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Тема 1.1 Входной мониторинг. Коррекция произношения. 1.Правила чтения согласных букв и их сочетаний: с [ s ]-перед e, i, y -cinema, cent, cymbals [ k ] -перед a, o, u, а также перед всеми согласными буквами в конце слога -cat, cost, cut, music, contact ch [ ] - в различных позициях -chat, children, beach [ ] -в словах греческого происхождения -ache,architect [ ] -в словах французского происхождения -machine,moustache ck-[ k] -black,pocket s [s ] -в начале слова, между гласной и согласной, в конце слова после глухой согласной -sack , east , cats [ z ] -после звонкой согласной , после гласной, между гласными -dogs,pies rose sh [ ] -she -, shine , shut g [ ] -перед e, i, y -gentleman , gin, gym g [ ] -перед -a, o, u,а также перед всеми согласными буквами в конце слога -game , goat, gull , dog ng [ ] -sing , bring gu [ ],[ ] -в словах французского происхождения- language,league ph [ f] -photo, physics th [ ] -в местоимениях, в служебных словах,в знаменательных словах между гласными -this , the , bathe th [ ] -в начале и конце знаменательных слов и в середине слов иностранного происхождения -thin , bath , author wh [ ] -передо who -,whose wh [ ] -перед остальными гласными when ,why qu [ ] -в ударном слоге quite ,quiet qu -[ ]-в конце слова unique 2.Варианты чтения гласных букв в соответствии с четырьмя типами слога I тип слога -открытый(оканчивается на ударную гласную букву.Гласная читается, как в алфавите) II тип слога -закрытый(после ударной гласной идет одна или две согласные) III тип слога -слог с буквой r ( ударная гласная + r) IV тип слога — ударная гласная буква +r +e 3.Прочитайте слова, обращая внимание на тип слога. Made, far, care, order, lord, herd, here, blend, share, severe, glad, career, serve, agree, ache, declare, tired, ill, ice, free, spot, bore, sole, sincere, cod, architect, shore, atmosphere, wire, desire, circle, cure, tyre, dust, rely, tune, pure, purple, hymn, symbol, just, true, purse, rude, core, bare, alert, thirst, bee, ore, here, term. 4.Чтение сочетаний гласных букв под ударением. Ai /ay -[ ] -wait, say ei /ey -[ ] -eight , grey ea /ee -[ ] -tea, bee ew [ ] - new, few ue /ui [ ] -true, suit, Tuesday ooi /oy -[ ] -boil, voice, toy ou /ow [ ] - out, cow, owl ow /oa -[ ] -know, low, coal 5. Прослушайте ,прочитайте и запомните, как читаются данные буквосочетания. i+gh= [ ai] -light, high, night, might, bright, tonight, right ou + gh = [ ] - brought, bought, ought, thought But:through , though au +gh = [ ] - naughty, daughter ai/ ei + gh = -straight, eight, eighteen, neighbour 6. Прослушайте и прочитайте слова, обращая внимание на сочетание согласных букв.
