National Research University Higher School of Economics,
City of Nizhny Novgorod
Faculty of Management
Course Syllabus
Basics of Entrepreneurship
080200.62 - Management
Bachelor program in Management
Prepared by:
Butryumova Nadezhda, Candidate of Economics Science, Associate Professor
Ermakova Elena, Candidate of Economics Science, Associate Professor
Nazarov Mikhail, Candidate of Economics Science, Associate Professor
Confirmed by Venture management department «___»____________ 2014
Head of Venture management department Prof. Fiyaksel Eduard _____________________
Recommended by faculty of management «___»_____________ 2014
Dean Kuznecova Julia _________________________
Approved by UMS NRU HSE – Nizhny Novgorod «___»_____________2014
Chairman Prof. Bukharov Valeriy ______________________
Nizhny Novgorod, 2014
Field of application and normative regulations
The program is designed for educators reading this course; assistants and students studying the course Basics of Entrepreneurship included in training area 080200.62 Bachelor of Management.
The program is designed in accordance with following regulations:
Educational Standard of NRU HSE for training area 080200.62 Bachelor of Management.
Working curriculum of the University for training area 080200.62 Bachelor of Management approved in 2014.
Course objectives
The objectives of studying the discipline Basics of Entrepreneurship is to make students familiar with different approaches to the essence of entrepreneurship. At the end of the course students are required to understand the diversity of opportunities to apply entrepreneurial behavior, the role of entrepreneurship in society; to be able to recognize, identify and evaluate commercial (business) opportunities; to know the process of starting an entrepreneurial project.
Student outcomes and competencies
At the completion of the course requirements students will
Basic approaches to the definition of the entrepreneurship;
Types of the entrepreneurship and its role in society;
The process of starting an entrepreneurial project;
Basic business-models and stages of business project development.
be able:
To recognize entrepreneurial potential in other people;
To analyze the current situation and identify entrepreneurial opportunity;
To design a business-model for different types of projects and to develop a plan for starting a business
To design and present a business-plan
get experienced in:
Designing and running an entrepreneurial projects;
Preparing and presenting business projects;
Working as a team for solving project problems or task.
At the completion of the course requirements students will get following competencies:
Type of competence
Teaching methods to develop competences
Умеет находить и оценивать новые рыночные возможности и формулировать бизнес-идею
Apply methods and tools for development and analysis of business-ideas
Business-cases, discussions, topics for individual studying
Способен разрабатывать бизнес-планы создания и развития новых организаций (направлений деятельности, продуктов и т.п.)
Initiate a start of a business, participate in the business-plan design, design of an investment proposal
Analysis of business cases and public presentations of the proposed solutions. Business plan development. Presentation of investment proposals
Способен оценивать экономические и социальные условия осуществления предпринимательской деятельности
Individual search of information; development of a solution for the discussed problem.
Business-cases, discussions, topics for individual studying.
Способен взаимодействовать с финансовыми рынками, фондами венчурного финансирования, ангел-инвесторами
Application of methods and tools of investment analysis; evaluation of investment attractiveness and effectiveness of projects; substantiation of management decisions, evaluation of consequences
Analysis of business cases and public presentations of the proposed solutions. Presentation of a business-project.
Обеспечивает реализацию социальной ответственности бизнеса через тесное взаимодействие в процессе предпринимательской деятельности со всеми заинтересованными сторонами,
включая местные власти, профсоюзные объединения, местные сообщества и т.д.
substantiation of management decisions, evaluation of consequences
Analysis of business cases and of social entrepreneurship, public presentations of the proposed solutions.
Presentation of business-projects.
The place of a course in the education program structure
This course is a discipline for selection. It is based on the several other courses:
Strategic management;
Project management;
In order to get the course students should have such knowledge and competencies as:
An ability to use legal documents in their activities;
The ability to analyze internal and external environment, conduct a market research;
The ability to apply the basic theories of motivation and leadership to solve entrepreneurial problems.
