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Ex. 8. Explain the difference in meaning in these pairs of sentences.
I don’t think you are very interesting. 2. The problem with you is that you’re bored. The problem with you is that you’re boring. 3. You aren’t very amusing. You aren’t very amused. Repeat the sentences that people do not like to hear about themselves. Then describe a situation or situations in which you might say the other sentences. Model: I don’t think you’re very interested. (Perhaps I would say this if I told someone a story and I could see that he or she wasn’t listening. Ex. 9. Fill in the blanks with “surprised” or “surprising”. 1. When we came in she gave us a ……… look. She didn’t expect us back so early. 2. The story had a most …….. end. 3. If his assistant was ……. at the question, he never showed it. 4. It is ……… how quickly he learns things. 5. To tell you the truth, we were a bit ……… to hear him say that he couldn’t do without any help. 6. There’s really nothing …… about the incident; it’s what everybody expected to happen. Ex. 10. Read the text and the words in capital letters below it. Change the form of the word so that it fits the numbered space. An example is given (0). I saw a film last week that was not very (0) interesting. It was a comedy but it was not very (1) ………… . But perhaps the real problem was not that the film was bad but that I was (2)……….. . The weather was very (3) ……….. that day too. To add to my problems, I was (4) ……… because I had just had some very (5) ………. news. I had been hoping to get a very (6) ……….. job that someone else got instead. In fact, I was very (7) ……….. I didn’t get it because I was (8) ……….. that I had all the right qualifications. However, (9) ………… things like this happen all the time, don’t they? So why was I (10) …………? 0 INTEREST
Ex. 11. In groups or pairs, say one or two sentences about each of the following things.
Ex. 12. Recast the following sentences, using verbs instead of nouns. Make all the necessary changes. 1. Did you hear her say anything about the time of her return? 2. When I asked him for help I never expected to hear a refusal. 3. We had a feeling that something unexpected might happen. 4. You gave me a surprise when you said that you had never heard the name of this writer before. 5 They quickly came to an agreement on all the questions. 6. He got “excellent” for his first exam; that was a good start. 7. I am afraid I don’t exactly understand the meaning of your words. 8. If he’s made a promise, you can be sure he will keep it. 9. After his explanation the grammar rule became quite clear to me. 10. Have you taken any decision yet? 11. I can’t give you a very good description of the place as I have been there only once. 12. I don’t like your choice, the colour is too bright. Ex. 13. Complete the following, using words and phrases opposite in meaning. 1. “He never did anything to help.” “That’s where you are wrong, he ……………. .” 2. “Can he keep a promise?” ‘I’ve never known him …………… one.” 3. You may be sure that he is telling you the truth, he has never …………….. in his life. 4. I’ve found the umbrella which I thought I …………. . It was behind the door all the time. 5. I am eager to buy at least one of his pictures, if he agrees …………. of course. Ex. 14. Translate the following into English, using a suitable phrasal verb. think over, talk over, look over 1. Они мне ответили, что не смогут принять никакого решения, пока все не взвесят (обдумают). 2. А что, если обговорить наш план с деканом и послушать, что он скажет. 3. Вопрос достаточно серьезный. Надо подумать. 4. Ей не нужно было смотреть те письма, которые лежали на столе. Того письма, которое она ждала, там не было. 5. Вопрос его несколько удивил. Он окинул взглядом незнакомца, прежде чем ответить. 6. Он осмотрел машину. Все было в порядке, можно было трогаться в путь. Ex. 15. Paraphrase the following according to the model. Model: He broke the silence and asked what the letter was about. He broke the silence asking… 1. He left the town and promised to come back soon. 2. The man and the woman sat at the table. They were looking into each other’s eyes. 3 The child ran into the room. He was pulling a toy horse behind him. 4. The man sat by the fire. He was thinking the matter over. 5. She didn’t agree to the arrangement but refused to say why. 6. The members of the committee stood up and followed the president into the conference room. 7. When he was a boy he used to sit on the bank and watch the boats move slowly down the river. 8. The runners stood on the line and waited for the start signal. Ex. 16. Translate the following sentences using “leave”, “keep”, “stay” according to the sense. 1. Он оставил вещи на вокзале и пошел за такси. 2. Почему вы не хотите остаться у нас еще на несколько дней? 3. Мне нужно только два журнала. Остальные вы можете оставить себе. 4. Так как он был серьезно болен, ему пришлось оставить университет на некоторое время. 5. Оставьте эти письма у секретаря. Он передаст их директору, как только тот вернется. 6. Он не мог больше оставаться в Ялте, так как не выносит июльской жары. 7. Оставьте свои шутки при себе. Сейчас не время шутить. 8. Он никогда не оставит товарища в опасности. 9. Не возражаете, если я оставлю себе вашу фотографию? 10. Оставьте ее в покое. Займитесь своими делами. 