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When asked what he intended to do, he said he didn't know. Когда его спросили, что он намеривается делать, он сказал, что не знает. Squeezed by the ice, the steamer couldn't continue his way.Так как пароход был сжат льдом, он не мог продолжать путь.
She heard her name mentioned. Она услышала, что упомянули её имя. I want the work done immediately. Я хочу, чтобы работа была сделана немедленно. Примечание: Русские причастия прошедшего времени действительного залога переводятся на английский язык придаточными предложениями: Делегация, прибывшая вчера, остановилась в гостинице "Москва".The delegation that arrived yesterday is staying at the hotel "Moskva". Полицейский, подошедший к нему, попросил показать водительские права. The policeman who came up to him asked him to show his driver's license. 7 .Герундий в английском языке Значение, употребление и перевод на русский язык. Герундий — это неличная форма английского глагола с суффиксом -ing, соединяющая в себе черты существительного и глагола и несущая в себе оттенок значения некого процесса: Playing – игра Reading – чтение Walking – прогулка Our management encourages working overtime. Наше руководство поощряет сверхурочную работу. В русском языке формы, аналогичной герундию, нет. Ближе всего к герундию по смыслу в русском языке отглагольные существительные с суффиксами -(е) ние, -тие, -ка, -ство и др., а также глаголы в неопределенной форме: Singing - пение, петь Rubbing - трение, тереть Waiting - ожидание, ожидать Образование герундия Герундий, как и Причастие I, образуется с помощью окончания -ing, прибавляемого с соответствующими орфографическими изменениями к инфинитиву любого глагола: to run – running to live - living Отрицательная форма герундия образуется при помощи отрицательной частицы not, которая ставится перед формой герундия: for coming in time - за то, что пришел вовремя for not coming in time - за то, что не пришел вовремя Герундий в отличие от Причастия I, которое имеет только признаки глагола, имеет признаки двух частей речи: глагола и существительного. Герундий никогда не имеет артикля и формы множественного числа и этим он отличается от существительного. Различие между существительным с окончанием –ing и герундием заключается в том, что существительное с –ing обозначает предмет, а герундий передает процесс (-ание, -ение): Finding a new method is the only way out. (герундий) Нахождение (чего?) нового метода — единственный выход. The findings were of great importance. (существительное) Эти находки имели огромное значение. Перевод герундия на русский язык Поскольку формы герундия в русском языке нет, его значение может передаваться существительным, инфинитивом, деепричастием, глаголом в личной форме и придаточным предложением: Reading English books every day will improve your knowledge of the language. Ежедневное чтение английских книг улучшит ваше знание языка. Does your son like skating? Ваш сын любит кататься на коньках? Не left the room without saying good-bye or looking at us. Oн вышел из комнаты, не простившись и не взглянув на нас. I remember hearing this song in my childhood. Я помню, что слышал эту песню в детстве. The patient's quick recovery depends on his following the doctor's advice. Быстрое выздоровление больного зависит от того, будет ли он следовать советам врача. 2. КОНТРОЛЬНО-ТРЕНИРОВОЧНЫЕ УПРАЖНЕНИЯ 1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на модальный глагол must: 1) Her English is very poor, she must study very hard. 2) They must spend more time on their English. 3) You must help her in every way possible. 4) We must learn at least ten new words every day. 5) He must leave at once. 6) The students must do their homework regularly. 7) You must do this important work quickly. 2. Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами can или may. Переведите предложения на русский язык: 1) ... I ask you to explain the rule once more? 2) ... you lend me your dictionary? 3) You ... take this book; I don’t need it. 4) It was a very popular song at the time, you ... hear it everywhere. 5) ... I ask you to do me a favour? 6) Atoms of different kinds ... join together in different ways. 7) They ... continue their experiment. 3. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на глаголы to have (to) и to be (to): 1) It looks like raining. You have to take your raincoat. 2) Remember that we are to be at this place not later than eight. 3) He will have to stay there for a month. 4) We are to leave on Monday. 5) The children had to stay indoors because it was raining. 6) Nobody met me when I came, because I was to arrive by the ten o’clock train, but I couldn’t get a ticket for it. 7) We had to touch upon this question at the scientific conference. 8) You will have to work hard to finish the work in time. 4. Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами или их эквивалентами: 1) She ... play chess well. 2) ... I take your pen? 3) ... I ask you a question? 4) You ... not talk at the lesson. 5) He ... not speak, English last year. 6) My sister ... not play the piano two years ago, but now she ... 7) You ... get this novel in our library. 8) I ... go to the library today to prepare for my report at the conference. 9) ... you do me a favour? 5. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах: Образец: Не can play chess well. Can he play chess well? He can’t play chess well. 1) We must tell her this news. 2) He may smoke here. 3) She can speak English perfectly. 4) The students must translate the text at home. 5) We can go to the theatre tonight. 6) We shall be able to help them. 7) They had to wait for a long time. 8) His friend couldn’t get this book. 9) You were allowed to take this book home. 10) May I go home now? 11) They were allowed to come at four. 6. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление инфинитива: 1) You must get up early to be in time for the lesson. 2) We sometimes stay at our institute to discuss the news. 3) One must study hard to know English well. 4) To improve pronunciation one must read aloud. 5) To learn how to use this method you must solve many problems. 6) He worked hard to complete his experiment in time. 7) It will take you much time to perform this work. 8) To translate this text without a dictionary you must know all the new words. 7. Выберите из скобок требующуюся форму причастия. 1. a) The girl (writing, written) on the blackboard is our best pupil. b) Everything (writing. written) here is quite right. 2. a) The house (surrounding, surrounded) by tall trees is very beautiful. b) The wall (surrounding, surrounded) the house was very high. 3. Read the (translating, translated) sentences once more. 4. Name some places (visiting, visited) by you last year. 5. She was reading the book (buying, bought) the day before. 6. Here is the letter (receiving, received) by me yesterday. 8. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в форме герундия. Переведите предложения на русский язык: 1) I enjoy (study) with Miss Smith. 2) They have finished (paint) our apartment at last. 3) Mr. Smith stopped (go) to his English class. 4) We are considering (buy) an automobile. 5) Do you mind (wait) a few minutes in the hall? 6) My little brother 88 enjoys (listen) to the radio. 7) You shouldn’t risk (go) out if you have a cold. 8) We shall appreciate (receive) an answer immediately. 9) She insisted on (help) me with the report. 9. Закончите предложения и переведите их на русский язык: 1) She is not interested in ... 2) He is fond of ... . 3) We both enjoy ... . 4) He is tired of ... 5) We all need more practice in ... 6) Do you mind ... ? 7) They are both very fond of ... 8) He hasn’t had any experience in ... 9) She left suddenly without 10. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на неличные формы глагола: 1) It’s no use (argue) when the matter is settled. 2) I don’t like to interrupt people when they are speaking. 3) It was very useful to hear the different opinions. 4) Shall we ever have a chance of seeing you here again? 5) He left suddenly without saying a word. 6) Do you think this book is worth reading? 7) She is not interested in learning English. 8) We went straight home instead of visiting his parents. 11. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на употребление времени Present Indefinite после союзов when, while, if, before, after: 1) If we get the tickets we shall go to the concert. 2) I shall let you know when she comes. 3) When a child leaves the junior school, he will go to a secondary school of one type or another. 4) When this lesson is over, we shall have a break. 5) Before you translate the text, you will learn the new words. 6) When the weather is fine, we shall go for a walk. 7) He will translate this article, if you give him a dictionary. 8) I shall tell you about it after I learn some new facts. 12. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на окончания -s, ’s, -s’: 1) In England there is an infants’ school and a junior school. 2) It was not our idea, it was theirs. 3) My friend’s sons read English well. 4) She studies English and French at the courses of foreign languages. 5) The students of our group like to read English books. 6) Our scientists’ discoveries in the exploration of outer space are known all over the world. 7) This engineer’s report contains very interesting data. 13. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на место наречий в предложении: 1) We usually go for a walk in the park on Sunday. 2) He has always prepared his lessons. 3) He is planning to visit us at our home tonight. 4) Nobody ever has a bad 89 word to say about Nick. 5) He promised to give me an answer in the morning. 6) My friend often goes to Leningrad on business trips. 