Изучите логико-семантическую структуру темы (ЛССТ) PROGRAMMING SOFTWARE и скажите, с помощью каких ведущих ключевых слов можно раскрыть данное понятие. Какие термины, представленные в ЛССТ, Вам знакомы?
Подберите английские эквиваленты из ЛССТ PROGRAMMING SOFTWARE к данным терминам:
Инструментальные программные средства, компоновщик, отладчик, компилятор, интерпретатор, корневая библиотека, конструктор графического интерфейса, интегрированная среда разработки, среда быстрой разработки приложений, межплатформенная среда, многоязычная среда, среда с текстовым интерфейсом, язык программирования, уровень, язык низкого уровня, язык высокого уровня, язык ассемблера, машинный код, исполняемый код, парадигма, процедурный, объектно-ориентированный, скриптовый, многопоточный, реализация, компилируемый язык, интерпретируемый язык
Познакомьтесь со словарной понятийной статьей PROGRAMMING SOFTWARE. Какими словами из ранее изученных можно ее дополнить? Ответьте на вопросы, используя слова СПС и ЛССТ PROGRAMMING SOFTWARE, а также ранее изученные слова:
What type does programming software belong to?
Who usually has to deal with programming software?
What is programming software intended for?
What do you write when you create a program?
What else does programming software let you do?
What does programming software include?
What programming tools are available?
Which piece of software enables you to remove defects in programs?
How can programming tools be combined?
Прочитайте текст 1 и назовите ключевые слова, соотносимые с данной темой. Напишите аннотацию к тексту.
Text 1
Computer programming (often shortened to programming or coding) is the process of designing, writing, testing, debugging, and maintaining the source code of computer programs. The purpose of programming is to create a program that exhibits* a certain desired behavior.
So, programming software can be considered as a type of system software or an independent type of software. It usually provides tools to assist a programmer in writing computer programs, and software using different programming languages in a more convenient way.

(→programming software)
type of system software
independent type of software
(programming software→)
to assist
to create
to design
to program
to write a program
to test
to debug
to maintain
to support
software developer
programming language
programming tools
source code editor
integrated development environment
source code
computer program
Way of action
A programming tool or software development tool is a program that software developers use to create, debug, maintain, or otherwise support other programs and applications. The term usually refers to relatively simple programs such as text editors*, compilers, interpreters, linkers, debuggers, and so on that can be combined together to accomplish a task, much as one might use multiple hand tools to fix a physical object. An Integrated development environment (IDE) merges* these tools into a software bundle*, and a programmer may not need to type multiple commands for compiling, interpreting, debugging, tracing and etc., because the IDE usually has an advanced graphical user interface, or GUI.
Notes on the Text
* to exhibit = to show
* text editor = source code editor
* to merge = to unite, to join
* bundle = package, set
Найдите в первом абзаце текста синоним термину 'programming’. К какой части речи относится данное слово? Найдите в этом абзаце слова, относящиеся к этой же части речи. Назовите синоним глаголу: to code и ответьте на вопрос:
What is coding?
Прочитайте второй абзац текста и найдите все слова, с помощью которых можно раскрыть понятие programming software. Найдите во втором абзаце текста английский эквивалент словосочетания «более удобным способом». Ответьте на вопрос:
What is the purpose of programming software?
Прочитайте последний абзац текста и найдите все слова, с помощью которых можно объяснить понятие programming tools. Найдите в последнем абзаце текста предложение, в котором говорится об интегрированной среде разработки. Сформулируйте инвариант этого предложения, используя глаголы to provide, to facilitate.
Дайте определения к данным ниже терминам, используя слова и словосочетания СПС и текста. Сравните Ваши определения с данными в словаре.
programming, programming tools, Integrated development environment, programming language.
Познакомьтесь с СПС PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE. Какие слова Вам уже знакомы? Ответьте на вопросы:
What kind of language is a programming language?
Are programming languages like natural languages?
What are they used for?
What are the main types of programming languages? Can you give examples of some of them?
