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Injure v to cause physical harm to smbto injure badly/seriously/critically, injure smb/smth, be injured, an injury n, to escape injuryHurt v to cause physical damage and pain to smb, usually not very seriously, hurt oneself, get hurt Take precautions against Take a chance Have a narrow escape Carry out (an activity) safely B Find synonyms and synonymous expressions to the words in bold type. Provide Russian equivalents to the words and words combinations. Translate the sentences. CLAIM1. Khlestakov claimed that he was the author of “Jury Miloslavsky”. 2. The woman claimed to have seen the accident with her own eyes. 3. There are several matters that claim my attention. 4. The earthquake claimed sixty lives. 5. Despite claims that she was once involved with drugs, she says she will still be running for elections. 6. He has a rightful claim to the property. It was his mother’s. CHALLENGE 1. I chose to study law because I thought it would be a challenge. 2. The expedition will face the challenge of climbing the last unconquered peak in the Himalayas. 3. No one challenged the assumptions that are made in the report. 4. They are not likely to challenge us on any of the details. 5. The girls challenged the boys to a tennis match. 6. The difficulty of putting our ideas into practice challenged us to find a new method. Words frequently used with challenge: adjectives - biggest, greatest, major, new, serious verbs – accept, enjoy, face, meet, present, rise to nouns – a theory, smb’s authority, knowledge, a statement NEGLECT1. You’ve been neglecting your work. 2. Don’t neglect to lock the door/locking the door. 3. The garden has fallen into a state of neglect. 4. He is the father who is neglectful of his children. 5. The report said the doctor had been negligent in not giving the woman a full examination. / It was negligence of the doctor that he failed to give the woman a full examination. 6. The damage to my car is negligible. CONSEQUENCE 1. If you behave so foolishly you must be ready to take consequences. 2. She fell ill and the consequence was that she lost her job. 3. He may be a man of consequence there, but he’s nobody here. 4. Let him alone, Cesane; it isn’t of any consequence, and after all it’s as my fault as his. Words frequently used with consequence: adjectives – disastrous, fatal, inevitable, serious, tragic, unforeseen verbs – accept, consider, face, suffer, take APPROACH1. Few writers can even approach Shakespeare in greatness. 2. When is the best time to approach him about an increase in salary? – I don’t think, he’s easy to approach (on that matter). 3. The enemy ran away at our approach. 4. At our school we take an individual approach to every pupil. 5. Make approaches to your boss, he may appreciate your work and you may get promoted. Words frequently used with approach: common-sense, constructive, down-to-earth, flexible, systematic DISTINGUISH1. The darkness was so complete he couldn’t distinguish a thing. 2. What distinguishes a dog from a wolf? 3. The two paintings are so similar that only an expert can distinguish between the original and the copy. 4. He was known to have distinguished himself in diplomatic service. 5. The country’s most distinguished scientists arrived for the forum. CONTRADICT 1. He didn't dare contradict his parents. 2. Her account of the accident contradicts that of the other driver. 3. In his confusion, he kept contradicting himself. 4. She's a most contradictory person.5. Though the opinions expressed were somewhat confused and contradictory, they helped a lot towards clearing up the situation. 6. What you're saying now is in contradiction with what you said but two days ago. 7. I think I can say, without fear of contradiction, that tonight has been a real success. ODDS 1. She may pass the exam but the odds are that she will fail. 2. Against all the odds he recovered from his illness. 3. Those two have been at odds for ages. 4. It makes no odds whether we go or stay. 5. There are a few odds and ends that I want to pick up from the office before I go home. 6. He does odd jobs for me from time to time. 26 Translate the following sentences into Russian.
27 For sentence below rewrite a new sentence as similar as possible in the meaning to the original sentence. Use Vocabulary of the Unit. There may be more than one variant.
28 Fill in contradiction, challenge, odds, approach, claim, neglect, consequence, hazard, death, distinguished, then make sentences.
Hearing loss is an occupational hazard for deep-water diving.
29 Translate the sentences into English using Vocabulary of the Unit (pay attention to the ways of expressing meanings of the active words in Russian). Claim
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