Учебное пособие по английскому языку часть I для I курса
Focus on Word Building
house – to house
dock – to dock
harbor – to harbor
speed – to speed
e.g. Brooklyn
housesmore than 3.000.000 people.
Most of New York’s ocean shipping
docksin Brooklyn.
One-way streets
speedtraffic east and west.
I. Answer the following questions.
Why is New York called a city of immigrants?
Where is NY situated?
How many boroughs does the city consist of?
What is Manhattan? How big is it?
Into what parts is Manhattan divided?
What is Midtown famous for?
What stores are situated in Fifth Avenue?
What is situated in Wall Street?
Where do the citizens spend their free time?
10.What is the characteristic feature of the Bronx?
11.What is so specific about Brooklyn?
12.How do the Americans try to avoid traffic jams?
II. Find in the text the English for the following:
Привлекать людей со всего мира; наблюдать за людьми; устье реки; занимать площадь; центр рекламы; ведущий текстильный центр; главное местонахождение; знаменитые небоскребы; частный развлекательный центр; среди самых дорогих; фондовая биржа; отделение национального банка; ценные бумаги; цена земли; море бетона; состоятельные горожане; промышленный район; судостроительный центр; одностороннее движение.
III. The words below are names of parts of the body. Complete the sentences by one of the words and translate them into Russian.
Body, mouth, foot, heart, ear, hand, face, head, eye
1. We decided to put up the tent at the ______ of the hill. 2. The ______ of New York is Manhattan. 3. You should enroll your daughter in a music class. She has a good ______ for music. 4. He is a very famous artist. He has a perfect ______ for colour. 5. I am looking for a watch with a round ______ and three ______. 6. Prime minister is the ______ of the government whereas president is the ______ of the country. 7. A legislative ______ is a group of specialists who make laws. 8. London is situated in the ______ of the Thames. 9. At present the ______ of the clock show twenty minutes past five.
IV. Study the following phrases. Use them in sentences of your own.
At the mouth of; observe the people; the life of the nation; consist of; the smallest of the five; have a population of; be situated in; at the entrance to; district of piers; be famous for; in the world; market for luxuries; leading center of the country; a big modern city; a one-way street; be divided into; be great for smth; major exception; heavy traffic; broad avenues.
V. Insert prepositions or adverbs, translate and retell the text.
______ ten o’clock ______ a Sunday morning we ______ last arrived ______ New York. When we got ______ the street car ______ Times Square, it was somewhat of a disappointment. Newspapers were scattered ______ the road and pavement, and Broadway looked seedy like an untidy woman just ______ ______ bed.
… That first day I felt quite inadequate. It was an ordeal ______ me to go ______ a restaurant and order something because ______ my English accent, and the fact that I spoke slowly. They spoke ______ a rapid, clipped way and I felt uncomfortable ______ fear I might stutter and waste their time. I was alien ______ this quick tempo.
… But New York was essentially a place ______ big business. The tall skyscrapers seemed ruthlessly arrogant and to care little ______ the convenience ______ ordinary people; even the saloon bars had no place ______ the customers to sit, only a long brass rail to rest a foot ______, and the popular eating places, though clean and done in white marble, looked cold and clinical.
That first day ______ the Avenue many looked as I felt, lone and isolated; others swaggered along as though they owned the place. The behaviour ______ many people seemed dour and metallic as if to be agreeable or polite would prove a weakness. But ______ the evening as I walked ______ Broadway ______ the crowd dressed ______ their summer clothes, I became reassured. We had left England ______ the middle ______ a bitter cold September and arrived ______ New York ______ an Indian summer with a temperature______ eighty degrees; and as I walked ______ Broadway it began to light up ______ myriads of coloured electric bulbs and sparkled like a brilliant jewel. And ______ the warm night my attitude changed and the meaning ______ America came ______ me: the tall skyscrapers, the brilliant lights the thrilling display ______ advertisements gave me hope and a sense ______ adventure. “That is it!” I said to myself. “That is where I belong!”
(From Charles Chaplin’s recollections)
VI. Insert it or there according to the sense.
1. At Christmas I often get presents but ______ is one present I always like to get. 2. ______ doesn’t matter what kind of book ______ is. 3. ______ can be a story book, a book of poems or a book of plays. 4. ______ is a very good bookshop in the street where I live. 5. Camford is a very small town; ______ is only one hotel ______. 6. ______ were so many beautiful things to see that I hardly knew what to start with. 7. Oxford is not only beauty in stone, ______ is history in stone. 8. ______ is all these contrasts in Oxford that make the place so fascinating. 9. Prince Edward Island is the smallest province in Canada, both in territory and population. In fact, ______ is like one large, well-kept farm. ______ is no place more than a few miles from the coast. ______ is a very quiet place. ______ is almost like being in another world. ______ is fresh and clear. ______ is a nice place for having a rest.