what while who where whale whom why white whose when wheat whole which wheel b) c [k] c [ s ] call became distance carry picture century card Scotland piece computer electronic civilised communicate fact receive communication culture bicycle code curious city coast necessary continent corner c ) ph [f] gh [f] f [ f ] telegraph enough formal elephant laugh careful telephone laughter prefer photographer tough four physics dolphin phrase Раздел 2. Развитие навыков устной речи по общекультурной и бытовой тематике. Цель: активизировать знание времен действительного залога, познакомить с формами страдательного залога, словообразованием существительных, прилагательных, глаголов и наречий, овладеть косвенной речью и согласованием времен, модальными глаголами и их эквивалентами, фразовыми глаголами come, get, take, look, put, turn, освоить наиболее распространенные предлоги, активизировать правила употребления артиклей, совершенствовать деловой и разговорный английский , овладеть новой тематической лексикой. Студент должен: иметь представление о: - проблемах в современной семье ; -системе образования в России, Англии и США ; - здоровом образе жизни; - проблемах современной молодежи; - странах изучаемого языка; - праздниках и традициях в Великобритании и России; - защите окружающей среды; - выдающихся ученых и их открытиях; - научно - техническом прогрессе; - средствах массовой информации и информационных технологиях; - профессии и будущей карьере; - деловом общении в профессиональной сфере. знать: - лексические единицы по темам; -правила образования конструкций со страдательным залогом; - правило согласования времен; - основные английские суффиксы и префиксы; - основные разговорные формулы; - модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты; - фразовые глаголы come, get, take, put, turn, look, - правила употребления артиклей в английском языке; - основные лексические сокращения по специальности; - основные фразы делового английского, необходимые при устройстве на работу; уметь: - использовать изученные фразы делового и разговорного английского в устной и письменной речи; - читать тексты с пониманием основного содержания, составить план пересказа текста; - используя лексику по теме, готовить сообщения, выполнять лексико -грамматические упражнения; - переводить предложения из прямой речи в косвенную, используя правило согласования времен; - переводить предложения с фразовыми глаголами come, get, take, turn, look, put; - выполнять лексико-грамматические упражнения на модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты, на употребление предлогов, артиклей. Тематика текстов: «Семья и семейные проблемы», «Мой лучший друг», «В колледж», «Система образования в России «, «Система образования в Великобритании»,» Система образования в США» ,« Выбор профессии», «Спорт и здоровый образ жизни »,» Проблемы подростков в Великобритании и России» ,» Прошлое и настоящее США», «Впечатления от Великобритании» ,» Австралия — страна Голубых гор «, Праздники и традиции в Великобритании и России» ,» Досуг подростков в Великобритании и России «, «Экологические проблемы» , «Защита окружающей среды,» , « И. Ньютон «, «М. Фарадей», «А. Нобель», »А. Сахаров», »Роботы будущего» ,» Познание мира через средства массовой информации», «Электронные коммуникации «, « Устройство на работу» . Грамматика: -действительный залог; -страдательный залог; - словообразование существительных, прилагательных; - косвенная речь и правило согласования времен; - модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты; - фразовыеглаголы come, take, turn, look, put, get; - артикли; - наиболее распространенные предлоги места и времени. Виды практических заданий: выполнение коммуникативных и учебных заданий, в том числе лексических и грамматических упражнений: - времена действительного залога — упр. 209 с.173, 217 с.179 ,219 с. 181,227 с.188 231 с.191, 232 с.192, 240 с.199 ,242 с.201, 244 с.202, 251 с.208, 254 с.213, 260 с.220( Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений.-7-е изд.-СПб.:Каро.-2013.-544с.) - времена страдательного залога — упр. 275с. 234, 279 с.236, 281 с.237. 292 с.245.294 с.246, 297 с.248, 303 с.252 - косвенная речь и правило согласования времен — упр.308 с.257, 311 с. 259, 316 -332 с.263-340 - модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты — упр.487,488с. 397,492с. 399,497 с. 403,509 с.433,556,557,558 с.444 - предлоги — упр.142 с.113,144 с.115. 149 с. 119, 153 с.122, 154 с. 124,155 с. 125 - артикли — упр. 40-45 с. 34-39,47-73 с. 41-60( Голицынский Ю. Б. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений.-7-е изд.,-СПб:Каро, 2013,-544 с.) Тема 2.1 Семья. Друзья. Учеба. 1. Practise the following words from the text: research- исследование household- семья, домашнее хозяйство generation-поколение to share-делить dream-мечта hope-надежда possession-собственность to respect- уважать dignity-чувство собственного достоиства privacy- личная жизнь extended family-семья из нескольких поколений trust- доверие to bother- беспокоиться trouble- проблема valuable-значимый, ценный to cheat- обманывать to bridge-наводить мосты, преодолевать препятствия generation gap- конфликт между поколениями agreement- соглашение protection- защита dweller- обитатель, жилец 2. Read and translate these words combinations: an essential part of the society, according to researches, four generations, for comfort and protection, to respect dwellers, to enjoy dignity, in an extended family, to be very valuable for somebody, to cheat teenagers, to bridge the generation gap, to come to an agreement, hopes and possessions. 