II. Read and learn the following special words.
liquidated damages
– оплаченные убытки, устраненные повреждения
contractual delivery date
– дата доставки согласно контракта
– последующий
– просроченный, опаздывающий
– счет-фактура
on first request of smb.
– по первому требованию к-л.
to furnish a copy
– предоставить копию
to relieve smb. from smth.
– освободить к-л. от ч-л.
to reimburse
– возмещать (расходы)
to accrue
– нарастать, накапливаться
on conditions FOB ( free on board)
– на условиях франко-борт, с оплатой расходов по погрузке фрахтователем
irrevocable Letter of Credit
– окончательное кредитное письмо, аккредитив
interest charges
– взимаемые проценты
promissory note
– долговое обязательство, простой вексель
bill of exchange
– вексель, тратта
clean Bill of Lading
– чистый коносамент
double-handling charges
– плата за повторное перемещение, переработку грузов
III. Translate the following word combinations and make up sentences using them.
1) a contractual delivery date; 2) agreed and liquidated damages; 3) overdue in delivery; 4) to be deducted by smb. upon settlement of the invoices of smb.; 5) to take the obligation; 6) collection order; 7) at storage; 8) a copy of dock receipt; 9) to furnish; 10) to exceed an amount of…per cent; 11) to relieve smb. from one’s obligation.
IV. Look through the text carefully and find the English equivalents for the following Russian words and word combinations given below. Try to memorize them.
1) после этого; 2) за каждую последующую полную неделю; 3) % от стоимости; 4) общая сумма; 5) по первому требованию к-л; 6) подтвердить свое согласие; 7) отложить оплату; 8) порт погрузки; в соответствии с контрактом; 9) воспользоваться правом; 10) обеспечить сохранность ч-л.
V. Match the beginnings and the endings.
1. When calculating agreed and liquidated damages, ”full week” means…
a….shall be agreed by both parties.
2. The total amount of agreed and liquidated damages connected with Seller’s delay…
b….Buyer has to store the Goods.
3.The delivery time of the Goods to be returned into a Russian port…
c….a period of seven consecutive days.
4. If the ship designated by Seller has not arrived in port in due time,…
d…will be agreed upon before reshipment of the Goods.
5. Details of repayment and return of promissory notes, bills of exchange…
e…will not exceed an amount of five per cent of the Contract amount.
VI. Read the text again and find answers to the following questions.
1. How much will Seller pay to Buyer if he fails to deliver the Goods by contractual delivery dates?
2. What does “full week” mean?
3. What does a partial week mean?
4. In what case will Seller have no obligation under the Contract to pay relevant agreed and liquidated damages for the delay in the delivery of the Goods?
5. In what case will Buyer have the right to cancel part of the Contract ?
6. How shall the delivery time of the Goods to be returned be agreed?
7. When should Buyer notify Seller the name of port, quantity of cases, total weight, etc. in connection with returning goods?
NOTE: В условных предложениях первого типа союз if может быть опущен, когда сказуемое придаточного предложения выражено сочетанием should с инфинитивом. В этом случае should ставится перед подлежащим, сохраняя значение “если…” ,”если случится так, что …”.
VII. Translate the sentences beginning with should.
1. Should Buyer and Seller understand that а replacement of defective Goods and/or а repair cannot be done in accordance with contractual conditions the Buyer is entitled to cancel that part of the Contract relating to the defective Goods.
2. Should Seller fail to deliver the Goods bу the contractual delivery dates, Seller will рау to Buyer as agreed and liquidated damages 0,5 per cent of the value of each Delivery Group.
3. Should, for аnу reason, Buyer forget to deduct the liquidated damages, the Seller takes the obligation to рау the full amount of the liquidated damages on first request of Seller.
4. Should the Seller fail to notify the Buyer of a contingency the Seller is denied a right to refer to these circumstances.
5. Should аnу circumstances arise preventing the complete or partial fulfillment bу either of the parties of the obligations taken under this Contract, the time stipulated for the fulfillment of the obligations of the party affected bу force majeure circumstances shall bе extended for а period еquаl to the time during which such circumstances have prevented the fulfillment of the Contract.
