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Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика
The British Police The British police officer is sometimes referred to as the “bobby” after Sir Robert Peel, the founder of the police force. It is a well known figure to A22_______________ who has visited Britain or who has seen the British films. Police men and women are to be seen in towns and cities keeping law and order, either walking in the streets or driving in cars. Few people realise, however, that the police in Britain are organised very differently from many other countries. Most countries, for example, have a national police force A23_______________ is controlled by central Government. Britain has no national police force, although police policy is governed by the central Government’s Home Office. Instead, there is a separate police force for each of 52 areas the country is divided A24_______________ . Each has a police authority – a committee of local county councillors and magistrates. The force co-operate with each other, but it is unusual for members of one force to operate in A25_______________ area unless they are asked to give assistance. This sometimes happens when there has been a very serious crime. A Chief Constable (the most senior police officer of a force) may sometimes ask for the assistance of London’s police force, based at New Scotland Yard-known simply as “the Yard”. In most countries, the police carry guns. The British police generally don’t carry firearms, except those who guard politicians and diplomats or patrol airports. In certain A26_______________ specially trained police officers can be armed, but only with the signed permission of a magistrate. Each police force has its own Criminal Investigation Department (CID). Members of CIDs are detectives, and they A27_______________ uniforms. The other ununiformed people you see in British towns are traffic wardens. Their job is to make sure that drivers obey parking regulations. They have no other powers – it is the police A28_______________are responsible for controlling offences like speeding, careless driving and drunken driving. The duties of the police are varied, ranging from assisting at accidents to safeguarding public order and dealing with lost property.
1) anyone 2) someone 3) no one 4) somebody
1) who 2) what 3) whatever 4) which
1) in 2) into 3) between 4) by
1) other 2) other’s 3) another’s 4) others
1) circumstances 2) conditions 3) plans 4) proposals
1) didn’t wear 2) haven’t worn 3) won’t wear 4) don’t wear
1) who 2) whom 3) whoever 4) whose
Раздел 4. Письмо
You have 20 minutes to do this task. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Mary who writes:
Write a letter to Mary. In your letter - answer her questions - ask 3 questions about her plans for this tour Write 100 – 140 wоrds. Remember the rules of letter writing.
You have 40 minutes to do this task. Comment on the following statement. Many people think that nowadays physical training lessons are necessary for teenagers. Others say that sport is always risky and it is only for physically strong people. What is your opinion? Write 200 – 250 words. Use the following plan:
Приложение 1 Вариант №5 Тексты для аудирования Вы сейчас будете выполнять тест по аудированию. Во время его выполнения перед каждым заданием дана пауза, с тем чтобы вы смогли просмотреть вопросы к заданию, а также паузы после первичного и повторного предъявления аудиотекста для внесения ответов. По окончании выполнения всего раздела «Аудирование» перенесите свои ответы в бланк ответов. Задание В1
Now we are ready to start. Speaker 1 Every year more and more plants and animals disappear never to be seen again. Strangely, it’s the most intelligent but most thoughtless animal that is causing the problems – man. Nature is very carefully balanced and if this balance is disturbed, animals can disappear alarmingly fast. Every day thousands of species of animals draw closer to extinction. There are countless numbers of species which may become extinct before they are even discovered. Speaker 2 Acid rain is a kind of air pollution. It is caused by factories that burn coal or oil or gas. These factories can send smoke high into the air. The wind often carries the smoke far from the factories. Some of the harmful substances in the smoke may come down with the rain hundreds of miles away. The rain in many places isn’t natural and clean any more. It’s full of acid chemicals. When it falls in lakes, it changes them too. Acid water is like vinegar or lemon juice. It hurts when it gets in your eyes. Speaker 3 Scientists are analysing hazardous effects of acid rain. Dead fish may be just the beginning of the problem. In some large areas trees are dying. Not just one tree here and there, but whole forests. At first scientists couldn’t understand why. There were no bugs or diseases in these trees. The weather was not dry. But now they think the rain was the cause. Acid rain is making the earth