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Суффиксы существительных -er (-or), -ist, -ian, -ity, -ing, -hood, -ment, -ness, -y, -th, -ant, -ism, -ure, -ship1. Суффикс -er (-or). 1) Этот суффикс служит для образования существительных от глаголов (инфинитив без to + -er, -or). Существительное с таким окончанием обозначает или устройство, производящее действие, выраженное глаголом, от которого оно образовано, или лицо, выполняющее это действие. to play (играть) - a player игрок to read (читать) - a reader читатель to mix (смешивать) - a mixer смеситель. Если глагол оканчивается на е, то присоединяется только буква r, например: to make (производить) - a maker производитель to use (использовать) - a user пользователь. Следует помнить, что часто приходится прибегать к описательному переводу существительных, имеющих суффикс -er, -or, например: to lift (поднимать) - a lifter подъемное устройство to read (читать) - a reader считывающее устройство to time (назначать время, рассчитывать по времени) - а timer прибор, рассчитывающий время. 2. Суффикс -ist. Это очень распространенный суффикс, образующий существительные, обозначающие профессионалов, сторонников общественного или научного направления. Он может присоединяться к существительным и прилагательным. 3. Суффикс -ian. Существительные с этим суффиксом обозначают национальность или звание и профессию, например: Russian - русский, academician - академик, musician - музыкант, Darwinian - дарвинист. Слова, образованные присоединением суффикса -ian, могут переводиться и прилагательными, например: the Russian language - русский язык Neo-Darwinian interpretation of evolution - неодарвинистская интерпретация эволюции. Обратите внимание! Существительные и прилагательные, обозначающие национальность, всегда пишутся с заглавной буквы: Ukrainian, English, Russian, Polish, American 4. Суффикс -ity (орфографические варианты -ety, -iety) образует абстрактные существительные со значением состояния, качества, условия. Суффиксу -ity соответствует суффикс -ость, например: able (способный) - ability (способность); active (активный) - activity (активность, деятельность); valid (имеющий силу, обоснованный, действенный) - validity (действенность, справедливость, законность, обоснованность). 5. Суффикс -ing образует существительные от глаголов, например: to meet (встречать) - meeting (встреча), to proceed (продолжать) - proceeding (практика, proceedings труды, записки (научного общества). 6. Суффикс -hood образует существительные со значением "состояние, положение, качество", например: child (ребенок) - childhood (детство), man (мужчина) - manhood (мужественность). 7. Суффикс -ment образует существительные, обозначающие действие, например: to move (двигаться) - movement (движение). Некоторые слова с этим суффиксом приобретают значение совокупности предметов, например: equipment (оборудование). 8. Суффикс -ness образует существительные со значением "состояние, качество", например: dark (темный) - darkness (темнота), good (хороший) - goodness (доброта), great (великий) - greatness (величие). 9. Суффикс -у образует абстрактные существительные от глаголов, например: to discover (открывать) - discovery (открытие); to inquire (спрашивать, узнавать) - inquiry (вопрос, запрос). 10. Суффикс -th образует существительные со значением качества, например: true (верный, правдивый) - truth (правда), health - (здоровье). При помощи присоединения суффикса -th существительные образуются от прилагательных, при этом часто происходит изменение корневой гласной буквы, например: long (длинный) - length (длина), deep (глубокий) - depth (глубина), strong (сильный) - strength (сила). 11. Суффикс -ant образует существительные со значением лица и вещества, например: to assist (помогать) - assistant помощник, to serve (служить) - servant (слуга), an oxidant (окислитель), solvent (растворитель). 12. Суффикс -age образует существительные с различными значениями, например: to break (ломать) - breakage (поломка); to marry (жениться) - marriage (свадьба); courage (храбрость, смелость, мужество). 13. Суффикс -ism является характерным для многих языков, например: Darwinism, romanticism, capitalism, vandalism. 14. Суффикс -urе (-ture, -sure) образует существительные, обозначающие процесс, например: to press (давить) - pressure давление, to mix (смешивать) - mixture смешивание. Многие существительные, образованные с помощью этих суффиксов, могут иметь значение результата действия в виде предмета, вещества, например: mixture - микстура, смесь; fixture - крепление (деталь). 