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Part 3. Safety Problem in Aviation Unit 7. Weather Active vocabulary 1. achievement – достижение; 2. collision – столкновение; 3. regulation- регулирование, правило, регламентация; 4. failure –отказ, провал, сбой, неудача; 5. malfunction - неисправность, сбой; 6.visibility – видимость; 7. to revise – пересмотреть; 8. provision – положения; 9. sufficient – достаточный; 10. proficiency – умение, знание, владение, мастерство; 11.humidity – влажность; 12. to equip – оснастить, оборудовать, обустроить; 13. forecast – прогноз; 14. to broadcast – транслировать, вещать; 15. due to – из-за, благодаря, за счет; 16. to affect – влиять, повлиять; 17. dew point – точка росы; 18. reliability – надежность, достоверность; 19. to request – запрашивать; 20. accurate – точный; 21. annually – ежегодно. Guess the meaning of the following words : problem in aviation, aviation specialists, the result of progress, engineering, aerodynamics, meteorology, psychology, medicine, economics, high standards, aviation industry, aircraft structure, radiotelephony communications, standard phraseology, potential situations, standardization, all spheres of aviation, temperature, atmospheric pressure, special phenomena, meteorological service, zero visibility. A. Safety Safety is the most important problem in aviation. The prevention of collisions between aircraft in the air and on the ground is the main task of aviation specialists. The achievement of aviation safety is the result of progress in many sciences and disciplines including engineering, aerodynamics, meteorology, psychology, medicine and economics. Safety is ensured by thousands of ICAO and governmental regulations, by high standards in the design and manufacture of an aircraft and by strict procedures of airline safety practices. The aviation industry is constantly taking steps to prevent accidents but the crashes do occur time after time. They result from different causes: failure in the aircraft structure, human errors, navigational failures, malfunctioning of airborne and ground aids, hazardous weather conditions and so on. Poor knowledge of English can also contribute to or result in an accident or incident. Therefore ICAO revised the provisions related to the use of the language for radiotelephony communications and demands good discipline to follow more closely to standard phraseology in all air-ground exchanges. Experience has shown that phraseology alone is not sufficient to cover all of the potential situations, particularly in critical or emergency situations. That’s why proficiency in common or plain language is also of great importance. One of ICAO’s chief activities is standardization in all spheres of aviation operations. The main ICAO document is SARPS (International Standards and Recommended Practices). Its main task is to provide the necessary level of standardization for safe and regular air operations. B. Weather Weather is composed of a number of elements such as the temperature and humidity of the air, atmospheric pressure, the speed and direction of the wind, air visibility and of special phenomena such as fog, storms and others. Pilots need the information about weather conditions along the route of flight and at the destination aerodrome. The object of the meteorological service is to contribute to safety, efficiency and regularity of air traffic. There exist some sources of aviation weather information: surface observation, radar observation, automatic meteorological observation, pilot reports and others. At every airport there is a meteorological station which is equipped with special instruments recording all changes in the atmosphere. They indicate air pressure and temperature, record wind speed and direction as well as the movements of clouds. All the observations are summed up on special weather charts. The observations at the airports are made every 30 minutes and every 15 minutes if the weather suddenly gets worse or better. Preparing for the flight the pilot is to get the latest weather information and weather forecasts along the planned route and at the point of destination and the alternates. At a great number of met. stations situated along the airways complete weather observations are made and then transmitted to weather forecast centres by telephone, telegraph, radio and thousands of miles of teletype circuits. Thus, the pilot has a complete picture of the weather. 20-30 minutes before entering the aerodrome area the controller gives the pilot full information about the terminal weather. At many airports the information helpful for landing and taking off is continuously broadcast on a navigational aid frequency. Prior to descent the pilot requests the actual weather and aerodrome conditions for the airport he is going to land. It is considered that landing of an aircraft is probably the most difficult operation which a pilot has to perform and the standards of visibility required are higher than for any other phase of flight. Met. services for aviation require much work to collect data and prepare weather charts. This work is especially difficult for long-distance flights over vast areas with different climatic conditions. A. Comprehension 1. Read texts A and B and answer the following questions: 1) What is the most important problem in aviation? 2) What is the main task of aviation specialists? 3) By what means is safety ensured? 4) What factors may cause accidents? 5) What can you say about the role of language in the problem of safety? 6) What is the main ICAO document? 7) What elements are included in weather report? 8) What is the object of meteorological service? 9) How often is weather observation made at the airport? 10) What weather information does the pilot get before the flight? 11) Do the pilots obtain weather information while in flight? 12) When does the controller give the pilot full information about the terminal weather? 13) What phase of flight does especially depend on weather conditions? 2. Read text B. Arrange the sentences below in the order they appear in the text. 1) There exist some sources of aviation weather information. 2) Weather is composed of a number of elements. 3) Complete weather observations are transmitted to weather forecast centres. 4) Special instruments indicate air pressure and temperature, record wind speed and direction. 5) The standards of visibility required are higher during landing. 6) The controller gives the pilot full information about the terminal weather. B. Vocabulary practice 1. Agree or disagree with the following statements: 1) The achievement of aviation safety is the result of progress in many sciences and disciplines. 2) Accidents result from two causes: failure in the aircraft structure and human errors. 3) Poor knowledge of English can never contribute to an accident. 4) The main ICAO document is SARPS (International Standards and Recommended Practices). 5) Meteorological station is equipped with special instruments recording all changes in the atmosphere. 