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Тема 2.4 Система образования в России, Великобритании и США. 1. Read the text and check your comprehension: Every citizen of our country has the right to education. This right is guaranteed by the Constitution. It is ensured by secondary schools, vocational schools and higher educational establishments. It is also ensured by extramural and evening courses and the system of state scholarships and grants. Secondary education in Russia is compulsory. The stages of compulsory schooling in Russia are: primary education for ages 6-7 to 9-10 and secondary education for ages 10-11 to 16-17.After finishing the 9th form one can go on to a vocational school which offers programs of academic subjects and a program of training in a technical field, or a profession. If a pupil of a secondary school wishes to continue his education he must stay at school for two more years. Primary and secondary school together comprise 11 years of study. Every school has a «core curriculum» of academic subjects, such as Russian, Literature, Mathematics, History, a foreign language and others. Lyceums and gymnasiums offer programs giving a profound knowledge in some fields of study. After finishing the 11th form of a secondary school, a lyceum or a gymnasium one can go on a higher education. Higher educational institutions offer a 5-year programme of academic subjects for students in a variety of fields, as well as a post-graduate course. If a person finishes a post-graduate course and writes a thesis, he or she receives the candidate degree, corresponding to the master's degree, or the doctoral degree. Education in our country is free at all schools. There are some private primary and secondary schools where pupils pay for their studies. Students of universities and colleges get scholarships. At many universities there are also departments where students pay for their education. 1. What does the phrase «the right to education» mean? 2. What is the right to education in Russia ensured by? 3. What are the stages of compulsory schooling in Russia? 4. What programmes of study do different types of school in Russia offer? 5. What is a vocational school? 6. What is necessary for entering a higher educational establishment? 7. What degrees can a person get at a higher educational institution? 8. Do children and people in this country have to pay for education? 2.Read the texts and check your comprehension: A)British Schools. Pre-school education in Britain begins at the age of 3 or 4. About half of the children at this age attend nursery schools or playgrounds mostly organized by parents. Little children need care as well as education. That's why kids play a lot, learn to listen attentively and to behave. Compulsory primary education begins at the age of 5. Children start their school career in an infant school. They are taught «3 Rs»: reading, writing, arithmetics. Pupils have a lot of fun at school, drawing, reading, dancing or singing. When they are 7 pupils move to a junior school, which lasts four years till they are11. They study a lot of subjects: English, Maths, Science, History, Geography along with Technology, Music, Art and Physical education. All the children are streamed into A, B, C, D classes. The most gifted attend A stream, the least talented are in D classes. Most children (over 90 per cent) go to state schools where education is free. Only a small proportion of them attend private (Public) or independent schools where the fees are very high. The most notable private schools are Eton, Harrow, Winchester, Rugby. Such schools are for the representatives of the ruling class. Secondary education begins at 11. The majority of secondary schools are Comprehensive schools where boys and girls study together. Besides, parents can take their children to Secondary Modern schools or to Grammar schools. Many children of working class families go to Modern schools, which give a very limited education but children get instructions in woodwork, metalwork, sewing, shorthand, typing and cooking there. Grammar schools provide an academic course from 11 to 18. They prepare pupils for colleges and universities. The Comprehensive schools have their own «Grammar schools» classes and «Modern classes». At about 16 years old teenagers take some exams and course-work to get General Certificate of Education. Those who choose to stay on at school usually study for two more years to pass A level (Advanced level) exams. These exams will give them chance to enter the university. B) Higher Education in Great Britain. Young people get higher education at the universities. Not everybody can afford it because it is not free. There are about 50 universities and 350 colleges and institutes of higher education in Great Britain. The oldest and the most famous are Oxford and Cambridge Universities which were founded in the 12th and 13th centuries. They consist of a number of colleges. In Oxford, for example, there are 24 colleges for men, 5 for women and 5 more which have both men and women members. There are more than 30 colleges in Cambridge. Students spend the major part of their university life doing research. The Tutorial system is one of the ways in which Oxford and Cambridge differ from all other universities. It is the system of individual tuition organized by the college. Each Don in a college