15. Суффикс -ship образует существительные со значением состояния, положения или свойства, например: friend (друг) - friendship (дружба). Lesson 8 Text 8 The welding technique. ![]() 1. Read and translate the text. If you want to join two metals by arc welding you should know the welding technique, i.e. the technological process of welding. To begin welding it is necessary to strike an arc. The electrode held in a holder is brought in contact with the metal surface, withdrawn (separated) and held as so to create and maintain an arc. Since the space between the electrode and the base metal has highest resistance in the circuit, a tremendous amount of heat is developed by the electric arc at this point. Intense heating results in melting the workpiece metal and forming a small molten metal pool or crater. The depth of the crater indicates the amount of penetration or depth of fusion. Since the electrode is also melted by the heat of the electric arc, the electrode metal is deposited in a molten pool on the base metal. In this case the electrode metal served both electrical pole and the filler metal. As we see, the metal electrode supplies additional metal to the base metal, but in the case of carbon or tungsten arc, filler metal rod may be used, it being usually fed from aside. After an electric arc has struck, it is maintained by a uniform continuous movement of the electrode toward the work to compensate for that portion of the electrode which has been melted and deposited in the weld. At the same time, the arc should be advanced at a uniform speed along the line of welding, i.e. the weld groove. As for the metal in the crater, it is agitated and mixes the molten electrode metal with the base metal, forming a strong weld joint. After the weld is completed it is necessary to clean and inspect it. Vocabulary Technique – техника, методика Bring (brought) – подводить, подносить Withdraw – отводить Depth (deep) – глубина Serve – служить From aside – со стороны Feed – подавать, подача Uniform – равномерный Advance – продвигаться Clean – чистый, очищать Groove – канавка, разделка Maintain – поддерживать Molten weld pool cварочная ванна.
1. What welding is described in the text? 2. What electrode do we use in the process? 3. How many electrodes are applied in this method? 4. When is the arc created? 5. Is any gas used in this welding? 3. Find in the text. 1. Маленькая сварочная ванна 2. Равномерная скорость 3. Прочное сварное соединение 4. Присадочный металл 5. Плавление детали металла 4. Find 6 words
5. Read the grammar rule from Lesson 7 once more and find examples in the text. Lesson 9 Text 9 Welding & Machine Trades. ![]()
Welding is a skill used by many trades: sheet metal workers, ironworkers, diesel mechanics, boilermakers, carpenters, marine construction, steamfitters, glaziers, repair and maintenance personnel in applications ranging from the home hobbyist to heavy fabrication of bridges, ships and many other projects. A variety of welding processes are used to join units of metal. As a welder, you may work for shipyards, manufacturers, contractors, federal, state, county, and city governments, firms requiring maintenance mechanics, and repair shops. Welding, while very physically demanding, can be very rewarding for those who enjoy working with their hands. Welders need good eyesight, manual dexterity and hand-eye coordination. They should also be able to concentrate for long periods of time on very detailed work, as well as be in good enough physical shape to bend and stoop, often holding awkward positions for long periods of time. Welders work in a variety of environments, both indoors and out, using heat to melt and fuse separate pieces of metal together. Training and skill levels can vary, with a few weeks of school or on-the-job training for the lowest level job and several years of school and experience for the more skilled welding positions. Skilled welders often select and set up the welding equipment, execute the weld, and then examine the welds in order to make sure they meet the appropriate specifications. They may also be trained to work in a variety of materials, such as plastic, titanium or aluminum. Those with less training perform more routine tasks, such as the welds on jobs that have already been laid out, and are not able to work with as many different materials. While the need for welders as a whole should continue to grow about as fast as average, according the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for low-skilled welders should decrease dramatically, as many companies 8 move towards automation. However, this will be partially balanced out by the fact that the demand for machine setters, operators