VII. Study the instances of conversion and make up sentences of your own with them:
house – to house
work – to work
bottle – to bottle
play – to play
film – to film
panic – to panic
gray – to gray
elbow – to elbow
VIII. Translate the sentences into English using other, some other, others, another.
Study the table
1. счет; расход at public expense; at my expense за мой счет; spare no expense не считаться с расходами; phr. at the expense of one's health за счет своего здоровья; laugh at smb’s expense смеяться над кем-то
2. pl. расходы, издержки travelling expenses; legal expenses судебные издержки
branch n
ветвь, ветка; ответвление a branch of a tree; отделение, филиал a branch of a bank; отрасль a brunch of industry; a branch of the Tudor family ветвь династии Тюдоров
branch v
разветвляться the road branches here; fig. he has branched out on his own он отделился, у него свое дело
value n
ценность; стоимость it is a painting of great value; his advice was of no value; the insurance paid us the full value of the car; phr. to take smth at face value принимать что-либо за чистую монету don’t take his words at face value; phr. a scale of values шкала ценностей
value v
valuable adj
оценивать he valued the house at 1.000 pounds; ценить I value your attitude to me
ценный; ant. valueless
cross v
1. переходить, переезжать; переплывать cross the road; cross a bridge; cross the Atlantic
2. скрестить ноги, руки cross one’s legs (arms); перекреститься cross oneself; prh. I’ll keep my fingers crossed! Ни пуха ни пера!
3. на перекрестке двух дорог where the two roads cross
cross n
cross adj
крест he was given a gold cross
сердитый I was cross with her for losing her gloves; syn. angry
house v
обеспечить жильем; разместить в доме; приютить after the war hundreds of homeless families had to be housed; this block of flats can house 250 families; I can house you for a night
house n
1. дом; особняк a detached house; многоквартирный дом an apartment house; phr. they get on like a house on fire они прекрасно ладят
2. палата лордов/общин the House of Lords/of Commons; династия Романовых the house of Romanov; phr. “Full House” «Все билеты проданы»; this round is on the house угощение за счет заведения

a nother
different Show me another pair of shoes, please.
additional I’d like another piece of cake, it is so
Note the combinations:
another three days = three more days
e.g. I’ll stay here for another three days, the sea is perfect.
another few people = few more people
e.g. Join us, there is enough room for another few people here.
1. Я остаюсь здесь еще на пару недель. Мне здесь очень нравится. 2. Я думаю, тебе следует взять еще одну пару обуви на случай, если погода испортится. 3. В чемодане много места. Ты можешь положить туда еще один костюм и сорочку. 4. Когда мы были в Англии, мы посетили Лондон, Оксфорд, Ковентри и другие города. 5. Пожалуйста, дайте мне другую книгу Б. Акунина, эту я читала в прошлом году. 6. Покажите мне еще несколько чашек, чтобы я мог выбрать самую красивую. 7. Если вы хотите, я спою вам еще одну итальянскую песню. 8. Какой еще праздник вы отмечаете в вашей семье? 9. Можно мне еще чашечку кофе? 10. Какие еще книги Дэна Брауна вы читали в прошлом месяце? 11. Принесите, пожалуйста, другой чемодан. Этот слишком большой. 12. Еще кусочек торта? Нет, спасибо. 13. На вечеринке у Анны были Том, Салли, Кен и многие другие. 14. Какие еще места вы бы хотели посетить? 15. У Саманты две дочери: одной 10 лет, а другой 15. 16. Покажите мне другой галстук, этот не подходит к моему костюму. 17. Еще две пинты пива, пожалуйста. 18. Какие еще знаменитые люди живут в этой части города?
IX. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word. Translate the sentences into Russian.
Attract (2); attractive; modern; fashion; cross (v, n), observant; branch (2); value; valuable (2); cover (2); famous; expense; expensive; observe; seat (v); house (v); leader.
