Изучите логико-семантическую структуру темы (ЛССТ) SOFTWARE и скажите, какие слова/словосочетания Вам знакомы? Соотнесите русские эквиваленты со словами и словосочетаниями из ЛССТ 1.
Код, документация, инструкция, программа, задача, информация, данные, назначение, способ распространения, системное ПО, операционная система, встроенное ПО, межплатформенное ПО, утилита, ПО для программирования, прикладное ПО, редактор, база данных, текстовый процессор, электронная таблица, игры, свободно распространяемое ПО, открытые программные средства, патентованное ПО (защищенное авторским правом), условно-бесплатное ПО, программы общего использования, лицензия на ПО, авторское право, компьютерное пиратство.
Познакомьтесь со словарной понятийной статьей (СПС) SOFTWARE. Какие слова Вам уже знакомы? Назовите их значение. По какому принципу распределены слова в СПС? Ответьте на вопросы, используя слова из СПС.
What is software?
What are the main components of software?
How can software be classified according to its purpose?
What type of software is used to to control the computer and develop and run applications?
What type of software is loaded into the computer first?
Who usually deals with software?
Who is programming software intended for?
What type of software is the user interested in in his or her daily life? Can you give some examples?
Which programs are available on your computer?
What programs do you usually use for work and studying?
What types can software be divided into according to its commercial status?
What type of software do you usually acquire?
How do you usually acquire software? Do you buy or download it over the Internet?
What kind of software do you not have to purchase?
What types of software are usually distributed under license?
What type of software is distributed with no restrictions?
What is the main function of software?
Where is software located?
How can you characterize a program according to its price?

software developer
to load
to download
to install
to use
to run
to include
to provide
to perform
to operate
to support
to mediate
computer system
operating system
word processor
proprietary software
open source software
public domain software
intended (for)
operating a data processing system
read-only memory
Way of action
freely/ for free
for a trial period
under the license
with (no) restrictions
Прочитайте текст 1 и назовите слова/словосочетания, соотносимые с ЛССТ SOFTWARE. Опираясь на выделенные ключевые слова, озаглавьте текст.
Text 1
_ _ _ _ _
Software is a general term for the various kinds of programs used to operate computers and related devices. (The term hardware describes the physical aspects of computers and related devices.)
Software can be thought of as the variable part of a computer and hardware the invariable part. Software is often divided into application software (programs that do work users are directly interested in) and system software (which includes operating systems and any program that supports application software). The term middleware is sometimes used to describe programming that mediates between application and system software or between two different kinds of application software (for example, sending a remote work request from an application in a computer that has one kind of operating system to an application in a computer with a different operating system).
An additional and difficult-to-classify category of software is the utility, which is a small useful program with limited capability. Some utilities come with operating systems. Like applications, utilities tend to be separately installable and capable of being used independently from the rest of the operating system.
Firmware or microcode is the type of software that is loaded into a special area on a microprocessor or read-only memory on a one-time or infrequent basis so that thereafter it seems to be part of the hardware.
Software can be purchased or acquired as shareware (usually intended for sale after a trial period), liteware (shareware with some capabilities disabled), freeware (free software but with copyright restrictions), public domain software (free with no restrictions), and open source (software where the source code is furnished* and users agree not to limit the distribution of improvements).
Software is often packaged on CD-ROMs and DVD-ROMs. Today, much purchased software, shareware, and freeware is downloaded over the Internet. A new trend is software that is made available for use at another site known as an application service provider.
Notes on the Text
* to furnish = to provide
Опираясь на выделенные ключевые слова, дополните аннотацию к данному тексту.
The text is devoted to ... . Software can be classified according to its purpose, such as... as well as according to its mode of distribution, for example ... .
Прочитайте текст 1 еще раз и выполните следующие задания:
определите, что является объектом действий, выраженных данными ниже глаголами. О каком типе ПО идет речь в каждом случае? Сформулируйте предложения, используя данные глаголы или образованные от них причастия:
to operate, to support, to limit;
найдите в тексте определение к следующим существительным; определите, о каком типе ПО идет речь:
part, category, capability, program, period;
опираясь на текст, поставьте пропущенный предлог; определите, о каком типе ПО идет речь, сформулируйте предложение:
to divide ___ system software and application software;
to mediate ___ system software and application software;
to load ___ read-only-memory;
to intend ___ sale;
to download ____ the Internet;
to make available ___ use;
to make available ___ the site;
подберите наречие к данному глаголу, сформулируйте предложение о конкретном типе ПО:
to install, to use;
найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:
однократно/ на однократной основе, провайдер прикладных услуг/поставщик программно-аппаратных ресурсов.
Переведите данные ниже прилагательные, обращая внимание на значение суффиксов -able/ -ible (capable of being); найдите в Тексте 1 слова с данным суффиксом, объясните значение этих слов, перефразировав предложения.
to install (устанавливать)
to access (иметь доступ)
to use (использовать)
to vary (меняться, изменяться)
to separate (отделять, разделять)
to distinguish (различать)
to update (обновлять)
to avail (быть полезным; воспользоваться)
to consider (принимать во внимание, учитывать)
variable, invariable
distinguishable, indistinguishable
* сравните ваш перевод со значением, данным в словаре
Переведите словосочетания, обращая внимание на разницу в переводе Participle I и Participle II в функции определения:
program operating the computer
software mediating between application and system software
program with limited capability
firmware loaded into read-only memory
program separately installable and used independently from the operating system
freeware downloaded over the Internet
software having no restrictions
Изучите определение термина SOFTWARE и скажите, через какие отношения подчеркнутые слова раскрывают данное понятие:
software – a set of computer programs, procedures, and associated documentation concerned with the operation of a data processing system
Прочитайте данные ниже определения и определите, о каком типе ПО идет речь. Переведите подчеркнутые слова и словосочетания. Замените слова, выделенные курсивом на синонимичные. Сформулируйте правило построения определения/дефиниции.
a general term for any programming that serves to mediate between two separate and often already existing programs which allows programs written for access to a particular database to access other databases;
a subclass of computer software that employs the capabilities of a computer directly and thoroughly to a task that the user wishes to perform;
computer software designed to operate the computer hardware and to provide a platform for running application software;
a software program or set of instructions programmed on a hardware device;
entire set of programs, procedures, and routines associated with the operation of a computer system.
Дайте определения следующих типов ПО, используя данные слова и словосочетания. Сравните данные Вами определения с определениями в глоссарии.
open source software
a fixed form of software, read-only-memory
to distribute, to use, for free
to mediate between, different kinds of
source code, to provide, to limit, the distribution of improvements, freely available
proprietary software, to provide, for a trial period, to limit, functionality
a specialized program, limited capability, to perform, specific tasks
Просмотрите план-конспект текста 1. Какая информация передается с помощью выделенных лексических средств.
s oftware → term - kinds of programs - to operate computers / related devices;
variable part – computer system
types of software by purpose → to be divided into –
application software → user – to be interested in
system software → operating system – support application software
middleware → to mediate
utility → difficult-to-classify – useful - with limited capability
t o come with operating systems /
separately installable - to use independently
firmware → to load into - on a one-time or infrequent basis
software → to acquire –
shareware → free – a trial period
liteware → shareware – capabilities disabled
freeware → free – with copyright restrictions
open source → source code – not to limit – the distribution of improvements
software → to package on CD-/DVD-ROMs
t o download – the Internet;
to make available – an application service provider site