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Electrical System of the A340 While parked at the gate, the A340 electrical system can be powered by dual ground-power receptacles near the nose gear of the aircraft. The APU can also provide power, or be used in concert with ground power. Two 37 amp-hour batteries are permanently connected to two hot busses, but only power a small portion of the electrical system. A dedicated battery to start the APU is located near the tail. In flight, the 115/200 volt 400-hertz constant-frequency AC and 28-volt DC systems are supplied by four engine-driven AC generators, each supplying up to 75 KVA. Two generators are required to supply the entire system with power. Protection of electrical components is provided by circuit breakers located in the below-deck electronic equipment bay. A Circuit Breaker Monitoring Unit (CBMU) keeps tabs on each circuit breaker and displays relay this information to the ECAM system. The A340 electrical system was designed to continue operating even with multiple failures. The APU, Ram Air Turbine (RAT), aircraft batteries, and a generator driven by green hydraulic system pressure can all supply electrical power, albeit in a reduced capacity. Automatic load shedding will occur, with the flight crew being notified via the System Display.
kilovolt ampere, double, not much, with the help of, electric outlet, decrease
Two 37 amp-hour batteries are permanently connected to two hot busses, but only power a small portion of the electrical system. 1) Two 37 amp-hour batteries supply the entire system with power. 2) Two 37 amp-hour batteries are not of primary importance for feeding the system. 3) Two hot busses permanently connect the electrical system with the powerful batteries. The A340 electrical system was designed to continue operating even with multiple failures. 1) The A340 electrical system is prone to multiple failures. 2) The A340 electrical system can work in critical situation when its several components are inoperable. 3) Failure of the A340 electrical system has no effect on the plane. Texts for annotation Ram Air Turbine The Ram Air Turbine or RAT is deployed when most of the conventional power generation system has failed or is unavailable for some reason. The RAT is an air-driven turbine, normally stowed in the aircraft ventral or nose section that is extended either automatically or manually when the emergency commences. The passage of air over the turbine is used to power a small emergency generator of limited capacity, usually enough to power the crew’s essential flight instruments and a few other critical services. Typical RAT generator sizing may vary from 5 to 15kVA depending upon the aircraft. The RAT also powers a small hydraulic power generator for similar hydraulic system emergency power provision. Once deployed then the RAT remains extended for the duration of the flight and cannot be restored without maintenance action on the ground. The RAT is intended to furnish the crew with sufficient power to fly the aircraft while attempting to restore the primary generators or carry out a diversion to the nearest airfield. It is not intended to provide significant amounts of power for a lengthy period of operation. Aircraft electrical system Most small aircraft are equipped with a 28 volt direct current electrical system. The system is powered by an Alternator which drives the electrical devices and stores energy in the battery. The Master Switch (labelled MS) causes the electrical system to connect the electrical buses and devices to the battery. The battery provides the power to crank the starter. Once the engine is running, power is supplied by the alternator and the battery is recharged. Numerous circuit breakers feed off the Primary Electrical Bus, and provide individual circuits to power the electrical devices. Although the arrangement will vary from one make and model aircraft to another, the basic principles are the same. By providing numerous circuit breakers and dividing the electrical load into several different circuits, a malfunction in one system can be turned off without adversely affecting the other circuits. Usually an alternator light is located on the instrument panel to provide a means for the pilot to determine alternator is providing power to the system. In addition, an ammeter on the instrument panel can determine the general health of the electrical system. After the battery is used for starting, a considerable “charge” should be shown, indicating that the alternator is replenishing the power drained from the battery during engine cranking. If the indicator shows zero while electronic equipment is ON, failure of the alternator to charge the battery is indicated. A second bus is provided to power the electronic and avionics equipment. This bus is connected to the Primary Bus via the Avionics Switch. This switch should not be turned on until the engine is started to prevent the possibility of high voltage transient currents resulting from engine starting from feeding into sensitive electronic equipment. The pilot should also turn this switch OFF prior to engine shut-down for the same reason. Prior to start-up the pilot should check the status of all circuit breakers as a part of the pre-flight check. A “tripped” breaker will project out farther from the control panel than does a properly functioning breaker. Pushing the breaker in will reset it