7) She is always late for the lessons. 8) He is often too busy to eat lunch. 9) I never go for a walk on Sunday. 14. Переведите предложения на русский язык, употребляя наречия, данные в скобках: 1) He prepares his lessons. (carefully) 2) She plays the piano. (well) 3) I have spoken to him about that. (often) 4) Does he fail to prepare his homework? (sometimes) 5) He is going to leave for Leningrad. (tomorrow) 6) She stayed with me. (seldom) 7) I saw Mr. Smith in the cafeteria. (yesterday) 8) Have you visited that city? (ever) 9) Have you finished writing your exercises? (already) 15. Замените в следующих предложениях действительный залог страдательным. Переведите предложения на русский язык: Образец: They developed a new method of teaching. A new method of teaching was developed by them. – Новый метод обучения был разработан ими. 1) The audience enjoyed the concert very much. 2) The little boy ate the cake. 3) The teacher corrects our exercises at home. 4) They started a dancing class last week. 5) Everybody will see this film soon. 6) The teacher returned our written work to us. 7) Mr. Smith will leave the tickets at the box-office. 8) The students translate texts during the lessons. 9) Mary took that book from the desk. 16. Замените в следующих предложениях страдательный залог действи- тельным. Переведите предложения на русский язык: Образец: This letter was written by John. John wrote this letter. - Джон написал это письмо. 1) The entire city was destroyed by the fire. 2) The lecture was attended by many people. 3) The book will be published in spring. 4) The class is taught by Mr. Smith. 5) It was designed by a French engineer. 6) This book is always read by the students of the first course. 7) The letter was left on the table. 8) The house was struck by lightning. 9) The cries of the child were heard by everyone. 17. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах: Образец: Не was sent to New York. Was he sent to New York? 90 He was not sent to New York. 1) The first prize was won by John. 2) Our exercises are corrected each night by the teacher. 3) The mail is delivered at ten o’clock. 4) The bridge will be finished this year. 5) The contract will be signed tomorrow. 6) His report was listened to with great interest. 7) The film is much spoken about. 8) All the letters are looked through by the secretary. 9) All these books were published by this publishing house. 18. Переведите следующие пары предложений и определите, какой частью речи являются выделенные слова: 1) A deaf child studies literature with his parents. Serious reasons changed his results in these studies. 2) Water can freeze and become solid. Iron is a solid. 3) These works of art belong to the famous painter. She works at school. 4) Heat brings about many changes in materials. Any material changes when it is heated. 5) They wanted to find the most gifted children. He was gifted by nature with great talent to write poetry. 19. Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык: music school, full-part students, five-year plan, high speed car, University Art Department, district music school, labor time, television programme, fresh-water pond, research laboratory equipment. 20.Переведите текст. Сделайте лексико-грамматический анализ текста: 1) Подчеркните предложения, где используются времена групп Continuous и Perfect в действительном залоге. 2) Подчеркните предложения, где употребляется Страдательный залог (Passive Voice) в трех временах групп: Indefinite, Continuous, Perfect. `Coke is it' One of the strongest global products today is 'Coca-Cola'. Coke was originally invented by a pharmacist called Dr Pemberton in 1886. Pemberton produced a syrup for a new drink and accidentally added carbonated water. The result was a soft drink that was called 'both delicious and refreshing'. During its first year Pemberton sold just nine bottles per day, but from these small beginnings 'Coca-Cola' gradually grew into the world's largest manufacturer of soft drinks. Every day, 'Coca-Cola' products are served more than 1 billion times to people in more than 200 countries. In Great Britain alone over 10 billion 'Coca-Cola' products are consumed each year. In fact in many countries soft drinks have become more popular than traditional drinks. Tea used to be Britain's number one drink, but today the average British person drinks 188 litres of soft drinks a year, but only 157 litres of tea. Why is 'Coca-Cola' so popular? The main reason is its powerful marketing. The Coca-Cola Company sponsors global events like the FIFA World Cup, Olympic Games and European Championships. From Beijing to Boston, people know the 'Coca-Cola' brand. They see it on their televisions, in magazines and on supermarket shelves. Positive slogans such as 'Things go Better with Coke', 'It's the Real Thing' and 'Coke is It' associate 'Coca-Cola' with good experiences and feeling happy. Yet although 'Coca-Cola' is an American company, only a third of its sales are in North America. Most of its sales are from the rest of the world. Which is the number one global drink? 