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With a partner, act out dialogues based on the following situations. Use phrases from the boxes in Language Focus of Unit One, as well as from the above boxes.
TALKING POINTS 22 The following adjectives describe people who act without thinking about any dangerous consequences, or the actions they perform. Think of situations or context which these adjectives can illustrate. • reckless • foolhardy • daredevil • rash • chancy • hot-headed • troublesome • heedless • irresponsible • haphazard In the USA reckless driving is the crime of driving a vehicle in a way that is likely to hurt or kill people. 23 What dangers, pleasure and excitement do the following activities involve?
Work in pairs. Student A: dissuade your partner from taking up one of the sports mentioned, pointing out the dangers. Student B: play down the dangers and emphasise the pleasure and excitement. 24 What are the dangers associated with the following activities and events? What precautions should you take? Work in pairs and advise your partner how to carry out these activities safely:
While mowing the lawn one can be hit in the face by flying stones or catch one's toes or fingers in the blades. One should wear a mask and gloves, or involve some professionals in getting the lawn mowed. VOCABULARY of the UNIT 25 A Study the meanings of the words. Provide Russian equivalents. Translate the examples. Risk n a possibility that something bad or unpleasant may happen to someone; risky adj take a (calculated) risk, run a risk of doing smth, be at risk, at the risk of doing smth, at your own risk, high-risk strategy/ investments/ shares/group/patients, put smb/smth at risk, to risk your life/neck, to risk money on an investment Danger n a risk, though not a very strong one, that something bad will happen, especially something that will have very serious results be a danger to, to expose smb/smth to danger, to be exposed to danger, to have a dangerous attitude, to endanger (the lives) The whole building was in danger of collapsing. Hazard n a risk that cannot be avoided because it is always there in a particular activity; something that causes accidents: For exporters, changes in the exchange rate is an unavoidable hazard. be a hazard to, hazardous, economic/occupational hazards, to be a hazardous waste/ occupation/ undertaking /journey /operation/ chemicals/ substances Peril n a word used especially in literature meaning something that can cause danger, especially during a journey the perils of motor racing/sea, at his peril, to be in great peril, perilous Jeopardy n be in danger, a serious risk that something will fail be in jeopardy, put smb in jeopardy, to jeopardize If you are rude to him it may jeopardize your chances of promotion. Threat n a strong possibility that smth very bad will happen to someone. the threat of, threat to, be under threat, pose a threat to smb/smth, to threaten with smth Death toll number of killed or injured Be asking for trouble Anyone who buys second-hand cars tyres is just asking for trouble. Push your luck You have cheated to get what you wanted, but I’m warning you, don’t push your luck. Dice with death, to be dicey The antiques trade is a pretty dicey business at the best of times. Invite trouble/ attack/ criticism/ disaster The whole policy invites criticism that they do not take human rights seriously. Tempt fate Letting children take a boat out in this weather is just tempting fate. Be playing with fire Put your job/career/reputation on the line to risk losing your job, etc if you make the wrong decision: We may be putting our jobs on the line if we start protesting about safety standards. Life and limb to escape with life and limb to avoid danger without serious injury Draw straws for smth Accident n to be involved in an accident, to have an accident, bad/nasty/serious accident, shooting/riding/skiing accident, accidental death/damage/injury (happening in an accident) Crash n, v a car/plane crash, to crash into/onto Wreck n an American word meaning an accident involving cars or other vehicles; wreckage the broken parts of a destroyed thing Pile-up n a serious road accident in which many cars crash into each other Disaster n a very serious accident involving a train, plane, or ship, in which many people are killed Collision n an accident in which two or more vehicles, planes or ships hit each other while travelling fast collision with, head-on collision, to collide |
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