to it’s normal operating position. If it pops out again, there is a malfunction in the circuit which it feeds, and repair should be made prior to flight. The pilot should turn on the master switch during the walk-around pre-flight inspection to insure that the rotating beacon and strobe lights (If present) are functioning. If all or part of the flight is to occur at night, the navigation lights, instrument panel lights, taxi and landing lights should also be checked for proper operation. Inflight decision making Electrical problems need to be handled correctly and promptly because they could cause an onboard electrical fire, damage other electrical gear, or cause problems with other systems. Another reason is once you understand the electrical system in your aircraft or the aircraft you fly, you can make important decisions about what you are going to do in case you have a generator or alternator failure. For example, by knowing and understanding your electrical system, you may decide to continue your flight by turning off non-critical electrical items such as your second radio and other redundant electrical gear or start looking for the nearest airport to land. Equally important is knowing critical flight data such as what to do if you have electrically operated flaps or gear. More than one pilot has put him- or herself in a "box" with no way out by making the wrong decision during a "minor" incident or problem. Putting electrically operated flaps down early and not having the electrical power to raise them may mean having to fly with increased drag or minimal lift during a go around or while having to divert to another airport. The same may be said of electrically operated landing gear. Although in some aircraft the increased drag produced by the lowered landing gear may be worth the drag penalty considering the potential problems later of having to either manually lower them or forgetting to lower them. Or if the pilot is in the clouds, the pilot may decide that being able to talk and navigate is the most important use of any remaining battery power. Because each flight is unique and the needs of each pilot is unique, it is hard to say which electrical devices should remain on and which devices should be turned off. This is why it is important that each pilot review his or her aircraft's electrical system and know and understand it to the point where the pilot can make the best decision about the aircraft's electrical system before the loss of the generator (or is it an alternator?) becomes critical to flight safety. Knowledge is power (pun intended). And if your aircraft has electrically operated retractable landing gear? Please remember that you still have to lower the gear before your next landing, so you just may want to review your aircraft's emergency gear operating procedure before your next takeoff. Aircraft Lighting System Ex.1. Look at the pictures and say where the aircraft lights can be located. Can you say what their function is? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Vocabulary
Ex.2. Use the prefix –ish. a) Use the prefix –ish to make up adjectives: white, yellow, brown, red b) Guess what the following phrase means: I'll come at fivish. Ex.2. Match the antonyms and translate them.
Ex.3. Make up degrees of comparison for following adjectives. Useful, close, small, conspicuous, bright, noticeable, great, little, far Reading Aircraft Lighting System Read the first passage of the text and do tasks for it:
1. True or false?
2. Answer the questions.
Read the next passage of the text and do tasks for it:
1. Match the definitions with the bold-typed words in the passage above:
2. Answer the questions.
Read the last passage of the text and do tasks for it:
1. Match the definitions with the bold-typed words in the passage above:
2. True or false?
Fill in the table using information from the text:
Look at the picture and say everything you know about aircraft lights. ![]() Read the text and insert the missed phrases. AIRPLANE EQUIPMENT AND LIGHTING An anti-collision light system, including a flashing or rotating beacon and position lights, is required airplane equipment. Airplane position lights are arranged similar to those of boats and ships. 1) , a green light on the right wingtip, and a white light on the tail. This arrangement provides a means by which pilots can 2) of other airplanes in flight. If both a red and green light of another aircraft were observed, the airplane would be flying toward the pilot, and could be on a collision course. Landing lights are 3) , but also provide a means by which airplanes can be seen at night by other pilots. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has initiated a voluntary pilot safety program called “Operation Lights ON.” The “lights on” idea is to enhance the “see and be seen” concept of averting collisions both in the air and on the ground, and to reduce the potential for bird strikes. Pilots are encouraged to turn on their landing lights 4) . This is for both day and night, or in conditions of reduced visibility. This should also be done in areas where flocks of birds may be expected. Although turning on aircraft lights supports the “see and be seen” concept, pilots should not become complacent about keeping a sharp lookout for other aircraft. Most aircraft lights blend in with 5) and go unnoticed unless a conscious effort is made to distinguish them from other lights.
