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Questions: 1. Which came first – computers or data processing? 2. How did people process data in ancient times? 3. What are the most notable data processing tools in use between the mid-1600s and the early 1900s? 4. When did the first large-scale electronic computer become operational? 5. What disadvantages did the first computer have? 6. How many generations has computer technology evolved through? 7. What was main memory of the first generation computers made up of? 8. How did second-generation machines change? 9. What capabilities did third generation computers begin to support? 10. What is logic circuitry? 11. What do fifth-generation computers constitute? 12. What is superconductor? 13. What is optical circuitry? 4. Which of the listed below statements are true/false? Correct the false statements. 1. The abacus remains in wide use even today and is still considered a powerful tool for performing mathematical computations. 2. The first large-scale electronic computer, the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) became operational in 1947. 3. Most input and output media of the first generation computers were magnetic discs. 4. Second-generation machines tended to be smaller, more reliable, and significantly faster than first-generation computers. 5. The computers of the third generation incorporated hundreds or thousands of processors that operated in parallel. 6. Logic circuitry transmits data with light rather than electricity. 7. LSI and the microprocessor enabled the development of the supercomputer. 8. Scientists have also tried to develop new superconductors that sometimes conduct electricity and sometimes do not, depending on applied voltages and added chemical impurities. 9. Parallel processing means that many people will use the same computer simultaneously. 5. Fill in the blanks: 1. The ancient Egyptians wrote on a crude form of paper called ... . 2. By the early 1960s, .... that were much smaller than vacuum tubes were being used for much of the computer circuitry. 3. ... is a complete electronic circuit on a silicon chip. 4. ... is processing several programs simultaneously. 5. ... is the circuitry that performs the logical operations of the CPU. 6. Scientists have also tried to develop new ... that can conduct electricity with no resistance, thus generating no heat but great speed. 7. Many fifth-generation computers will also incorporate hundreds or thousands of processors that operate in parallel — that is, ... . 8. ... means that many processors will work on the problem at the same time. a) multiprogramming e) simultaneously b) papyrus f) transistors c) logic circuitry g) integrated circuit d) parallel processing h) superconductors 6. Find English equivalents in the text: 1. Счеты до сих пор считаются значимым средством для выполнения математических вычислений. 2. Первый компьютер весил 30 тонн и занимал площадь 1,500 тыс. квадратных футов. 3. Размер компьютеров становился все меньше и меньше. 4. На протяжении многих веков люди разработали огромное множество средств и техник для обработки данных. 5. Первый компьютер мог умножать четырехзначные числа за 9 миллисекунд. 6. Компьютеры первого поколения были больших размеров, медленно работали и вырабатывали огромное количество тепла. 7. Магнитные ядра, нанизанные на электрические провода, стали самым распространенным типом основной памяти. 8. Некоторые люди думают, что компьютеры пятого поколения будут иметь неограниченную память. 9. Оптические схемы будут способствовать передаче данных при помощи света, а не электричества.
To transmit data; mathematical computations; magnetic drum; to replace transistorized circuitry; unlimited memory; to conduct electricity; compared to today’s standards; to turn data into information; to affect the society; commercially successful; magnetic cores. 8. Retell the text. LESSON 5 The Effect of Computers on Processing Data and Information Active vocabulary:
1. Match the following English expressions with their Russian equivalents:
2. Arrange the following words according to meaning similarity: 1. contest a) quantity 2. to authorise b) to calculate 3. precise c) competition 4. by hand d) exact 5. to compute e) old-fashioned 6. obsolete f) to empower 7. amount g) manually 3. Read the text and answer the questions below: The Effect of Computers on Processing Data and Information New generations of computer technology will continue to affect the processing of data and information. Data collection continues to become easier and easier, data processing is getting faster and faster, mathematical calculations continue to be performed with increased precision, and information is being provided to users in generally more useful forms. data collection: hard labor то easy time Before computers were invented, data was collected and processed by hand in a variety of tedious ways. And the data often had to be copied and recopied more than once before it could be processed into information. Data collection for early computers was often done by transcribing hardcopy data into computer-usable forms such as punched cards or paper tape. The data was recorded by punching a series of holes according to a standardized coding scheme. Technological advancements in data collection have made this cumbersome collection method almost obsolete. the production of information: Faster, easier, better (usually) It's no wonder that so many businesses have adopted computers so readily. Quick and easy production of accurate information has become a reality to businesspeople who used to dream about it. The U.S. government was one of the first institutions to benefit from increased data processing speed. In the last century, census taking was one of the most arduous processing tasks ever undertaken in this country. Almost 50,000 people collected data by hand, completing forms for approximately 13 million households. Processing this data by hand usually took more than eight years; no sooner would the population be tallied than the new census would begin. As a result, in 1890, the U.S. Congress authorized the Census Office to hold a competition to select the most efficient new method for recording and tabulating the census. Herman Hollerith won the