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Retailer- розничный торговец Specified- конкретный Volume of sales- объем продаж Purchase- покупка, приобретение Reliable- надежный Promoted- здесь: раскрученный То expand- расширять (-ся), развиваться (-ся) Notion- понятие Transfer- передача Subsidiary company- дочерняя компания То violate- нарушать Claim- претензия Open joint-stock company- открытое акционерное общество TASKS 1. Write questions to these answers 1) ___________________________________________________? Franchising means granting a formal right to the manufacturer, wholesaler or retailer to produce or to sell the company's goods or services. 2) ____________________________________________________? Yes, this way of doing business is widely used in the market economy. 3) ___________________________________________________? Yes, the banks give loans to businessmen in Great Britain. 4) ___________________________________________________? Yes, it is a simple way of starting business. 5) ___________________________________________________? For a stable company it is a good way of expanding markets. 6) ___________________________________________________? The number of franchises in Russia does not exceed two dozen. 7) ___________________________________________________? History of franching in Russia dates back to 1993. 8) ___________________________________________________? Franchising is used by such companies as chain of shoe stores "Ekonika", fast food "Rostics", "Teremok", "Russkiye bliny", "Niam-Niam", filling stations LUKoil, TNK 9) ___________________________________________________? No, according to Russian laws, brand name can't be transferred. 10) ___________________________________________________? Laws on franchising should be passed. 2. Fill in the words from the box. Таблица 16
3. Fill in the words from the box Таблица 17
The Australian Franchise Federation (AFF) presented a new survey that shows a continuing boom in the (1) _________sector over the past year. The federation's annual survey of franchised (2) _________shows the sector continued to grow at 15 per cent, a level that has continued since end of the last recession in the early 1990s. The federation's chairman Bill Hawke said, "These are encouraging (3) ____________. The prospects of the franchising business are very promising. “There are believed to be more than 300 franchise systems in Australia, including some big global names. The report (4) ________that the most popular businesses for (5) ________ continue retail outlets. However, other service businesses are also showing strong (6) ________. One area the federation thinks is likely to take off over the next few years is property and building services. The survey also shows that the cost of getting into a franchise is (7)________. The average start-up cost for a franchise is believed to be about A1$ 120,000 - down from A $135,000 last year. Business consultant Francine Gordon says that many small business owners do not understand the basic (8) ___________ of the business. Gordon says that seven out of ten small business fail within five years. “With franchising, the (9) ________ of failure are lower, because a good franchise can provide a strong business model for (10) _________to follow, "she says". "A franchise is not a (11) ____________ of success, but it certainly helps." VOCABULARY Retail outlets—розничные магазины Property- собственность Текст №10 Job search Job search is a long process which needs lots of time and effort. You can't start it without a resume. You present the most important information about yourself in it: your background, your work experience, skills and special knowledge. You should write your objective too, that is what position you are aiming at. With your resume drawn you start direct research. You study business magazines and newspapers and look for the companies that regularly hire in your field. You can send your resume to these companies. Employment and recruitment agencies are aimed at assisting you in finding a job. State employment agencies are funded by state labour departments. The most effective way to use their services is to visit the local office. Only employment agencies and some recruitment agencies will actively market you to a larger number of companies. The most part of recruitment agencies only-present the credentials on the existing position. It is useful to visit job fairs and career days, ask your family, relatives, friends, neighbours and acquaintances to help you in job search. You can use web pages on Internet, such as www. jobs, ru or www. hro.ru and other special web sites. Interview is an important part in your job search. It is important to make a good impression and to wear proper clothes. Make sure your shoes are clean, well polished and in good condition. Don't fiddle with your hair, your hands or your clothes, don't cross the arms. Sit up straight. Keep long hair under control, don't wear too much jewelry. Try to keep eye contact with the key person in the meeting. It is not proper to ask about the salary at the first interview or criticize your former boss or company. It is not recommended to discuss personal or financial problems with the representative of the company. It is important assure the company representatives that you are the right person for the position. If you are offered a position, you can negotiate the offer and ask about your salary. As you can see, the process of job search is rather difficult, but it can be a rewarding too if you get the position which you have been dreaming about. VOCABULARY to present - представлять work experience — опыт работы objective - цель to draw - составлять to hire - нанимать на работу employment agency - агентство по трудоустройству recruitment agency - агентство по набору персонала credentials - документы proper - соответствующий jewelry - драгоценности to fiddle - вертеть в руках, играть salary - заработная плата (служащих) former - бывший representative - представитель to assure - заверить negotiate - вести переговоры rewarding - стоящий, полезный TASKS 1.Complete the questions 1) ___________ job search a long process? 