This course will be a basis for studying some future courses:
Business-modeling and company’s development
Entrepreneurship (advanced course).
Course outline
Length (hours)
Self-guided work
The nature of entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurial idea and entrepreneurial opportunities
Design of a business-model
Resources of the entrepreneurial firm
Growth of the entrepreneurial firm.
Transition from the entrepreneurship to the professional management
International entrepreneurship
Types of control
Type of control
1 year
Continuous assessment
Verification work
paperwork (80 minutes)
Oral exam
1.1Criteria of the assessment
Verification work
A student should describe a value proposition for his/her entrepreneurial project, basing on an Abell analysis form. An explanation and prooves must be provided for each element of the analysis.
Customer Groups:
Customer needs:
Jobs to be done
Customer Anxieties
Customer Desires

Will to sacrifice
Availability of means
Your Value Proposition: Product Features
Customer Benefits
User Experience

Value to Customer
Costs to Customer
Competitors, alternatives and their value proposition
Group 1
Group 2
Group N
In assessing this task the teacher is guided by the following criteria:
• Completeness and integrity of the analysis of customer needs;
• The adequacy and validity of the value proposition;
• The lack of spelling, punctuation, stylistic and factual errors in the design of the work.
Given the above main evaluation criteria, the teacher evaluates this type of work on the 10-point system. If the work was not put in time, the mark is reduced by 1 point for each week of delay.
Exam testes the theoretical knowledge on topics included in the course. Student may receive an excellent score in case of logic description of his/her ideas and knowledge; using additional information about the question under consideration (statistics, facts, other opinions, examples etc.).
All forms of control are evaluated according to the 10-point scale.
All grades (G) vary on a scale from 1 to 10, where 10 – the highest grade, 1 – the lowest grade.
= .6 + .4 -
= .6 + .4
In-class performance includes individual and group assignments that should be completed by the end of the class sessions for which they are assigned. In-class assignments will be provided as case studies, research projects and project-based learning.
Students should be prepared for class sessions (read cases, papers etc.) to discuss topics and questions.
Topics and readings
The nature of entrepreneurship
Defining entrepreneurship. Types of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial activity in different countries, statistic information and analysis of this phenomenon. The role of entrepreneurship in the economic development. Favorable conditions for the entrepreneurial activity in the country.
Entrepreneurship as a process. The process of the venture creation.
Entrepreneurial characteristics, skills and competences of an entrepreneur. How to develop entrepreneurial skills? Is it possible to learn to be an entrepreneur?
Main Readings:
Широкова Г.В. Управление предпринимательской фирмой: учебник / Г.В. Широкова; Высшая школа менеджмента СПбГУ. – СПб.: Изд-во «Высшая школа менеджмента», 2011. – 384 с.
Additional Readings:
Shirokova G., Tsukanova T., Bogatyryeva K. Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Student’s Survey. National Report, Russia 2013-2014. St. Petersburg, Russia, 2014.
OECD (2014), Entrepreneurship at a Glance 2014, OECD Publishing.
Глобальный мониторинг предпринимательства. Отчет Россия 2012. О.Р. Верховская, М.В. Дорохина.
Bosma N., Wennekers S., Guerrero M., Ernesto J., Martiarena A., Singer S. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. Special Report on Entrepreneurial Employee Activity. 2013.
Hisrich R., Peters M., Shepherd D. Entrepreneurship, Eighth edition. Mc Graw Hill. International Edition. 2010
Стартап: Настольная книга основателя / Стив Бланк, Боб Дорф. – М.: ООО «Альпина Паблишер», 2013
Shailendra Vyakarnam, Neal Hartman. Unlocking the enterpriser inside! A book of why, what and how! World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. 2011
Entrepreneurial Impact: The Role of MIT. Edward B. Roberts and Charles Easley. MIT Sloan School of Management. February 2009.
