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5. Use the suitable indefinite pronoun 1. Are there ... students in the reading-room? a) any b) no c) some d) not any 2. Is there ... water in the glass? a) few b) any c) many d) some 3. There are not... conveniences in the lab room. a) some b) no c) any d) much 4. There are ... interesting books in the bookcase. a) some b) any c) much d) few 5. Was there ... lecture on physics yesterday? a) some b) any c) no d) not any 6. Read the text. Translate in written form paragraphs 2, 4. ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL 1. Alexander Graham Bell was born in Edinburgh in 1847. His father was a world-famous teacher of speech and the inventor of a system which he ailed "Visible Speech". He helped deaf persons to pronounce words they could not hear. Alexander chose the same profession and as his father became a teacher of the deaf, he moved to the United States and began to teach deaf children to speak At the same time he worked at improving his father's invention. 2. In 1866, the nineteen-year-old Bell started thinking about sending tones by telegraph. It was then that there came to his mind the idea of the "harmonic telegraph", which would send musical tones electrically from one place to another. Bell was not a scientist. So he had to give all his energy and time to one thing only - knowledge of electricity. There was little time for rest and little lime to eat. Hour after hour, day and night he and his friend Watson worked at testing and experimenting with the telephone. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it did not. "We have to do something to make our telephone work better," Bell used to say again and again. At last they decided to try a new kind of transmitter. The new transmitter was set in Bell's bedroom. Watson was sitting in the laboratory. He put his ear to the receiver and was waiting. Suddenly he heard Bell's voice. And not the voice only but the words, too. "Mr. Watson, come here. I want you." It was on the 10-th of March, 1876. Alexander Graham Bell had invented the telephone. 3. In a few years there were telephones all over the world, in 1915, the first transcontinental telephone line was opened. Graham Bell, a very old man now, sat in New York at a desk with a telephone before him, while his friend Watson was listening more than three hundred thousand miles away in San Francisco. People were interested what speech Bell had prepared for that great day, on which the telephone invented by him was to carry sound from the Atlantic coast to the Pacific. 4. Bell was sitting in a big hall; there were many people in it. Everyone expected to hear a serious, scientific speech. Suddenly everybody heard his clear voice as he spoke into his old transmitter, "Mr. Watson, come here. I want you." He repeated the words which he had said almost forty years ago. Much to the amusement of the people Watson answered, "I would be glad to come, but it would take me a week." 7. "True"- "False"
UNIT 8. TENSES OF ENGLISH VERB IN ACTIVE VOICE 1. Learn tenses of English verb in Active Voice
2. Write the Past Simple form of these verbs 1. be (am /is) .......................... 11. lose ............................... 2. break .......................... 12. make .............................. 3. come ......................... 13. meet .............................. 4. do ......................... 14. pay .............................. 5. drink ......................... 15. run .............................. 6. drive .......................... 16. see .............................. 7. eat .......................... 17. sell ............................. 8. get .......................... 18. sit ............................ 9. give .......................... 19. take ............................. 10. go .......................... 20. cut ............................. 3. Read the text opening the brackets Michael Faraday Michael Faraday, English experimental physicist, … (be born) in 1791 in a poor family. The boy … (begin) to work as an apprentice at a bookbinder’s shop at an early age. One day a man … (enter) the shop and … (find) the boy studying an article on electricity. The man … (be) surprised to see a boy so interested in such a difficult subject and … (give) him four tickets for the lectures at the Royal Institutions. The boy … (go) to the lectures and … (make) notes of what he … (hear). At the end of the lecture he … (come) to Sir Humphrey Davy, the greater English scientist, and … (show) him his notes. Davy … (be) surprised. Later he … (make) Faraday his assistant and … (help) him in his education. Faraday … (have) many important discoveries. Among his works are the concept of the magnetic field and the magnetic “lines of force”, production of new kinds of optical glass, and research on electrolysis. Faraday … (produce) the first mechanical motion by means of a permanent magnet and an electric current. This is the principle upon which the modern electric motor is based. Faraday … (be) very modest and he … (love) his work more than honors. He … (refuse) to become President of the Royal Society and also … (refuse) to be knighted. UNIT 9. CONSEQUENCE OF TENSES
