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Тема 2. 3. Город, деревня, инфраструктура. Письменный опрос по теме «Глаголов в Present,Past, Future Simple/Indefinite в отрицательных предложениях.» 1.Образуйте из следующих предложений отрицательные предложения. 1. Tom is king. 2. Alice is lazy girl/ 3. He has got a book. 4. They can read well. 5. I have got red apples. 6. His friend is a pupil. 7. Kate wants to be a teacher. 8. We like to play ping-pong. 9. Denis has a pig. 10. Her friend has a pig. 11. Sam plays the piano. 12. We can jump. 13. I like to read English books. 14. My cat is little. 15. We are pupils. 16. They has got a lot of friends. 17. She has a son. 18. I am at college. 19. It is in the box. 20. Nick is twelve. Эталон ответов. 1. Tom isn’t a king. 2. Alice isn’t a lazy girl. 3. He hasn’t got a book. 4. They cannot read well. 5. I haven’t got red apples. 6. His friend isn’t a pupil. 7. Kate doesn’t want to be a teacher. 8. We don’t like to play ping-pong. 9. Denis hasn’t a pig. 10. Her friend hasn’t a pig. 11. Sam doesn’t play the piano. 12. We cannot jump. 13. I don’t like to read English books. 14. My cat isn’t little. 15. We aren’t pupils. 16. They hasn’t got a lot of friends. 17. She hasn’t a son. 18. I amnot at college. 19. It isn’t in the box. 20. Nick isn’t twelve. Критерии оценки: «5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов «4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов «3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов «2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов Условия выполнения задания 1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков. 2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 15мин. 3. Словари, опорные таблицы по грамматике. 2.Устный фронтальный опрос по теме. Read, translate the text and prove that: London London, the capital of the UK, was founded in AD 43 by the Roman invaders as a settlement and a fortress. At first it had the name of Londinium. Due to its convenient position in the mouth of the river Thames the settlement grew and developed into a city. In the 11th century London became the capital of England. For centuries it was a prominent port through which wealth and prosperity came to the country. Being an important trade and political centre, the city enjoyed greater independence than the other cities of the medieval England and even had the right to elect the head of the city, Lord Mayor. The picturesque ceremony of the elections of Lord Mayor of London is still held every year and attracts thousands of tourists.The city was built rather chaotically,the streets being narrow and dirty. It grew and developed together with the developing of the nation. In 1666 the Great Fire of London destroyed the most part of the city,which rebuilt,but the old planning remained untouched. Historically and geographically London can be divided into three parts: the City, the West End and the East End. The City is the financial centre of the country, with offices of large firms and banks and the Stock Exchange. The West End has always been considered a place where aristocrats lived. There is a great number of sights and attractions: the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, St Paul’s Cathedral, the Nelson Column, to mention just a few of them. London’s beautiful parks are also there: Hyde Park, St. James’ Park, Regent’s Park are favourite places for Londoners to visit and relax. One may also go shopping in the West End- Picadilly Street and Oxford Street both present a wide choice of expensive shops and boutiques. The East End was previously considered the place where not well-to-do people lived.The identity of the East End as a place of deprivation and poverty persisted until well after the Second World War,becoming overlaid with certain gangster glamour in the 1960-s. At the begunning of the 21-st century,London east of the City is still seen as having a different character, claiming a certain independence of look from the rest of metropolis;but its cultural status has been transformed. Parts of the Easr End are believed to house the highest population of artists in Europe, and the East End is now considered a bohemian district. The ugly docks, which for years disguised the face of the East End,are now closed, and new hotels, stadiums and apartment houses are being built. Now London extends much more than the City, The west End and the East End. Its suburbs grow rapidly. London has its suburbs are called Greater London. As well as it is impossible to say that Moscow is a typical Russian city, nobody can call London a typical British one. In fact, it has become a multinational metropolis, being inhabited by people from all over the world. It is always busy and crowded. It certainly has its own face — millions of faces. Maybe, this is the reason why people say: “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.” Prove that •London is an old city; •London has always been playing an important role in the life of the country; •London enjoyed greater independence than the other cities in England; •the planning of London is chaotic; •there are a lot of tourist attractions in the West End; •the East End has always been different from the rest of metropolis; •London grows rapidly; •London is a multinational metropolis. Критерии оценки: «5»(отлично) - чтение текста с полным пониманием содержания текста, для последующих ответов на вопросы по тексту, учащийся не делает грубых фонетических ошибок, владеет лексикой по теме. «4» (хорошо) чтение текста с неполным, но значительным пониманием содержания текста для дальнейших ответов на вопросы по тексту, в отдельных словах допускаются фонетические ошибки. «3» (удовлетв.) - слабое понимание смысла текста и с трудом может ответить на вопросы, большое количество фонетических ошибок. «2»(неудовл.) - учащийся не умеет читать, демонстрирует незнание лексики и отсутствие грамматических навыков, умений и знаний, допускает огромное количество фонетических ошибок, не готов ответить на вопросы по тексту. Условия выполнения задания 1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков. 2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 10мин. 3.