11. Оставайтесь на местах. Ничего опасного не произошло. 12. Оставь все как есть, без изменений. Ex. 17. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs. 1. I always find it difficult to make myself agree … something that is … my principles. 2. If he has made … his mind, you can be sure he will have things his own way. 3. They noticed … once … some surprise that the move … East London … West London was more than just a change … address. It was like moving … another world. 4. There is nothing the matter … me today, nothing … all. I’ve got a bit … a headache, that’s all. 5. She had meant to talk things … … him, but as time went … she felt less sure she could do it. 6. The farm is a long way … and he has promised to take me there … his car one … these days. 7. What I found … … him was the biggest surprise I’d ever had … my whole life. 8. I am not quite sure whether you are … or … our plan. 9. Here you are … last! We’ve lost all hope … seeing you. 10. I wonder what has suddenly come … your head to make you change your mind like that. 11. It was difficult to say what was … his mind and what he would do next. 12. You must choose … a trip … the South and a sea cruise, you can’t have both. 13. Why are you so upset … his refusal to come … the party? 14. … my mind that’s not the main idea … the book. 15. I never meant to join them … their argument until I felt it was becoming too heated. 16. You will be surprised … the great progress he has made lately! 17. You, as head … the expedition, must always keep your head even if the rest … the men are losing theirs. 18. I never heard him say a single word … the arrangement. He likes it, I suppose. Ex. 18. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word. Use the correct form. mean (3), meaning, keep v (2), refuse (2), refusal, agree (2), against, argument, hand v , return v (2), break v (2), join, mind v , choose, follow, upset, surprised, eager 1. If you want your money to be safe, ….. it in the bank. 2. She wasn’t at all sure that he really ….. what he said. 3. His ….. to talk the matter over was a bit of a surprise to us all. 4. She was awfully ….. to hear that there were no letters in the mail for her. 5. Her son would ….. any minute now. She must start getting the dinner ready. 6. He just ….. to discuss the matter with me and that was the end of it. 7. The mother was rather ….. to hear her son …. so readily to do the job. She wondered what it could ….. . 8. We were all most ….. to finish the job by the end of the week. True enough, it would ….. longer hours, but we didn’t ….. . 9. Can anybody tell me why she ….. to ….. us on the trip? 10. The man took one look at the picture and ….. it back to the woman. 11. Is the boy big enough to fully understand the true ….. of what he has done? 12. Could you ….. me a glass of water? 13. Why does he always have to start ….. ? Can’t we arrange matters in a quiet way? 14. I had nothing definite ….. the man. Perhaps, it was just a feeling that I had somewhere deep inside me. 15. “I don’t believe they know enough to be able to ….. the right kind of book for a report. What they need is advice.” “I fully ….. with you. But will they ….. it?” 16. Running down the steps she fell and ….. her leg. 17. She promised to ….. my mail for me until I ….. from my holiday. 18. Weekly trips to the neighbouring town to a dance or film helped to ….. the monotony of their life in the camp. Ex. 19. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Я недостаточно хорошо его знаю, чтобы сказать тебе, что он за человек. Я встречался с ним всего лишь несколько раз. 2. Вы еще успеете на семичасовой поезд, если поедете на такси. Правда, в это время дня трудно поймать такси. 3. Он очень изменился со времени нашей последней встречи. Что-нибудь случилось? 4. Когда он узнал эти новости, он страшно разволновался. Он достал сигарету и закурил. 5. Не толкайтесь, пожалуйста. На этой остановке все выходят. 6. Мы надеемся, что вы зайдете к нам, как только вернетесь из поездки. 7. – Вы не возражаете, если я верну вам остальные деньги через неделю? – Хорошо. 8. Здесь нет моста на ту сторону. Единственный способ перебраться через реку – это на лодке. 9. Вы не так написали адрес. Англичане пишут адрес следующим образом: сначала они указывают фамилию, затем номер дома и улицу, а потом уже название города и страны. 10. Мне очень понравилось, как он вчера выступил на собрании. Он говорил мало, но сказал много. 11. Хотя обратный путь продолжался около недели, время прошло очень быстро. 12. Я не могу согласиться с ним. По-моему, он неправ. 13. Послушай, ты не знаешь, в каком магазине продаются географические карты? 14. Мы были очень удивлены его неожиданным отъездом. 15. Я сразу заметил, что женщина чем-то расстроена. 16. – Вы не будете возражать, если я оставлю у вас свои вещи до возвращения? – Нисколько. 17. Я не ожидал, что мое известие так расстроит его. 18. Я не могу поверить, что наше решение для него ничего не значит. 19. – Как случилось, что он сломал себе ногу? – Понятия не имею. 20. Ты заметил, что он прошел мимо и не поздоровался? 21. – Вы не против, если я закурю? – Лучше не надо. Я не выношу дым сигарет. 22. Будьте любезны, не могли бы вы проверить эту работу ещё раз? LANGUAGE WORK. Ex. 20. Study the word collocations:
Other expressions with do and make
Ex. 21. Which of the things below can we make? Which can we do? Choose the appropriate verb.