'Coke' is it. 21.Переведите текст. Сделайте лексико-грамматический анализ текста: 1) Подчеркните предложения, где используются времена групп Continuous и Perfect в действительном залоге. 2) Подчеркните предложения, где употребляется Страдательный залог (Passive Voice) в трех временах групп: Indefinite, Continuous, Perfect. Sydney Opera House Sydney Opera House was opened in 1973. Since then it has appeared on T-shirts, postcards, in books, on travel programmes and in millions of photo albums. Thanks to its unique shape, Sydney Opera House is one of the most photographed buildings in the world! The building was built by a Danish architect called Jorn Utzon. Utzon gave the building its unusual look by creating a roof which looked like palm tree fronds. Work first started on the Opera House in 1957. The Australian government gave Utzon $7 million and just four years to finish it. Unfortunately, there were lots of delays as well as money problems, so the Opera House wasn't actually finished until 1973. By then the total cost of the building was over $100 million! Today the Opera House is one of the busiest performing arts centres in the world. It has around 3,000 events every year which are watched by over two million people. There are five main concert halls used for a wide variety of performances including classical, opera, pop and jazz. Artists as different as Pavarotti and the pop group INXS have performed there, and the largest hall can seat 2,679 people. If you want to see a concert however, you'll need to book in advance - the best seats are hard to get and they're very expensive! But whether you go to a concert or not, a visit to Sydney wouldn't be complete without a trip to the Sydney Opera House. КОНТРОЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА №2 Вариант 1 1.Употребите модальные глаголы can, may, must, need там, где это необходимо. You ...write the letter now. You ...do it tomorrow. Paula ...speak Italian but she ...not speak French. He ...forget to come to the conference. He is so absent-minded! It's a fantastic film. You ...see it. Be happy! You ...not be sad. 2.Употребите местоимения much, many, a lot of там, где это необходимо. Jim loves films. He goes to the cinema .......... Linda thinks TV is boring. She doesn't watch TV ..... This road is very dangerous. There are ...accidents. Quick! We must hurry. We haven't got ...time. Do you drink ...coffee? 3.Перепишите и письменно переведите текст. Сделайте лексико-грамматический анализ текста: 1) Подчеркните в тексте предложения в страдательном залоге и дайте их перевод. 2) Выпишите предложения, где употребляются простые неличные формы глагола: инфинитив, герундий, причастие. Укажите их форму и роль в предложении. Rag Week One of the most exciting weeks in the student calendar is 'Rag Week'. Universities all over the UK invite students to take part in weird and wonderful events organized by their student union - and all to help a good cause. At Leeds University for example, students can hitchhike to Paris, take part in a fashion show, experience a bungee jump, or do a fire walk. All the events are sponsored, and students usually raise thousands of pounds for charities such as 'Help the Aged' and 'The Children's Heart Surgery Fund'. So how did it all start? The idea for Rag Week was originally from America and England,' says Student Union President Ella Ford. 'Its main aim has always been to raise money for charity, but it's also a good way to meet people and have some fun!' And what are the most popular activities? 'Fun runs and hitchhiking,' says Ella. 'This year we've been organizing a sponsored hitch to Morocco. The journey will be 1,600 miles and once students get there, they'll spend a week teaching English to local children.' Hitchhiking is one of the harder events, but there are lots of other ways students can help. In fact they can do as little or as much as they like, from helping to run an event like a charity run, to setting up a completely new challenge. 'You don't need to have any experience to help with Rag Week,' says Ella. 'Just some free time, a bit of imagination and a lot of enthusiasm!' 4.Употребите глагол из скобок в нужной форме (Present or Past Indefinite Passive). ...these rooms (to clean) every day? Glass .... (to make) from sand Stamps (to sell) in a post office. This room (not to use) very often. ...we (to allow) to park here? (the office / clean / yesterday) (how / these windows / break?) (three people / injure / in the accident) (my bicycle / steal / a few days ago) (when / this bridge / build?) 5.