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Unit 11. Emergency Solution Active vocabulary 1) priority – приоритет, очередь; 2) to impose – налагать, ввести, наложить; 3) urgent – срочный; 4) to transmit – передать, передавать; 5) handling – обращение, обработка; 6) value – значение, ценность; 7) supervisor – руководитель; 8) liaison- связь; 9) to transfer – передавать, передать; 11) expertise – экспертиза, советы; 12) to portray – изображать, представить, изобразить; 13) unease – беспокойство, неловкость; 14) precise – точный; 15) proficient – опытный; 16) laid down phraseology – установленная фразеология; 17) clarification – уточнение; 18) to overlap – перекрывать. Guess the meaning of the following words: serious, action, type, official documents, classification, identical, radar controllers, instructions, standard procedures, chaos, specific, special radiotelephony signals, landing lights, navigation lights, practical, service, nervousness, nature of the problem, aviation magazines. Emergency Procedures Emergency is a serious event that needs immediate action. The type of emergency that may occur is completely unpredictable. No official documents examine the classification of emergencies. Each of them is an event on its own. It may be similar to other emergencies, but it is rare to have two which are identical in every respect. The exception to this for working radar controllers is a mid-air explosion, and although the actual cause of the explosion might well differ, its effect on the controller will be the same. It is impossible to define instructions for all cases and write such a document as phraseology for emergencies. Nevertheless there are some standard procedures which help to prevent chaos and make controller’s work organized and regulated. Some types of emergencies have specific instructions as to the actions which the pilot and ATC controller must make. An aircraft under emergency gets priority over other aircraft. There exist instructions concerning using special radiotelephony signals. Pilots must inform ATC by sending established signals (May Day, PAN) and the controller must impose silence. The aircraft in distress sets its transponder mode A code 7700. An aircraft having some difficulties but which does not need immediate assistance can inform about it switching on and off its landing lights or flashing its navigation lights in a way different from the normal one. An aircraft which has an urgent message concerning people safety, other aircraft or vehicle transmits radiotelegraphy signal XXX or radiotelephony signal PAN. There are certain actions which are common to a controller handling of all occurrences. 1. Don’t keep it to yourself. 2. Get help. And get it early enough to be of practical value. 3. Inform your supervisor. In most cases he will be able to do most of the liaison which will be needed. 4. Do not forget your other traffic. It may become necessary to transfer all traffic except the emergency flight to another frequency. The whole of the air traffic team on duty will be very busy to provide the best possible service to the flight in the difficulty. Emergencies are where all of the controllers training and expertise are vital. 5. Keep calm. Never let your voice portray nervousness or unease. Sometimes the controller does not fully understand what the precise problem is. And the pilot may not be proficient in the use of English outside the standard laid down phraseology. And there are no laid down phraseologies for emergencies. If in doubt as to exact nature of the problem, then ask for clarification. Never forget that one unusual situation can lead to another, and they can overlap. That’s why a controller (as well as a pilot) must know not only radiotelephony phraseology but also possess knowledge of the general English. Reading aviation magazines and accident reports can greatly help to understand problems which may occur. A. Comprehension 1. Arrange the sentences below in the order they appear in the text. 1) An aircraft under emergency gets priority over other aircraft. 2) Never let your voice portray nervousness or unease. 3) The type of emergency that may occur is completely unpredictable. 4) An aircraft which has an urgent message concerning people safety transmits radiotelegraphy signal XXX. 5) Reading aviation magazines can greatly help to understand problems. 6) There are no laid down phraseologies for emergencies. 2. Choose the sentences which contain information about: 1) classification of emergencies; 2) knowledge of the general English; 3) special radiotelephony signals; 4) standard laid down phraseology; 5) mid-air explosion. 3. Answer the following questions: 1) What examines the classification of emergencies? 2) Is it possible to define instructions for all cases? 3) When does an aircraft get priority over other aircraft? 4) How must pilots inform ATC? 5) How can an aircraft having some difficulties inform about it? 6) Who will be able to do most of the liaison which will be needed? 7) Are there any laid down phraseologies for emergencies? 8) What should pilots do if they don’t know the exact nature of the problem? 9) What can greatly help to understand problems which may occur? 10) What is emergency? B. Vocabulary practice 1. Agree or disagree with the following statements: 1) The type of emergency that may occur is completely predictable. 2) All emergencies are identical in every respect. 3) It is impossible to write phraseology for emergencies. 4) An aircraft having some difficulties can inform about it switching on and off its landing lights. 5) It isn’t necessary to transfer all traffic to another frequency. 6) One unusual situation can lead to another, and they can overlap. 7) Both a controller and a pilot must know the general English. 2. Fill in the correct word(s) from the list below. Use the words only once. Get, radiotelephony, impose, urgent, practical, transfer, portray, exact, accident, laid down. 1)……….message; 6) to……. priority; 2)……….signal; 7) to……silence; 3)…………value; 8)…... report; 4) to…….unease; 9) to……traffic; 5)…….. nature; 10)…… phraseology. 3. Give Russian equivalents for: 1) completely unpredictable; 2) the classification of emergencies; 3) working radar controllers; 4) to define instructions; 5) established signals; 6) concerning people safety; 7) to do most of the liaison; 8) to provide the best possible service; 9) to be proficient in the use of English; 10) to ask for clarification. 