3. Read and translate the text: Family and Family Problems A family is an essential part of our society. A family is a little world. According to researches, households of three or even four generations will become typical. Firstly a family has things shared together like dreams, hopes and possessions. I think it is great. Besides, we need a family for comfort and protection. Secondly a family is a place where they respect dwellers, a place where all members can enjoy the dignity of their own. Some people say that privacy is impossible in an extended family. But in my opinion trust is more important for a happy family than any other feature. There are a lot of problems in an extended family, especially between brothers and sisters. They always treat one another badly. Of course, if you have a lot of brothers and sisters, there will be no privacy. But on the other hand, when you have no brothers or sisters, life becomes boring. There a lot of problems and conflicts that appear between teenagers and their parents. They don't understand each other. Parents always want their children to be clever and learn harder. They don't bother themselves to understand their children. They are always glad when their children have trouble with things that are very valuable for them. Parents always cheat teenagers...They say that college is very important for us and to enter university we should have good marks in our diplomas. But it's not what the children want. I think that it is necessary to bridge the generation gap, and children and parents must come to an agreement. 4 . Answer the following questions: 1. What is a generation gap? 2. How should we overcome it? 3. What family is extended? 4. Do you agree that an extended family is better? 5. Is your family an extended one or not? 6. What problems are there in an extended family? 7. Do you agree that parents often cheat you? 8. Do you think that college diploma with good results is important? 5. Give a short summary of the text. 6.Read the dialogue, act it and be ready to express your opinion: A.: Do you think that having a family is important for a person? B.: I think it is very important. A.: Why is it so important? B:. I think only in a family a person can develop to be a person. A.: I also think that one's family is the place where a person can get support and understanding. Even if the whole world is against me, my family supports me. And I think that support and understanding are very important. B.: I think so too. A.: I also think that a family is so important because children learn how to behave at home, in the family circle. Mothers are our first teachers. Do you agree with this? B :Yes, I do. I believe that the family and especially mothers give us the love we need. When we feel bad, tired and exhausted, we come to our mothers. A.: True. But there is another important moment in the question of a family. It is learning to care after somebody, to care for somebody. When we are young,we accept care of our parents and so learn to care for them and other people. Isn't it so? B.: I think it is. It is also known that children try to copy or to avoid the relationships they had in the family when they were young. If they felt at ease with their parents, they will try to copy their parents' relationships. If they felt uncomfortable, they can even deny all relationships, don't want to marry and have children. A.: I also think it is important if you are proud of your parents. In this case you want them to be proud of you and do your best to achieve the results they expect you to achieve. B.: I think that's right. A.: Another important thing is that a family makes you feel you are not alone. You are never lonely in a good family. B.: I want to add that we learnt to be parents looking at our parents. There are no schools where people are taught to be parents. They learn it in their families. A.: So there are many reasons why our families are so important for us. 7 . Read and practice the following dialogue: THE ONLY SON IN THE FAMILY Phil: Hello, Dan. Let's go to my place, I'd like to show you my diskets with my new computer games. Dan: With pleasure. Where did you get them? P : My sister bought them for me as a birthday present last month. D: Is your family large? P: Yes, rather. I've got my parents, a sister, a brother, two Grannies and a Grandpa. Besides, I have an aunt, two uncles and three cousins. D: You are lucky. And I'm the only son in the family. What are your parents? P: They both are teachers. My father is a professor of philosophy and my mother teaches English at the University. D: Are your sister and brother younger or older than you? P: You see, I'm the youngest in our family, as my sister and brother are already grown- ups. My sister is a post- graduate student now. She will become a psychologist. D: Is she married? P: Not yet. She is fond of her science. But she's got