Entrepreneurship as a Catalyst for positive Change. Dr. Shailendra Vyakarnam: School of Business Distinguished Visiting Professor, American University of Cairo. Director of Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Forms and methods of lecturing: lectures with cases and examples, tasks for individual preparation to lessons, group discussions, case analysis.
Entrepreneurial idea and entrepreneurial opportunities
Entrepreneurial mindset, creative way of thinking. Methods of the ideas generation.
Sources of entrepreneurial ideas.
Opportunity recognition. Analysis of business opportunities.
Main Readings:
Широкова Г.В. Управление предпринимательской фирмой: учебник / Г.В. Широкова; Высшая школа менеджмента СПбГУ. – СПб.: Изд-во «Высшая школа менеджмента», 2011. – 384 с.
Additional Readings:
Witte N., MOOC Modules Entrepreneurship.
Э. Боно. Серьёзное творческое мышление. Пер.с англ. Д. Я. Онацкая.— Мн.: ООО "Попурри", 2005.
James Moultrie, Alasdair Young. Exploratory Study of Organizational Creativity in Creative Organizations / Creativity and Innovation Management, Volume 18, Issue 4 (December 2009), (p 299-314).
Кевин Койн, Патриция Клиффорд, Рене Дай. Творческая мысль на коротком поводке. / Harvard Business Review Россия, апрель 2008
Остервальдер, А., Пинье, И. Построение бизнес-моделей. Настольная книга стратега и новатора / пер. Марии Кульневой. - М.: Альпина Паблишер, 2011 г.
OECD (2014), Entrepreneurship at a Glance 2014, OECD Publishing.
Hisrich R., Peters M., Shepherd D. Entrepreneurship, Eighth edition. Mc Graw Hill. International Edition. 2010
Стартап: Настольная книга основателя / Стив Бланк, Боб Дорф. – М.: ООО «Альпина Паблишер», 2013
Entrepreneurial Impact: The Role of MIT. Edward B. Roberts and Charles Easley. MIT Sloan School of Management. February 2009.
Entrepreneurship as a Catalyst for positive Change. Dr. Shailendra Vyakarnam: School of Business Distinguished Visiting Professor, American University of Cairo. Director of Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Forms and methods of lecturing: lectures with cases and examples, tasks for individual preparation to lessons, group discussions, case analysis, training for ideas generation, business-games.
Business model design
Business model. Approaches and tools for business-model design.
Value creation and value proposition.
Types of business-models.
Main Readings:
Osterwalder A., Pigneur Y. Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers. Wiley, 2013.
Additional Readings:
Witte N., MOOC Modules Entrepreneurship.
Chesbrough H. Open Business Models: How To Thrive In The New Innovation Landscape. : Harvard Business Review Press, 2013.
Press H.B.S. Harvard Business Review on Business Model Innovation. : Harvard Business School Pub., 2010.
Дебелак, Д. Бизнес-модели. Принципы создания процветающей организации. / пер. И. Коваленко. - М.: Гребенников, 2009 г. - 256 с.
Эндрю, Дж. П. , Сиркин, Г. Л. Возврат на инновации. Практическое руководство по управлению инновациями в бизнесе. / пер. С. Гуриновича. - М.: Гревцов Паблишер, 2008 г. - 304 с.
Маграт, Р. Г., Макмиллан, Ян. Рыночные ускорители. // Harvard Business Review — Россия. - 2005. - № 6 (9). - С. 48-58.
Forms and methods of lecturing: lectures with cases and examples, tasks for individual preparation to lessons, group discussions, case analysis, training for ideas generation, business-games.
Resources of the entrepreneurial firm
-Types of resources in entrepreneurial firms:
- Tangible. Financial resources are the main sources of funding for entrepreneurial firms. Physical resources.
- Intangible. Technological resources are sources for innovation. Reputation of the firm.