Замените в следующих предложениях действительный залог страдательным, обращая внимание на времена группы Continuous (A), Perfect (B). They are building a new ring road round the city. (A) Somebody is using the computer at the moment. I didn't realise that somebody was recording our conversation. They have built a new hospital near the airport. (B) Somebody has cleaned the room. When we got to the stadium we found that they had cancelled the game. 6.Перепишите предложения. Подчеркните инфинитив (The Infinitive), укажите его функцию в предложении. Письменно переведите предложения. The Professor wants you to take part in the investigation. The conference to be held in London is sure to arouse the interest of foreign scientists. To learn new English words is important. Dan persuaded me to include this article into the list. I've never been to Iceland but I'd like to go there. 7.Перепишите предложения. Подчеркните герундий (The Gerund), укажите его функцию в предложении. Письменно переведите предложения. The storm prevented the ship from reaching the port in time. He did not like being read to. She doesn't allow smoking in the house. Swimming against the current was difficult and dangerous work. Be careful in crossing the street. 8.Перепишите предложения. Подчеркните причастие (Participle I), укажите его функцию в предложении. Письменно переведите предложения. When writing a telegram he must use as few words as possible. The leaves lying on the ground reminded us of autumn. Having plenty of time we decided to walk to the station. The rising sun was hidden by the clouds. When I entered the room, I gave the letter to the woman sitting at the window. 9.Перепишите предложения. Подчеркните причастие (Participle II), укажите его функцию в предложении. Письменно переведите предложения. A broken cup was lying at the table. All books taken from the library must be returned next week. Many discoveries made by Russian chemists in the field of biology form the new conception of matter and will help in creating materials unknown in nature. Asked whether he intended to return soon, he replied that he would be away for about three months. The firm is interested in the purchase of automobiles produced by our plants. 10.Употребите глагол из скобок в нужной форме (времена групп страдательного залога - Passive Voice). Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения. We ... (invite) to the party but we didn't go. The museum is very popular. Every year it ...(visit) by thousands of people. Many buildings ...(damage) in the storm last week. A new road is going to ...(build) next year. 'Where's your jacket?' 'It ...(clean). It will be ready tomorrow.' Вариант 2 1.Употребите модальные глаголы can, may, must, need там, где необходимо. I like this hotel room. You ...see the mountains from the window. ...I open the door to his room? We've got enough food so we ...go shopping. The game tomorrow is very important for us. We ...win. You ...not forget to turn of the light before you leave. 2.Употребите местоимения much, many, a lot of там, где это необходимо. Jim loves films. He goes to the cinema .......... Linda thinks TV is boring. She doesn't watch TV ..... This road is very dangerous. There are ...accidents. Quick! We must hurry. We haven't got ...time. Do you drink ...coffee? 3.Перепишите и письменно переведите текст. Сделайте лексико-грамматический анализ текста: 1) Подчеркните в тексте предложения в страдательном залоге и дайте их перевод. 2) Выпишите предложения, где употребляются простые неличные формы глагола: инфинитив, герундий, причастие. Укажите их форму и роль в предложении. The World is not Enough He's one of the most famous characters in film history and over three billion people have watched him -that's half the world's population! Since 1962 he's been in twenty films, or one film every two years. Who is he? He's Bond ... James Bond. The British writer, Ian Fleming, created James Bond in 1953. Fleming was a typical English 'gentleman'. He was educated at Eton (an expensive school in England), then worked as a journalist before becoming a banker in London. However, during the war his life completely changed when he worked as a spy in Russia. He wrote most of his novels about his own interesting experiences. Although the Bond novels were exciting action stories about spies, they didn't become well known until they were made into films. When the first film Or No opened in Britain in 1962, Fleming became famous overnight. However, it wasn't until Goldfinger in 1964 that James Bond became successful around the world. Goldfinger broke box office records at home and abroad. The phrase `I'm Bond ... James Bond' was recognised all over the world. Will Bond films continue to entertain us in the future? The answer is probably 'yes'. There will always be James Bond fans because audiences will always enjoy exciting thrillers. The last film, The World Is Not Enough, made an amazing £6.2 million in its first weekend! The truth is that James Bond films, with their fast cars, 4. Употребите глагол из скобок в нужной форме (Present or Past Indefinite Passive). Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения. The room ...(to clean) every day. Paper ...(to make) from wood. Many American programmes ...(to show) on British television. This room (not to use) very often. We (to allow) to park here? (Where / you /born?) (I / not / wake up / by the noise.) (My car / steal /last week) (We / not/ invite / to the party.) (When / these houses /build)? 5. Замените в следующих предложениях действительный залог страдательным, обращая внимание на времена группы Continuous (A), Perfect (B). The students are taking examinations in the next room. (A) At seven o'clock, when you telephoned, I was reading the newspaper. They were discussing this problem when we came in. The students had translated the text before the bell rang. (B) She had finished her work by this time yesterday. They will have built a new house in our street by the end of the year. 6. Перепишите предложения. Подчеркните инфинитив (The Infinitive), укажите его функцию в предложении. Письменно переведите предложения. The assistant came to the University to speak to the Professor before the lectures. To play with matches is dangerous. He was seen to leave the house. Let me help you with your work. I don't want you to be angry with your brother. 7. Перепишите предложения. Подчеркните герундий (The Gerund), укажите его функцию в предложении. Письменно переведите предложения. There is no excuse for his doing such a thing. Their leaving before the end of the concert attracted attention. After sleeping for about an hour he was wakened by a loud noise. I dislike borrowing things from people. I wouldn't recommend eating in that restaurant. The food is awful. 8. Перепишите предложения. Подчеркните причастие (Participle I), укажите его функцию в предложении. Письменно переведите предложения. They looked at the flying plane. When going home I met my brother. The customs officer stood on deck counting the cases. Feeling tired, I went to bed early. A person bringing good news is always welcome. 9. Перепишите предложения. Подчеркните причастие (Participle II), укажите его функцию в предложении. Письменно переведите предложения. Water used for drinking must be boiled. They sent us a list of goods imported by this firm. Most of the suggestions made at the meeting were not very practical. There was a tree blown down in the storm last night. The boy injured in the accident was taken to hospital. 10. Употребите глагол из скобок в нужной форме (времена групп страдательного залога - Passive Voice). Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения. She's famous now, but in a few years her name will ...(forget). 'Shall I do the washing-up?' 'No, it ...(already/do).' Milk should ...(keep) in a fridge. ...(you/ever/bite) by a snake? My bag ...(steal) from my car yesterday afternoon. Вариант 3 1. Употребите модальные глаголы can, may, must, need там, где необходимо. Sandra ...drive but she hasn't got a car. What are you doing for your holidays? I haven't decided yet. I ...go to Ireland. Whatever you do you ...not touch that switch. It's very dangerous. I understand the situation perfectly. You ...not tell further. Congratulations on passing your exam. You ...be very pleased. 2. Употребите местоимения much, many, a lot of там, это где необходимо. Sue drinks ...tea. We'll have to hurry. We haven't got ...time. Did it cost ...to repair the car? I don't know ...people in that town. They've got so ...money they don't know what to do with it. 3. Перепишите и письменно переведите текст. Сделайте лексико-грамматический анализ текста: 1) Подчеркните в тексте предложения в страдательном залоге и дайте их перевод. 2) Выпишите предложения, где употребляются простые неличные формы глагола: инфинитив, герундий, причастие. Укажите их форму и роль в предложении. The Time Machine 'Gentlemen, the first time machine,' said Professor Grainger, proudly. His three friends looked at it. It was a small box with a switch, a dial, and a red button. 'All you have to do is hold it in your hand, set the date you want, press the button, and you're there!' Dr Smedley, one of the other three scientists, picked it up and held it carefully in his hand. 'But the question is, does it work? Can you really travel back into the past?' 'Of course!' said the professor, 'I've tested it myself several times. Suddenly Dr Smedley turned on the machine and began changing the dial. 'What are you doing, you idiot,' shouted Professor Grainger , and he tried lo take the machine away from Smedley. 'Leave me alone! shouted Smedley. 'Don't try to stop me! I'm going back to 1947!' 