1. At three o’clock miss Marlowe returned and discovered that a ______ diamond ring was missing. 2. Charles was a manager of one of the largest corporations in the world and worked in the Paris ______ of the firm. 3. He is a very ______ person, nothing escapes his attention. 4. St. Petersburg is ______ for its palaces built by Russian tzars. 5. Sykes and Oliver entered the house under______ of night. 6. In our family we try to ______ some traditions of our country. 7. I think it is better to ______ the children at a separate table to avoid much noise. 8. Political ______ of many European countries speak against the US policy. 9. Long skirts and white blouses with frills are no longer in ______. 10. He knew Lois Bellamy and was aware what a ______ collection of paintings and jewellery she owned. 11. Rosemary considered herself a kindhearted person and decided to ______ the girl for sometime. 12. My friends criticize me for buying ______ clothes. But such clothes wear long and well. 13. “Gone with the Wind” is my favourite book. I read it twice from ______ to ______. 14. She was aware that she was neither ______ nor clever, that she was a plain woman and there was nothing in her except her name. 15. As time went on he was given more and more responsibility reorganizing and coordinating the different ______ of the firm. 16. He tore open the envelope and counted the money. “I ______ myself at much higher price than twenty thousand marks”. 17. The new building of the circus in Moscow is an interesting example of ______ architecture. 18. The accident took place where the two streets ______. 19. Everything he has achieved was at ______ of his health and time. 20. When he was baptized his godfather gave him a gold ______. 21. She moved from room to room, mixing with the crowds trying to avoid ______ attention to herself. 22. Such clubs always ______ beautiful young women and older gentlemen with money.
X. Test translation.
Москва – столица Российской Федерации. Это очень большой город с населением около 10 миллионов человек.
Москва состоит из нескольких округов: центральный, юго-западный, западный, восточный, северо-восточный и т.д.
Центральная часть города это – Красная площадь, Кремль, Тверская улица по обеим сторонам которой расположены многолюдные магазины, дорогие рестораны и гостиницы.
На пересечении Тверской улицы и Гоголевского бульвара находится современный кинотеатр «Россия», а перед ним памятник А.С. Пушкину.
В течении многих лет эта часть города считалась жилым районом, но постепенно она превращается в деловую часть. Многие люди переезжают в другие, более спокойные районы, подальше от шума и перегруженного движения.
Районы, которые находятся подальше от центра, являются одновременно и жилыми и промышленными.
Наш институт расположен на Юго-Западе. Этот район знаменит своими парками, садами и чистым воздухом. Здесь много новых многоэтажных домов. Но в Москве нет таких небоскребов как в Нью-Йорке, хотя очень много высотных зданий.
Москва является культурным центром России. Здесь много театров, кинотеатров, музеев, картинных галерей и выставочных залов.
Москва также является и образовательным центром, здесь много разнообразных институтов и университетов.
XI. Render the text into English.
Посещение Кэмбриджа было для меня необычным испытанием. Здесь, более чем где либо, я почувствовал одновременно прошлое, настоящее и даже будущее.
Насколько я знаю, история Кэмбриджа начинается в 1209 году, когда несколько сот студентов и ученых прибыли в маленький город Кэмбридж, прошагав 60 миль из Оксфорда. Эти студенты обучались в известных школах Оксфорда. Но жизнь в Оксфорде для них была очень трудной из-за постоянных конфликтов между горожанами и студентами.
Однажды какой-то студент случайно убил горожанина. Мэр города арестовал троих студентов, обвинил их и приговорил их к смерти. В знак протеста все студенты разъехались кто куда, некоторые пришли в Кэмбридж, и вот так начался новый университет.
Университет состоит из 19 колледжей, включая два женских, которые были построены в конце XIX века. Студентки не принимают активное участие в жизни университета, однако они работают усерднее чем мужчины и их редко можно видеть вне аудиторий.
Все колледжи построены по общему плану. В каждом есть часовня, библиотека, столовая и помещения, где живут студенты.
Focus on Speech and Composition
XII. Discuss the following, giving your arguments for or against.
You prefer to live in a big town. Your friend is of a different opinion, he prefers to live in a small, provincial town.
A big industrial city is a dangerous place to live.
Talking points
Places of interest in Moscow.
Describe the centre of Moscow.
Speak of the places you have visited (in Russia and abroad)
Describe your home town.
Describe a busy street, a shopping centre.
XIV. Illustrate the proverbs:
East or West home is best.
Rome was not built in a day.
Focus on Grammar. Simple Tense Forms.