a bride- groom and they are planning to get married next year. D: And what about your brother? Does he live with your family? P: Of course, not. He is an officer, a pilot and serves in the Far East. He has the family of his own — a wife and two wonderful twins, my niece and nephew. Oh, here we are. This is the house I live in. Comein 8. Practise the following words from the text: friendship - дружба to buy - покупать naturally - естественно to have something in common – иметь что - общее to keep up communication - общаться shared interest - общийинтерес vicinity - соседство, окрестность number of friends - количество друзей easy -going - общительный overweigh - избыточный вес boring - скучный to depress - подвергаться депрессии experience - опыт witty - остроумный to cope with - справляться с equal - равный to occur - происходить foundation - основа to achieve - достигать to create - создавать 9. Read and translate these words combinations: to spend your time with, happens naturally, feel similar to each other, in a certain way, a similar sense of humour , to live in close vicinity, to be able to meet regularly, some kind of shared interest, have long walks with each other, to learn through the experience, the positive side of the things, to be in trouble, to cope with problems, to be equal in friendship. 10. Read and translate the text: «My Best Friend» Friends, those that you choose to spend your time with and that you love, are one of the most important aspects of your life. Friendship is something that cannot be bought or sold. It's just something that happens naturally between people that have something in common. Such friends feel similar to each other in a certain way, or just being together. There are many factors which are important in a friendship. One of them is keeping up communication: how often you can see your friend, whether you are ready to help your friend. I think some kind of shared interest or a similar sense of humour is important. Also, there are some shared points of reference, so you always have something to talk about. Many people feel that in order to keep a friendship strong it's important to live in close vicinity to each other and be able to meet regularly. If you can see your friend very often and you can have a lot in common, a very deep friendship can develop. There is no limit to the number of friends that you can have. But I think that a close friend can be only one. My close friend is my classmate. He is rather tall and overweight. I don't feel he takes as much exercise as he should. He used to go to the gym, but he found it really boring. His main exercise is walking and swimming. He has very short hair. He is brown-haired. He has blue eyes and wear glasses. He is calm and easy-going. We have long walks with each other during which we discuss different things. We learn through the experience of all things that happen to us. We try not to get too depressed by everything and think about the positive side of the things. My friend is witty and you can laugh with him and joke. If my friend is ill or in trouble, I always try to help him cope with his problems. We are equal in our friendship. There is a saying that communication can occur between equals, and I really believe it is so. I really feel that a fantastic foundation for achieving or creating anything is a strong friendship. 11. Answer the following questions: 1. Do you have a close friend? 2. Will you describe your close friend? 3. What is important in a friendship? 4. What is necessary to do in order to keep a friendship strong? 5 .How many close friends can a teen have? Why? 6 .What is a fantastic foundation for achieving or creating anything in life? 7. What shared interest do you have with your close friend? 8. Why is it necessary to have a close friend? 12 .Work in pairs.Read the short characteristics of a good friend.Tick the characteristics you agree with.Compare list with your partner's.Discuss the points which are different. A good friend is a someone who... -sees life through your eyes, -supports you in all situations, no matter if you are right or wrong, -is good at listening; he/she is ready to listen to you for hours, -keeps his/her promise and keeps your secrets, -never tells you lies, -always tells you the truth, no matter if you like it or not, -never goes out with somebody else, -can quarrel or even fight with you if you've done something wrong, -forgives you for being rude or unfair towards him/her, -gets angry if you rude or unfair towards other people. 