2. Translate sentences into Russian. Determine the voice and tense of the verb. A. 1. The brain controls your body and keens all parts of your body working together. 2. When I awoke this morning it was so late that the sun was shining high in, the sky. 3. And now the trade of this town is developing with extreme rapidity and the ambition of the inhabitants us growing along with it. B. 1. If you annoy the cat she will scratch you. 2. But for the storm we should have arrived in time. 3. Unless it stops raining we shall not be able to go to the country. 3. Open the brackets choosing the right form of the verb. He asked me where I (study, studied). Tory said she (is, was) busy. I was sure that she (posted, had posted) his report. We hope it (will not change, would not change) for the worse. They realized that they (lost, had lost) their way in the dark. I thought that I (shall finish, should finish) my work at that time. He said the representatives (will come, would come) to the meeting in time. They know that he (is, was) the cleverest man of his time. I asked his assistant to tell me what she (has seen, had seen) at the exhibition. 4. Translate into Russian. Open the brackets using the right form of the verb. She says she (already find) the answer. He said he could not tell the right answer, the meter (be) wrong. I knew they (wait) for me at the entrance and I decided to hurry. He understood that the soldiers (arrest) him. 5. Read and translate the text. Say what the text is about and retell it. MAN AND THE BIOSPHERE Interrelations between man and biosphere are of a fairly complex nature. Man, like any other living organism, depends for his life on what the biosphere provides: water oxygen, food, and shelter. On the other hand, the biosphere is strongly affected by all so of human activity. Technology powerfully amplifies the effects human beings on the atmosphere Prehistoric man withdrew from the atmosphere only the oxygen he required respiration; technological man consumes a far greater amount of oxygen to support fir power plants and chemical processes. The carbon dioxide produced by technology processes in the biosphere substances wholly new to it; man-made radio-isotopes are wide variety of synthetic materials such as plastics, insecticides, herbicides and numeric industrial materials. These, too, also alter the biosphere. The problem has already been discussed at a large number of conferences, some them sponsored by the UN. However, relatively little has so far been done to environmental pollution. UNIT 10. TENSES OF ENGLISH VERB IN PASSIVE VOICE
2. Translate into Russian. Determine the Tense and Voice of the verb 1. This problem was discussed last week. 2. Lomonosov is often called the founder of Russian science. 3. Manufacturing is one of the most important application area for automation technology. 4. The reprogramming of the equipment is done at a computer terminal. 5. The automation technology in manufacturing and assembly is widely used in car and other consumer product industries. 6. An automated production line consists of a series of workstations. 7. The program is coded in computer memory for each different product style and the machine-tool is controlled by the computer program. 8. Many applications of numerical control have been developed since its initial use to control machine tools. 3. Here are some facts about famous inventions. Fill in the blanks with the forms of the verbs in Active or Passive Voices that suit. Translate into Russian. 1. Many American inventors ... to find ways to ease the process of washing. By 1873, some 2 000 patents ... for washing machines. Most of these machines.... clumsy devices with washer blades that had to be turned by hand. (were / had been issued / tried) 2. In the early1900s, electric machines... . Advertisements proclaimed the wonders of these machines. But it was not until about 1937 that manufactures ... fully automatic machines. Within a few years, the old washboard.... forever. (came up with /was washed up / appeared) 3. I n 1830, Barthelemy Thimonnier ... the first sewing machine. The machine .... of wood, but it ... . Later Thimonnier.... his machine and in 1845 he.... it with patents both in England and the United States. (designed and made / was made ... worked / improved /protected) 4. Between 1832 and 1834 the American Walter Hunt ... a more advanced sewing machine than that, which.... by Thimonnier. (had been invented / had designed and made) 5. In the middle of the 19th century, although it..., the sewing machine ...very many people. (didn’t interest / had been tested) 6. The American Isaac Merritt Singer ... some improvements that ... by Howe and .... it. (had been invented / made / patented) 7. Later the automatic feeding of the cloth that ... by the American Allen B.Wilson ... the sewing machine greatly. (improved / had been introduced) 8. In 1851 another American William O.Grover.... a machine which ... the double chain stitch. (made / invented) 4. Put the verbs in Active or Passive Voice. Translate into Russian. 1. About 200 years ago, there ... (not be) many factories or machines. 2. People ... (use) a metal which ... (call) steel to make strong chassis. 3. Some assembly operations … (perform) manually. 4. Each station … (design) to perform a specific processing operation. 5. Many applications of numerical control … (develop) since its initial use to control machine tools. 6. His work ... (finish) already. 7. The experiment ... (carry out) from ten till twelve o’clock. 8 The machine ... (test) now. 9. Watt ... (continue) his researches and ... (patent) several important inventions. UNIT 11. MODAL VERBS
