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PART II GRAMMAR I. Correct the mistakes: 1. He studies English because he likes travel. 2. I decided working harder this term. 3. Stop to make noise! 4. She is interested at gardening. 5. I have get up at 6 o’clock. 6. The teacher made me to rewrite the test. 7. She stopped to eat chocolate because of her problems with health. 8. I let her to go to the party. 9. I’m still thirsty in spite of drink four glasses of juice. 10. My brother is good in playing basketball. II. Complete with the gerund or infinitive: 1) It’s very easy ______ a flat. (find) 2) He is afraid of ______. (fly) 3) I save money _____ to buy a new car. (buy) 4) Everybody went on _____. (sing) 5) Try ______ make noise. (not make) 6) She’s terrible at _____. (cook) 7) My boss always makes me _____ late. (work) 8) My hobby is _____ chess. (play) 9) Jill stopped _____ a telephone call. (make) 10) Why not _____ tonight? (done out) III. Finish up the following sentences: 1. I enjoy… 2. He is bad at… 3. We plan… 4. I would like… 5. Why not…? 6. Please, keep children from… 7. He pretended... 8. The teacher made me… 9. You mustn’t… 10. I’d rather… TEST-PAPER Unit XII Part I Vocabulary I. Translate the following sentences from English into Russian: 1. When we see different words we instinctivelyassume that there must also be some difference in their meaning. 2. Very few words are interchangeable. 3. The substitution test was recommended by Macaulay. 4. It is difficult to imagine any context where ‘‘pop off’’ could be substituted for ‘’pass away’’. 5. Colloquial language comprises slang and vulgar speech. 6. The term ‘’turn down’’ is more colloquial than ‘’refuse’’. 7. The term ‘’mummy’’ belongs to child-talk. 8. Literary terms may be divided into poetic and archaic. II. Give English equivalents of the following words, phrases and word combinations: 1) современная лингвистика; 2) полные (абсолютные) синонимы; 3) тем не менее; 4) разговорный язык; 5) литературный язык; 6) совпадение в значении; 7) быть в стороне от…; 8) на периферии; 9) намеренно; 10) идти вразрез с чем-либо; 11) преимущественно. III. Translate from Russian into English: 1. Акулы – грозные хищники. 2. Я принял его (ошибочно) за его брата. 3. Аллигаторы водятся на мелководье. 4. Что за удивительное совпадение! 5. Скалолаз пытался ухватиться за веревку (rope). 6. Ей пришлось тащить мужа в оперу. 7. Зная это, Маргарет отказалась бы от подарка. 8. Его план был забракован. 9. Твоя собака кусается? 10. Количество бездетных семей растет. PART II GRAMMAR I. Make up one sentence from two. Use the Present Participle: Pattern:This road joins villages. It is narrow. > The road joining two villages is narrow. 1. The taxi was taking us to the port. It broke down. 2. The woman is sitting near you. She is a famous artist. 3. The man is talking to Sarah. He is divorced. 4. The girl is writing a letter. I’m looking at her. 5. He was sitting in the armchair. He was reading. II. Make up one sentence from two. Use the Past Participle: Pattern: The window was broken in the storm. I will be repaired. > The window broken in the storm will be repaired. 1. A project was suggested at the conference. It was not practical. 2. Some paintings were stolen from the museum. They haven’t been found. 3. The boy was injured in the car accident. The boy is in hospital now. 4. Some people were invited to the party. They couldn’t come. 5. We bought eggs yesterday. They weren’t fresh. III. Translate from Russian into English. Use either the Present Participle or Past Participle: 1. Не трать время, думая о ней. 2. Все книги, взятые из библиотеки, должны быть возвращены завтра. 3. Когда я вошел в комнату, я увидел девушку, пишущую письмо. 4. Будучи плохим студентом, он не интересовался музеями. 5. Имея много свободного времени, мы решили сходить в кино. 6. Будучи больным, он пока не может выходить на улицу. 7. Комната, обставленная довольно просто, была достаточно большой. 8. Он смотрел на падающий снег. 9. Разбитое зеркало лежало на полу. 10. Увядшие листья упали на землю. TEST-PAPER Unit XIII Part I Vocabulary I. Translate the following sentences from English into Russian: 1. Some terms are mutually exclusive, e.g. ‘true’ and ‘false’. 2. Some terms are the true "diametrical opposites". 3. ‘Husband’ and ‘wife’ are relative terms. 4. ‘Question’ and ‘answer’ are complementary terms. 5. The word ‘’antonym’’ was coined in the 19th century. 6. Here is a list of frequently asked questions about the English language. 7. Some antonyms never fully clash but show a difference in only a small part of their meaning. 8. Is it linguistically justified? II. Give English equivalents of the following words, phrases and word combinations: 1) общеизвестные категории логики; 2) спросить чье-либо мнение; 3) наоборот; 4) ради чего-либо; 5) указывать на что-либо; 6) оправданный; 7) первый (из двух вариантов); 8) последний (из двух вариантов); 9) часто; 10) яркий контраст. III. Fill in the gaps using the words given in brackets in the correct form: 1. Leonardo made many scientific …. (DISCOVER) 2. The Australian team soon demonstrated their … over the opposition. (SUPERIOR) 3. We're living in an … world. (PERFECT) 4. Literary critics were in total … about the value of the book. (AGREE) 5. We need a reference from your former …. (EMPLOY) 6. What a … question! (PERPLEX) 7. Helen's face gave no … of what she was thinking. (INDICATE) 8. He made a … remark about her appearance that really upset her. (CARE) 9. I love antique ….(JEWEL) 10. A private detective has … some fresh evidence. (EARTH) PART II GRAMMAR I. Form negative and interrogative sentences. Answer the question, using the auxiliary verb. Pattern: I am reading a book. I am not reading a book. Are you reading a book? Yes, I am. or No, I’m not. 1. I like kiwi. 2. She studies astronomy. 