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Computers in Education In recent years, educators have been involved with computers in three ways: (1) they teach students about computers; (2) they teach students about a variety of subjects such as math, language skills, reading, and grammar using computers (computer-assisted instruction); and (3) they use computers as classroom management tools (computer-managed instruction). Computer classes have been offered at the college level since the mid-1950s. Many colleges and universities now have their own microcomputer training labs. And "electronic universities" are being established to offer all sorts of courses to people who use computers and communications technology to earn educational degrees at home. Computers in Industry Many industries are being transformed by the use of computers. You probably already know that automobile and other product manufacturers use computer-based robots to do much of the work. Publishing is a good example of one industry that has changed dramatically because of computerization. Editing, typesetting, page makeup, photo treatments, creation of illustrations, and color work can all be done electronically now – and much faster than ever before. This means that new types of jobs are being created for people who can combine publishing know-how and/or language expertise with computer experience. Computers in Entertainment and Sports Hardly anyone living in the United States today is not aware of the effect computers have had on such entertainment businesses as movie making and music production. Special effects experts are in demand, as are those who combine musical talent with the ability to operate computer-based musical equipment. People who are trained in video production and modern communications can find work in broadcasting, journalism, advertising, and a number of other fields. And, of course, game companies and software companies are in need of people to develop computerized games. Computers in Agriculture Computers are also used professionally by people who choose to go into animal husbandry to monitor breeding conditions, diet, and environment, and also to manage accounting and other clerical procedures. Computers are being used in farming to monitor weather, water supplies, climate, soil composition, and so on. Computers in the Home Computers are such versatile tools that people are bringing them into their homes in increasing numbers. A wide variety of software is available for home use, including (1) educational software for young children, (2) personal financial management software, and (3) entertainment software. Many professionals also use their home computers to do some work-related tasks at home or even run their businesses from the home, using typical business software packages and modern communications technology. Questions: 1. What do different types of businesses use computers for? 2. What well-known publications about computers in business and banking world do you know? 3. How is computer technology used in the U.S. defense system? 4. What data processing facilities are law enforcement agencies now equipped with? 5. How has the use of computers in the health-care industry grown in the past 10 years? 6. What ways have educators been involved with computers in recent years? 7. Do you know any examples of industries that have changed dramatically because of computerization? 8. What experts are in demand in such entertainment businesses as movie making and music production? 9. What do farmers use computers for? 10. What kind of software is available for home use? 11. How do many professionals use their home computers? 4. Which of the listed below statements are true/false? Correct the false statements. 1. The need for software by all sorts of businesses has led to the development of the systems software industry. 2. To keep up-to-date with detailed information about how computers are being used in business we can consult well-known computer publications such as Personal Computing, PC World, and Macworld. 3. It is easier to collect, tabulate, and categorize the colossal amount of data the U.S. government must deal with daily with the aid of computers. 4. Law enforcement agencies use computers to coordinate and disseminate strategic information relating to the management and deployment of armed forces. 5. The use of computers in the health-care industry has grown a little in the past 10 years. 6. Many of the devices found in intensive care units are obsolete. 7. In recent years, educators have been involved with computers in two ways: (1) they teach students about computers; (2) they teach students about a variety of subjects using computers. 8. Many colleges and universities now have their own microcomputer training labs. 9. Automobile manufacturers use computer-based robots to do much of the work. 10. Special effects experts are those who combine musical talent with the ability to operate computer-based musical equipment. 11. Computers are being used in farming to develop computerized games. 12. Many professionals use their home computers to run their businesses from the home. 5. Fill in the blanks: 1. The growth of the computer information industry has created a vast and varied number of jobs—both for computer professionals and … users. 2. … detailed information about computers consult well-known computer publications such as Personal Computing, PC World, and Macworld. 3. … are used to collect and communicate data and information, and the weapons systems have computerized components. 4. … agencies can share information on criminal activities, as well as missing persons. 5. Computers are used … the availability and use of beds in hospitals. 6. “Electronic universities” are being established to offer all sorts of courses … educational degrees at home. 7. New types of jobs are being created for people who can combine publishing … and/or language expertise with computer experience. 8. Special effects experts are …, as are those who combine musical talent with the ability to operate computer-based musical equipment. 9. … is available for home use. 10. Many professionals also use their home computers to do some work-related tasks at home, using typical business … .