Ex. 22. Rewrite the second sentence in each pair. Use no more than five words including the word in bold type. Do NOT change this word.
washing-up Let’s --------------------------- in the morning.
course My sister -------------------- at university.
money He --------------------- from his books.
anything Are -------------------- this weekend?
mistakes John ------------------ in his composition.
noise The protesters ------------------- at the meeting.
any more. service Young people in England don’t have --------------------- any more.
a phone call You can ---------------------- to your mother from my office.
noise Could you stop -------------------- , please.
appointment Could I ------------------- to see the dentist? Ex. 23. Complete the sentences with the correct form of make or do.
round for dinner?
Ex. 24. Translate the sentences from Russian into English using either make or do. 1. Я сделаю все покупки после работы. 2. Мы договорились встретиться в четверг. 3. Если вы предоставите ему эту работу, вы сделаете ему большое одолжение. 4. Она изучает в университете арабский и английский. 5. Когда Билл окончил школу, ему пришлось выбирать между работой на фирме отца и учебой в университете. 6. Завод, на котором работает старший брат Джулии, делает телевизоры. 7. Сколько ошибок он сделал в контрольной работе? 8. Сначала она чувствовала себя одиноко, а потом подружилась с другими студентами. 9. Он принял решение согласиться на эту работу, так как там он сможет заработать много денег. 10. Она сама шьет себе одежду. PHRASAL VERB “GET” Ex. 25. Match the phrasal verbs in A (1- 10) with their meaning in B (a-j).
Ex. 26. Use the proper particle after the phrasal verb get.
Ex. 27. Complete the following sentences with the phrasal verb get, in a suitable form.
Ex. 28. Rewrite these sentences using the words in bold type. Model: Sylvia and Peter’s relationship is not very successful. get Sylvia and Peter don’t get on with each other at all.
away How does my boss manage to …………. so little work ?
gets Martin hardly ever ……….. his homework. 3. Would you like to have a drink with me tonight ? together What about ……… for a drink tonight ? 4. I’m not an early riser myself ! up I can’t ……………. in the morning ! 5.The new manager doesn’t seem to be able to explain his ideas to his staff. across The new manager is not very good at ……….. to his staff. 6.It took Sally ages to recover from her illness. get Sally finally ………………… her illness. 7.The cold weather is really depressing me at the moment. getting The cold weather is ……………. at the moment. 8. The bicycle my father lost was returned to him last night. got My father lost his bicycle but he……………. last night. Ex. 29. Translate the sentences using the phrasal verb get. get back, get together, get down (on), get away with get round (to), get on (socially) (2), get over, get out, get through, get sick (2), get wet. 1. Идет дождь. Вы совсем промокнете. 2. Ей стало плохо после того, как она съела несколько пирожных. 3. Я начну делать домашнюю работу только после того, как отдохну немного. 4. Когда он успел просмотреть все эти папки? 5. Нам удалось выудить у него правду. 6. Надо как можно скорее покончить со всеми формальностями.. 7. Он прекрасно ладит с людьми. 8. Она знает, как к нему подойти. 9. Он был очень груб. Ему это так просто не сойдет. 10. Эта отвратительная погода действует мне на нервы. 11. Давайте соберемся все вместе через год после окончания Университета. 12. Когда он вернется, скажите, чтобы он подождал меня. 13. Не ешь это мясо, оно не очень хорошо пахнет, тебе будет плохо. Ex. 30. Translate into English using the phrasal verb get.
WORK: DUTIES, CONDITIONS AND PAY. What do you do? People may ask you about your job. They can ask and you can answer in different ways.