more acidic in these areas. Some kinds of trees cannot live in the soil that is very acidic. Speaker 4 Global warming has serious consequences for life on the planet. One immediate result is that many animal species are fighting for survival. One example is polar bear population that lives in the Hudson Bay area of Northern Manitoba. They need the ice to cover the sea during the winter months so they can hunt for seals, their main source of food. However, the sea is melting and breaking up because of global warming. Studies suggest that polar bear population has decreased by 20 percent. Speaker 5 Litter is garbage such as food, paper and cans found on the ground or in the street. It makes the city look dirty and it spoils the view. Some people want to control litter. They never throw litter themselves, and sometimes they work together in groups to clean up the city. Some of them use two different bins for household rubbish. The red one is for rubbish which cannot be recycled. The blue one is for stuff that can be recycled. The law punishes people who throw garbage making them pay a fine. Speaker 6 Hurricane winds ripped through areas of Florida, causing millions of dollars’ worth of damage. Homeowners in the state complained that the local meteorological office and weather station had given them little time to prepare for the hurricane. An expert on climate change warned that the hurricane was not simply a force of Mother Nature, but the product of man’s continuing disrespect for the environment. He went on to say that we should be prepared to expect more surprises in the future. You have 15 seconds to complete the task. (Pause 15 seconds.) Now you will hear the texts again. (Repeat.) This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers. (Pause 15 seconds.) Задания А1–А7
Now we are ready to start. Brian: You know, Emily, I met a woman at the language conference who can speak ten different languages. Originally she comes from China. She is married to a Frenchman who has been working all over the world for the last twenty years. She speaks English just as well as you or me, or any other native speaker. Emily: That’s amazing. Ten languages! Doesn’t she get them mixed up? Some people are so good at learning foreign languages. I wish I had such a gift. I learned French at school for six years, and I still can’t understand a word when we go on holiday to France. They don’t seem to say anything I learned at school, and everyone speaks so fast. I still find French speech attractive and pleasant to listen to. Brian: Well, at least you can understand written French, can’t you? That’s more than I can do. I did Spanish at school. Emily: How nice! I’ve always wanted to speak Spanish. It’s a very exciting and melodious language. I can be listening to people speaking Spanish for hours on end, though I can’t understand the meaning of what they’re saying. It’s almost like listening to music. Brian: Yeah, I enjoyed learning it. Even school didn’t put me off. And it isn’t too difficult, I would say. Not like Japanese, for example. That’s incredibly difficult even for native speakers. I started learning it in my last year at college. Emily: Did you really? I am impressed! You’ve never mentioned that! Brian: I really did. I thought it might be useful in the electronics industry. But I was hopeless at it. To start with, the sounds are so strange I couldn’t even repeat words properly. And as for the alphabet, it’s unbelievably complicated. I almost failed. Emily: The trouble is you have to make such an effort to learn another language, don’t you? It’s much more difficult to learn a foreign language than to study mathematics or history or any other subject, especially if you aren’t gifted enough. It’s really quite daunting. Another language that is supposed to be pretty difficult to learn is Arabic. I’d love to be able to speak it. It sounds so mysterious and exotic. And, what do you think of learning it? Brian: Not Arabic. Actually, I don’t need it too much. But I’d really like to be able to speak German. It would be really useful for my work. You see, I work for a German firm. Emily: Do you? You are full of surprises! Why don’t you attend evening classes? People say they turn out to be useful sometimes. Brian: I have been thinking about it. But it’s supposed to be a complicated language to learn, and I’m not sure I can cope with all that extra work. It’s very different from Spanish or Japanese. So, it would mean starting all over again. Emily: I wouldn’t mind learning German as well. I think it is the second most popular foreign language in this country. Let’s attend classes together, shall we? It would be great if we both went, and we’d be able to give each other support. You have 15 seconds to complete the task. (Pause 15 seconds.) Now you’ll hear the text again. (Repeat.) This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers. (Pause 15 seconds.) Задания А8–А14
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