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XVI. Напишите письмо, используя подходящие слова из представленных ниже: Dear (Sir/ Mr. Smith/ Mr President): With (relation / reference / connection) to our telephone (dialogue/ chat/ conversation) I am (enclosing/ posting/ including) our latest catalogue. I (shall/ will/ would) be grateful (that/ if/ when) you ( may/ should/ could) come to see us on Wednesday 5th June at 11.00 a.m. to discuss our business. If this date is not (correct/ comfortable / convenient) I would (want/ like /appreciate) (if/ whether/ when) you could give me a ring. If you have any further (problems / questions/ inquiries) please do not (pause / delay / hesitate) to (connect / contact/ correspond) us again. In the meantime, I (look / expect / wait) forward to (listening / hearing / seeing) from you. (Regards/ Yours faithfully / Love) Answers A. l. c; 2. g; 3. b; 4.f; 5. d; 6. a; 7. e. I. l. (D); 2. (A); 3. (D); 4. (C); 5. (B). II. 1. opportune moment; 2. hotel manager; 3. regularly; 4. price volatility; 5. slow-moving line; 6. four star hotel; 7. 8-storey office building. IV. 1. Do you think the idea is good? 2. How long are you going to stay in Russia? 3. When did they complete the report? 4. Where is he from? 5. Who supervises you? 6. When will the cafeteria close? 7. Why do they want those figures? 8. Whom can we ask for advice? VII. 1. have needed; 2. had prepared, forgot; 3. reviews; 4. has reviewed; 5. is asking. IX. 1. might; 2. should; 3. must; 4. will; 5. can. XI. 1. to, in; 2. between; 3. among; 4. under; 5. about; 6. during; 7. since; 8. by; 9. like; 10. of. XIII. 1. were; 2. were; 3. was; 4. was; 5. were; 6. were; 7, was. XIV. 1. We proposed our recommendations last Tuesday. 2. The management has not yet made the decision. 3. The personnel manager will investigate the reports promptly. 4. The research team recorded a slight rise in temperature. 5. They have made arrangements for hundred people. 6. Our regional office increased sales by 10 percent. XVI. 1. Mr.Smith; 2. reference; 3. conversation; 4. enclosing; 5. would; 6. if; 7. could; 8. convenient; 9. appreciate; 10. if; 11. questions; 12. hesitate; 13. contact; 14.1ook; 15. Yours faithfully. Задания для контроля знаний 1 Материалы для текущего контроля знаний студентов: Перечень содержания текстов для письменного реферирования и написания эссе: - Туристская деятельность. - Развитие туризма. - Экономика и культура. - Деятельность туристских компаний. - Развитие информационных технологий в туристской деятельности. - Прошлое и будущее туризма. Контрольные работы по английскому языку: 1. Management Information Technology. 2. Accounting. 3. Outside Sources of Financing. 4. Levels and Areas of Management. 5. Definition of Management. 6. Internet Start-ups. 7. Microsoft. TEST I 1. Management Information Technology (Информационная технология менеджмента) Today business, government, and other organizations depend on computers to process data and to make information available for decision making. A computer is an electronic machine that can accept, store, manipulate, and transmit data in accordance with а set of specific instructions. Although computers are a relatively recent invention, we have already seen five generations of computers. Currently, firms can choose mainframe computers, minicomputers, or microcomputers to match their information needs. Mainframe computers may be as big as a good-sized room, can handle huge quantities of data, perform a variety of operations on these data in fractions of a second, and provide output information in several different forms. The largest and, most powerful mainframe computers are sometimes called supercomputers. These very large computers are used almost exclusively by universities and government agencies that are involved in research activities that require large memories and high-speed processing. Minicomputers are smaller (more or less desk-sized) computers that made computers available to most firms. The microcomputer, sometimes called a personal computer (PC), is a desktop computer. It was made possible by the development of microprocessor chips, a fraction of an inch size that contain all the electronic circuitry required to perform large-scale data processing. Although microcomputers are often purchase for use at home, many smaller firms find them completely satisfactory for their limited needs. Each of these machines consists of at least one input unit, a memory, a control unit, an arithmetic-logic unit, and an output unit. Firms can also establish a computer network - a system in which several computers can either function individually or communicate with each other. Computers require software, or programs, which are operating instructions. Today, software has been developed to satisfy almost every business need. Database management programs can store and transform data into information. Data contained in a database program can also be stored. Graphic programs make it possible to display in graph form data and conclusions. Spreadsheets are software packages that allow users to