and tenders should increase. And more skilled welders on construction projects and equipment repair should not be affected, as most of these jobs cannot be easily automated. Because of the increased need for highly skilled welders, those with formal training will have a much better chance of getting the position they desire. For those considering to prepare themselves to a meaningful welding-career, there are many options available. There are also different professional specialties and levels, that should be understood to make an informed choice. Some of these are: welder, welding machine operator, welding technician, welding schedule developer, welding procedure writer, testing laboratory technician, welding non destructive testing inspector, welding supervisor, welding instructor, welding engineer. 2. Make a list of all the words in the text indicating: a) welding professions and levels: welder, welding machine operator, … b) trades where welding skill is used: … c) places/fields a welder can work at (in): … d) personal qualities a welder should have: 3. Answer the questions. 1. What are the trades where welding skills are used? 2. Where can welders work? 3. What personal characteristics should welders have? 4. How does the environment in which welders work vary? 5. What does it take to be s low-skilled/skilled welder? 6. What are welders able to do in terms of complexity of tasks and variety of materials? 7. What are the job opportunities for low-skilled/skilled welders for the nearest future as specified by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics? 8. What are the advantages of having formal training for making a welding career? 9. As you see, welding includes various professional specialties and levels. What is yours? 4. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English: 1. Сфера применения сварки охватывает большое количество областей промышленности. 2. Профессия сварщика требует физической выносливости из-за частой необходимости работы в нестационарных условиях. 3. Для того чтобы стать квалифицированным сварщиком, необходима длительная теоретическая подготовка и практический опыт работы. 4.Квалифицированный сварщик должен сам уметь подбирать необходимое сварочное оборудование, материалы и технику сварки. 5. Чем выше квалификация сварщика, тем больше количество материалов, с которыми он может работать, и разнообразнее виды выполняемых работ. 6. В настоящее время имеются большие возможности для освоения профессии сварщика. Lesson 10 Text 10 Welding Skills ![]()
A Welder permanently joins pieces of metal with metal filler, using heat and/or pressure. Welders join parts being manufactured, they build structures and repair broken or cracked parts, according to specifications. Job Related Skills, Interests and Values • using and maintaining tools, material handling equipment and welding equipment; • reading and interpreting blueprints; • acquiring thorough knowledge of arc, gas and resistance welding theory; • laying out, cutting and forming metals to specifications; • preparing the work site; • fitting sub-assemblies and assemblies together and preparing assemblies for welding; • welding using shielded metal arc welding, gas metal arc welding, gas tungsten arc welding, flux core or metal core arc welding, submerged arc welding and plasma arc welding processes; • carrying out special processes such as welding studs and brazing; • ensuring quality of product/process before, during and after welding; What’s Your Future as a Welder? Most workers in this occupation work full-time, sometimes in shift work, usually indoors. Those with the ability to work with high-technology welding applications may have better employment opportunities. The bulk of employment opportunities are predicted to occur in the non-electrical, machinery, construction and metal-fabricating industries. Some workers will become self-employed. Examples of companies that employ welders include: Fabricating shops; Manufacturers of structural steel and platework; Construction industries; Boilers; Heavy machinery contractors; Aircraft contractors; Ship building and other transportation contractors; Specialized welding shops.
If you answered Yes to most of these questions, welder may be for you! 3. You already know what sort of skills you should have to be a welder. Now think of the answers to the following questions: 1. How long should a person be trained to become a skilled welder? 2. Do you think that a welder should be able to use all kinds of welding? 3. What is more interesting to you personally: welding techniques, welding inspection (other)?