contest with his system for electric tabulating using data input on punched cards. Although at the time the speed of this data processing method was a major breakthrough – it took Hollerith six weeks to compute an unofficial census – a modern personal computer can process the same amount of data in about half the time, after capturing it in a computer-usable form. Thanks to the science of ergonomics (also called human engineering), which designs things to be easily used by people, the convenience of computer use has also improved over the years. Many people have been afraid of computers, but great strides have been made in transforming the computer into a friendlier, less mysterious tool. Input devices have become easier to use, and software is easier to understand than ever before. In addition to being fast and easy to use, the computer also brings us a math facility that many of us thought was eternally beyond our reach. Have you ever had difficulty balancing your checkbook or creating a budget? Many of us find it difficult to consistently perform mathematical calculations accurately by hand. Sooner or later we make a mistake. One of the major advantages of a computer is that, with the proper software, it will perform calculations quickly and accurately, with much greater precision and speed than would be possible manually. Thus math anxiety will not prevent you from providing your employer with, for example, complicated statistical or financial reports. information in usable forms: for the computer and for the user The need for business-related data to be retrieved, manipulated, and analyzed is constant. As we mentioned, in the past data was collected by hand and analyzed manually to produce a report. Then people had to go through the same procedure again if they wanted to use the same data to produce a different report. The computer allows us to capture data in computer-usable form – for example, on disk. Once the data is available in this form, the computer can repeatedly retrieve and manipulate it to produce information tailored – in people-usable form – to meet specific needs. This flexibility has been welcomed by many people in data-heavy professions such as accounting and banking. Questions: 1. What improvements does new computer technology bring us? 2. How was data collection for early computers done? 3. What collection method have technological advancements made almost obsolete? 4. Why have so many businesses adopted computers so readily? 5. What institution in the USA was one of the first to benefit from increased data processing speed? 6. What processing task was one of the most arduous ever undertaken in the USA in the last century? 7. How did they solve the problem of recording and tabulating the census? 8. What does the science of ergonomics deal with? 9. How has the convenience of computer use improved over the years? 10. What does the computer bring us in addition to being fast and easy to use? 11. What data-heavy professions do you know? 4. Which of the listed below statements are true/false? Correct the false statements. 1. Data collection continues to become harder and harder, data processing is getting slower and slower and mathematical calculations continue to be performed with decreased precision. 2. Before computers were invented, data was collected and processed by hand. 3. Hardcopy data was transcribed into computer-usable forms such as punched cards or paper tape. 4. It's surprisingly that so many businesses have adopted computers so readily. 5. The U.S. banks were first institutions to benefit from increased data processing speed. 6. Herman Hollerith won the contest with his system for electric tabulating using data input on paper tape. 7. Thanks to the science of ergonomics the convenience of computer use has also improved over the years. 8. All of us find it easy to consistently perform mathematical calculations accurately by hand. 9. The need for business-related data to be retrieved, manipulated, and analyzed is provisional. 10. Capturing data in computer-usable form – for example, on disk has many advantages. 5. Fill in the blanks: 1. ... is being provided to users in generally more useful forms. 2. The data was recorded by punching a series of holes according to ... . 3. The U.S. government was one of the first institutions to benefit from increased ... . 4. At that time the speed of this data processing method was a major ... . 5. The science of ... designs things to be easily used by people. 6. Great strides have been made in transforming the computer into a friendlier, less mysterious ... . 7. The computer also brings us ... that many of us thought was eternally beyond our reach. 8. Math anxiety will not prevent you from providing your employer with ... . a) breakthrough e) information b) tool f) coding scheme c) financial reports g) ergonomics d) math facility h) data processing speed 6. Find English equivalents in the text: 1. Выполняя математические вычисления, рано или поздно мы делаем ошибку. 2. До того, как были изобретены компьютеры, данные собирались и обрабатывались вручную. 3. Устройства ввода стали легче в использовании, а программное обеспечение стало проще понять, чем когда-либо. 4. Необходимость в восстановлении, манипуляции и анализе данных, относящихся к бизнесу, является постоянной. 5. Сбор данных становится проще, обработка – быстрее, математические вычисления выполняются с большей точностью. 6. Таким образом, проблемы с математикой не помешают вам обеспечить вашего работодателя точными статистическими или финансовыми отчетами. 7. Новое поколение компьютерных технологий продолжает влиять на обработку данных и информации. 8. Компьютер позволяет нам хранить данные в подходящей для него форме, например, на диске. 7. Make up your own sentences using the following expressions: To win the contest; to take census; sooner or later; the major advantage; the arduous processing tasks; to meet needs; it’s no wonder that; to select the most efficient method; precise information; to balance one’s checkbook; to affect the processing of data; to complete forms; to go through the procedure. 8. Retell the text. LESSON 6 Social Implications of Computerization Active vocabulary:
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