Study the following
Table 1
There is
There is
There are
There were
There will be
There is/was
a (some)
a lot of
car in the yard.
table and four chairs in the room
people in the streets in cold weather.
flowers in our garden last spring.
snow in the forest.
time left.
milk in the jar.
meat in the fridge.
I. Use the correct form of the verb “to be”.
1. There ____ a big department store and two supermarkets in our district. 2. There ____ many students at the lecture yesterday. 3. If the weather forecast is true there ____ much snow this winter. 4. There ____ few vacant seats at the theatre, when this play is staged. 5. Because of the heavy snowfall there ____ no cars in the streets. 6. ____ there any chance to see him tomorrow? 7. There ____ no news about the accident in the newspapers. 8. Last autumn there ____ no rains in this region. 9. ____ there any ice-cream in the bowl? 10. Our street was rather noisy when there ____ much traffic there. 11. It is top secret so there ____ no information about it. 12. ____ there any money to buy some food?
II. Replace the Russian words by their English equivalents.
1. Do you have (сколько-нибудь) friends in London? 2. Take (любую) book you like. 3. I’m sorry but we don’t have (много) time to discuss this question now. 4. He likes (мало) sugar in his coffee. 5. There is (немного) cheese on the table. 6. You won’t get (много) useful advice from him, he knows (мало) about that disease. 7. I have (немного) money, let’s go to the cinema. 8. She has (немного) books on this subject. 9. (Мало) students attend his lectures. 10. Ha has (много) time, he can help you. 11. I must hurry I have (много) work to do. 12. In winter there are (мало) sunny days.
III. Translate the following sentences using much, many, few, a few, little, a little.
1. Моя сестра любит много гулять в хорошую погоду. 2. Многие студенты нашего института изучают два иностранных языка. 3. На занятиях мы много читаем, но мало пишем. 4. Мало людей соблюдают правила дорожного движения. 5. Он говорит, что прочел несколько толстых английских книг от корки до корки. 6. Том работает много, но получает мало денег. 7. На занятиях он сидит тихо и задает мало вопросов. 8. Любому студенту надо много работать. 9. У нас новые соседи, но мы мало что знаем о них. 10. Вы слишком много смотрите телевизор, поэтому у вас мало времени читать английские книги. 11. Я слишком мало знаю его, чтобы спросить его об этом. 12. Немногие из наших студентов живут близко от института. 13. У меня есть несколько идей как помочь Анне. 14. Немного меда в чае поможет тебе избавиться от кашля. 15. Не трать слишком много денег на одежду, мода быстро меняется. 16. Она пьет слишком много воды, но мало ест. 17. Я немного опоздала, потому что в магазине было слишком много народу. 18. Пожалуйста, говорите чуть помедленнее, я не успеваю записывать. 19. В нашей группе мало хороших спортсменов, но много спортивных болельщиков. 20. Она задала мне несколько вопросов о моей поездке в Лондон.
IV. Express the opposite idea.
There is only one bridge across the Moskva river.
There are few classrooms at our University.
You can find no government offices in the centre of Moscow.
I have no time to read novels.
There is little snow in Moscow in winter.
I can’t drink this tea, there is much sugar in it.
Tom has no idea how to solve this problem.
There are few new buildings in Moscow.
There is little traffic in our street.
Very few boys like to play football.
V. Ask questions to the words in italics.
There is a new metro station near my house.
There were some fashionable dresses in the shop window.
There is much useful information in that article.
There will be more questions than answers.
There were three books and a dictionary on the table.
There are a lot of mistakes in your test.
There will be a nice park in the place of this old house.
There is some modern furniture in their new flat.
There were some interesting ideas in that report.
10.There will be some
new films on next week.
VI. Translate the sentences into English using the construction there is/are in the required tense form.
1. На центральных улицах нашего города много магазинов, кафе и ресторанов. 2. В Нью-Йорке много мостов через реку Гудзон. 3. В мире очень много городов, где нет метро. 4. В будущем году в нашем районе будет две новых станции метро. 5. Что лежит в той коробке? 6. В Сити нет жилых домов, но там расположено много банков и офисов. 7. Сколько упражнений в этом уроке? 8. В Нью-Йорке много театров и кинотеатров. Большинство из них находятся на Бродвее. 9. Cколько домов было на этой улице, когда вы переехали сюда жить? 10. В нашей аудитории не было часов в прошлом году, но сейчас там есть большие, хорошие часы. 11. Сколько студентов будет на собрании в следующий понедельник? 12. В этой библиотеке есть читальный зал? 13. В этом году в нашем саду будет очень много фруктов. 14. В газетах было много информации об этом происшествии. 15. После его доклада не было никаких вопросов. 16. В новой квартире будет много мебели. 17. - Почему твой портфель такой тяжелый? - В нем словарь, учебник и несколько тетрадей. 18. Будут ли проблемы с билетами? 19. Не было времени спорить. 20. Была ли надежда найти автомобиль?