2) ___________ it need lots of time and effort? 3) ___________ you start it without a resume? 4) ___________ you present in it? 5) ___________ you write your objective? 6) ___________ magazines and newspapers do you study? 7) ___________ employment and recruitment agencies aimed at? 8) ___________ the most effective way to use their services? 9)____________ agencies_________ you to large number of companies? 10) __________ useful to visit job fairs and career days? 11) ___________ use web pages on Internet? 12) ___________ interview is an important part in your job search? 13) ___________ you look at the interview? 14) ___________ proper to ask about the salary of the first interview or criticise your former boss or company? 15) ___________ recommended to discuss personal or financial problems with the representative of the company? 16) __________ you negotiate the offer and ask about your salary? 17) __________ the process of job search be rewarding? 2.Match these terms with their definitions 1. recruit A. right, correct 2. draw B. conduct talks 3. proper C. write, make ready 4. assure D. monthly payment for regular employment 5. salary E. chose people for vacant positions 6. negotiate F. say positively, with confidence 3. Word families. Fill in the missing words Таблица 18
4. Translate into English 1) Когда предприятие хочет нанять новых работников, оно обращается в агентство по трудоустройству. 2) Во время интервью не принято спрашивать о заработной плате или критиковать своего бывшего начальника. 3) В резюме вы предоставляете сведения о своем образовании, об опытах работы, умении и специальных занятиях. Важно заверить представителя компании, что вы подходящий человек на эту должность. The company. Companies and products. Describing companies 1. Describe a company using the following plan:
VOCABULARY To found - основывать Founder - основатель Chief executive - руководитель Sales figures - показатели продаж Branch - отделение To sell business - to business - продавать предприятиям 2. To which industry does each of these companies belong? Match the descriptions with the industries
3. Describing products. Among the words in the box describing products, find:
Текст №11 Economics as a science Although the content and character of economics cannot be described briefly, numerous writers have attempted that. An especially useless, though once popular, example is: «Economics is what economists do.» Similarly, a notable economist of the last century Alfred Marshall called economics «a study of mankind in the ordinary business of life.» Lionel Robbins in the 1930s described economics as «the science of choice among scarce means to accomplish unlimited ends.» During much of modern history, especially in the nineteenth century, economics was called simply «the science of wealth.» Less seriously, George Bernard Shaw was credited in the early 1900s with the witticism that «economics is the science whose practitioners, even if all were laid end to end, would not reach agreement,» We may make better progress by comparing economies with other subjects. Like every other discipline that attempts to explain observed facts (e.g., physics, astronomy, meteorology), economics comprises a vast collection of descriptive material organized around a central core of theoretical principles. The manner in which theoretical principles are formulated and used in applications varies greatly from one science to another. Like psychology, economics draws much of its theoretical core from intuition, casual observation, and «common knowledge about human nature.» Like astronomy, economics is largely nonexperimental. Like meteorology, economics is relatively inexact, as is weather forecasting. Like particle physics and molecular biology, economics deals with an array of closely interrelated phenomena (as do sociology and social psychology). Like such disciplines as art, fantasy writing, mathematics, metaphysics, cosmology, and the like, economics attracts different people for different reasons: «One person's meat is another person's poison.» Though all disciplines differ, all are remarkably similar in one respect: all are meant to convey an interesting, persuasive, and intellectually satisfying story about selected aspects of experience. As Einstein once put it: «Science is the attempt to make the chaotic diversity of our sense-experience correspond to a logically uniform system of thought.» Economics deals with data on income, employment, expenditure, interest rates, prices and individual activities of production, consumption, transportation, and trade. Economics deals directly with only a tiny fraction of the whole spectrum of human behavior, and so the range of problems considered by economists is relatively narrow. Contrary to popular opinion, economics does not normally include such things as personal finance, ways to start a small business, etc.; in relation to everyday life, the economist is more like an astronomer than a weatherforecaster, more like a physical chemist than a pharmacist, more like a professor of hydrodynamics than a plumber. In principle almost any conceivable problem, from marriage, suicide, capital punishment, and religious observance to tooth brushing, drug abuse, extramarital affairs, and mall shopping, might serve (and, in the case of each of these examples has served) as an object for some economist's attention. There is, after all, no clear division between «economic» and «noneconomic» phenomena. In practice, however, economists have generally found it expedient to leave the physical and life sciences to those groups that first claimed them, though not always. In recent years economists have invaded territory once claimed exclusively by political scientists and sociologists, not to mention territories claimed by physical anthropologists, experimental psychologists, and paleontologists. |
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