1. Прочтите предложения, запишите в тетрадь предложения, где говорится о сварке. Обоснуйте свой выбор: 1. The circuit consists of two cables, a source of energy and other components. 2. The fabrication of iron and steel has greatly developed. 3. The increase of current results in the increase of penetration. 4. There are some methods of creating an arc. 5. The first problem was how to reconstruct and modernize the foundry shop. 6. The arc has a very high temperature and able to melt refractory metals. 7. There are two types of current: direct and alternating. 8. Penetration is a major factor in making high quality welds. 9. The technique of machining the workpiece was developed by the shop specialists. 10. A holder is connected to the electrode cable. 11. Cables connect the work and the electrode with the source of welding current. 12. The consumable electrode is hot only a conductor of electric current but is also a filler metal. 13. The arc bridge across the Irtysh River was built in 1978. 14. The knowledge of properties of the material enabled the operator to machine the work very quickly and exactly. 15. If you want to weld you should know the technique of striking and maintaining the arc. 16. Too high current results in a deep fusion or penetration. 17. The current two-year plan of reconstruction of the foundry has been discussed and adopted at the meeting. 18. The metal electrode is a filler metal and during the process of welding is deposited in a molten pool. 19. Direct current may be used under two conditions of polarity-straight and reverse. 20. To produce an alloy it is necessary to melt two or more metals and fuse them together. 2. Complete the sentences using the words given bellow 1.The intense heat is … by the arc. 2. The electric arc is the best … of the heat energy. 3. The arc is able to melt … metals. 4. Sometimes the arc is … between the two non-consumable electrodes. 5. There are two types of current … and … 6. The depth of fusion is named … . 7. The electrode … is used for holding an electrode. 8. When the electrode is in contact with the work, the … is completed. 9. The electric current and polarity, both … and … are an important factor in producing high quality welds. 10. The ... cables connect the … metal with a … of energy. 11. The … electrode is a conductor and at the same time a … metal. 12. Intense heating … in melting the base metal and the electrode.
3. Прочтите интернациональные слова, дайте их русские названия: Metal, mechanical, pressure, process, intense, electric, energy, transform, temperature, concentration, industrial, zone, base, electrode, stability, factor, type, polarity, generator, special, transformer, voltage, amperage, reduce, crater, inspect, regular, cable, form, compensate, portion, contact, distance, absorb, ultraviolet, component, gas, ionize, discuss, proportion.
4. Переведите предложения письменно: 1. There are a number of factories producing welding equipment for welding industry. 2. A great number of alloys have been developed for commercial application. 3. The welding operator experimented with the two numbers of electrodes: Contact 15 and Contact 18 electrodes. 4. The number of operations given in the instruction are: 1,2,5,11. it is necessary not only to follow this order but to consider a number of other factors. 5. Прочтите и переведите отрывки. В каких из них рассказывается о сварке: a. The next problem is the electrode holder. This should be mechanically strong, light in weight and hold the electrode firmly in position during welding, but allow easy removal and replacement of an electrode. It must not be too not. The connection from the electrode holder to machine is made by cable. b. This is one of the most important lessons in the course and you must repeat all the operations until the student who is operating is able to tell the student who works as an inspector what he is doing. After this has been done, and it will take some time to do it, then the students are to change place and repeat their operations. c. Increased use of the hydraulic press in stamping plants has been seen during the past five years. Its flexibility as to length of stroke as well as controlled speed of stroke, make it particularly valuable to the job stamping shop. Today, hydraulic presses designed for both short and long strokes are of capacities up to 5.000 tons and more. d. Be careful that you do not move the electrode too fast so that the deposited metal. Continue this operation until you are able to create the arc every time and stop it, and create again and maintain it in any position.