'Why?' shouted the professor. `Because I want to find my grandfather and kill him. He was a terrible man. He made my grandmother's life impossible, and my parents' too. I've always wanted to do this!' He pressed the red button ... Smedley was standing in a field. He knew exactly where he was. He was near the village where he lived when he was a child. He remembered everything very clear! He walked along the road towards his grandfather's farm. He passed a young boy working in the fields and shouted to him, 'Hey, you! What year is it?' 'What year? 1947, of course,' answered the boy. He looked surprised. On the way Smedley picked up a strong piece of wood. When he got to the farm he saw a young man with red hair standing outside. The man was hitting a dog savagely with a whip. Smedley recognized him at once. 'Slop that!' shouted Smedley. His grandfather turned and looked at him. 'Who are you? Why shouldn't I hit my dog if I want to?' Smedley hit him hard on the head with the piece of wood. Sixty years later Professor Grainger said proudly, `Gentlemen, the first time machine.' His two friends looked at it. 4. Употребите глагол из скобок в нужной форме (Present or Past Indefinite Passive). Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения. Most of the Earth's surface ...(cover) by water. The letter ...(post) a week ago and it ...(arrive) yesterday. While I was on holiday, my camera ...(steal) from my hotel room. The park gates ...(lock) at 6.30 p.m. every evening. The boat ...(sink) quickly but fortunately everybody ...(rescue). Ron's parents ...(die) when he was very young. He and his sister ... (bring) up by their grandparents. Why ...(Bill/sack) from his job? What did he do wrong? The company is not independent. It ...(own) by a much larger company. Where ...(these photographs/take)? In London? I saw an accident last night. Somebody ...(call) an ambulance but nobody ...(injure) so the ambulance ...(not/need). 5. Составьте предложения из слов в скобках, используя Perfect Passive или Continuous Passive. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения. There's somebody behind us. (I think / we / follow) .... This room looks different, (you / paint?) .... Tom gets a higher salary now. (He / promote) .... Ann can't use her office at the moment, (it / redecorate) .... The photocopier broke down yesterday, but it is working again. (It / repair) .... 6. Перепишите предложения. Подчеркните инфинитив (The Infinitive), укажите его функцию в предложении. Письменно переведите предложения. The best thing for you to do is to follow your friend's advice. We believe him to be a very talented scientist. Are they already here? I expect them to come much later. At school our teacher made us work very hard. To skate is pleasant. 7. Перепишите предложения. Подчеркните герундий (The Gerund), укажите его функцию в предложении. Письменно переведите предложения. She was quite disappointed at not seeing them there again. What is worth doing at all is worth doing well. He enjoyed sleeping in the open air. Our meeting him there was a pleasant surprise. She wrote the letter without my knowing it. 8. Перепишите предложения. Подчеркните причастие (Participle I), укажите его функцию в предложении. Письменно переведите предложения. While skating yesterday he fell and hurt himself. Knowing the English language well, he can translate newspaper articles without a dictionary. Do you know the woman talking to Tom? This house is empty. There is nobody living in it. Arriving at the station I called a porter. 9. Перепишите предложения. Подчеркните причастие (Participle II), укажите его функцию в предложении. Письменно переведите предложения. When crossed the bridge, he saw a small village, which was situated at the foot of a hill. Most of the goods made in this factory are exported. The piece of paper was blank. There was nothing written on it. Books read in childhood seem like old friends. She showed the travelers into the room reserved for them. 10. Употребите глагол из скобок в нужной форме (времена групп страдательного залога - Passive Voice). Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения. These shirts are clean now. They ...(wash). My watch is broken. It ...(repair) at the moment. When ...(the camera/invent)? The information will ...(send) to you as soon as possible. The museum is very popular. Every year it ...(visit) by thousands of people. Вариант 4 1.Употребите модальные глаголы can, may, must, need там, где необходимо. ...I open the door to his room? We've got enough food so we ...go shopping. I like this hotel room. You ...see the mountains from the window. Whatever you do you ...not touch that switch. It's very dangerous. I understand the situation perfectly. You ...not tell further. 2.Употребите местоимения much, many, a lot of там, где это необходимо. Quick! We must hurry. We haven't got ...time. Do you drink ...coffee? We'll have to hurry. We haven't got ...time. Did it cost ...to repair the car? I don't know ...people in that town. 3.