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IV. Fill the gaps in the sentences below with a better adjective from the box. You can use each adjective once only. Careful! Sometimes more than one word is possible, but not always!
a. We're having a _______ time here in Scotland. b. But the weather is ______. c. We're staying in a ______ hotel near a ____ town. d. We have ______ views of the mountains. e. The castle was really _____. f. We’re hoping to go for a ______ walk by the lake. g. Did you have a _______ time in Italy? V. Where were you on your last holiday? Imagine you are still there. Write a postcard to an English friend. Use Bob and Jane’s postcard to help you, but use the adjective nice once only! Write about – the place – the weather – the accommodation – something you did yesterday – something you are going to do today Formal letters VI. Below is an outline of a formal letter. Look at it carefully. Is it the same as in your country? Your address (not your name) The date The name and address of who you are writing to The greeting Introduction Main parts Concluding comment The ending Your signature VII. Match a greeting with a suitable ending. Which are formal? Which are informal?
VIII. The following are the contents of a letter. Divide it correctly to match the outline of the letter. Rua Luis de Deus 18, 3000 Coimbra, Portugal. 29th March, 2008. The Principal, The Oxford English College, 234 Hilton Rd., Eastbourne BN4 3U A. Dear Sir or Madam, I saw your advertisement for English classes in this month's English Today magazine and I am interested in coming to your school this summer. I have studied English for three years but I have never been to England and I feel that this is now necessary, especially to improve my pronunciation. Please could you send me more information about your courses, and an application form. I would also like some information about accommodation. I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. Yours faithfully, Ana - Maria Fernandes. IX. Write a similar letter about yourself to: The Principal The World English School 47, Harrogate Rd YorkYK3 8BT UNIT REVIEW I. Here are formal and informal letters. One is written to friends, the other to a hotel. The lines of each letter are mixed (but the two letters are not mixed). Put the lines in the right order. Monday Dear Alice and Jim a. Would you mind having a look for me? b. The conversation was excellent and the food delicious! c. I think I left a pair of brown corduroy trousers in the wardrobe of my room. d. I had a wonderful time. e. Please can you let me know if you find them? f. Thank you for having me to stay last weekend. g. It was lovely to see you all. See you again soon! h. Could you do something for me? i. Thanks a lot. Love Jack
January 13th Dear Reception j. Could you possibly check if this is so? k. The service was superb and the food delicious! 1. I have mislaid a pair of brown corduroy trousers, which I suspect I left in the wardrobe of my room. m. We had a most pleasant few days n. I look forward to hearing from you. o. Many thanks for the weekend break that my wife and I enjoyed at your hotel recently. p. We hope to visit your hotel again soon. q. I would like to ask you a favour. r. I would be most grateful. Yours sincerely Jack Higgins 1__2__ 3__ 4__ 5__ 6__ 7__ 8__ 9__ II. The purpose of the two letters is the same, but the lines are different because one is formal and the other is informal. Compare some of the lines. Examples Could you do something I would like to ask you a favour. for me? Thanks a lot. I would be most grateful. III. Choose one of the letters, and write the reply to it. Explain that you looked very carefully for the trousers, but couldn't find them. The following notes will help you. a) Alice and Jim's letter Dear Jack Thanks for you letter. We enjoyed ..., too. I'm sorry to say that I looked everywhere ..., but I couldn't.... Have you looked ...? Perhaps you ...? Sorry I can't help any more. See you soon! b) The hotel's letter Dear Mr Higgins Thank you for your letter of 13 January. We are delighted that... . We are sorry to inform you that... unable to find... . We searched... . We look forward... . UNIT 3 Types of letters