organize data into a grid of rows and columns. Spreadsheets allow managers to answer “what if” questions by changing data to match new assumptions. Word processing programs allow users to store documents in the computer's memory or on a disk. Once entered, the material can be revised, edited, deleted, printed, or simply used at a later date. Most experts predict that in the future computers will affect every aspect of human life. Specific trends that will affect business include the increase in available information, the use of automation, and the need for employees that know how to use a computer. A management information technology (MIT) is a means of providing managers with the information they need to perform management functions as effectively as possible. The data that are entered into the system must be relevant, accurate, and timely. The information provided by the system must be all of these. Managers in different areas of a business generally require information pertaining to their own areas. The management information technology should match the firm it serves in capacity and complexity. The four functions performed by MIT are collecting data, storing and updating data, processing data, and presenting information. Data may be collected from such internal sources as accounting documents and other financial records, conferences and meetings and sales and production records. External sources include customers, suppliers, bankers, publications, and information-gathering organizations. With a computer, data can be stored on magnetic tapes and disks and used when they are needed. Data should be updated regularly to maintain their timeliness and accuracy. Updating can be accomplished manually or via computer. Data processing is the MIT function that transforms stored data into a form that is useful for a specific purpose. Large groups of numerical data are usually processed into summary numbers called statistics. Although statistics can provide information in a manageable form the user is responsible for correctly interpreting statistics. Finally, the processed data (which can now be called information) must be presented for use. Verbal information is generally presented in a text form. Numerical information if often displayed in graphs and charts or tables. Exercises 1. Translate into Russian Mainframe computer; desktop computer; data; numerical data; processed data; large-scale data processing; instruction; computer network; arithmetic-logic unit; input unit; output unit; memory; control unit; microprocessor chip; database; spreadsheet; word processing program; verbal information; available information; relevant; accurate and timely data; invention; magnet tape; summary numbers; manageable form; numerical information; chart; graph; table; process data; edit; revise; print; store data; perform a variety of operations; provide output information; enter data; collect data; update data; present data; depend (on). 2. Find the English equivalents. Большой компьютер, персональный компьютер, пользователь, программное обеспечение, ряд конкретных команд, статистика, ряд операций, доля секунды, высокоскоростная обработка, исследовательская деятельность, большая память, настольный компьютер, микропроцессорная (интегральная) схема, выходная информация, электронная схема, магнитная лента, входное устройство, обработанные данные, обработка данных, точные и своевременные данные, обрабатывать данные, хранить данные, редактировать, печатать, обновлять (модернизировать), представлять информацию. 3. Fill in the blanks. 1. Today business, government and other organizations depend on computer to ... and to make information available for decision making. 2. Computers are relatively recent ... . 3. ... computers may be as big as a good-sized room. 4. The largest and the most powerful mainframe computers are sometimes called ... . 5. Supercomputers are used by the organizations involved in research activities that require ... ... and high speed ... . 6. A personal computer is ... computer. 7. Computers require ... or programs, which are operating instructions. 8. Word processing programs allow users to ... documents in the computer's ... or on a disk. 9. A management information technology is a ... of providing managers with the information they need to perform management functions. 10. With a computer data can be stored on......and disks. 11. Large groups of numerical data are usually processed into ... ... called statistics. 12. Verbal information is generally presented in a ... form while numerical information is often displayed in ... and ... or tables. 4. Translate into English. 1. В настоящее время фирмы могут выбирать большие компьютеры, миникомпьютеры или микрокомпьютеры (персональные компьютеры), соответствующие их информационным потребностям. 2. Большие компьютеры могут быть размером с крупногабаритную комнату могут обрабатывать огромное количество данных за доли секунды. 3. Персональные компьютеры имеют электронную схему, требуемую для выполнения крупномасштабной обработки данных. 