13 .Work in groups of 2 or 3.Decide the shoulds and shouldn'ts for a good friend.Use the expressions from the box. Example: A good friend should support you if you are right. quarrel with you about silly unimportant things defend you if someone hurts you betray you in difficult situations support you if you are right support you if you are wrong appreciate your advice follow your advice in any case envy your success avoid conflicts with you cheer you up ignore your interests care about your feelings feel jealous if you are more successful 14. Discuss in pairs when and why you need friends. Use: when you are happy when you are stressed when you are tired when you have problems with your parents when you are betrayed by somebody when you need somebody's support to share your interests to enjoy life to feel lonely to help someone to take care of someone to learn new things to rely on them to quarrel with them to speak about life to have fun to listen to music to do sports to ask advice to get support from them 15. Read what people said about frienship.Choose one saying you like best and explain what it means for you. «Without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods.» Aristotle(384 BC — 322 BC) «Misfortune shows those who are not really friends.» Aristotle( 384 BC — 322 BC) «A friend is one before whom I may think aloud.» Ralf Waldo Emerson ( 1803 — 1882) « My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me.» Henry Ford (1863 — 1947) « Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing.» Benjamin Franklin (1706 — 1790) « Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art...It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival.» C.S.Lewis (1898 — 1963) 16. Read and practice the following dialogue: LET ME INTRODUCE MY FRIEND TO YOU Pete: Hello, Max, let me introduce my friend to you. This is Alex. Is his name familiar to you? Max: I don't think so. How do you do, Alex. Glad to know you. Alex: Good evening, Max. Pleased to meet you. How are you getting on? Max: Very well, thank you. And what about you? Alex: Very much the same, thanks. It's a fine day, isn't it? Max: Yes, lovely weather we are having today. I hope it will keep fine. Alex: By the way, Max, I think, I'm acquainted with your brother. Max: Really? You don't say so. Do you work together? Alex: No, we don't, but I see very much of him. He is clever, well-educated and has good manners. Max: Glad to hear it. And where did you get acquainted with him? Alex: We played a game of tennis the other day. I'm sorry, I must be off. It was a pleasure to meet you. Max: Thank you. I was glad to make acquaintance too. Come over and see me one of the days. Good bye for the time being. Alex: And you too, keep in touch. All the best. So long. 17. Read and practise this dialogue: A. What qualities do you value in your friend? B. I think reliability is very important. A. I think so too. But I find the sense of humour very important as well. I believe that sense of humour helps people overcome problems and manage the difficulties. I like to joke as well, and I suppose it important to be understand by a friend. What do you think about this quality? B. I consider it as an important one. A. Is the appearance of your friends important for you? B. Oh, no. I don't pay much attention to the appearance. A. Me too. I like beautiful people but I think that many other qualities are important for a friend. Being attentive, for example. B. That's right. Friends should be attentive to each other. A. I also believe that a friend shouldn't be dominant. People don't like bossy persons, do they? B. No, they don't. I think friendship is equality. A. I share this opinion. Friends should not subdue each other. They should help each other and back up each other. Do you agree with me? B. Yes, I do. I think that support, understanding and backing up are the things we expect from our friends. A. I don't call friends people who try to use their friends in order to gain something. B. But I believe that friends must be sincere to each other and shouldn't get upset at being criticized. A. That's right. I think that friends must be able to tell each other the truth whatever the truth is. Friends help each other improve and be better people and better friends, don't they? B. I completely agree. A. and I also feel that money is not important for friendship. Are you with me here/ B. Yes, I am. I think that money can't make a person a good friend. Poor people are sometimes better friends because they understand how hard the life is and are always ready to help. A. So a friend is a person who understands you, helps you and value you because of your personality, not your income. B. Correct. 18.Read this dialogue and act it. At My College Alexei is going to leave school in a year, but he realizes that he must start thinking about further education right now, because it is essential to read for the exams well beforehand. So he asks his brother to tell him about his college and advise. Alexei :Vlad, I want to ask you about college life. Is it different from school life? Vlad: Well, it depends on what you are interested in. We, too, in college have lessons, and marks; teachers give us homework, and there are examinations and tests. Alexei: Well, I see. But, then, is there any difference between a school and a college/ Vlad: Why, of course. First, at college we have special subjects in our curriculum. For example, if one is going to be a technician he or she will take physics, mathematics, programming and a lot of other things. It's really very interesting. Second, if you work regularly, attend all the lectures and seminars, and get good marks, you will be given a scholarship. If you are at the top of the group, and have excellent marks, the scholarship will be higher, Alexei: It sounds very nice, I must say. Now, please, describe your usual day at college. Vlad: Well, our day starts at half past eight. We