II. Choose one of the following outlines for a letter and write it out in full. Use the expressions in exercise I if appropriate. 1. Giving news Write to a relative (uncle, aunt, grandparent). Give news of a recent holiday you have had. Say where you went, who with, and what you did. Give some news about what you are doing at school, and how your parents are. Finish by saying: “I hope to see you...” 2. Inviting Write to a friend who lives in another part of the country. Invite him/her to come to stay at your house for a weekend. Suggest some dates. Say what you'd like to do during the weekend. Suggest how the friend could travel, and offer to meet him/her at the railway station or airport. Finish by saying : “I do hope you can come.” 3. Accepting an invitation Reply to the invitation above. Your friend has invited you to come to stay for a weekend in two weeks' time. Accept the invitation, and say thank you. Give some information about how you'll travel, and when you expect to arrive. Finish by saying: 'Thanks again for the invitation! See you on ...” 4. Thank-you letter The parents of a friend of yours lent you their house in the country for a week. Write to them to thank them. Say how kind they were, and describe what you did during the week's holiday. 5. Thanks and requests You recently stayed at the George Hotel, Oxford. You left a coat in the wardrobe in your room. You wrote to the hotel, asking them to send the coat to you, and also asking for a brochure for the hotel. The hotel sent the coat but not the brochure. Write to the hotel again, thanking them for sending the coat and asking for a brochure. 6. Paying a bill and requesting A bookshop has sent you some books by post, and the bill. Write to the bookshop enclosing a cheque, and asking for a receipt. Also, a friend has recommended a cookery book called The Italian Kitchen but could not remember the author. Ask if the bookshop has this book and can send it to you. III. The letter of application can be very important in that it often provides the first direct contact between a candidate and an employer. If this letter is not well written and presented, it will make a poor impression. The letter of application normally contains four paragraphs in which you should:
Below you will find details from Rebecca Sprau’s letter of application. Look at the outline of the letter on the left and indicate where the information below should go. ![]() 1 ![]() 2 I would be pleased to discuss my curriculum vitae with you in more detail at an interview. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further information. I look forward to hearing from you. 3 ![]() 4 ![]() Dear Ms Linneke 4th May , 2008 ![]() I am writing to apply for the position which was advertised last month in The Independent. ![]() 2544 South Fruitsnake Road Land Haute, Wales 54267 UK Nathalie Linneke Fishkarten 50 Wismar Germany 4736 5 ![]() 6 ![]() ![]() 7 ![]() Rebecca Sprau SprauFione Scott Yours sincerely 8 ![]() ![]() 9 10 IV. When you apply for a job, you write a letter of application. What information should you put into your letter? Make a list. V. Look at this advert. Would you like this 'job'? Crew members wanted We are planning an expedition to sail the Atlantic Ocean in a replica of the ship used by Christopher Columbus in 1492. We are looking for two young, fit and enthusiastic people to join our crew. You need to be hard-working, flexible and good at working in a team. Travel experience is essential. Experience of sailing would be an advantage. We offer a unique opportunity for the right people. Apply in writing, with your CV, to: jim.smith@realitytv.co.uk. VI. Read this advice for writing a letter of application and the letter from Linda Queen. Is Linda right for the 'job'? Does she follow the advice? a) 1. Read the advertisement. Think about exactly what kind of person the organization wants. 2. Look at the personal qualities (e.g. hardworking, enthusiastic) and the experience they ask for. 3. Talk about them in your letter. 4. Your letter should be polite and formal: – say where you saw the advertisement – say why you are applying – give a short summary of your experience – talk about personal qualities – include a closing statement. b) Dear Mr. Brown 1. __ your advertisement for crew members in The Times. I would like to apply for the post, and enclose a copy of my CV for your attention. 2. ___ my personal qualities and experience make me an excellent candidate for this post. 3. ___ I have three years’ experience of working on charity projects in developing countries. On these projects, I worked with people from different backgrounds, both independently and as part of a team. I learned to carry out my responsibilities but also to look after the needs of others in the team. 4. ___ very much sailing experience, but 5. ___ learn. I am highly motivated, hard-working and very well organized. These are all qualities which enabled me to succeed in my charity work. I am sure they will make me a key member of your crew. I hope you will consider my application. 6. ___ contact me if you need more information. 7. __ hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Linda Queen. |
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