is a tutor in his own subject; he has five or six undergraduates and plans the work for them. Besides attending lectures, the student has chosen, once a week he comes to see his Don, who helps him in his study. After three years of study a university graduate will leave with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts, Science, Engineering, Medicine, etc. After post-graduate courses( two more years) they get the Master's Degree and then a Doctor's Degree. At present students may receive a grant from their local authority, which covers the cost and some living expenses. Most students live away from home, in flats or halls of residence. For a break of discipline a student can be fined a sum of money, for serious offence he may be expelled. The universities have over a hundred societies and clubs, enough for every interest one could imagine. Sport is a part of students' life at Oxford. The most popular sport is rowing. Many great men studied at Oxford. 1. What are the main types of schooling in Britain? 2. At what ages do British children begin studying? 3. What privileges do Grammar schools give to pupils? 4. What Certificates of Education are children offered after graduation a secondary school? 5. Where can the British get higher education? 6. What are the most famous universities in Britain? 7. What are the Tutorial System? 8. How can students be fined and what for? 9. How do British students spend their free time? 10. What degrees are university graduated offered? 3. Read, translate and remember the following words and phrases. The right to education; to guarantee; to ensure; primary/secondary/vocational/private schools; high education establishments/ institutions; extramural courses; scholarships; compulsory; inclusive; to offer; academic subjects; to go on in higher education; to comprise; to give a profound knowledge; applicants; to take competitive examinations; as well as; a post-graduate course; a thesis; a candidate/ master's/doctoral degree; to get scholarships. Pre-school education; to attend nursery schools or play-grounds, to need care; that's why; to learn to listen attentively; to behave; infant schools; junior schools; to be streamed into; private independent schools; representatives of the ruling class; Comprehensive schools; Secondary Modern schools; woodwork; metalwork; sewing; shorthand; take exams and coursework; General Certificate of Education; Advanced level. To afford; to do research; Tutorial System; tuition; undergraduates; university graduates; Degree of Bachelor of Arts, Science, Engineering; to receive a grant; local authority; living expenses; a break of discipline; to be expelled. 4. Translate the topic into English, using the material studied. Обязательное обучение в Великобритании начинается в возрасте пяти лет. Дети посещают первую ступень начальной школы(infant school) и обучаются чтению, письму и арифметике. По достижении семи лет дети переходят на вторую ступень начальной школы(junior school) и изучают много учебных предметов, такие как английский язык, математика, история, естественные науки, а также музыку, искусство и др. Большинство школ в Британии государственные, где обучение бесплатное, но есть также и частные(public) школы, например, Итон, Харроу, Винчестер, где плата за обучение очень высокая. Существует несколько типов школ в Англии, такие как общеобразовательные и современные, но только выпускники грамматических школ получают по окончании аттестат» продвинутого уровня», дающий им право поступать в вузы. В Британии около 50 вузов, но университеты в Оксфорде и Кэмбридже славятся во всем мире. Эти университеты отличаются от других вузов особой системой образования, так называемой «тьюторской» системой. Студенты платят за обучение в вузе, живут в кампусах при вузе, получают стипендию. За серьезные нарушения дисциплины студентов могут оштрафовать и даже исключить из вуза. Вузах много всевозможных клубов и спортивных обществ. 5. Translate the texts below in a written form using a dictionary. A) Schooling in the United States of America There are two kinds of schools in the United States of America: public schools and private schools. The money for public schools is given by each state, so education in these schools is free. The system of private schools is very popular, though the cost of education in them various and not each family can afford it.. Education in the U.S.A. Is compulsory for children from 6 to 16-18, depending on the state. The general pattern of education is an 8-year elementary school, followed by a 4-year high school. This has been called 8-4 plan organization. There are, however, some variations of this educational pattern. High school is followed by a 4-year college and professional schools. Pre-schooling is optional. There is a network of nursery schools and day-care centers where children are looked after while their parents are at work. Elementary schools give the basic knowledge about the world around us and people who live in it. Pupils are taught to count, read and write, to draw, sing and dance. Secondary schools are usually named high schools and their pupils are called students. Marks given to students for their work are called grades. Pupils get A, B, C, D marks. A- for excellent work, D- for poor work. Students study a wide range of subjects which cover exact, natural sciences and humanities. In some