3. We went shopping yesterday. 4. Sally has already made a report. 5. They are swimming in the sea. 6. Look! Lisa is dancing. 7. He has been working here for 10 years. 8. We were having lunch at 12 o’clock. 9. People will live longer. 10. They had built a school by 2001. II. State whether the verb in italics is auxiliary or main: 1. Let’s have a break. 2. He hasn’t paid me back yet. 3. They are impatient. 4. It was snowing. 5. I always do my homework. 6. I have a hamster. 7. The conference was last year. 8. Do not go there by car. 9. I made a mistake. 10. I will always love you. III. Rewrite the sentences with the emphatic form of do and translate them: 1. I love theatre. 2. I enjoyed the performance yesterday. 3. Paul has a new girl friend. 4. My parents missed their flight. 5. My best friend sings in a choir. 6. You got into serious trouble. 7. Have another glass of water! 8. You know a lot about pets. 9. Come in! 10. She thinks you are wrong. TEST-PAPER Unit XIV Part I Vocabulary I. Translate the following sentences from English into Russian: 1. Few students - often less than 5% who start in a second language - continue to proficiency. 2. Listening skill precedes speaking. 3. Many of the utterances that are addressed to an infant relate to actions. 4. The child spontaneously begins to produce utterances. 5. TPR reduces stress. 6. TPR accelerates acquisition of the target language. 7. TPR results in long-term retention. 8. The initial instructions are simple. 9. The instructor utters a direction and models it with a student. 10. Speaking skill transfers easily into reading and writing. II. Give English equivalents of the following words, phrases and word combinations: 1) метод реагирования (метод опоры на физические действия); 2) изучаемый язык; 3) учить с желанием; 4) мало детей; 5) несколько детей; 6) готовность говорить; 7) овладение языком; 8) несправедливый; 9) заботливый родитель; 10) продвигаться (делать успехи). III. Match the synonyms:
PART II GRAMMAR I. Correct the mistakes: 1. It was so noisy that we could hear ourselves speak. 2. When I was younger I can stay up all night and not get tired. 3. You don’t have to show this letter to anyone else. It is very personal. 4. I have go to Manchester tomorrow on business. 5. "May I borrow this book?" "Yes, of course, you might." 6. "I should apologize to him?" "Yes, I think you should." 7. You should studied during the term to get a good mark. 8. He said that I should to see a doctor. 9. You doesn’t have to be rich to live a happy life. 10. You need have washed all those dishes, you know. I could do it myself. II. Finish up the following sentences:
III. Translate from Russian into English: 1. Дверь открыта. Должно быть, он дома. 2. Должно быть, я вас видел где-то, ваше лицо мне очень знакомо. 3. Возможно, он ждет нас на станции. 4. К следующему понедельнику я, возможно, закончу эту работу. 5. Не может быть, чтобы она уехала не попрощавшись. 6. Посетителям запрещается кормить животных. 7. Тебе не нужно ничего объяснять. 8. Мне придется сесть на первый поезд, чтобы не опоздать. 9. Не стоит бежать так быстро. 10. Ему уже давно следовало быть дома. Где он? TEST-PAPER Unit XV Part I Vocabulary I. Translate the following sentences from English into Russian: 1. There are those words with which we become acquainted in ordinary conversation. 2. There are those words with which come from a formal conversation of highly educated speakers, 3. When we call a word 'popular', we do not mean that it is a favourite word. 4. When we call a word 'learned', we do not mean that it is used by scholars alone. 5. In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the Greek and Latin classics were vigorously studied by almost every English writer. 6. The Norman Conquest in the eleventh century made French the language of polite society in England. 7. The cultivated language is also rich in 'learned' words. 8. Learned words are of foreign origin. II. Give English equivalents of the following words, phrases and word combinations: 1) заключать в себе; 2) словарный состав; 3) множество слов; 4) происходить из французского или латинского языков; 5) более грубый язык; 6) определенные факты в истории нашего языка; 7) сравнительно редко используются в обычной речи; 8) привычные понятия нашей жизни; 9) с другой стороны; 10) из уст матери. III. Translate from Russian into English: 1. Это приспособление предназначено для мытья окон. 2. Разве я не предупреждал тебя не вкладывать деньги в этот проект? 3. Хорошо ли будет, если мы будем поддерживать надежды молодой певицы? 4. Известно, что воздействие свинца разрушает мозг у маленьких детей. 5. Основной фактор риска развития рака кожи – это ультрафиолетовое излучение. 6. Пользуйтесь кремом от загара. Не забывайте о пляжных шляпах. Не загорайте в полдень. 7. Между набережной (embankment) и морем виднелась узкая полоска песчаного пляжа. PART II GRAMMAR I. Correct the mistakes:
II. Translate from Russian into English: В прошлом году я совершил свою первую поездку в Нью-Йорк. Этот мегаполис называют столицей мира. Как только попадаешь сюда, ты чувствуешь, что твой пульс начинает биться быстрее. Движение здесь насыщенное, но пробок не так много, как в Москве. Вот и наступило лето. Кто-то уже собирал чемоданы для отпуска, а кто-то все еще планирует предстоящую поездку. Мы собираемся поехать в Париж, самый романтичный город в мире. Если бы я была волшебницей, я бы ускорила время. Я жду с нетерпением того момента, когда я смогу прокатиться на кораблике по Сене и отведать известный французский сыр. |
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