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to retrieve — извлекать variety — разнообразие, спектр recreation — развлечение network — сеть to share — делить humanities — гуманитарные науки business transactions — коммерческие операции access — доступ to browse — рассматривать, разглядывать browser — браузер (программа поиска информации) to provide — обеспечивать (чем-либо) provider — провайдер (компания, предоставляющая доступ к WWW через местные телефонные сети) broadcast live — передавать в прямом эфире site — страница, сайт to link — соединять hyperlink — гиперссылка to compete — соревноваться 2. Answer the questions: 1) What is Internet used for? 2) Why so many activities such as e-mail and business transactions are possible through the Internet? 3) What is World Wide Web? 4) What is Web browser? 5) What does a user need to have an access to the WWW? 6) What are hyperlinks? 7) What resources are available on the WWW? 8) What are the basic recreational applications of WWW? 3. Which of the listed below statements are true/false. Specify your answer using the text. 1) There are still not so many users of the Internet. 2) There is information on all sorts of topics on the Internet, including education and weather forecasts. 3) People can communicate through e-mail and chat programs only. 4) Internet is tens of thousands of networks which exchange the information in the same basic way. 5) You can access information available on the World Wide Web through the Web browser. 6) You need a computer (hardware) and a special program (software) to be a WWW user. 7) You move from site to site by clicking on a portion of text only. 8) Films and pictures are not available on the Internet. 9) Radio and TV-broadcasting is a future of Internet. They're not available yet. 4. Define the following using the vocabulary: 1) Internet 2) World Wide Web 3) Web browser 4) Internet provider 5) Hyperlinks 5. Find the equivalents: 1) Объем ресурсов и услуг, которые являются частью WWW, растет чрезвычайно быстро. 2) Каждая ссылка, выбранная вами представляет документ, графическое изображение, видеоклип или аудио файл где-то в Интернет. 3) Интернет может быть также использован для целей развлечения. 4) Вы получаете доступ к ресурсам Интернет через интерфейс или инструмент, который называется веб-браузер. 5) Вся эта деятельность возможна благодаря десяткам тысяч компьютерных сетей, подключенных к Интернет и обменивающихся информацией в одном режиме. 6) Пользователи общаются через электронную почту, дискуссионные группы, чэт-каналы (многоканальный разговор в реальном времени) и другие средства информационного обмена. 6. Match the sentences with the words:web browser, providers, link, WWW 1) You access the information through one interface or tool called a... 2) People connected to the WWW through the local... have access to a variety of information. 3) The user doesn't need to know where the site is, the... follows the... 4) In 1996 there were more than 20 million users of the... 5) Each... provides a graphical interface. 6) Local... charge money for their services to access... resources. UNIT 31. FAMOUS PEOPLE OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 1. Read the texts and make theses to them. Retell one of them. 1) Bill Gates William Henry Gates was born in Seattle, Washington, in 1955. He is an American business executive, chairman and chief executive officer of the Microsoft Corporation. Gates was the founder of Microsoft in 1975 together with Paul Alien, his partner in computer language development. While attending Harvard in 1975, Gates together with Alien developed a version of the BASIC computer programming language for the first personal computer. In the early 1980s. Gates led Microsoft's evolution from the developer of computer programming languages to a large computer software company. This transition began with the introduction of MS-DOS, the operating system for the new IBM Personal Computer in 1981. Gates also led Microsoft towards the introduction of application software such as the Microsoft Word processor. Much of Gates' success is based on his ability to translate technical visions into market strategy. Although Gates has accumulated great wealth from his holdings of Microsoft stock, he has been known as a tough competitor who seems to value winning in a competitive environment over money. Gates still continues to work personally in product development at Microsoft. 2) Steven Paul Jobs Steven Paul Jobs was an American entrepreneur, designer and inventor, co-founder and chairman of the Apple, Co-founder of Pixar studio. He has been widely recognized as a charismatic pioneer of the revolution in the field of personal computers. In the late 1970s, Jobs' friend Steve Wozniak developed one of the first personal computers. Computer Apple II was the first mass product of Apple initiated by Steve Jobs. Later Jobs saw the commercial potential of the GUI, the mouse control, which led to the emergence of computers Apple Lisa and, one year later, Macintosh (Mac). After losing a power struggle with the board of directors in 1985, Jobs left Apple and founded NeXT - the company that developed a computer platform for universities and businesses. In 1986, he acquired