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Литература Балалаєва, О.Ю. Принципи інтегративності у навчанні латини на факультетах ветеринарної медицини// Наукові праці: Педагогіка. – 2012. – Вип. 197. Том 209. – С.44–48. Бєляєва, О.М. Інтегративність як системоформівний принцип професійної лінгводидактики// Вісник Черкаського університету. Серія : Педагогічні науки. – Черкаси : ЧНУ імені Богдана Хмельницького, 2009. – Вип. 149. – С. 106–109. Бєляєва, О.М. Професійно орієнтоване навчання латинської мови студентів вищих медичних навчальних закладів III–IV рівнів акредитації: автореф. дис. ... канд. пед. наук – К., 2011. – 21 с. Гладилина, Т.А. Модель формирования основ профессионально–коммуникативной компетентности иностранных студентов–медиков// Ученые записки: электронный научный журнал Курского государственного университета. Педагогические науки. – 2011. – № 2 (18) Ившин, В.Д. Проблема взаимоотношения мышления, языка и речи// Язык и речь. – Тбилиси: Изд–во Ан ГузССР, 1997. Кацман, Н.Л. Методика преподавания латинского языка в институтах и на факультетах иностранных языков. – М.: Высшая школа, 1979. – 142 с. Латинско–русский и русско–латинский словарь. Сост. Асланова Л.А. – М.: «Дом Славянской книги», 2010. Руководство по формированию профессиональной направленности студента–медика в условиях билингвизма/ Т.Л. Бухарина, Е.А. Иванова, Т.В. Михина, С.Г. Заболотная, И.А. Коровина. – Екатеринбург, 2006. – 244 с. Чернявский, М.Н. Латинский язык и основы медицинской терминологии – М.: Медицина, 2002. – 336 c. Шовковий, В.М. Методичні основи застосування взаємозіставного методу в навчанні граматики класичних мов: Автореф. дис…канд. пед. наук: – Київ. 2004. – 21 с. MATCHING–COMPARING METHOD AS A WAY OF FORMATION OF MEDICAL STUDENTS’ COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE IN THE PROCESS OF STUDYING THE LATIN AND ENGLISH LANGUAGES Lukash Y.М. Lugansk State Medical University, Ukraine Elaboration of the intensive forms of teaching is one of the topical problems of the development of medical students’ communicative competence. One of the methods of intensification of foreign language studying in general, and the Latin language, in particular, is the so–called comparative method. The meaning of this specific method is that comparison of two foreign languages in different stages is not only effective to correlate but to stimulate each other as well. Moreover, the first foreign language is a fundament of matching– comparing method of teaching. The choice of a primary language for binary comparison in studying is justified by sufficient level of knowledge of it. The development and improvement of the second foreign language, the increased knowledge of language material create conditions for intensification of the learning process, for achieving the best performance, help in the studying the first foreign language Key words: matching–comparing method, Latin language, communicative competence, terminological discipline, integration, medical students УДК: 811.2: 372.893 MODERN METHODS OF TEACHING ENGLISH IN HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Kuspanova A.N. Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training University, Almaty, Kazakhstan The article discusses various methods of teaching foreign languages in universities. Particular attention was paid to the following methods: the direct method, grammar–translation and communicative. Key words: foreign language; English; methods In the contemporary world, the English language enjoys great popularity, moreover, this is the language of international communication, and it is spoken around the world. Today, there are plenty of methods for teaching English. Furthermore, new methods are regularly formulated, therefore, now teachers can choose the most suitable method for themselves. Currently, classical methods are mostly used when teaching a foreign language at universities. Namely: 1. Direct method. 2. Grammatical–translation method of teaching. 3. Communicative method. The direct method of teaching foreign language The essence of this method is that an instructor pays more attention to teaching directly the spoken language which is used in everyday life. The developers of this method concluded that the intermediary language, i.e. the language of teaching hinders learning the foreign language. Thus, students are purposefully introduced into the world of the foreign language. All the lessons are conducted exclusively in English, and the new topics must also be introduced in English. In teaching English by this method, the role of the instructor is a key to the successful learning of the language. It means that the instructor’s speech must be absolutely clear and correct, his/her pronunciation must be perfect, as students will constantly repeat after the instructor. Grammar–conversion method Grammar–translation method is a primary method in modern education system. This is a classic method that has been used for decades. Its prevalence is explained by the fact that the most of the instructor themselves were trained using this method. The purpose of grammar–translation method is to learn to read and translate