Reported Speech
(Requests, Warnings, Instructions and Prohibition in Reported Speech)
Study the following
Table 2
Direct Speech
Reported Speech
The teacher says/said to the students: “Be ready to write a test”.
“Don’t ask such silly questions”, mother said to me.
The teacher tells /told the students to be ready to write a test.
Mother advised me not to ask such silly questions.
Remember the following
Direct speech
Reported speech
…. ago
that day
the day before
the next day
… before
VII. Use Reported Speech
“Please don’t mention it to anybody”, Nelly said to her friend.
“Bring me another cup of black coffee”, she said to the waiter.
“Take these letters to your boss”, he said to the secretary.
The teacher said to his pupils: “Don’t make noise, while I’m away.”
“Take my luggage upstairs”, he said to the porter.
“Don’t cross the street while the light is red”, Mother said to her son.
“Please help me to translate this text”, Nick said to his sister.
The doctor said to his patient: “Stay in bed for some days and drink hot milk”.
“Don’t forget to clean your teeth before going to bed”, said mother to her little son.
“Leave the documents with the secretary”, said the dean to the student.
Adjectives. Degrees of Comparison
Study the following
Table 3
more interesting
more difficult
most interesting
most difficult
VIII. Translate the sentences into English using the following patterns.
the more…. the …..better – чем…. тем
the same …. as – такой же …. как
twice as …. as – вдвое больше
three times as …. as – втрое больше
half my age – в два раза моложе
half the size – в два раза меньше
1. Чем дольше я живу в этом городе, тем больше он мне нравится. 2. Автомобили двигаются быстрее чем автобусы и трамваи, но в час пик самый быстрый транспорт – это метро. 3. Когда он умер, его старшей дочери было всего 12 лет. 4. Эти новые автобусы могут перевозить в два раза больше людей, чем старые. 5. Я не успел купить подарок для Джейн. - Не переживай, давай пойдем в ближайший магазин и выберем что-нибудь. 6. Москва вдвое больше Петербурга, но вдвое меньше, чем Мехико-сити. 7. Это самая древняя книга в нашей библиотеке. 8. Сэм в два раза моложе Тома, но он гораздо выше и сильнее, чем Том. 9. Время – самый лучший советчик. Чем дольше думаешь, тем меньше совершаешь ошибок. 10. Его здоровье становилось все хуже и хуже, и мы поняли, что чем раньше мы увезем его к морю, тем лучше. 11. Во Франции построили самый длинный и самый легкий мост в мире. 12. Чем выше горы, тем ближе звезды. 13. Эта квартира в два раза меньше той, что мы видели вчера, но стоит она столько же, как и та. 14. Погода сегодня такая же жаркая как и вчера, но чувствую я себя гораздо лучше. 15. Боюсь, что любые дальнейшие действия ни к чему не приведут. 16. Чем дольше он ждал, тем больше нервничал. 17. Я работаю в два раза больше Тома, но получаю вдвое меньше, чем он. 18. Это самое трудное упражнение во всем учебнике. 19. Чем меньше людей узнают об этом, тем лучше. 20. Моя младшая сестра вдвое моложе меня. 21. Японские машины вдвое дешевле европейских.
Trouble Spot
IX. Choose the right word
“Z” is the ____ letter of the alphabet.
– How do you like Woody Allen’s ____ film? – It’s much better than his ____ one.
– Is it your ____ word?
My friend has got all the ____ pop records.
Have you heard the ____ news about the accident?
farther – дальше
further – дальнейший, дополнительный
Let’s hope there will be no ____ problems.
I think there is a cinema ____ down the street.
If you need _____ information on the subject, go to the library.
Aberdeen is ____ away from London than Edinburgh.
Are you sure you won’t need any ____ help?
I have nothing ____ to say.
nearest – ближайший
next – следующий
After the accident an ambulance took the girl to the ___ hospital.
Where do you plan to spend the ____ few days?
Do we have to change at the ___ bus stop?