Airport Lighting 1. Use the suitable word form.
Airport beacons Airport beacons help a pilot identify an airport at night. The beacons are operated from dusk till dawn. Sometimes they are turned on if the ceiling is less than 1,000 feet and/or the ground visibility is less than 3 miles (VFR minimum). The beacon rotates at a constant speed, thus producing what appears to be a series of light flashes at regular intervals. These flashes may be one or two different colors that are used to identify various types of landing areas: • Flashing white and green for civilian land airports; • Flashing white and yellow for a water airport; • Flashing white, yellow, and green for a heliport; and • Two quick white flashes alternating with a green flash identifying a military airport. Answer the questions:
Approach Light Systems Approach light systems are primarily intended to provide a means to transition from instrument flight to visual flight for landing. The system configuration depends on whether the runway is a precision or non-precision instrument runway. Some systems include sequenced flashing lights, which appear to the pilot as a ball of light traveling toward the runway at high speed. Approach lights can also aid pilots operating under VFR at night. Find the English equivalents: Огни подхода; полет по приборам; ВПП, имеющая систему инструментальной посадки; последовательно мигающие огни True or false?
Visual Glide Slope Indicators Visual glide slope indicators provide the pilot with glidepath information that can be used for day or night approaches. By maintaining the proper glide path as provided by the system, a pilot should have adequate obstacle clearance and should touch down within a specified portion of the runway. Visual Approach Slope Indicator (VASI) VASI installations are the most common visual glidepath systems in use. The VASI provides obstruction clearance within 10° of the runway extended runway centerline, and to four nautical miles (NM) from the runway threshold. The basic principle of the VASI is that of color differentiation between red and white. Each light unit projects a beam of light, a white segment in the upper part of the beam and a red segment in the lower part of the beam. The lights are arranged so the pilot sees the combination of lights to indicate below, on, or above the glidepath. Find the English equivalents: Глиссада Наклон глиссады Высота пролёта препятствий Коснуться земли Порог ВПП True or false?
Runway Lighting ![]() There are various lights that identify parts of the runway complex. These assist a pilot to make safely a take-off or landing during night operations. Runway End Identifier Lights (REIL) These lights assist the pilot in isolating the runway when it is surrounded by all other sorts of airport lighting and city lights. They also help isolate the runway from surrounding terrain and make it more visible in bad weather. There are four of these lights on both ends of the runway. They extend for the full width of the runway and appear green to approaching aircraft. They look red from the runway itself. Lights at the end of the runway are red to a departing aircraft and green at the beginning to signify the threshold of landing for approaching aircraft. Runway Edge Lights Runway edge lights are used to outline the edges of runways at night or during low visibility conditions. These lights are classified according to the intensity they are capable of producing: high intensity runway lights (HIRL), medium intensity runway lights (MIRL), and low intensity runway lights (LIRL). These lights are white. In airports that rely upon instrument approach procedures, the last 2,000 feet of the runway is indicated by amber edge lights. The lights marking the end of the runway are red. In-Runway Lighting Runway centerline lighting system (RCLS) is installed on some runways to facilitate landing under adverse visibility conditions. They are located along the runway centerline and are spaced at 50-foot intervals. When viewed from the landing threshold, the runway centerline lights are white until the last 3,000 feet of the runway. The white lights begin to alternate with red for the next 2,000 feet. For the remaining 1,000 feet of the runway, all centerline lights are red. Touchdown Zone Lights (TDZL) These runway lights create rows of white bars on both sides of the centerline to show where the wheels of the plane need to touch down. 1. Among the following words find the Russian equivalents for the bold-typed words from the text: Прибывающий самолет Вылетающий самолет Порог ВПП Условия плохой видимости Вся ширина ВПП Желтый Окружающая местность Средняя линия Очертить кромку ВПП 2. True or false?
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