VIII. Copy out all the participles from the text given above and translate them into Russian.
Unit 25
I. Read the text and make an outline of it.
Force majeure is a force against which you cannot act or fight.
Every contract has a force majeure clause. It usually includes natural disasters, as an earthquake, flood, fire, etc. It can also list such contingencies as war, embargo, and sanction. Along with this there are some other circumstances beyond the Sellers' control. The Seller may find himself in s situation when he can't fulfill his obligation under the Contract. It may happen if there is a general strike in the country, a strike of coal-miners, transport workers etc. Production may be suspended if there is a shortage of the energy supply. When negotiating a contract a list of contingencies must be agreed on and put into the Contract.
When a manager makes up a contract he must not think only of his one-sided interest. He must think in terms of common interest with his counterpart. Only then will he prove loyal to his Partner.
In case of a contingency the Seller must notify the Buyers of force majeure. The Article of the Contract to this effect may run:
“Should the Seller fail to notify the Buyer of a contingency the Seller is denied a right to refer to these circumstances”. The Seller is to notify the Buyer of a contingency right away. If it's done in due time the Buyer may take immediate action, to protect his interest. He may sign a contract with another supplier on similar terms or if it's impossible he will secure the best possible terms he can have at the moment. If prices are rising he will be quick to act and will do everything possible to negotiate the best price obtainable at the moment.
A majeure must be a proven fact. The Seller is to submit the Buyer a written confirmation issued by the Chamber of Commerce to this effect. The certificate testifies that contingences really took place. It describes its nature and confirms its duration.
In a dispute between the Buyer and the Seller not only the fact of a contingency is to be ascertained. The Seller must have evidence that non-execution of a contract or its partial fulfillment is a direct result of a contingency. If it is proved the Seller is not liable and the execution of a contract is postponed until all the after-effects causing damage are eliminated. A natural disaster may last only a few minutes but it'll take a lot of time to recover the loss.
The duration of a force majeure is, as a rule, 4 or 6 months. After that the Buyer has a right to cancel the contract. The Seller in this case has no right to claim any compensation for his losses.
II. Give the Russian equivalents for the words from the text.
natural disasters, an earthquake, flood, fire, embargo, sanction, a general strike, energy supply, counterpart, a proven fact, execution of a contract.
III. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following word combinations.
1) наравне с этим; 2) обстоятельства, не поддающиеся контролю; 3) выполнять обязательства по контракту; 4) отложить производство; 5) доказать преданность; 6) предпринять немедленные действия; 7) защищать интерес; 8) на аналогичных условиях; 9) получить наиболее выгодные условия; 10) частичное выполнение контракта; 11) отложить до устранения последствий; 12) возместить убытки.
IV. Match the words with their definitions.
make up a contract
claim compensation
notify smb. of smth.
negotiate a contract
non- execution
непредвиденное обстоятельство, случайность
приостанавливать, временно прекращать
нехватка, дефицит
вести переговоры о заключении контракта
составлять контракт
извещать кого-либо о чем-либо
представлять на рассмотрение
определять, устанавливать
исполнение, выполнение
неисполнение, невыполнение
ответственный, обязательный
устранять, ликвидировать
требовать уплаты компенсации
Find in the text and translate the sentences with the words and word combinations given above.
V. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What is the definition of force majeure?
What contingencies are listed in a force majeure clause?
Why is it very important to notify the Buyer of a contingency?
4 What document certifies the fact of a contingency?
5. What duration is usually stated in a contract for contingency?
6. Do you agree or disagree with the statement?
The wording of a force majeure clause must be very precise. When negotiating this point you must foresee the contingencies which may be detrimental to you.
VI. Speak about contract performance in case of force majeure.
VII. Read the extract from the contract and render it in Russian.
1. Should аnу circumstances arise preventing the complete or partial fulfillment bу either of the parties of the obligations taken under this Contract, such as fire, floods, earthquake, typhoon, epidemics and other actions of forces of nature and such as war, military operations of аnу character, the time stipulated for the fulfillment of the obligations of the party affected bу force majeure circumstances shall bе extended for а period еquаl to the time during which such circumstances have prevented the fulfillment of the Contract.
