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Вариант № 3 WHAT ECONOMISTS DO Read and translate the text. Do the tasks below. Usually a person is not qualified to use the name "economist" without a graduate degree in economics. By this definition, there are about 100 000 economists in the US. About half of them are academic economists, who engage in teaching, writing and doing research in colleges and universities. They also write textbooks and journal articles, develop and test new theoretical models, provide consulting services to governments and businesses, and engage in a variety of other professional activities. The other half of the profession works for business or government. Business economists forecast sales and costs, help firms anticipate (or try to influence) government policy. Some business economists work for private lobbying organizations, helping them prepare their arguments to try to affect tax laws, regulations, etc. which are important to particular kinds of Industries. Government economists also perform a variety of useful tasks. Often the government economist wears a second hat as a policy analyst. Economists forecast tax revenues and Interest rates, analyze who gains and who loses from particular changes, monitor prices, compute total output and perform other useful tasks in the public sector. In the broader sense, economists study the ways in which people deal with the problems of scarcity. Notes: to wear a second hat - выполнять две или более обязанностей I. Переведите с английского языка на русский: A graduate degree in economics; definition; academic economists; to test new theoretical models; consulting services; sales and costs; to affect tax laws; a policy analyst; to compute total output; problems of scarcity. II. Переведите с русского языка на английский: Предсказывать; предвосхищать; политика правительства; экономисты бизнеса; частные лоббистские организации; определенные отрасли промышленности; обязанности; налоговые доходы; процентные ставки; приобретать и терять; общественный сектор. III. Выберите правильное слово: 1. There are about... economists in the US. а) 200 000; b) 100 000; с) 10 000. 2. About half of economists are... economists. a) academic; b) political; c)professional. 3.... economists forecast sales and costs. a) government; b) academic; c) business. 4. Forecast tax revenues and interest rates, analyze who gains and who loses from particular changes and different other things are functions of ... economists. a) government; b) business; c) professional. IV. Верны или неверны следующие утверждения. 1. A person is qualified to use the name "economist" without a graduate degree in economics. 2. Academic economists write textbooks and journal articles. 3. Business economists help firms try to influence government policy. 4. Government economists provide consulting services to governments and business. 5. An economist studies people dealing with the problems of scarcity. V. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. Who can be qualified to use the name "economist?" 2. How many economists are there in the US? 3. What are the functions of academic economists? 4. What do business economists do? 5. What is the role of government economists? VI. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, определяя видовременную форму глаголов. 1. Usually a person is not qualified to use the name "economist" without a graduate degree in economics. 2. The half of economists works for business or government. 3. Different films have used the help of economists. 4. An economist will forecast tax revenues and interest rates. VII. Выберите нужное местоимение. 1. All societies develop (no, some) rules for social behavior and economic activity. 2. There is (no, nothing) limit to people's wants. 3. In economics "the long run" is the time period in which (nothing, anything) can be changed. 4. Price changes of (anything, any) kind create uncertainty in the minds of both, consumers and producers. 5. (Nobody, anybody) can overestimate the value of skilled labor. VIII. Поставьте сказуемое в нужную видовременную форму. 1. In 1793 David Ricardo, the greatest of the classical economists, (to marry) and (to go) into business of his own. 2. People (to produce) goods and services. 3. The international economy (to experience) a basic change lately. 4. After economic integration (to grow), more and more nations became economically powerful. Вариант № 4 ECONOMIC SYSTEMS Read and translate the text. Do the tasks below. People and societies organize economic life to deal with the basic problems through economic systems. An economic system can be described as the collection of institutions, laws, incentives, activities that govern economic relationships among people in a society and provide a framework for answering the basic economic questions. Most economic systems use one or more of three basic methods to make economic decisions: tradition, command and markets. So economic systems are classified into four broad categories, according to how most economic decisions are made. These are traditional, command, market and mixed economies. Traditional economy. People generally repeat the decisions made at an earlier time or by an earlier generation. Can just anyone be king or queen of England? Tradition answers that question. In the US, women were strongly directed to certain "traditional" occupations for many years, such as teaching, raising children, nursing and being librarians. Command economy. They rely almost totally on government to make economic decisions through centralized authorities. The government owns all the major productive resources. The former USSR and some other eastern bloc countries are examples of countries where government decisions were dominant. Market economy. Most productive resources are owned by private individuals. Individuals make economic decisions in response to market signals and on the basis of their own preferences. Mixed economy. The economic system used in most countries lies between the two extremes of command and market economies. Mixed economies answer the basic economic questions partly through the market and partly through the government, with some decisions based on tradition as well. I. Переведите с английского языка на русский: The collection of incentives; to govern; a framework; four broad categories; an earlier generation; to be strongly directed to; occupations; to rely on; to own; through centralized authorities; dominant. II. Переведите с русского языка на английский: Иметь дело с основными проблемами через экономические системы; описывать; обеспечивать; один или более трех основных методов; командная экономика; в соответствии с; смешанная экономика; воспитание детей; почти полностью; бывший; страны восточного блока. III. Закончите следующие предложения: 1. Any economic system can be described as... 2. Four broad categories of economic system are ... 