Перепишите и письменно переведите текст. Сделайте лексико-грамматический анализ текста: 1) Подчеркните в тексте предложения в страдательном залоге и дайте их перевод. 2) Выпишите предложения, где употребляются простые неличные формы глагола: инфинитив, герундий, причастие. Укажите их форму и роль в предложении. Shopping: a pain or a pleasure? Some women include shopping in their list of favorite activities. Men traditionally hate it. Here's what some of our readers think. Aisha, 32 1 like shopping, but it depends who I go with. Trying to shop with young children is a nightmare! I don't like shopping with my husband either because he's always in a hurry, or worries about spending money. But shopping with friends is fun, and I like going on my own too. Simon, 28 I don't really enjoy shopping. In fact it's a pain! I find it stressful because I'm always afraid of making mistakes. I've got a collection of awful 'mistakes' at the back of my wardrobe, which I never wear! But I don't mind going with my girlfriend, because she helps me choose. I think women are better at buying clothes than men. They've got better taste and they always know what's in fashion. Ivan, 30 I'm not interested in shopping at all - in fact I hate it. My wife buys all my clothes and brings them home. I try them on and if I like them, I keep them. If not she takes them back. Choosing things from catalogues and the TV shopping channels is the only kind of shopping I enjoy. Rosa, 24 I love shopping, but not on a Saturday or during the sales, when the shops are really crowded. I prefer shopping alone. Buying things often takes me a long time because I never buy the first thing I see. I always look around other shops to see if I can find the same thing cheaper. I'm quite good at finding a bargain. I hate shopping in large supermarkets, and prefer buying food in small shops or street markets. 4. Употребите глагол из скобок в нужной форме (Present or Past Indefinite Passive). Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения. The room ...(to clean) every day. Paper ...(to make) from wood. The letter ...(post) a week ago and it ...(arrive) yesterday. While I was on holiday, my camera ...(steal) from my hotel room. (We / not/ invite / to the party.) (When / these houses /build)? Most of the Earth's surface ...(cover) by water. The park gates ...(lock) at 6.30 p.m. every evening. The boat ...(sink) quickly but fortunately everybody ...(rescue). Ron's parents ...(die) when he was very young. He and his sister ... (bring) up by their grandparents. 5. Замените в следующих предложениях действительный залог страдательным, обращая внимание на времена группы Continuous , Perfect . There's somebody behind us. (I think / we / follow) .... This room looks different, (you / paint?) .... They were discussing this problem when we came in. The students had translated the text before the bell rang. (B) She had finished her work by this time yesterday. They will have built a new house in our street by the end of the year. 6. Перепишите предложения. Подчеркните инфинитив (The Infinitive), укажите его функцию в предложении. Письменно переведите предложения. I don't want you to be angry with your brother. We believe him to be a very talented scientist. Are they already here? I expect them to come much later. At school our teacher made us work very hard. To play with matches is dangerous. 7. Перепишите предложения. Подчеркните герундий (The Gerund), укажите его функцию в предложении. Письменно переведите предложения. I dislike borrowing things from people. Our meeting him there was a pleasant surprise. She wrote the letter without my knowing it. There is no excuse for his doing such a thing. I wouldn't recommend eating in that restaurant. The food is awful. 8. Перепишите предложения. Подчеркните причастие (Participle I), укажите его функцию в предложении. Письменно переведите предложения. A person bringing good news is always welcome. Do you know the woman talking to Tom? This house is empty. There is nobody living in it. Arriving at the station I called a porter. Feeling tired, I went to bed early. 9. Перепишите предложения. Подчеркните причастие (Participle II), укажите его функцию в предложении. Письменно переведите предложения. They sent us a list of goods imported by this firm. Water used for drinking must be boiled. Most of the goods made in this factory are exported. The piece of paper was blank. There was nothing written on it. The boy injured in the accident was taken to hospital. 10. Употребите глагол из скобок в нужной форме (времена групп страдательного залога - Passive Voice). Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения. These shirts are clean now. They ...(wash). Milk should ...(keep) in a fridge. ...(you/ever/bite) by a snake? My bag ...(steal) from my car yesterday afternoon. My watch is broken. It ...(repair) at the moment. . |
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