What kinds of programming languages do you know? Can you give examples of some of them?
What does the programmer use to write a program?
What tools are used to convert the source code into the object code?
Is it possible to use one and the same programming language for different purposes?
What programming languages have you already studied? What purposes are they intended for?
(→programming language)
to create
to develop/ to design
to use
to translate
to compile
to interpret
to convert
programming software
artificial language
symbolic language
language →)
to consist (of)
to incorporate
to integrate
to run on
to stand for
to support
natural language
markup language
close (to)
similar (to)
easy to write
restricted (to)
widely used
assembly language
machine code
object-oriented language
scripting language
procedural language
integrated development environment
rapid application development
giving instructions to the computer
source code
object code
executable code
Way of action
Опираясь на СПС и слова, изученные ранее, подберите к данным словам/словосочетаниям близкие по значению:
complicated, similar, for scientific purposes, coding, dedicated to, to execute,
Переведите слова/ словосочетания, обращая внимание на приставки со значением числа, размера и положения.
binary code, bimodal, bipolar, binary equivalent, triad, triple, quadratic, pentagon, octal, octopus, decimal, decade, hexadecimal, monochromatic, single-purpose, single-task, multithreading, multitasking, semiautomatic, semi-product, equivalent, equilibrium, equivalence, equidistant, minicomputer, minify, micro code, microchip, megabyte, kilobyte, terabyte, interface, interact, interaction, transfer, subclass, subtype, peripheral.
Прочитайте текст 2 и назовите ключевые слова, с помощью которых раскрывается его содержание. Напишите аннотацию к тексту.
Text 2
Unfortunately for us, computers can’t understand spoken English or any other natural language. The only language they can understand directly is machine code, which consists of 1s and 0s (binary code).
Machine code is too difficult to write. For this reason, we use symbolic languages to communicate instructions to the computer. For example, assembly languages use abbreviations such as ADD, SUB, MPY to represent instructions. The program is then translated into machine code by a piece of software called an assembler. Machine code and assembly languages are called low-level languages because they are closer to the hardware. They are quite complex and restricted to particular* machines. To make the programs easier to write, and to overcome the problem of intercommunication between different types of computer, software developers designed high-level languages, which are closer to the English language. Here are some examples:
FORTRAN was developed by IBM in 1954 and is still used for scientific and engineering applications.
COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language) was developed in 1959 and is mainly used for business applications.
BASIC was developed in the 1960s and was widely used in microcomputer programming because it was easy to learn. Visual BASIC is a modern version of the old BASIC language, used to build graphical elements such as buttons and windows in Windows programs.
PASCAL was created in 1971. It is used in universities to teach the fundamentals of programming.
C was developed in the 1980s at AT&T. It is used to write system software, graphics and commercial applications. C++ is a version of C which incorporates object-oriented programming: the programmer concentrates on particular things (a piece of text, a graphic or a table, etc.) and gives each object functions which can be altered without changing the entire program. For example, to add a new graphics format, the programmer needs to rework just the graphics object. This makes programs easier to modify.
Java was designed by Sun in 1995 to run on the Web. Java applets provide animation and interactive features on web pages.

Fig. 1.
Programs written in high-level languages must be translated into machine code by a compiler or an interpreter. A compiler translates the source code into object code – that is, it converts the entire program into machine code in one go. On the other hand, an interpreter translates the source code line by line as the program is running (Fig. 1).
It is important not to confuse programming languages with markup languages, used to create web documents. Markup languages use instructions, known as markup tags, to format and link text files. Some examples include:
HTML, which allows us to describe how information will be displayed on web pages.
XML, which stands for Extensible Markup Language. While HTML uses pre-defined tags, XML enables us to define our own tags; it is not limited by a fixed set of tags.
VoiceXML, which makes Web content accessible via voice and phone. VoiceXML is used to create voice applications that run on the phone, whereas HTML is used to create visual applications (for example, web pages).
(INFOTECH: English for Computer Users, 4th edition)
Notes on the Text
* particular = individual , single , separate
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