3. The example of traditional economies is ... 4. The government owns all the major productive resources in ... IV. Выберите правильное слово. 1. People and societies organize ... to deal with the basic problems through economic systems. a) basic methods; b)economic system; c) economic life. 2. Tradition, command and markets are three basic methods to make ... a) economic decisions; b)government decisions; c)productive resources. 3. Economic systems are classified into four ... categories. a) social; b) broad; c) basic. 4. Command economies rely almost totally on ... to make economic decisions through centralized authorities. a) government; b) themselves; c) people. V. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. What is an economic system? 2. What are three basic methods that most economic systems use? 3. What does it mean "traditional" occupations for women in the US? 4. What were "traditional" occupations for women in the US? 5. What does it mean "command" economy? 6. What does the government own? VI. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, определив видовременную форму глаголов. 1. An economic system is described as the collection of institutions, laws, incentives, activities that govern economic relationships among people in a society. 2. People and societies organized economic life to deal with the basic problems through economic systems. 3. People generally repeat the decisions that were made at an earlier time. 4. A framework for answering the basic economic questions will be provided with an economic system. VII. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на различные значения слов it, one. 1. It is necessary to make choices because we live in a world of scarcity. 2. It is technological improvements that increase the productivity of labour very often. 3. One always faces the scarcity problem in some form. 4. All societies must decide what goods and services to produce, which ones to postpone, and when and how to transfer productive resources from one use to another. VIII. Перепишите предложения, переведите их на русский язык, подчеркните модальные глаголы. 1. Can just anyone be king or queen of England? 2. To be qualified to use the name "economist" a person must have a graduate degree in economics, either a master's degree or a Ph.D. 3. The government economist should wear a second hat as a policy analyst. 4. People have to choose through their governments whether to build a dam. Вариант № 5 LAWYER Read and translate the text. Do the tasks below. I'm a student of the Pyatigorsk Linquistics State University. I study at the International Relations Department. I'll graduate from the University and become a professional lawyer. To become a good lawyer one must know much. So at the University we are taught various general and special subjects: Roman Law, Labour Law, Family Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law, Civil Law, Criminal Law. The profession of a lawyer is quite diversified. The graduates of our faculty can work as investigators, judges, defence counsels, legal consultants. I'd like to be a judge and to work at a People's Court. My friends work at the Procurator's Office, Militia. I think that now profession of a lawyer is one of the most important ones. Lawyers have to solve many problems that still exist in our society. The duty of lawyers is not only to punish people for various crimes: hooliganism, murder, traffic violation and so on but they must do their best to prevent crimes, to fight against evil in our society. They should help those people who committed an error to find the right road to their life. The lawyers protect the rights and legal interests of citizens, institutions and organizations. All the citizens are equal before the law. Judges are elected for a term of 5 years. In our country justice is exercised on the principles of equality of citizens before the law and the court, regardless of social position, property or official standing, nationality or race. I. Переведите с английского языка на русский: Family Law; defence counsels; Procurator's Office; lаw-governed state; traffic violation; to fight against smth; to commit an error; legal interests; representative; equal authority; to be exercised on smth; regardless; property. II. Переведите с русского языка на английский: Трудовое право; гражданское право; разносторонний; следователь; судья; юрисконсульт; существовать; наказывать; преступления; ошибка; избирать. III. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык, определяя видовременную форму глаголов. 1. I study at the Law Faculty. 2. You will work as lawyers in future. 3. Legislation to protect the public against terrorism gave the authorities certain exceptional powers. 4. Proceedings of all courts are open. IV. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык, определяя, чем является окончание - s: a) показателем множественного числа существительного; б) показателем притяжательного падежа; с) окончанием глагола в 3 л. ед. ч. в Present Simple. 1. All citizens are equal before the law. 2. All people before the court are presumed innocent, until the court finds them guilty. 3. My friends work at the Procurator's Office. V. Замените, где возможно, существительные с предлогом of формой притяжательного падежа: The opinion of the lawyer, the signature of the judge, the conclusions of the expert, the office of legal consultants, the notebook of investigator, the absence of law, the courts of magistrates, a set of rules. VI. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их, обращая внимание на особенности перевода на русский язык определений, выраженных именем существительным. 1. More serious cases are heard in the Crown Courts. 2. The Justice Department is reasonable for faithful execution of the laws under the president's authority. 3. As well as government departments there are government agencies formed to operate public services. 4. The Court reporter, who sits close to the witnesses and the judge, puts down every word that is spoken during the trial and also may record the proceedings on tape. VII. Задайте вопросы к предложениям и поставьте их в отрицательную форму: 1. The profession of a lawyer is quite diversified. 2. The lawyers protect the rights of citizens. 3. England abolished judicial corporal punishment in 1948. 4. The profession of a lawyer will be the most respectful in the law-governed state. 5. The Government takes a number of measures to strengthen the criminal justice system. VIII. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. What disciplines are students taught at the Law Faculty? 2. What is the duty of lawyers? 3. Are all the citizens equal before the law? 4. How many years are judges elected for? 5. What is justice exercised on in our country? Вариант № 6 TYPES OF LEGAL PROFESSION Read and translate the text. Do the tasks below. SOLICITORS. There are about 50,000 solicitors, a number which is rapidly increasing, and they make up far the largest branch of the legal profession in England and Wales. They are found in every town, where they deal with all the day-today work of preparing legal documents for buying and selling houses, making wills, etc. Solicitors also work on court cases for their clients, prepare cases for barristers to present in the higher courts, and may represent their client in a Magistrates" court. BARRISTERS. There are about 5,000 barristers who defend or prosecute in the higher courts. Although solicitors and barristers work together on cases, barristers specialize in representing clients in court and the training and career structures for the two types of lawyer are quite separate. In court, barristers wear wigs and gowns in keeping with the extreme formality of the proceedings. The highest level of barristers have the title QC (Queen's Council). JUDGES. There are a few hundred judges, trained as barristers, who preside in more serious cases. There is no separate training for judges. JURY. A jury consists of twelve people ("juriors"), who are ordinary people chosen at random from the Electoral Register (the list of people who can vote in elections). The jury listens to the evidence given in court in certain criminal cases and decide whether the defendant is guilty or innocent. If the person is found guilty, the punishment is passed by the presiding judge. Juries are rarely used in civil cases. MAGISTRATES. There are about 30,000 magistrates (Justices of the Peace or JPs), who judge cases in the lower courts. There are usually unpaid and have no formal legal qualifications, but they are respectable people who are given some training. CORONERS. Coroners have medical or legal training (or both), and inquire into violent or unnatural deaths. CLERKS OF THE COURT. Clerks look after administrative and legal matters in the courtroom. I. Переведите с английского языка на русский: Rapidly increasing; to deal with...; higher courts; to defend; to wear wigs and gowns; to preside in serious cases; to consist of...; to vote; the defendant; to inquire into; to look after legal matters. II. Переведите с русского языка на английский: Судебное дело; преследовать в судебном порядке; наугад; выборы; невиновный; наказание; председательствующий судья; не иметь юридической квалификации; представительные люди; насильственная смерть. III. Выберите правильное определение для каждой профессии, упомянутой в тексте: a) an officer acting as a judge in the lower courts. b) a public official with authority to hear and decide cases in a law court. c) a group of people who swear to give a true decision on issues of in a law court. d) an official who investigates the cause of any death thought to be violent or unnatural causes. e) a lawyer who has the right to speak and argue in higher law courts. f) a lawyer who prepares legal documents, advises, clients on legal and speaks for them in lower law courts, IV. Верны или неверны следующие утверждения: 1. There are about 50,000 solicitors, a number of which is not increasing. 2. Solicitors prepare cases for barristers to present in the higher courts. 3. Sometimes solicitors and barristers work together on cases. 4. There is a separate training for judges. 5. There are about 30,000 magistrates, who judge cases in the higher courts. V. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. What is the difference between solicitors and barristers ? 2. What is the highest level of barristers? 3. Who is «a juror»? 4. What do coroners do? VI. Перепишите и переведите предложения, определяя видовременную форму глаголов. 1. This man has not spoken in his defence. 2. When asked to explain the difference between an ordinary citizen and a lawyer, a well-known barrister explained. 3. Crime statistics had reflected different kinds of offences. 4. The police will have investigated the latest robbery by the beginning of the next week. VII. Определите, является ли глагол "to have" смысловым или вспомогательным. Предложения переведите на русский язык. 1. Each country of the world has its own system of law. 2. The members of the jury listened to the speeches made by the persons who had brought the case before them. 3. French public law has never been codified. 4. In Greece each city had its own law. VIII. Поставьте глагол в нужную форму и переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. In the seventh century B.C. the Greeks ... (to begin) to put their laws into writing. 2. Many English laws... (to derive) from judicial precedents. 3. I think he ... (to achieve) great success in his studies. 4. We ... (to discuss) new aspects of privatization at the next seminar. Вариант № 7 |
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