1. Разработка и производство компьютерного оборудования стало огромной индустрией. 2. Правоохранительные органы используют компьютеры для сбора и анализа показаний. 3. Многие колледжи и университеты имеют сейчас компьютерные классы. 4. Компьютеры такие разносторонние устройства, что все больше людей приносят их в свои дома. 5. Спутники используются, чтобы собирать и передавать данные и информацию, системы вооружений также имеют компьютеризированные компоненты. 6. Необходимость разных видов бизнеса в программном обеспечении привела к развитию отрасли прикладного ПО. 7. Многие приборы в отделении интенсивной терапии так же компьютеризированы. 8. Обширные компьютерные сети работают вместе, чтобы координировать и распространять стратегическую информацию относительно управления и развертывания вооруженных сил. 9. Компьютеры используются для выполнения большого количества медицинской административной бумажной работы.
Insurance company; a computer-literate user; animal husbandry; to be in demand; concise information; scientific application; the colossal amount of data; language expertise; financial records; to make decisions; to disseminate strategic information; weapons systems; intensive care unit; to develop computerized games; educational software. 8. Retell the text. TEST YOURSELF 1. What elements of a computer system do you know? 2. What is connectivity? 3. What are the most common components of processing hardware? 4. What is systems software? 5. What is applications software? 6. What factors is a computer’s type determined by? 7. What is semiconductor? 8. What basic categories are computers generally grouped into? 9. Where are different types of computers generally used? 10. Why did the interest in microcomputer systems grow rather slowly at first? 11. What basic hardware devices do you know? 12. What new components do the expansion slots allow us to add to our computer system? 13. What does the system unit usually house? 14. How many generations has computer technology evolved through? 15. Which came first – computer or data processing? Name some data processing methods used before computers came into use. 16. What is superconductor? 17. What is “optical circuitry”? 18. How was data collection for early computers done? 19. Why have so many businesses adopted computers so readily? 20. What does the computer bring us in addition to being fast and easy to use? 21 Do you welcome the freedom of routine and boring work that computers give? 22. What are the disadvantages of computerization? 23. What is your opinion about the potential for computer-based systems in business to be used to monitor employees? 24. What do different types of businesses use computers for? 25. What kind of software is available for home use? 26. What ways have educators been involved with computers in recent years? 27. What well-known publications about computers in business and banking world do you know? MATCHING Match each of the following terms to the phrase that is the most closely related.
a. Someone who does not necessarily have much technical knowledge about computers but who makes decisions based on information processed by the computer b. Equipment made up of a combination of electronic and electromechanical components that uses software to process data c. Raw, unevaluated facts d. The product of data processing e. Most common type of input device used with computers f. This term relates to two or more computer systems being able to communicate; sixth element of a computer system g. Said of data that is not lost when the power is turned off h. A basic understanding of what a computer is and how it can be used as a resource i. Output device that displays one color on a solid background j. Processing of data into information k. Explains to users how to use software l. Output device that can display text and graphics in a variety of colors m. Main computer system cabinet where the power supply, system board, and some storage devices are housed n. Any collection of related programs to be carried out by the computer to satisfy a user's specific needs o. Term often used to describe software acquired to perform a general business function MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. _____________is the product of data processing. a. data b. information c. software d. a computer e. none of the above 2. The most common input device used today is the_____________ a. motherboard b. central processing unit c. keyboard d. system unit e. semiconductor 3. Software instructions intended to satisfy a user's specific processing needs are called_______________ a. systems software b. a microcomputer c. documentation d. applications software e. all of the above 4. Which of the following isn't a factor when categorizing a computer? a. amount of main memory the CPU can use b. capacity of the storage devices c. cost of the system d. where it was purchased e. speed of the output devices 5. Which of the following is the most powerful type of computer? a. supermicro b. superconductor c. microcomputer d. supercomputer e. megaframe 6. Which of the following terms is related to a monitor? a. screen b. monochrome monitor c. RGB monitor d. video display e. all of the above 7. Which kind of storage device can be carried around? a. hard disk b. system cabinet c. diskette d. main memory e. motherboard 8. Which of the following people probably has the least amount of technical knowledge? a. programmer b. user c. systems analyst d. computer operator e. computer professional 9. Which of the following devices allows the user to add components and capabilities to a computer system? a. storage devices b. keyboards c. system boards d. diskettes e. expansion slots 10. Which of the following terms applies to communication between separate computer systems? a. computer literacy b. power supply c. applications software d. connectivity e. none of the above SHORT ANSWER
10. What are a few ways that people affect computer operations? PROJECTS
Учебное издание Криворучко Ирина Сергеевна Сейранова Карина Маисовна Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для бакалавров и специалистов факультета прикладной информатики 3 этап обучения Подписано в печать Бумага офсетная. Формат 60х84. Тираж 100 экз. Усл. печ. л. – 8.3. Учет. – изд. л. – 7.7 Заказ № Типография Кубанского государственного аграрного университета 350044, г. Краснодар, ул. Калинина, 13 |
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