Словари, учебник Голубева А.П. Английский язык. Раздел 2. Тема 2. 3. Город, деревня, инфраструктура. Письменный опрос по теме «Глаголов в Present,Past, Future Simple/Indefinite в вопросительных предложениях.» 1.Задайте вопросы. Используйте Present Simple “ do/ does “ 1. I work hard. And you? 2. We play tennis. And you? 3. He swims well. And you? 4. She speaks Spanish. And you ? 5. You live in London. And you? 2. Образуйте вопросительное предложение используя слова, стоящие в скобках. 1. I have lunch at home. ( where / you ) 2. She watches TV every day ( how often / she ) 3. They get up at 7.30. ( what time / they ) 4. I go to work by bus. ( how / you ) 5. You live in Krasnodar. ( where / you ) 3. Выберите в подчеркнутых словах правильные времена глаголов группы Simple для будущих событий. 1. We are going to the theatre toning? We have got 2 tickets 2. What are you doing tomorrow evening? Nothing .I am free 3. I I am going away tomorrow morning. My train is at 8.40. Эталон ответов: 1.Задайте вопросы. Используйте Present Simple “ do/ does “ 1. I work hard. Do you work hard? 2. We play tennis. Do you play tennis? 3. He swims well. Do you swim well? 4. She speaks Spanish. Do you speak Spanish ? 5. You live in London. Do you live in London? 2. Образуйте вопросительное предложение используя слова, стоящие в скобках. 1. I have lunch at home. ( where do you have lunch?) 2. She watches TV every day ( how often does she watch tv?) 3. They get up at 7.30. ( what time do they get up?) 4. I go to work by bus. ( how do you go to work?) 5. You live in Krasnodar. ( where do you live? ) 3. Выберите в подчеркнутых словах правильные времена глаголов группы Simple для будущих событий. 1. We shall go / We are going to the theatre toning. We have got 2 tickets 2. What will you do/ are you doing tomorrow evening. Nothing .I am free 3. I shall go / I am going away tomorrow morning. My train is at 8.40. 4.1.Is New York the largest city? 2.What river does it stand on? 3.How many parts are there in New York? 4. What is the oldest part of New York? 5. What is the busiest financial and cultural centre Критерии оценки: «5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов «4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов «3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов «2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов Условия выполнения задания 1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков. 2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 15мин 2. Фронтальный опрос. Read the text, translate and ask 15 questions. New York New York, or the Big Apple, as the Americans often call it, is the largest city in the USA and in the whole world. It stands in the mouth of the Hudson River. The people of New York City (NYC) live within five boroughs of Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and Staten Island. Manhattan Island,the oldest part of the city was bought from the Native Americans for the amount of goods worth $26. Now it is one of the busiest financial and cultural centre in the world, offering the visitors a unique collection of experiences and at tractions. There is a wide choice of internationally acclaimed theatres, restaurants and museums, historic parks and churches. Manhattan is also a district of business and finance. In Wall Street there are offices of large companies and banks, as well as New York Stock Exchange, which dominates the business life of the whole world. New York is an international city. On the map of Manhattan one can find Little Italy with the Italian restaurants and its own way of life, Brighton Beach, where the immigrants from the former Soviet Union live and Chinatown, inhabited by the Chinese. NY is also famous for its fine department stores and boutiques. In the evening you can enjoy one of its many nightclubs, the ballet, opera, a show or concert. Broadway is the centre of nightlife. It is the longest street in New York with many sights. The best way to go around NY is on foot. One word applies to driving your own car in Manhattan: don’t! Streets are jammed and the parking is scarce and astronomically expensive. However, NYC is a paradise for walkers, who enjoy the finest window shopping and people-watching. When proper caution is exercised, most areas are safe. It is best to usewell-lighted, busy streets at night. You can also travel anywhere you want by subway and buses. Subway, though rather inattractive and not so well organized as in Moscow, runs 24 hours a day. The fare is S 1.50 for a single journey, payable with tokens. Free bus and subway system maps are available from hotels, tourist information centres and subway stations. However one gets around New York, it is important to know some basic geography: Fifth