- Human. Education and training of employees. Teamwork skills. Employee’s loyalty firm.
-Resources of the firm as a source of competitive advantage. VRIO-resource analysis.
- 24 steps to a successful startup: disciplined entrepreneurship.
Main Readings:
Широкова Г.В. Управление предпринимательской фирмой: учебник / Г.В. Широкова; Высшая школа менеджмента СПбГУ. – СПб.: Изд-во «Высшая школа менеджмента», 2011. – 384 с.
Additional Readings
Чепуренко А.Ю. Социология предпринимательства. Издательский дом ГУ ВШЭ. М.2007
Р.Грант. MBA. Современный стратегический анализ. 7ое издание. Изд.: «Питер», 2010
Teece D.J, Pisano G., Shuen A. Strategic Management Journal (1986-1998); Aug 1997
Forms and methods of lecturing: lectures with cases and examples, tasks for individual preparation to lessons, group discussions, case analysis, training for ideas generation, business-games.
Growth of the entrepreneurial firm. Transition from the entrepreneurship to the professional management.
Growing entrepreneurial firm: obstacles, circumstances, ways to succeed.
Managing the process of growth.
Transition from the entrepreneurship to the professional management.
Main Readings:
Широкова Г.В. Управление предпринимательской фирмой: учебник / Г.В. Широкова; Высшая школа менеджмента СПбГУ. – СПб.: Изд-во «Высшая школа менеджмента», 2011. – 384 с.
Additional Readings:
Юданов А.Ю. Носители предпринимательства: фирмы-газели в России // Вопросы экономической политики, 2010
Юданов А.Ю. Покорители голубых океанов (фирмы-газели в России) // Современная конкуренция, №2, 2010.
Mitusch K., Schimke A. Gazelles – High-Growth Companies. Final report. INNOVA. 2011
Lee N. Free to grow? Assessing the obstacles faced by actual and potential high growth firms. MPRA, 2011. Online at
Адизес И.К. Управление жизненным циклом корпорации. Изд. Спб. Питер, 2007
Shailendra Vyakarnam, Neal Hartman. Unlocking the enterpriser inside! A book of why, what and how! World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. 2011
Entrepreneurs speak out. The Nice Cote d’Azur 2011 Entrepreneurship Barometer.
Forms and methods of lecturing: lectures with cases and examples, tasks for individual preparation to lessons, group discussions, case analysis.
The concept of intrapreneurship. The role of intrapreneurship in the business development.
Corporate ventures. Development spin-off companies.
Principles of construction intrapreneurship. Factors of corporate entrepreneurship in the company.
Main Readings:
Широкова Г.В. Управление предпринимательской фирмой: учебник / Г.В. Широкова; Высшая школа менеджмента СПбГУ. – СПб.: Изд-во «Высшая школа менеджмента», 2011. – 384 с.
Additional Readings:
Адизес И.К. Управление жизненным циклом корпорации. Изд. Спб. Питер, 2007
Rowley R., Roevens J., Platenkamp V. The essential Organize with chaos. 2011
Semler R. Maverick: The Success Story Behind the World's Most Unusual Workplace, 2007
Forms and methods of lecturing: lectures with cases and examples, tasks for individual preparation to lessons, group discussions, case analysis.
International entrepreneurship
International entrepreneurship and its features.
Context assessment for international entrepreneurship.
Strategies for adverse entrepreneurial conditions while expanding abroad.
Main Readings:
Kuemmerle W. Note on Conceptual Foundations and Contributions of the International Entrepreneurship (IE) Course. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Publishing, 2005.
Additional Readings:
Fayolle A., Klandt H. International Entrepreneurship Education: Issues and Newness. : Edward Elgar Publishing, Incorporated, 2006.
Hisrich R.D. International Entrepreneurship: Starting, Developing, and Managing a Global Venture. : SAGE Publications, 2012.