6. Переведите предложения: 1. Do not play with the arc. 2. Strike an arc and maintain it for some minutes. 3. Inspect the penetration and the appearance of the weld. 4. Hold the electrode in a vertical position. 5. Feed the electrode into the zone of welding. 6. Practice starting the arc and holding it. 7. Never look at the arc without using a special shield. 8. Do not stop training until you are able to start, maintain and stop the arc at any time and place you wish. 7. Прочтите, переведите отрывок и скажите, о чём говориться в повелительных предложениях-инструкциях. Напишите 10 примеров предложений в повелительном наклонении. Be careful that you do not move the electrode too fast so that the deposited metal. Continue this operation until you are able to create the arc every time and stop it, and create again and maintain it in any position. Be careful … Continue … 8. Переведите с русского на английский. Какой вид сварки изображен на рисунке? ![]() 9. Контрольный перевод. Вариант 1. 1. There are two methods of striking an arc. 2. Before to be welded the joint or groove should be cleaned and examined in order to provide deep penetration and sound weld deposit free from inclusions and impurities. 3. We know fusion-arc welding to be the process of heating, melting and fusing two or more metals together. 4. After creating an arc try to hold or maintain it. 5. Weld metal consists of the base metal and electrode metal, both these metal being fused in the molten pool on the surface of the metal to be welded. 6. The high current results in increasing depth of fusion and speeds welding rate. 7. Both the generator and transformer have two terminals for the electrode cable and ground cable. 8. The arc produces a great amount of heat and concentrates it in the joint rather than an the surface of all the work. 9. The electrode cable connects the source of source of power with the electrode holder. 10. As for grounding, it is provided with a ground cable. Вариант 2 1. As a rule, cables are made of copper and aluminum, are flexible and wear resistant, and have very high insulating properties. 2. Metal electrode provides a filler metal, this additional metal being deposited in the molten pool or crater. 3. Depth of fusion depends upon a number of factors. 4. Tungsten being a refractory metal, it is used for producing non-consumble electrodes. 5. If used a filler rod may be fed from aside. 6. Vertical and overhead welding requires good knowledge of welding technique. 7. Too short arc resulted in shortcircuiting. 8. When the electrode is brought to the joint, the arc is established and the circuit is completed. 9. When striking an arc do not look at the without using a shield or helmet. 10. Current supply is provided by means of two cables. 11. The arc melts edges rather than all the surface of the work.
10. Переведите предложения 1. This means that the current coming to the transformer is 220 V. 2. By means of electric arc, the great amount of electrical energy is transformed into heat energy. 3. An increase of current means deeper penetration and even burn though. 4. The other means such as heating, melting and fusing may be used. 5. Metals to be welded were heated and melted by means of the electric arc. 6. This, of source, means higher welding current. 7. In many cases, this does not mean application of special technique. 8. Modern means of welding inspection include ultrasonic, X-rays, and other techniques. 9. The heating of the surface is provided by means of the electric arc and by other means. 10. There are various means that can be applied to inspect the weld. 11. Подберите к английским глаголам соответствующие эквиваленты. Запишите полученные пары в тетрадь:
12. Прочтите и переведите группы слов, подобрав соответствующие эквиваленты к подчеркнутым словам:
13. Найдите предложения с независимым причастным оборотом и переведите их письменно: 1. Sometimes, ferrous metals are joined by copper electrodes, no flux being applied. 2. After having been welded, the welds were inspected, the results being studied by the welding operators and inspectors. 3. The welding current is produced by special welding generators increasing or reducing the current. 4. Tungsten being a refractory metal, we use it in tungsten-arc welding. 5. The electrodes developed for this technique are called contact electrodes, there being two types: Contact 15 and Contact 18 electrodes. 6. The Contact 18 electrodes give better results because the coating material produces a gas shield around the arc, the welding process being done in this shielding gas atmosphere. 7. When using electrode a very short arc must be maintained to fuse the edges of the joint. 8. The wire used in producing this type of electrodes varies from the other types, the difference being in the electrode coating. 14. Прочтите отрывки и ответьте по-русски на вопросы, поставленные к каждому отрывку. А. Какие меры предосторожности необходимо предпринять, чтобы избежать ожога лица и глаз при работе с дугой? It is evident the arc is very hot. It is necessary that proper protection be used. For eye and face protection a special glass is used. It is very important that this glass be used at all times when looking at the arc. Never look at the arc without using a protective glass to shield eyes. Direct exposure of a “flash” will result in a very painful burning of the eyes. Aspirin will help you to relieve pain and headacke. Before to begin welding you must ask your assistant not to look at the arc without using a protective glass or goggles. B. 1. Где следует выполнять сварочные работы? 