4. Компьютерам требуется программное обеспечение, которым являются (which are) операционные команды. 5. Четырьмя функциями, выполняемыми информационной технологией, являются (are) сбор данных, хранение и обновление данных, обработка данных и предоставление информации. 6. Данные хранятся на магнитных лентах или дисках. 7. Обработка данных - это (is) преобразование (transformation) хранимых данных в вид, полезный для конкретной цели. 8. Словесная информация обычно представляется в текстовом виде. 9. Числовая информация часто изображается в виде графиков, схем и таблиц. 5. Questions and assignments. 1. Why is the information technology necessary for firms? 2. What is the English name for big computers? 3. What can you say abut supercomputers? 4. What kind of a computer is often used at home? 5. Do you have a personal computer at home? 6. Why a personal computer (microcomputer) was made possible? 7. List the four functions performed by MIT. 8. Where can data be collected? 9. Where can data be stored with a computer? 10. Do word processing programs allow users to store documents in the computer's memory or on a disk? 11. What do you know about spreadsheets? 12. List several internal and external sources of data. TEST II Accounting (Бухгалтерский учёт) General Definition of Accounting Today it is impossible to manage a business operation without accurate and timely accounting information. Managers and employees, lenders, suppliers, stockholders, and government agencies all rely on the information contained in two financial statements. These two reports - the balance sheet and the income statement- are summaries of a firm' activities during a specific time period. They represent the results of perhaps tens of thousands of transactions that have occurred during the accounting period. Accounting is the process of systematically collecting, analyzing, and reporting financial information. The basic product that an accounting firm sells is information needed for the clients. Many people confuse the accounting with bookkeeping. Bookkeeping is a necessary pail of accounting. Bookkeepers are responsible for recording (or keeping) the financial data that the accounting system processes. The primary users of accounting information are managers. The firm's accounting system provides the information dealing with revenues, costs, accounts receivables, amounts borrowed and owed profits, return on investment, and the like. This information can be compiled for the entire firm; for each product; for each sales territory, store, or individual salesperson; for each division or department; and generally in any way that will help those who manage the organization. Accounting information helps managers plan and set goals, organize, motivate, and control. Lenders and suppliers need this accounting information to evaluate credit risks. Stockholders and potential investors need the information to evaluate soundness of investments, and government agencies need it to confirm tax liabilities, confirm payroll deductions, and approve new issues of stocks and bonds. The firm's accounting system must be able to provide all this information, in the required form. The Basis for the Accounting Process The basis for the accounting process is the accounting equation. It shows the relationship among the firm's assets, liability, and owner's equity. Assets are the items of value that a firm owns - cash, inventories, land, equipment, buildings, patents, and the alike. Liabilities are the firm's debts and obligations - what it owes to others. Owner's equity is the difference between a firm's assets and its liabilities - what would be-left over for the firm's owners if its assets were used to pay off its liabilities. The relationship among these three terms is the following: Owners' equity = assets - liabilities. (The owners' equity is equal to the assets minus the liabilities). For a sole proprietorship or partnership, the owners' equity is shown as the difference between assets and liabilities. In a partnership, each partner's share of the ownership is reported separately by each owner's name, for a corporation, (he owners’ equity is usually referred to as stockholder’s equity or shareholders' equity. It is shown as the total value of its stock, plus retained earnings that have accumulated to date. By moving the above thee terms algebraically, we obtain the standard form of the accounting equation: Assets = liabilities + owners’ equity (The assets are equal to the liabilities plus (he owners' equity). А Вalanсе Sheet A balance sheet (or statement of financial position), is a summary of a firm's assets, liabilities, and owners' equity accounts at a particular time, showing the various money amounts that enter into the accounting equation. The balance sheet must demonstrate that the accounting equation does indeed balance. That is, it must show that the firm's assets are equal to its liabilities plus its owners’ equity. The balance sheet is prepared at least once a year. Most firms also have balance sheets prepared semiannually, quarterly, or monthly. |
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