2. Translate the sentences; explain the usage of the certain modal verbs 1. The green wire should be connected to terminal 4. 2. You mustn’t turn the machine when the red warning light is on. 3. This lever can be up or down. 4. We can recycle old products to make new ones. 5. The red switch has to be on. 6. A rheostat is a resistor whose resistance value may be varied. 7. That morning he had to leave his car at home. 8. You can’t ride a motorbike with no helmet. 3. Insert necessary modal verbs: 1. For each new product the producing equipment ... reprogrammed and changed over. 2. The applications of robots ... divided into three categories. 3. The petrol engine ... develop much power at low speeds. 4. Despite its diversity, electrical engineering ... divided into four main branches. 5. He ... finish the work because of the lack of money. 6. Computers ... input, calculate, compare, and output data as information. 7. Engineers ... know how materials respond to external forces, such as tension, compression, torsion, bending, and shear. 8. Strength is the force per unit area (stress) that materials ... support without falling. 9. You ... to wear a hard hat at this part of the workshop. 10. Before you go on the factory tour you ...to put on these special clothes and safety boots. 4. Put the verbs into Past Simple. Use the modal verbs and their equivalents 1. He must work hard to finish his experiment. 2. I can devote myself to scientific work. 3. You may repeat this experiment. 4. He must illustrate this law by several experiments. 5. She can study automation in the college. 6. They may carry out these experiments at the laboratory. 5. Put the verbs into Future Simple. Use the modal verbs and their equivalents 1. He must check the temperature three times a day. 2. In this figure you can see a diagram of temperature changes. 3. He may use a barometer to measure the atmospheric pressure. 4. You may use this method in your research. 5. She can do the work in time. 6. They must solve a number of scientific problems. UNIT 12. TEST 3 Variant 1 1. Translate the sentences from English into Russian: 1) Who’s been talking over the phone for so long? 2) Have you ever been to the Arab Emirates? 3) What’s Jack doing here? – He’s looking for Ann. 4) Did you meet Nick at the disco yesterday? 5) He told me everything only after he had learnt all the information. 6) Helen doesn’t love him any more, she’s got a new boyfriend. 7) Will you help me tidy the room? 8) We were watching TV when he came in and started shouting at Jane. 9) I’m happy! I’ve found a good job, met a nice girl, rented a good flat, won 1000$ in a lottery. 10) What’s the news? – Rita is getting married. 11) How long have you been studying law? 12) Come to me in 20 minutes, I’ll be making a cake. 13) I’m s ure, Sarah will pass all the exams. 14) They don’t live here any more. They live in Vegas, as far as I remember. 15)Who knows anything about Kate? – She left for LA a week ago. 2. Say the negative: don’t; doesn’t; aren’t; isn’t; haven’t; hasn’t; won’t; hadn’t; weren’t; didn’t 1) We attend a gymnasium. 2) I’ve done my homework. 3) Nelly is writing now. 4) Alice lives in London. 5) He’s lost his key. 6) Dad will come home in 2 hours. 7) My friends were at night club yesterday. 8) She’ll be watching her favorite soap opera when I come home. 9) The girls bought a nice present for Irene. 10) I speak English. 3. Match the questions to the answers.
Variant 2 1. Translate the sentences from English into Russian: 1 )I’ll be missing you much, you’re the best girl I’ve ever met. 2) I’m reading now. I like reading science fiction. 3) Where’s Tom? – He’s playing tennis on the tennis court. 4) They’ll be sleeping. 5) Harry had been running for an hour when he saw the lights in the dark. 6) I haven’t decided yet what to do after college. 7) The builders will have finished the construction of the supermarket by next June. 8) I saw her yesterday morning, she walked in the park talking to a tall guy. 9) First she wanted to leave for Paris, but after she had talked to Patric, she decided to stay. 10) Have you ever eaten Chinese food? – Yes, I have. It was in a Chinese restaurant in Detroit last month. 11) Were you happy with Barbara? – I was really happy with her until her mother moved to our cottage a month ago. 12) I’m going to visit my granny. She’s been sick for 3 days already. 13) When we returned home, mum had already made pizza and was decorating the table. 14) My sister studies French, she wants to be a clothes designer. 15) We’ll probably stay home because it’s raining outside. 2. Say the negative: don’t; doesn’t; aren’t; isn’t; haven’t; hasn’t; won’t; hadn’t; weren’t; didn’t 1) He loves me. 2) Lily had cooked soup before mum came home. 3) We are playing basketball now. 4) Fiona went to the library an hour ago. 5) They study computing. 6) I had a hamster when I was a child. 7) Dad will go to New York soon. 8) I like your style. 9) Mary is talking in the hall. 10) They’ve spent 2 days in Sochi. 3. Match the questions to the answers.
Vocabulary: to comprise — включать в себя automated manufacturing of products — автоматизированное производство товаров robotics — робототехника horizons — горизонты cheap — дешевый to generate — генерировать, производить to transmit — передавать to store — хранить scale — масштаб unprecedented in history — не имеющий прецедентов в истории indication — указание, свидетельство explosive — взрывной to deal with — иметь дело с, заниматься чем-либо integration — интеграция application — приложение, использование circuits — электрические схемы, цепи device — устройство transmission — передача processing — обработка to rely — полагаться Fourier analysis — анализ Фурье linear systems theory — теория линейных систем linear algebra — линейная алгебра differential equations — дифференциальные уравнения probability theory — теория вероятности extensively — широко replacement — замещение fibre optics — оптоволоконные технологии copper — медь digital — цифровой immunity — защищенность, невосприимчивость carrying capacity — пропускная способность light — легкий rapidly growing — быстрорастущий artificial intelligence — искусственный разум sophisticated — сложный superconducting — сверхпроводимость ADD TO YOUR ACTIVE VOCABULARY:
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