Note: “Work” is usually an uncountable noun, so you cannot say “a work”. If you want to use the indefinite article you must say “a job”, e.g. She hasn’t got a job at the moment. What does that involve? (=What do you do in your job?) When people ask you to explain your work/job, they may want to know your main responsibilities (=your duties/what you have to do), or something about your daily routine (=what you do every day/week)/ They can ask like this: What does that (i.e. your job) involve? Main responsibilities I’m in charge of (=responsible for) all deliveries out of the factory. I have to deal with any complaints (=take all necessary action if there are complaints). I run the coffee bar and restaurant in the museum (=I am in control of it/I manage it). Note: We often use responsible for/in charge of for part of something, e.g. a department or some of the workers; and run for control of all of something, e.g. a company or a shop. Daily duties/routines I have to go to/attend (fml) a lot of meetings. I visit/see/meet clients (=people I do business with or for). I advise clients (=give them help and my opinion). It involves doing quite a lot of paperwork ( a general word we use for routine work that involves paper e.g. writing letters, filling in forms, etc.). Note the –ing form after involve. Pay Most workers are paid (=receive money) every month and this pay goes directly into their bank account. It is called a salary. We can express the same idea using the verb to earn: My salary is $60,000 a year. (=I earn $60,000 a year). With many jobs you get (=receive) holiday pay and sick pay (when you are ill). If you want to ask about holidays, you can say: How much holiday do you get? or How many weeks’ holiday do you get? The total amount of money you receive in a year is called your income. This could be your salary from one job, or the salary from two different jobs you have. And on this income you have to pay part to the government – called income tax. Working hours For many people in Britain, these are 8.30-9.00 a.m. to 5.00-5.30 p.m. Consequently people often talk about a nine-to-five job (=regular working hours). Some people have flexi-time (they can start an hour or so earlier or finish later); and some have to do shiftwork (working at different times, e.g. days one week and nights the next week). Some people also work overtime (=work extra hours). Some people are paid to do/work overtime, others are not paid. Ex. 31. Match the verbs on the left with the nouns or phrases on the right. Use each word once only.
Ex 32. Starting with the words you are given, rewrite each of these sentences using vocabulary from above. The basic meaning must stay the same. Model: I’m a banker. I work in banking. 1. What do you do? What’s…………………………. 2. I earn $50,000 dollars. My……………………………… 3. I get £20,000 from my teaching job and another £10,000 from writing. My total………………………… 4. I am a chemist. I work for………………………. 5. In my job I have to look after and maintain all the computers in the building. My job involves………………... 6. I’m responsible for one of the smaller departments. I’m in…………………………… Ex. 33. This is part of the conversation with a teacher about her job. Can you supply the missing questions? A:…………………………………..? B: I usually start at nine and finish at four. A:.…………………………………..? B: Yes, a bit. On certain courses I work until five o’clock, and then I get paid extra. A:……………………………………? B: Twelve weeks. That’s one of the good things about being a teacher. A:……………………………………? B: No, we don’t, I’m afraid. That’s one of the disadvantages of being a teacher. But I suppose money isn’t everything. Ex. 34. Can you answer these general knowledge questions about work?
Ex. 35. Work in pairs. What kind of work do you expect to do after you graduate from University? Explain your responsibilities and daily duties to your partner in English. The career ladder Getting a job When Paul left school he applied for (=wrote an official request for) a job in the accounts department of a local engineering company. They gave him a job as a trainee (=a very junior person in a company). He didn’t earn very much but they gave him a lot of training (=organized help and advice with learning the job), and sent him on training courses. Note: Training is an uncountable noun, so you cannot say ‘a training’. You can only talk about training (in general), or a training course (if you want to refer to just one). Here you can use the verbs do or go on: I did/went on several training courses last year. Moving up Paul worked hard at the company and his prospects (=future possibilities in the job) looked good. After his first year he got a good pay rise (=more money), and after two years he was promoted (=given a higher position with more money and responsibility). After six years he was in charge of (=responsible for/the boss of) the accounts department with five other employees (=workers in the company) under him (=under his responsibility/authority). Leaving the company By the time Paul was 30, however, he decided he wanted a fresh challenge (=a new exciting situation). He was keen to work abroad, so he resigned from his company (=officially told the company he was leaving his job; you can also say ‘he quit the company’) and started looking for a new job with a bigger company. After a couple of months he managed to find a job with an international company, which involved (=included) a lot of foreign travel. He was very excited about the new job and at first he really enjoyed the traveling, but… Hard times After about six months Paul started to dislike the constant moving around, and after a year he hated it; he hated living in hotels, and he never really made any friends in the new company. Unfortunately his work was not satisfactory either and finally he was sacked (=told to leave the company/dismissed/given the sack) a year later. After that, Paul found things much more difficult. He was unemployed (=out of work/without a job) for over a year. He had to sell his car and move out of his new house. Things were looking bad and in the end Paul had to accept a |
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