Samli A.C. International Entrepreneurship: Innovative Solutions for a Fragile Planet. : Springer, 2009.
Forms and methods of lecturing: lectures with cases and examples, tasks for individual preparation to lessons, group discussions, case analysis, training for ideas generation, business-games.
Overview of assignments
1.3Continuous control
Verification work
A student should describe a value proposition for his/her entrepreneurial project, basing on an Abell analysis form. An explanation and proves must be provided for each element of the analysis.
Customer Groups:
Customer needs:
Jobs to be done
Customer Anxieties
Customer Desires

Will to sacrifice
Availability of means
Your Value Proposition: Product Features
Customer Benefits
User Experience

Value to Customer
Costs to Customer
Competitors, alternatives and their value proposition
Group 1
Group 2
Group N
In assessing this task the teacher is guided by the following criteria:
• Completeness and integrity of the analysis of customer needs;
• The adequacy and validity of the value proposition;
• The lack of spelling, punctuation, stylistic and factual errors in the design of the work.
Given the above main evaluation criteria, the teacher evaluates this type of work on the 10-point system. If the work was not put in time, the mark is reduced by 1 point for each week of delay.
1.4Questions for assessment of the mastering of the discipline
Questions for examination:
Topic "The nature of entrepreneurship "
1. The concept of entrepreneurship. Main approaches to the definition. Types of entrepreneurship.
2. Entrepreneurship as a process.
3. Main characteristics of an entrepreneur.
Topic " Entrepreneurial idea and entrepreneurial opportunities"
1. Methods of ideas generation
2. Tools of the entrepreneurial mindset
Topic "Design of a business-model"
1. Approaches to the business model analysis. Key elements of a business model.
2. The basic innovation business models.
3. The connection of a business model to a business plan.
Topic "International Business"
5. Five measurements for country context.
6. Entrepreneurial strategies to meet adverse country context.
9. Mobilizing resources for international business project.
Topic "Resources of the entrepreneurial firm"
1. Factors and resources that affect the possibility of opening an own business.
2. Give the definition of a "resource". What kinds of resources are needed for entrepreneurial firm. What is the main difference between an entrepreneurial approach to ensure the company's resources?
3. How does resources affect the achievement of competitive advantage? On an example of the company's key resources, analyze, justify its competitive advantages.
4. Describe the dynamic capabilities of the company.
Topic "Growth of the entrepreneurial firm. Transition from the entrepreneurship to the professional management”
1. The main growth strategy of the company's business.
2. The main barriers and constraints to growth of entrepreneurial firms.
3. Comparison of professional management and business management.
4. What should be done to move from business management to professional management?
Topic: " Intrapreneurship "
1. What is Intrapreneurship.
2. Highlight Intrapreneurship levels within an existing company.
3. Analyze the problems encountered in the implementation of Intrapreneurship.
4. What are the main results of the implementation of Intrapreneurship.
5. Methods of staff motivation in the development of Intrapreneurship.
Main Readings:
Широкова Г.В. Управление предпринимательской фирмой: учебник / Г.В. Широкова; Высшая школа менеджмента СПбГУ. – СПб.: Изд-во «Высшая школа менеджмента», 2011. – 384 с.
Additional Readings:
Bosma N., Wennekers S., Guerrero M., Ernesto J., Martiarena A., Singer S. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. Special Report on Entrepreneurial Employee Activity. 2013.
Chesbrough H. Open Business Models: How To Thrive In The New Innovation Landscape. : Harvard Business Review Press, 2013.
Entrepreneurial Impact: The Role of MIT. Edward B. Roberts and Charles Easley. MIT Sloan School of Management. February 2009.
Entrepreneurs speak out. The Nice Cote d’Azur 2011 Entrepreneurship Barometer.
Entrepreneurship as a Catalyst for positive Change. Dr. Shailendra Vyakarnam: School of Business Distinguished Visiting Professor, American University of Cairo. Director of Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Fayolle A., Klandt H. International Entrepreneurship Education: Issues and Newness. : Edward Elgar Publishing, Incorporated, 2006.