2. Как избежать вредного воздействия дыма и газов при сварке? 3. Где особо необходима вентиляция? When working in the shop you must perform welding in separate rooms or cabins in order to eliminate the danger of burning eyes from reflected or direct rays of the arc to other workers. All gas and arc welding operations result in a smoke and atmospheric contamination. Under normal working conditions the smoke from most arc welding operations in large open shops is not dangerous. But artificial ventilation should be installed to carry off smoke into the open air and to provide good visibility and clean air when welding in small shops, rooms and cabins. Ventilation is especially necessary if such metals as copper, zink or lead are to be melted. 15. Контрольный перевод. Переведите отрывки без словаря (письменно). Вариант 1 Instead of – вместо Bellow – ниже Provided – при условии Match – совпадать Maximum practical arc speed for the definite welding conditions is the main factors since this is necessary to fully use the penetrating action of the arc force. Since increased arc speed results in increase of the metal deposited there is great economy in money, time, metal and current. When the arc is moved slowly there is a small pool of molten metal under the arc and the force of the arc is lost in the molten pool instead of penetrating into the parent metal in the groove of the joint. The molten metal does not fuse below the depth to which the arc penetrates. As we see, in slow arc speed there usually is a small Pool of molten metal under the arc not providing deep penetration. Of course, penetration not only depends upon the arc speed but also upon the current provided the arc speed matches the current increase. Вариант 2 Lose – терять Spread – распространяться Spatter – брызги From these facts, it is evident that to get greater penetration the arc should be moved more rapidly rather slowly. An increase in current increases the arc force and provides deep penetration. The quality of the weld also depends upon the arc length and the position of the electrode. When the arc length is too long, heat is lost in the air, much molten metal is also lost in the form of spatter and the force is soread over a large area to give a winder molten pool. Too short arc, as you know, may result in poor penetration or even short-circuiting. In conclusion it has been show, that to obtain the highest welding speeds it is necessary to penetrate deeply into the base metal resulting in fusion of parent metal with the weld metal. The amount of penetration and the economy are proportional to the current used, combining with the effectiveness of the use of arc force. |
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Рабочая учебная программа по иностранному языку (английскому языку) Данная рабочая программа составлена для организации процесса обучения английскому языку в образовательных учреждениях основного общего... |
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Рабочая программа по английскому языку составлена на основе федерального... Умк «Enjoy English» для учащихся 10-11 классов общеобразовательных учреждений (Обнинск: Титул,2008) |
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Пособие по английскому языку Практический курс Данное пособие предназначено для использования на уроках английского языка в профильных милицейских и юридических классах Самарского... |
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Рабочая программа по английскому языку 9 а класс Данная программа по английскому языку составлена на основе следующих нормативных документов |
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Рабочая программа по английскому языку 8 а класс Данная программа по английскому языку составлена на основе следующих нормативных документов |
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Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов пм. 04.(07.) «Выполнение... Учебно-методическое пособие составлено в соответствии с требованиями Федерального Государственного образовательного стандарта по... |
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Рабочая программа по английскому языку составлена на основе федерального... Умк «Enjoy English» для учащихся 2-9 классов общеобразовательных учреждений (Обнинск: Титул,2007) |
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Рабочая программа по английскому языку составлена на основе федерального... Умк «Enjoy English» для учащихся 2-9 классов общеобразовательных учреждений (Обнинск: Титул,2007) |
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Компьютерные коммуникации в культуре учебное пособие по английскому языку Учебное пособие предназначено для развития навыков и умений устной речи. Пособие включает 8 тем, 21 текст, словарь. Текстовый материал... |
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