Avenue divides the city between East and West. Street numbers begin at Fifth Avenue, so Two W. (west) 57th Street is just a few steps to the west of the Fifth Avenue, while Two E. (east)57th Street is just to the east. Most streets in Manhattan are one-way. With a few exceptions, traffic on even-numbered streets travels east, and traffic on odd-numbered streets travels west. To New Youkers, “downdown” soes not connote the city centre. Rather, “downtown” simply means “south” and “uptown” means “north”. Thousands of tourists come to New York every day to see the Statue of Liberty, which is situated on Liberty Island and is a symbol of Amer ican democracy. It has a torch of Freedom in her right hand. New York is famous for its skyscrapers, among which are the Chrys ler Building and the Empire State Building. The unprecedented terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 disguised the face of New York. Two twin towers, which used to form the World Trade Centre, were destroyed as the result of the planes crash. This was the tragic day for the people of the USA and for the whole world. Two towers were in ruins in the matter of minutes. The life of the big city was paralyzed completely for more than a month. Now the WTC is under reconstruction. Ask 15 questions about New York. Критерии оценки: «5»(отлично) - чтение текста с полным пониманием содержания текста, для последующих ответов на вопросы по тексту, учащийся не делает грубых фонетических ошибок, владеет лексикой по теме. «4» (хорошо) - чтение текста с неполным, но значительным пониманием содержания текста для дальнейших ответов на вопросы по тексту, в отдельных словах допускаются фонетические ошибки. «3» (удовлетв.) - слабое понимание смысла текста и с трудом может ответить на вопросы, большое количество фонетических ошибок. «2»(неудовл.) - учащийся не умеет читать, демонстрирует незнание лексики и отсутствие грамматических навыков, умений и знаний, допускает огромное количество фонетических ошибок, не готов ответить на вопросы по тексту. Условия выполнения задания 1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков. 2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 45 мин. 3.Словари, учебник Голубева А.П. Английский язык, опорные таблицы по грамматике. Раздел2.Тема 2.4.Досуг Письменный опрос по теме «Present Simple/Indefinite для выражения действий в будущем.» 1.Read the text and ask 10 questions.
People started travelling in the ancient times. The first travelers were pilgrims, nomads and explorers. Travelling was really dangerous in those days, but there were always brave and daring people who went on discovering new lands, in search of wealth and fame. Nowadays things have changed significantly. Hundreds of compa nies are willing to help you if you are planning to go somewhere. You are free to choose where to go: you may want to spend a vacation in the mountains or by the sea, and a plane will take you to the place of your choice in a matter of hours. A lot of people will cater to the needs of the travellers in hotels and holiday centres all over the world. Visitors are amused and taken care of in any possible way. Holidaymaking has become one of the most profitable industries, and the budget of many countries, such as Turkey, Egypt and Greece depends on tourism a lot. Travelling has become easier — and maybe less exciting. 3. Answer the following questions: 1.Do you like travelling? 2.Why do people like travelling? 3.What is the fastest kind of transport? 4.What way of transport is the most comfortable? 5.What kind of transport do you prefer? 6.Why do some people prefer hiking to other kinds of travelling? 7.Where do people buy railway tickets? 8.Is travelling by air more expensive than air travel? 9.What are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by car? Эталон ответов
1. I will come to our place if I have time. 2. They will come with us if they do their homework. 3. She will pass her test in English if she works a lot. 4. I will help you if you help me first. 5. Mike will finish his work if he is clever enough. 6. We will travel by train if we book the tickets. 7. I will go to the South in summer if I have money. 8. Kate will travel by plane if she is not be airsick. 9. I will book a ticket for you if you tell me the time of departure. 10. I will translate this sentence if you give me the dictionary. Критерии оценки просмотрового чтения. Оценка «5» -ставится ученику, если он может достаточно быстро просмотреть несложный оригинальный текст (типа расписания поездов, меню, программы телепередач) или несколько небольших текстов и выбрать правильно запрашиваемую информацию. Оценка «4» -ставится ученику при достаточно быстром просмотре текста, но при этом он находит только примерно 2/3 заданной информации. Оценка «3»- выставляется, если ученик находит в данном тексте (или данных текстах) примерно 2/3 заданной информации. Оценка «2»- выставляется в том случае, если ученик практически не ориентируется в тексте. Критерии оценки: «5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов «4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов «3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов «2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов Условия выполнения задания 1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков. 2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 30мин 3.Словари,опорные таблицы по грамматике. Раздел2. |
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