schools students can choose between woodwork, metalwork, sewing, typing, shorthand and others. They join various school bands, chorus, sport clubs and so on. B.) Higher Education in the U.S.A. After high school young people either start working or continue in higher education. There are several ways to do it: universities, colleges and technical or vocational schools. The cherished desire of any U.S. School leaver is to enter one of the most prestigious educational establishments in the U.S.A., such as Harvard, Prinston, Yale or Columbia Universities. A university in the United States usually has several different colleges in it. Each has a special subject area. There may be a college of liberal arts where humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and mathematics are taught. There may be a college of education and a college of business. A programme for undergraduates usually takes four years University students get an undergraduate degree in the arts of science. If they complete a course of study they get Bachelor of Arts or Science degree. Students may leave the university at this time. They may also go on for a graduate or professional degree. College students usually spend four years in school too. But a college does not have graduate or professional programmes. The technical or vocational school has only job training. It has no academic programme. A course of study may take from six months to two years and more. The technical or vocational school gives training for work in areas such as electronics, carpentry and others. 6. Practise the following words from the text: to require - требовать quality - качество ability - способность to possess - обладать creative - творческий challenge - трудность responsible - ответственный skills - навыки essential - неотъемлемый logical reasoning - логическое мышление to cause - вызывать, быть причиной to deal with - иметьделос hard-working - трудолюбивый 7. Answer the following questions: 1. Which are the most prestigious professions today? 2 .What professional field can you work in? 3. What are you good at? 4. Which of your personal qualities will help you in your future profession? 5. Would you choose your parents' professions? 6. What do you know about your future profession? 7. What are the pros and cons of your future profession? 8. Why do you think your future profession is important today? 8. Read and translate the text: Choosing a Profession Not all young people make the right choice straight off. There are individuals, of course, who from the time they are six years old «know» that they want to be «doctors» or «pilots» or «fire fighters». And there are always some boys and girls who know very well what they are going to do after leaving school. Because of the wide differences in jobs, you should find out all you can about any job which interests you. You also need to think about how well you can do what you would like to do. Perhaps the best way to prepare for any job is to get a good education — to do well at school or college, and to learn all you can outside of school. Some people decide to work a few years before entering higher education to have time to think over their decision. As a rule, people who go on to higher education after working have a clear idea of their future profession. Fortunately, there a lot of people you can turn for advice and help in making your decision. And you can talk over your ideas with family members and friends who are always ready to listen and to help. There are so many different trades and professions today, that it is not easy to decide. 9. Ask as many questions as you can. 10. Translate the following text into Russian in writing using a dictionary: There are so many types of jobs to choose from. How do you know which careers and jobs are out there for you? You don't want to find yourself doing a job you don't like. You've got plenty of time to explore different opinions and to change your mind. Don't narrow your career scope too early. Instead, pick a general career field, such as office work, computers, or electronics. You can always make specific occupational choice later on. Self-appraisal is a process of gathering information about yourself. Recognizing your goals, abilities, interests, skills, experience, and education will point you in the right direction. Satisfaction and success on the job will greatly depend on how well your skills and abilities match the job. Some self-appraisal is important to anyone looking for a job, but to a student, a homemaker or someone considering a careers change, self-appraisal is vital. Everyone possesses hundreds of skills, whether or not use them every day. Almost everything requires some abilities, at home, on the job, or even during leisure time. Although we rarely think about the skills we have, how we use them, or which ones we enjoy the most, all are important to how we plan our careers. An occupation usually refers to a general area of employment and may include many specific jobs or tasks. You will most likely change jobs many times within an occupation, and you may change occupation during your lifetime. All jobs in the occupation are not alike. You should check further into the occupation — either through reading, talking to a councelor, or better still, talking to someone working at that job. |
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