the computer graphics division of Production Company Lucas film, turning it into a studio Pixar. He remained CEO Pixar and principal shareholder until the studio was acquired by The Walt Disney Company in 2006, making Jobs the largest private shareholder and board member of Disney. Difficulties in developing a new operating system for Mac led to the purchase of NeXT by Apple in 1996, the Next STEP operating system to use as the basis for Mac OS X. Under the deal, Jobs was appointed adviser to Apple. By 1997, Jobs returned control of Apple, leading the corporation. Under his leadership, the company was saved from bankruptcy and a year later became profitable. Over the next decade, Jobs has led the development of iMac, iTunes, iPod, iPhone and iPad, as well as the development of the Apple Store, iTunes Store and App Store. The success of these products and services, to provide several years of stable financial returns, allowed Apple to become in 2011 the most valuable public company in the world. Many commentators have called the revival of Apple one of the greatest achievements in the history of business. At the same time, Jobs has been criticized for authoritarian management style, aggressive actions against competitors. Jobs has received recognition and several awards for their impact on the industry of technology and music. He is often referred to as "visionary" and even "the father of the digital revolution." Jobs was a brilliant speaker and brought the presentation of innovative products to the next level, turning them into a great show. His unmistakable figure in a black turtleneck, jeans and sneakers, surrounded by a kind of cult. After eight years of fighting the disease, in 2011, Steve Jobs died of pancreatic cancer. APPENDIX. VOCABULARY. Computer ability - способность, возможность accurate - точный (to) affect - воздействовать amount of date - объем данных approximately - приблизительно (to) attain - достигать available - доступный broadband connection - выделенное подключение (to) browse - просматривать browser - браузер, окно просмотра (to) carry out - выполнять computer desk - компьютерный стол computer mouse - компьютерная мышка (photo)copier - ксерокс (to) count - считать, сосчитать CPU - центральный процессор (to) crack - взломать dangerous - опасный data (datum) - факты, данные, сведения defense - оборона, защита (to) deploy - использовать, употреблять (to) design - задумывать, придумывать, разрабатывать (to) determine - определить dial up - удаленный доступ к сети digital - цифровой display - дисплей (to) download - нагружать, пересылать (по линии связи) drive - диск electronic device - электронное устройство electronic mail - электронная почта email accounts - учетные записи электронной почты (to) enable - давать возможность или право на ч-т (to) enhance - повышать, увеличивать essential - существенный except - за исключением, кроме facsimile message - факс fast modem - быстрый модем (to) finding - находить flash drive (card) - флеш-карта floppy disk - дискета (to) handle - обращаться, иметь дело с hard drive - жесткий диск informational server - информационный сервер (to) intercept - перехватить (сигнал и т.д.) interface - интерфейс, адаптер keyboard - клавиатура laptop - ноутбук (to) last - длиться layman - непрофессионал, любитель, ламер (to) log in - входить, подключаться (to) matсh - подходить, соответствовать message - послание monitor - монитор motherboard – материнская плата (the) net - интернет, сеть network - сеть notwithstanding - тем не менее, однако, все же obsolete - устаревший operating system - операционная система overload - перегрузка (to) perform - выполнять, осуществлять player - проигрыватель printer - принтер processing unit - вычислительное устройство (to) provide - снабжать, доставлять; обеспечивать provider - провайдер, поставщик query - запрос, вопрос (to) receive - получать, принимать reliable - надежный (to) respond - отвечать, реагировать scale - масштаб (to) scan - сканировать scanner - сканер search-program - программа-поисковик security - безопасность (to) send - отправлять set of instructions - набор (свод инструкций) significant - значительный, важный, существенный site - сайт society - общество (to) solve - решать, разрешать; находить выход source - источник speakers - колонки storage - хранение (to) surf - просматривать различные сайты в сети system unit - системный блок tool - инструмент, орудие (to) type - печатать, напечатать (to) update - обновить user - пользователь virtual reality - виртуальная реальность voice message - голосовое послание voltage - напряжение window - окно ЛИТЕРАТУРА: 1. Восковская, А.С., Карпова Т.А. Английский язык, среднее профессиональное образование, Ростов-на-Дону, 2008г. 2. Коваленко, П.И., Агабекян, И.П. Английский для технических ВУЗов. Учебное пособие. Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2008г-220с. 3. Луговая, А.Л. Английский язык для студентов технических специальностей: Учебное пособие - М.: «Высшая школа»; Издательский центр «Академия», 2012-150с. 4. Радовель, В.А. Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности: Учебное пособие – Ростов н /Д: Феникс, 2012.-224с. 5. Интернет-ресурсы:
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