6) The observations are made every 30 minutes if the weather is bad. 7) Weather observations are transmitted to pilots by telephone. 2. Fill in the correct word(s) from the list below. Use the words only once. Governmental, take, poor, chief, atmospheric, meteorological, request, standards, collect, long-distance. 1)……….steps; 6) …….flights; 2) to.……weather conditions; 7)……regulations; 3)…………activity; 8)…... pressure; 4) ………..knowledge; 9) to……data; 5) …… observations; 10)……of visibility. 3. Give Russian equivalents for: 1) strict procedures; 2) navigational failures; 3) hazardous weather conditions; 4) to revise the provisions; 5) all air-ground exchanges; 6) regular air operations; 7) destination aerodrome; 8) movements of clouds; 9) complete weather observations; 10) prior to descent; 11) to indicate air pressure. 4. Underline the correct word (s) in bold. 1) The prevention of collisions is the main task/ work of aviation specialists. 2) Phraseology alone is not sufficient/ efficient to cover all of the emergency situations. 3) One of ICAO’s activities is standardization in all spheres/ parts of aviation operations. 4) Landing of an aircraft is probably the most difficult operation/ action. 5) Such work/ job is especially difficult for long-distance flights. 6) Prior to descent the pilot requests/ gives the actual weather and aerodrome conditions. 7) Crashes can often result from failure in the aircraft structure/ design. 5. Fill in the correct preposition then make sentences using the completed phrases: 1) the prevention … collisions…. aircraft … the air; 2) to occur time …. time; 3) to result … an accident; 4) related … the use … the language; 5) to be … great importance; 6) standardization … safe air operations; 7) to contribute … safety; 8) to be equipped …. special instruments; 9) to be summed … …. special weather charts. 6. Give English equivalents for: Безопасность, самая важная проблема, предотвращение столкновений, высокие стандарты, предпринимать шаги, слабое знание языка, пересмотреть положения, основная деятельность, обеспечить необходимый уровень, сводки погоды, погодные условия, давление воздуха, скорость ветра, направление ветра, нижняя граница облачности, прогноз погоды, центр прогнозирования погоды, прогностические карты, станция обеспечения полета, погода аэродрома посадки. 7. Fill in the following table:
8. Choose the correct word: 1) The aviation industry is taking steps to prevent accidents but/when the crashes occur time after time. 2) Experience has shown that/ and phraseology is not sufficient to cover all emergency situations. 3) When/ because the pilot prepares for the flight, he is to get the latest weather information. 4) There are many meteorological stations where/ that special instruments record all changes in the atmosphere. 5) Landing of an aircraft is the most difficult operation therefore/ when the standards of visibility are higher. 6) For many decades attempts were made to make flying independent of weather conditions because/ that fog, rain often affect the aircraft operation. 7) When/ although pilots land under low visibility conditions, they are given all the necessary information. 9. Read the text. Fill in the gaps with words from the list. Pressure, low, accuracy, installed, rain, quicker, increased, information, space, flights. Nowadays meteorological services for aviation are almost fully automated. Automated Surface Weather Systems are … at the airports of many countries. The System provides for the measurements, processing and display of the following meteorological parameters: wind direction and speed, air temperature and dew point t°, runway visual range, minimum cloud height, barometric ….. It is known that fog, and clouds often affect the aircraft operation. For many decades attempts were made to make flying independent of weather conditions or, in other words, to allow an aircraft to land under very… or zero visibility. The use of lasers makes it possible to give pilots all the necessary … when they land under low visibility conditions. The introduction of these systems has greatly … the reliability and safety of …. Satellite meteorology has become an independent area of science. Weather forecasts based on information from outer … make forecasts more accurate and help to save a great sum of money annually. At present the work of meteorologist becomes easier thanks to computers which make calculations … and due to them the weather forecast service is becoming more reliable. The use of satellites and computers greatly increases the … of weather forecasts. 10. Match the numbers to the letters: 1. meteorological; a) pressure; 2. barometric; b) calculations; 3. to make; c) visibility; 4. zero; d) meteorology; 5. satellite; e) space; 6. outer; f) launching; 7. to save. g) money. 11. Form the nouns from the following verbs and give Russian equivalents: To direct, to observe, to equip, to provide, to achieve, to ensure, to fail, to provide, to relate, to criticize. 12. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense: 1) If computers … (to make) calculations, the weather forecast service will become more reliable. 2) If ICAO provided the necessary level of standardization, air operations … (to be) safe and regular. 3) If I … (to be) a pilot, I would request the actual weather and aerodrome conditions. 4) The observations are made every 15 minutes if the weather suddenly… (to get) worse or better. 5) Poor knowledge of English … (to result) in an incident if the pilot had known English well. 6) If the controller … (to give) the pilot full information about the terminal weather, he would have avoided an emergency situation. 13. Form the opposites with a help of prefixes – un, -in, -ir: Reliable, accurate, regular, safe, known, sufficient, necessary, critical. 14. Translate the following sentences into English: Самая важная проблема в авиации – безопасность. Для обеспечения безопасности полетов ИКАО установила специальные правила и процедуры. Все государства – члены ИКАО должны строго соблюдать все правила. Одна из самых важных задач авиационных специалистов – предотвращать столкновение самолетов в воздухе и на земле. Достижения в технике, аэродинамике и других науках повышают авиационную безопасность. Еще одним условием, обеспечивающим авиационную безопасность, является стандартизация во всех авиационных операциях. Хорошее знание английского языка необходимо для обеспечения безопасности полетов. Погода состоит из таких элементов как температура и влажность воздуха, атмосферное давление, скорость и направление ветра. Дождь, гроза, туман, и другие явления опасны для полета. В каждом аэропорту есть метеостанция со специальными приборами, регистрирующими все изменения в атмосфере. Имея все данные о погоде, синоптики составляют погодную карту. Во многих аэропортах информация о погоде непрерывно транслируется на определенной частоте. Посадка самолета – самая трудная операция. Сейчас большинство метеостанций почти полностью автоматизировано. Использование спутников и компьютеров повышает точность прогноза погоды. |
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