's return. 7. Ordinarily, she was apt to fall into ______ but during this time she talked more than I had ever heard her talk before. 8. "Give it up", Anna-Luise ______ me. " You don't owe him anything. 9. I pulled up a chair and ______ fell. 10. Mr A. Jones has pleasure in ______ Dr. Fisher's kind invitation. 11. Their clients were insurance companies who generally preferred not to go to trial and would pay by the hour for ______ maneuvering designed to keep the cases away from the juries. 12. I've ______ with him till I was blue in the face. 13. He was a nice-looking boy, with his mother's ______ features and dark hair. 14. Cold porridge hadn’t ______ with him. 15. I added the ______ that two of us would soon be taking a snack there when lunchtime came. B 1. Dr. Fisher ______ them all as a man might ______ a donkey with a whip in one hand and a carrot in the other. 2. "Another time", she said, and the words were like the ______ of meeting at least once again. 3. Perhaps it was to change the subject that she then referred directly to my plastic hand over which I always ______ a glove to hide the ugliness. 4. The cafe was instantly ______ as everyone looked at the lawyer. 5. Carl Lee stood at the foot of the bed, subdued, motionless, unable to do anything but stare blankly at the small figure ______ by machines, tubes, and nurses. 6. One of the men we had paid the day before got up from his chair as we ______. 7. I loved her so much. I was willing to bear anything. I ______ her. 8. “How absurd we are”, Anna-Luise _____, “what on earth can he do to us?” 9. Along with the preaching he also freely dispensed. _____ on Jane's cases. 10. He detected a certain coolness among some of the______. He ate quickly and left. 11. Without hesitation Looney ______ the apology. 12. She was leaving him by ______ a region into which he couldn’t follow her. 13. Within a minute or two to my wonder they were all eating in ______ and with a grim intensity. 14. But death, I was to argue later, annuls ______. 15. I’m not sure it’s quite in accordance with my ______ but I’ll let it pass. |
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