Excuse me where is the ___ bank?
The ___ bank is in the ____ street on the left.
This is a very lonely place. The ____ neighbours live a mile away.
The Article
X. Fill in the blanks with articles where necessary.
Mrs. Foster lives with her husband in New York City, but her daughter lives in France. Today Mrs. Foster is going to fly to Paris.
“____ plane leaves at 11”, she told her husband. “But I must be at ___ airport ____ hour in advance to check in for ____ flight. Has ____ car come?”
“Yes, it is waiting. ___ driver is going to put ___ luggage in”, Mr. Foster said.
____ few minutes later Mr. And Mrs. Foster went out and got into ___ car. At ____ airport Mrs. Foster went to ____ information desk:
“Is ___ plane to Paris leaving on time?”
“No”, clerk said. “There is ___ delay as it is foggy. But please don’t leave ____ airport. ___ weather can clear any moment.”
When Mrs. Foster heard ____ news she went to ___ departure lounge. Only at 6 in ___ evening she heard ____ announcement:
“____ flight 205 to Paris will leave at 11 o’clock tomorrow.”
Mrs. Foster was very tired, but she didn’t want to leave ___ airport and go home.
Text: “A Time to Kill” by John Grisham
Grammar: Simple Tenses (Present, Past, Future)
Lead-in: Before reading the text answer the following questions:
Which meal do you think is the most “British”/“American”?
How often do you eat at the table with your parents?
How different is British food from food in your country?
Do you think eating habits in your country/Britain/America are healthy?
Which meal would you like to eat most? Least?
Why do an increasing number of people eat convenience food in the evenings?
Do you think your daily routine influences your eating habits?
Who shops for food in your family? How often do they go shopping?
What time do you think people start working in Britain/the USA?
How often do you do such activities as aerobics, going to the movies, reading, cycling, walking, cooking, dancing, shopping? Which other activities do you do in your free time?
A Time to Kill
(an Excerpt)
The clock sat on the windowsill so that Jake had to move around a bit before it was silenced. Once up, he never crawled back under the covers. It was one of his rules.
Jake went to the bathroom, stepped to the sink and splashed cold water on his face and hair. He took quick showers, and he shaved and dressed quickly. He had to be at the Coffee Shop at 6:00 a.m. another rule.
Down the hall he quietly opened Hanna’s door and knelt beside her. She was four, the only child, and there would be no others. She lay in bed surrounded by dolls and stuffed animals. He kissed her lightly on the cheek. She was as beautiful as her mother, and the two were identical in looks and manners. They had large bluish-gray eyes that could cry instantly, if necessary. They wore their dark hair the same way, had it cut by the same person at the same time. They even dressed alike.
Jake adored the two women in his life. He kissed the second one goodbye and went to the kitchen to make coffee.
Few people attacked the morning like Jake Brigance. He walked to the driveway and got the morning papers. It was dark, clear, and cool with the promise of summer rapidly approaching.
Clanton had three coffee shops- two for the whites and one for the blacks, and all three were on the square. It was not illegal or uncommon for whites to eat at Claude’s, the black café on the west side. Jake ate barbecue every Friday at Claude’s, as did most of the white liberals in Clanton. But six mornings a week he was a regular at the Coffee Shop.
He parked the Saab in front of his office on Washington Street and walked three doors to the Coffee Shop. It had opened an hour earlier. This was no white-collar café. The white collars gathered across the square at the Tea Shop later in the morning and discussed national politics, tennis, golf, and the stock market. At the Coffee Shop they talked about local politics, football, and fishing. Jake was one of the few white collars allowed to frequent the Coffee Shop. He was liked and accepted by the blue collars, most of whom at one time or another had found their way to his office for a will, a deed, a divorce, a defense, or any one of a thousand other problems. They asked him to explain Supreme Court rulings and other legal oddities during breakfast, and he gave a lot of free legal advice at the Coffee Shop. They appreciated that. They didn’t always agree with him, but they always got honest answers. They argued at times, but there were never hard feelings.
He made his entrance at six, and it took five minutes to greet everyone, shake hands, slap backs, and say smart things to the waitresses. By the time he sat at his table his favorite girl, Dell, had his coffee and regular breakfast of toast, jelly, and grits. He splashed three drops of Tabasco on his grits and stirred them artfully with a slice of butter. He covered the toast with a half inch of homemade strawberry jelly. Once his food was properly prepared, he tasted the coffee and started eating.
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