Hisrich R., Peters M., Shepherd D. Entrepreneurship, Eighth edition. Mc Graw Hill. International Edition. 2010
Hisrich R.D. International Entrepreneurship: Starting, Developing, and Managing a Global Venture. : SAGE Publications, 2012.
James Moultrie, Alasdair Young. Exploratory Study of Organizational Creativity in Creative Organizations / Creativity and Innovation Management, Volume 18, Issue 4 (December 2009), (p 299-314).
Kuemmerle W. Note on Conceptual Foundations and Contributions of the International Entrepreneurship (IE) Course. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Publishing, 2005.
Lee N. Free to grow? Assessing the obstacles faced by actual and potential high growth firms. MPRA, 2011. Online at
Mitusch K., Schimke A. Gazelles – High-Growth Companies. Final report. INNOVA. 2011
OECD (2014), Entrepreneurship at a Glance 2014, OECD Publishing.
Osterwalder A., Pigneur Y. Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers. Wiley, 2013.
Press H.B.S. Harvard Business Review on Business Model Innovation. : Harvard Business School Pub., 2010.
Rowley R., Roevens J., Platenkamp V. The essential Organize with chaos. 2011
Semler R. Maverick: The Success Story Behind the World's Most Unusual Workplace, 2007
Samli A.C. International Entrepreneurship: Innovative Solutions for a Fragile Planet. : Springer, 2009
Shailendra Vyakarnam, Neal Hartman. Unlocking the enterpriser inside! A book of why, what and how! World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. 2011
Shirokova G., Tsukanova T., Bogatyryeva K. Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Student’s Survey. National Report, Russia 2013-2014. St. Petersburg, Russia, 2014.
Teece D.J, Pisano G., Shuen A. Strategic Management Journal (1986-1998); Aug 1997
Witte N., MOOC Modules Entrepreneurship.
Адизес И.К. Управление жизненным циклом корпорации. Изд. Спб. Питер, 2007
Глобальный мониторинг предпринимательства. Отчет Россия 2012. О.Р. Верховская, М.В. Дорохина.
Дебелак, Д. Бизнес-модели. Принципы создания процветающей организации. / пер. И. Коваленко. - М.: Гребенников, 2009 г. - 256 с.
Кевин Койн, Патриция Клиффорд, Рене Дай. Творческая мысль на коротком поводке. / Harvard Business Review Россия, апрель 2008
Маграт, Р. Г., Макмиллан, Ян. Рыночные ускорители. // Harvard Business Review — Россия. - 2005. - № 6 (9). - С. 48-58.
Остервальдер, А., Пинье, И. Построение бизнес-моделей. Настольная книга стратега и новатора / пер. Марии Кульневой. - М.: Альпина Паблишер, 2011 г.
Р.Грант. MBA. Современный стратегический анализ. 7ое издание. Изд.: «Питер», 2010
Стартап: Настольная книга основателя / Стив Бланк, Боб Дорф. – М.: ООО «Альпина Паблишер», 2013
Чепуренко А.Ю. Социология предпринимательства. Издательский дом ГУ ВШЭ. М.2007
Э. Боно. Серьёзное творческое мышление. Пер.с англ. Д. Я. Онацкая.— Мн.: ООО "Попурри", 2005.
Эндрю, Дж. П. , Сиркин, Г. Л. Возврат на инновации. Практическое руководство по управлению инновациями в бизнесе. / пер. С. Гуриновича. - М.: Гревцов Паблишер, 2008 г. - 304 с.
Юданов А.Ю. Покорители голубых океанов (фирмы-газели в России) // Современная конкуренция, №2, 2010.
Laptop Policy
Projector, screen, and laptop for lectures and seminars
Authors N. Butryumova
E. Ermakova
M. Nazarov