4. Underline the correct word (s) in bold. 1) Pilots must inform/ transmit ATC by sending established signals. 2) There are certain situations /actions which are common to a controller handling of all occurrences. 3) Emergencies are when/where all of the controllers training and expertise are vital. 4) One unusual/unpredictable situation can lead to another. 5) Reading/using aviation magazines can greatly help to understand problems which may occur. 6) The aircraft in difficulty/distress sets its transponder mode A. 5. Fill in the correct preposition then make sentences using the completed phrases: 1) an event … its own; 2) effect … the controller; 3) an aircraft … emergency; 4) the aircraft … distress; 5) … a way different … the normal one; 6) to be … practical value; 7) to transfer all traffic … another frequency; 8) the air traffic team … duty; 9) to be proficient … the use of English; 10) laid down phraseologies … emergencies. 6. Give English equivalents for: Немедленное действие, тип чрезвычайной ситуации, классификация, одинаковы во всех отношениях, взрыв в воздухе, определить инструкции для всех случаев, стандартные процедуры, получать приоритет над другими воздушными судами, радиотелефонные сигналы, включение и выключение посадочных огней, срочное сообщение о безопасности людей, практическое значение, другую частота, обеспечить наилучший сервис, имеют жизненно важное значение, сохранять спокойствие, нервозность или беспокойство, за пределами уровня, предписанного фразеологией, обладать знаниями, чтение отчетов об авариях. 7. Fill in the following table:
8. Read the text. Fill in the gaps with Present Participle or Past Participle. Rescue and Fire Fighting Services The prime responsibility of airport rescue and fire fighting personnel is to save lives. Property … (endanger) by aircraft incidents and accidents … (occur) on or near the airport should be preserved as far as practicable. To achieve this objective, fire should be suppressed. There are aircraft accidents, however, where fire may not occur, or where the fire may be rapidly extinguished. In every case, the procedures should provide for the most rapid evacuation possible of survivors of the accident. Unless seriously … (injure) casualties are stabilized rapidly, they may become fatalities. Airport rescue and fire fighting personnel should receive training to satisfy locally acceptable, emergency medical standards. They may be the only rescue personnel on the scene during the critical period immediately … (follow) an accident and possibly for … (extend) period of time. Only fire fighting and rescue personnel … (wear) approved protective fire fighting clothing and equipment should be allowed in close proximity to an aircraft accident site. 9. Find in the text above the use of modal verbs and their equivalents. Translate the sentences. What other modal verbs do you know? 10. Match the numbers to the letters: 1. rapid; a) injured; 2. extended; b) objective; 3. seriously; c) evacuation; 4. medical; d) training; 5. to become; e) period; 6. to receive; f) standards; 7. to achieve. g) fatalities. 11. Translate the sentences, find any gerund constructions. 1) They succeeded in getting reliable information on dealing with this type of error. 2) In spite of having met with failure they continued experimenting. 3) Metals cannot be dissolved without being changed into new substances. 4) They insisted on the sample being tested repeatedly. 5) All aspects of life depend on our understanding the properties of matter. 6) A comparatively simple act of driving a car requires a vast number of scientific principles. 7) Ancient people lived for ages on the earth without knowing anything about electricity. 12. Read the text. Fill in the gaps with words from the list. Danger, proper, carried out, site, integral, rescue, possible, aid, essential, organized. Medical Services The purpose of medical services is to provide first 1)… and medical care in order to: a) save as many lives as 2) … by locating and stabilizing the most seriously injured, whose lives may be in 3) … without immediate treatment; b) provide comfort to the less seriously injured and to administer first aid; and c) transport casualties to the 4) … medical facility. It is 5) … that provision of medical services such as stabilization, first aid, medical care, and the transporting of the injured to hospital(s) be 6) … in the most expeditious manner possible. To this end, well 7) … medical resources (personnel, equipment and medical supplies) should be available at the accident 8) … in the shortest time possible. Medical and ambulance services may be an 9) … part of the airport services, particularly whenever an ambulance service is a part of the airport 10) … and fire fighting service. 13. Make up some questions to the underlined words. 14. Match the words in the left column to the synonyms in the right one: 1. purpose; a) ensure; 2. provide; b) objective; 3. possible; c) means; 4. facility; d) place; 5. site; e) especially; 6. service; f) probable; 7. particularly. g) maintenance. 15. Translate the following sentences into English: Воздушное судно при возникновении чрезвычайной ситуации получает приоритет над другими воздушными судами. Существуют инструкции, касающиеся использования специальных радиотелефонных сигналов. Пилоты должны информировать УВД, отправив установленные сигналы, и диспетчер должен наложить молчание. Самолет в бедственном положении устанавливает свой режим кода. Самолет, имеющий некоторые трудности, которые не требуют немедленной помощи, может сообщить об этом включением и выключением посадочных огней. Во время чрезвычайных ситуаций обучение и опыт диспетчеров имеют жизненно важное значение. Сохраняйте спокойствие. Никогда не позволяйте, чтобы ваш голос отображал нервозность или беспокойство. Иногда диспетчер не может в полной мере понять, в чем состоит точная проблема. Или пилот не может быть опытным в использовании английского языка за пределами уровня, предписанного фразеологией радиообмена. Поэтому и диспетчер, и пилот должны владеть общими знаниями английского языка. Если у вас возникли сомнения относительно точного характера проблемы, то просите разъяснений. Никогда не забывайте, что одна необычная ситуация может привести к другой. |
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