2. If аnу such event of force majeure will last more than six months both parties will try to agree оn terms for continuation of this Contract.
If such аn agreement cannot bе reached within further two months either party has the right to terminate that part of this Contract which cannot bе fulfilled as а result of the event of force majeure.
In аnу such case neither of the parties shall have the right for reimbursement of аnу possible damages from the other party.
3. In case of force majeure the party for which it becomes impossible to meet its obligations shall immediately advise the other party regarding the commencement and cessation of the circumstances preventing the fulfillment of its obligations.
4. The delayed advice of the commencement or cessation of force majeure circumstances exceeding 15 days from having knowledge will deprive the party оf the right to refer to these circumstances at а later date.
5. Certificates issued respectively bу the Chamber of Commerce of the respective country shall bе sufficient proof of the existence and duration of force majeure circumstances.
In case оf termination of this Contract in full or partially the rights and obligations of the parties are governed bу the regulations of Article 7 of the Contract.
6. Agreed and liquidated damages according to Article 7 of this Contract will not apply, in case of force majeure circumstances.
VIII. Read the article again and answer the questions.
What force-majeure circumstances are mentioned in the article?
For what period shall the time stipulated for the fulfillment of the obligations of the party affected bу force majeure circumstances be extended under this article?
What are both parties entitled to do in case аnу such event of force majeure lasts more than six months?
What must the party for which it becomes impossible to meet its obligations do in case of force majeure?
What does the delayed advice of the commencement or cessation of force majeure circumstances lead to?
How can the existence and duration of force majeure circumstances be proved?
IX. Be ready to explain to your foreign partner his rights and duties in case of force-majeure under the present contract.
Сальникова, Л. В. Английский язык для менеджеров / Л. В. Сальникова – М. : Агентство печати NB-пресс, 1992.
Деловой контакт с зарубежным партнером / под ред. Плотникова А. В. – Киев, 1993.
Новый англо-русский экономический словарь. – М.: Русский язык Медиа, 2006.
Шевелева, С. А. English on Economics / С. А. Шевелева – М. : Юнити, 2004.
Предисловие …………………………..............................……………….. 3
Unit 1 How to write business letters.............................................................. 4
Unit 2 Writing letters..................................................................................... 8
Unit 3 Types of letters................................................................................... 13
Unit 4 Writing a curriculum vitae (cv).......................................................... 18
Unit 5 Writing a business e-mail................................................................... 22
Unit 6 Marketing .......................................................................................... 24
Unit 7 Market segmentation.......................................................................... 27
Unit 8 The Four P’s....................................................................................... 29
Unit 9 How to win a market.......................................................................... 33
Unit 10 Management..................................................................................... 37
Unit 11 Cross-cultural management…………………………..........……… 40
Unit 12 How being green changes the way managers work…….........……. 42
Unit 13 Essential clauses of the contract …………………….........………. 45
Unit 14 Definitions and interpretations ………………………………….... 47
Unit 15 Payment …………………......................................……………..... 52
Unit 16 Transport and delivery terms... ………………. ………………….. 55
Unit 17 Delivery terms and delivery dates ………………………………... 61
Unit 18 Payment conditions ………………………...................………….. 65
Unit 19 Packing …………………………..……....................………..…… 69
Unit 20 Marking …………………….……………………................……... 71
Unit 21 Insurance of goods ……………………….………………..……... 74
Unit 22 Claims and sanctions ……………………………….………….…. 76
Unit 23 Inspection and tests ........................................................................ 81
Unit 24 Agreed and liquidated damages and cancellation of the contract.… 85
Unit 25 Force majeure................................................................................... 90
Список использованной литературы ………………………………….….94
Ирина Владимировна Алещанова
Татьяна Владимировна Сорокина
Марина Владиславовна Мищенко
Doing Business
Учебное пособие
2-е издание
Редактор Попова Л. В.
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