have several lectures and seminars every day, and work in workshops. Students also can stay at college after classes to do research. Alexei: How are students assessed Vlad:We have exams and credit tests twice a year. But of course, it is important how you work during the year. Alexei: What is the difference between an exam and a credit test? Vlad: Well, you get marks for an exam, and when you take credit test, you'll get a «pass». Exams are usually taken at the end of the course of a subject. For example, if you take chemistry for a year and a half, you will have credit tests in chemistry at the end of two terms, and at the end of the third term you will take an exam. Alexei: Is an exam more difficult, than a credit test? Vlad: Not really. In fact, you have more time to read for an exam: you are given from two to five days to get ready, and you are not given a lot of time to get ready for a credit test. In general, it depends on the subject. Alexei; Well, I see. Now, what about holidays? They are not the same as at school, are they? Vlad: We have holidays only two times a year: two weeks in January and two months in summer. Alexei: Vlad , what are you going to do after you graduate? Vlad: There is a good opportunity for those who get only excellent marks while they study. When we graduate, we can enter a university and continue our education there. Alexei: The prospect is very nice. I wish you good luck, then. Do you advise me to enter this college, too? Vlad: You know, it's up to you to decide. But I like my studies there, and I think I have made the right choice. Besides, I've got many friends in the college, and friendship is the best thing in the world! New words to remember; to assess-оценивать to attend-посещать to be strong at a subject-хорошо успевать по какому-л. предмету to be weak at a subject-не успевать по какому-л. предмету course-курс(обучения,лекций) credit test -зачет curriculum -расписание excellent -отличный graduate -заканчивать учебное заведение postgraduate -выпускник scholarship -стипендия to take an exam in –сдавать экзамен term -семестр to work by fits and starts –заниматься урывками, нерегулярно to work regularly–заниматься регулярно |
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Методические рекомендации по оценке качества подготовки обучающихся... Методические рекомендации по оценке качества подготовки обучающихся, являющиеся основной частью учебно-методического комплекса по... |
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Методические рекомендации по выполнению внеаудиторной самостоятельной... «Иностранный язык», утвержденной для специальности 23. 02. 01 Организация перевозок и управление на транспорте (по видам) с учетом... |
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Методические рекомендации по выполнению внеаудиторной самостоятельной... Методические рекомендации предназначены для обучающихся независимо от их профиля |
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Рассмотрен Комплект контрольно-оценочных средств (далее кос) по дисциплине Иностранный язык (немецкий) предназначен для контроля и оценки образовательных... |
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Методические рекомендации по практическим занятиям для студентов... Направляющие системы электросвязи: методические рекомендации по практическим занятиям для студентов специальностей 210400. 62, 210406.... |
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Методическая разработка практического занятия для студентов специальность... Огсэ. Оо общий гуманитарный и социально-экономический цикл огсэ. 03 Иностранный язык |
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Литература общие положения Контрольно-оценочные средства (кос) предназначены... Председателя Совета умо 28 января 2011 года, рабочей программы учебной дисциплины огсэ. 03 Иностранный язык (английский), утвержденной... |
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Рабочая программа иностранный язык (английский язык) 8 класс С введением Государственного стандарта основного общего образования от 2001 года английский язык входит в образовательную область... |
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Утверждено Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта среднего профессионального образования по специальности спо 09. 02. 04 Информационные... |
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Утверждено Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта среднего профессионального образования по специальности спо 09. 02. 04 Информационные... |
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Учебной дисциплины огсэ. 03 Иностранный язык (английский) (базовая... Умк «Английский для работников сферы информационных технологий» Вирждиния Эванс и др. Ec: Экспресс Паблишинг 2011, разработана на... |
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Программа предмета «Иностранный язык» (Английский) ... |
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Методические рекомендации к практическим занятиям по дисциплине «Программирование... Методические рекомендации к практическим занятиям по учебной дисциплине «Программирование для автоматизированного оборудования» |
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