with the help of grammar rules. The disadvantages of this method include the fact that the lexical part is often overlooked. Developing vocabulary is reduced to the mechanical learning of words. Reading and translation is performed in a strict manner. Moreover, the texts offered for reading are usually from a complex fiction literature, consequently, the student studies only the literary language. Once in the language environment, it will be very difficult for him/her to understand others even with good knowledge of the literary language. Communicative method Currently, an increasing number of professors are turning to the communicative method of learning English. The object of this method is the speech itself, which means that this primarily teaches to communicate. The communicative approach implies more active students. The goal of the instructor in this case is to engage in conversation all of those who are present in the audience. For better memorization and use of the language it is necessary to use all the channels of perception. The essence of this approach is to create real situations of communication. When recreating a dialogue, a student has an opportunity to put into practice all the accumulated knowledge. A very important advantage of this approach is that it has a plenty variety of exercises: use of role–plays, dialogues, simulations of real communication [2, p.85] It is often said, that when using the communicative method of teaching, grammar is ignored or paid not enough attention. In fact, it is not true. Grammar is learned intensively, but the provision of information is somewhat different. After the instructor explains the new topic, the students are divided into several groups (number of groups is determined by the instructor). After that, the instructor gives a task to each group (same for all group members) on the passed subject. The students in groups do this task by themselves, then within the group discuss the subject of the performed exercise and explain their choice. Importantly, all of the above–mentioned happens in the foreign language. Thus, students not only demonstrate their knowledge of the grammar, but also learn to express their opinions in the foreign language. Each group presents to the instructor their answers at the end. The instructor checks and explains the mistakes in a foreign language. The communicative method is an applied method. It is aimed at the successful development of the ability to oral communication, and creates extra motivation to the study of a language, which keeps the interest of the students in the classroom, and, hence, leads to their efficiency and effectiveness. Literature Passov, E.I. Programma–kontseptsya inoyazychnogo kommunikativnogo obrazovanya (The concept program of communicative foreign language education) – М. Prosveshenie, 2000. Shales, D. Kommunikativnost’ v obuchenii sovremennym yazykam (Communication in learning modern languages) [Soviet on Cultural Cooperation. Project №12 «Izuchenie I prepodovanie sovremennyh yazykov dlya tseley obshenya» (Learning and teaching modern languages for communication purposes)] Sovet Evropy Press, 1995 Arnold, J. Affect in Language Teaching–Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ МЕТОДЫ ПРЕПОДАВАНИЯ АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА В ВЫСШИХ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНЫХ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЯХ Куспанова A.Н. Казахский государственный женский педагогический университет, Алматы, Казахстан В статье рассматриваются различные методы преподавания иностранных языков в университетах. Особое внимание было уделено следующим методам: прямой метод, грамматико–переводной и коммуникативный. Ключевые слова: иностранный язык; английский язык; методы. ПРОЕКТ РЕЗОЛЮЦИИ НАУЧНО–ПРАКТИЧЕСКОЙ КОНФЕРЕНЦИИ «СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ ЭКОЛОГИИ ЯЗЫКА» Предварительные выводы и обобщения по конференции позволяют сделать следующие рекомендации:
Оргкомитет конференции выражает благодарность всем участникам конференции за интересные и содержательные доклады, в которых были изложены новые научные выводы и обобщения по актуальным проблемам языковой жизни в России и в мире. Оргкомитет конференции выражает благодарность руководству Астраханского медицинского университета за моральную и деловую поддержку. Просим лингвистов, заинтересованных проблемами экологии языка, терминоведения, дискурса, прислать замечания и рекомендации по Проекту резолюции конференции на адрес: sanya-madzhaeva @yandex.ru Сведения об авторах
ТЕРМИНЫ В КОММУНИКАТИВНОМ ПРОСТРАНСТВЕ Материалы научно-практической конференции с международным участием «Современные проблемы экологии языка» (10 февраля 2017 года) Компьютерный набор и форматирование – авторские Технический редактор В.Б. Нигдыров ISBN 978-5-4424-0287-2 Подписано в печать 28.03.2017г. Гарнитура Times New Roman. Формат 6-*84 1/16 Усл.печат. листов – 20,3; усл.изд. листов – 16,7 Заказ № 4270. Тираж 300 Издательство Астраханского государственного медицинского университета 414000, г. Астрахань, ул. Бакинская, 121 |
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