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Text 4 Hot working of steel Активная лексика: important feature- важная особенность improvement of mechanical properties of metals – улучшение механических свойств металла unworked casting- необработанная отливка direction of maximum stress- направление максимального напряжения ability to resist thinning and fracture- способность сопротивляться утончению и разрушению strain hardening- деформационное упрочнение exhibit greater strain hardening- проявлять большее деформационное упрочнение fracture of the work piece during forming- разрушение детали при штамповке nonmetallic inclusions- неметаллические включения manufacturing procedures- производственные процессы ability of metals to undergo strain- способность металлов подвергаться деформации limited by the tensile ductility of the metal- ограничивается пластичностью металла при деформации Прочитайте и переведите текст An important feature of hot working is that it provides the improvement of mechanical properties of metals. Hot-working (hot-rolling or hot-forging) eliminates porosity, directionality, and segregation that are usually present in metals. Hot-worked products have better ductility and toughness than the unworked casting. During the forging of a bar, the grains of the metal become greatly elongated in the direction of flow. As a result, the toughness of the metal is greatly improved in this direction and weakened in direction transverse to the flow. Good forging makes the flow lines in the finished part oriented so as to lie in the direction of maximum stress when the part is placed in service. The ability of metal to resist thinning and fracture during cold-working operations plays an important role in alloy selection. In operations that involve stretching, the best alloys are those which grow stronger with strain (are strain hardening)- for example, the copper-zinc alloy, brass, used for cartridges and the aluminum-magnesium alloys in beverage cans, which exhibit greater strain hardening. Fracture of the work piece during forming can result from inner flaws in the metal. These flaws often consist of nonmetallic inclusions such as oxides or sulfides that are trapped in the metal during refining. Such inclusions can be avoided by proper manufacturing procedures. The ability of different metals to undergo strain varies. The change of the shape after one forming operation is often limited by the tensile ductility of the metal. Metals, such as copper and aluminum are more ductile in such operations than other metals. Упражнения: I. Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и их русскими эквивалентами: 1. fracture of the work piece during forming A) неметаллические включения 2. unworked casting B) деформационное упрочнение 3. strain hardening C) важная особенность 4. important feature D) разрушение детали при штамповке 5. nonmetallic inclusions E) необработанная отливка II. Соедините предложения: 1. Hot-worked products … A) avoided by proper manufacturing procedures 2. nonmetallic inclusions can be … B) more ductile 3. During the forging of a bar … C) varies 4. Copper and aluminum are… D) the grains of the metal become elongated 5. The ability of metals to undergo strain … E) have better ductility and toughness III. Переведите предложения:
IV. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. What process improves the mechanical properties of metals? 2. What new properties have hot- worked products? 3. What are the inner flows in the metal? 4. What limits the change of the shape during forming operation? Text 5 Technological processes Активная лексика: sheet metal forming- штамповка листового металла yield point- точка текучести металла final dimensions- конечные размеры required force- необходимые усилия increase the metal’s plasticity- увеличение пластичности металла оpen-die forging- ковка в открытом штампе closed-die forging- ковка в закрытом штампе flat face –плоская поверхность within the walls- внутри стен the head of a nail- головка гвоздя Прочитайте и переведите текст Drawing consists of pulling metal through a die. An example of drawing is wire drawing. The diameter reduction that can be achieved in one die is limited. But several dies in series can be used to get the desired reduction. Sheet metal forming is widely used when we need the parts of certain shape and size. It includes forging, bending and shearing. One characteristic of sheet metal forming is that the thickness of the sheet changes little in processing. The metal is stretched just beyond its yield point to retain the new shape. Bending is done by pressing between two dies. Shearing is a cutting operation. The edges are sheared off to give the final dimensions. Forging is a shaping of a piece of metal by pushing with open and closed dies. It must be hot to reduce the required force and increase the metal’s plasticity. Open-die forging is usually done by hammering a part between two flat faces. Closed-die forging is the shaping of hot metal within the walls of two dies. Two closed- die forging operation are given special names. They are upsetting and coining. Coining involves small strains and is done cold. By coining the desired imprint is formed on a metal disk. Upsetting involves a flow of the metal back upon itself. Upsetting is used for the making of the head of a nail and bolt. Упражнения: I. Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и их русскими эквивалентами: 1. sheet metal forming A) плоская поверхность 2. оpen-die forging B) штамповка листового металла 3. flat face C) точка текучести металла 4. final dimensions D) ковка в открытом штампе 5. yield point E) конечные размеры II. Соедините предложения: 1. Shearing is … A) shaping of a piece of metal 2. Upsetting is used … B) a cutting operation 3. Forging is… C) of pulling metal through a die 4. Drawing consists … D) is limited 5. The diameter reduction … E) for the making of the head of a nail and bolt III. Переведите предложения: 1. Примером волочения является проволока. 2. Штамповка листового металла включает в себя ковку, изгиб и обрезку. 3. Ковка это процесс формирования кусочка металла при помощи выталкивания открытых и закрытых штампов. 4.Высадка и чеканка это два вида ковки в закрытых штампах. 5. Высадка используется для изготовления головок гвоздей и болтов. IV. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. How can the reduction of the diameter in wire drawing be achieved? 2. What is sheet metal forming and where it can be used? 3. What is close-die forging? 4. What is forging? 5. What are the types of forging? 6. What types of hammers are used now? 7. Where are coining and upsetting used? 8. What process is used in wire production? Text 6 Machine-tools Активная лексика: machine-tools-станки electrically driven-с электроприводом cutting tool-режущий инструмент chemical machining-химическая обработка spark erosion-электроискровая обработка drilling using ultrasound- сверление ультразвуком by means of-посредством laser beam-лазерный луч flexible manufacturing systems-гибкие производственные системы complete systems-комплектующие системы Прочитайте и переведите текст. Machine-tools are used to shape metals and other materials. The material to be shaped is called the workpiece. Most machine-tools are now electrically driven. Machine-tools with electrical drive are faster and more accurate than hand tools. All machine-tools have facilities for holding both the workpiece and the tool. The cutting tool can move relative to the workpiece. All moving parts in mechanism are lubricated. Machine-tools usually work materials mechanically. But other machining methods have been developed lately. They include chemical machining and spark erosion. Other machining methods include drilling using ultrasound and cutting by means of a laser beam. Numeral control of machine-tools and flexible manufacturing systems have made it possible for complete systems of machine-tools. Упражнения: I. Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и их русскими эквивалентами: 1. cutting tool A) сверление ультразвуком 2. electrically driven B) электроискровая обработка 3. drilling using ultrasound C) станки 4. machine-tools D) режущий инструмент 5. spark erosion E) с электроприводом II. Соедините предложения: 1. The material to be shaped … A) work materials mechanically 2. Machine-tools are … B) move relative to the work piece 3. All moving parts in mechanism… C) used to shape metals and other materials 4. The cutting tool can… D) are lubricated 5. Machine-tools usually… E) is called the work piece III. Переведите предложения: 1. Большинство станков сейчас с электроприводом. 2. Все подвижные детали в механизмах смазываются. 3. Все станки имеют приспособления для закрепления обрабатываемых деталей и инструментов. 4. В последнее время были развиты другие методы механической обработки. 5. Станки включают механическую обработку и электроискровую обработку. IV. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. What are machine-tools used for? 2. How are most machine-tools driven nowadays? 3. What facilities have all machine-tools? 4. What other machining methods have been developed lately? Unit 2 Welding manufacture Text 7 Value of welding manufacture in mechanical engineering Активная лексика: welding manufacture- сварочное производство mechanical engineering- машиностроение national economy- народное хозяйство “know-how”- технология производства Прочитайте и переведите текст. The paramount role in an increase of a technological level belongs to mechanical engineering. The value of welding manufacture in mechanical engineering is very great. It is difficult to name the branch of a national economy wherever this or that way of welding was applied now. With an application of welding became to possible the creation of such designs of machines and devices which practically could not be made by other way. The welding has brought the radical changes into design and “know-how” of many products. Welding of metals is one of the outstanding inventions of Russian scientists and engineers. For the first time it was mastered in our country. The way of gas welding became to apply at the end of the last century, when the industrial manufacture began to develop. Gas welding is irreplaceable for the connection of small details, for a repairing of various works in construction and agriculture. It finds the wide application at the welding steels of a small thickness, pig-iron, color metals and alloys. Упражнения: I. Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и их русскими эквивалентами: 1. welding manufacture A) народная экономика 2. national economy B) технология производства 3. agriculture C) народное хозяйство 4. mechanical engineering D) сварочное производство 5. “know-how” E) машиностроение II. Соедините предложения: 1. The welding has brought … A) one of the outstanding inventions of Russian scientists and engineers. 2. Gas welding is … B) became to apply at the end of the last century 3. Welding of metals is … C) became to possible the creation of machines and devices which could not be made by other way 4. The way of gas welding … D) the radical changes into design 5. With an application of welding … E) irreplaceable for the connection of small details III. Переведите предложения: 1. Значение сварочного производства в машиностроении очень велико. 2. Сварка внесла коренные изменения в конструкцию и технологию производства многих изделий. 3. С применением сварки стало возможным создание таких конструкций машин и аппаратов, которые практически нельзя было изготовить другими способами. 4. Газовая сварка находит широкое применение при сварке сталей малой толщины, чугуна, цветных металлов и сплавов. 5. Сейчас трудно назвать отрасль народного хозяйства, где бы ни применялся тот или иной способ сварки. IV. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. What can you say about value of welding manufacture in mechanical engineering? 2. What has the welding brought into design and “know-how” of many products? 3. What country was welding of metals mastered in? 4. When did the way of gas welding become to apply? 5. Where does gas welding find the wide application? Text 8 Welding Активная лексика: pressure welding- сварка давлением heat welding- сварка плавлением arc welding- электродуговая сварка hummer welding- проковка spot welding-точечная сварка butt welding- роликовая, сварка встык the tip of the electrode- конец электрода power hammer- молоток gas welding- газовая сварка arc welding- электродуговая сварка resistance welding- контактная сварка laser welding- лазерная сварка electron-beam welding - электронно-лучевая сварка Прочитайте и переведите текст Welding is a process when metal parts are joined together by the pplication of heat, pressure or a combination of both. The process of welding can be divided into two main groups: - pressure welding, when the weld is achieved by pressure, - heat welding, when the weld is achieved by heat. There are different types of welding, such as heat welding, arc welding, hummer welding, gas welding, spot welding (butt welding) and others. Heat welding (when the weld is achieved by heat) is the most common welding process used today. Spot welding is a process in which two metals are held between electrodes passing a heavy current through the metals to be welded. The electrodes having been forced together by pressure join the surfaces of the metals in a spot. The size of a spot is about the same as that of the tip of the electrode. This kind of welding is suitable for welding parts of airplanes, refrigerators and automobiles. In Butt welding the parts to be welded are pressed together while heat is generated by passing a heavy current through the area of the joint. Butt welding may be applied for welding pipes, tubing, rods, etc. Gas welding is a non-pressure process using heat from a gas flame. The flame is applied directly to the metal. Hummer welding is a process in which two metal pieces are joined and fused together by force from a hand or power hammer. When we have heated two metal pieces in a blacksmith’s forge they reached their plastic stage. Nowadays welding is used instead of bolting and riveting in the construction of many types of structures, including bridges, buildings and ships. It is also a basic process in the manufacture of machinery and in the motor and aircraft industries. It is necessary almost in all productions where metals are used. The welding process depends greatly on the properties of the metals, the purpose of their application and the available equipment. Welding process are classified according to the sources of heat and pressure used. The welding process widely employed today include, gas welding, arc welding, resistance welding, laser welding, electron-beam welding. Other joining processes are laser welding and electron beam welding. |
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