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ATI Allegheny Ludlum, a world class specialty metals producer, is currently seeking a talented, highly motivated, and technically excellent Process Automation Engineer for a Position located in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area. The Position includes responsibility for computer systems implemented as mission critical automation and control systems in an industrial environment. The Position will work with Production, Quality, Information Technology, Technical Services, and Process Engineering departments to accomplish goals related to process and quality improvements, cost reduction, equipment obsolescence/integration, and automation improvement. The successful candidate must exhibit a strong attention to detail, have the ability to deliver high-quality, well documented solutions, and be able to work effectively with minimal instruction. A BS degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, or equivalent from an accredited college/university is required. We offer an excellent salary, bonus, comprehensive benefit package and relocation if necessary. 7. Prepare a topic for oral reproduction “My Speciality is Automation”
1. Read and translate the text Text A. My Spesiality bachelor’s degree – степень бакалавра to coin – вводить в обращение to merge – объединять, сливать legitimacy – легитимность, законность to encompass – охватывать array – массив, множество actuator – привод sensor – датчик intelligent control – управление с применением систем искуств. интеллекта motion control – управление перемещениями thorough knowledge – глубокие знания technical drawing – технический рисунок, черчение electrical engineering – электротехника strength of materials – сопротивление материалов machine parts – детали машин automated control systems – автоматизированные системы управления engineering subjects – технические предметы humanities – гуманитарные предметы scientific world outlook – научное мировоззрение to equip – оборудовать installation – оборудование, установка design bureau – конструкторское бюро term paper – курсовая работа graduation paper – выпускная квалификационная работа to carry out – проводить, выполнять (исследование) research work – исследовательская работа highly-skilled – высококлассный I am a second year student of Omsk State Technical University, the department of Information Technologies and Computer Systems. I specialize in the field of mechatronics and after 4 years of studies I’ll get a bachelor’s degree and become a mechatronics engineer. The term "mechatronics" was coined by a Japanese engineer from Yasukawa Electric Company in 1969 to reflect the merging of mechanical and electrical engineering disciplines. Until the early 1980s, mechatronics meant a mechanism that is electrified, later-on it came to mean engineering that is the boundary between mechanics and electronics. Mechatronics gained legitimacy in academic circles in 1996 with the first publications on the problems of mechatronics in scientific journals. This term was then defined as "The synergistic integration of mechanical engineering with electronics and intelligent computer control in the design and manufacturing of industrial products and processes." Today, the term mechatronics encompasses a large array of technologies, many of which have become well known in their own right. Normally the following fields fall, at least in part, under the general category of mechatronics: modelling and design, system integration, actuators and sensors, intelligent control, robotics, manufacturing, motion control, vibration and noise control, micro devices and optoelectronic systems, automotive systems, etc. To become skilled specialists in mechatronics we are trained in fundamental sciences and special subjects. As future mechatronics engineers we get thorough knowledge of physics, mathematics, technical drawing, electrical engineering, strength of materials, machine parts, theory of mechanics, automation, electronics, computer-related technologies, computer science. Apart from the engineering subjects, we are offered a wide program of humanities. A great attention is paid to such subjects as history, philosophy, foreign languages as well as to the development of the scientific world outlook of the future engineers. We are taught by a highly-qualified staff of professors and teachers. Our practical training and laboratory works are done in the laboratories equipped with modern installations, apparatuses and devices. Theoretical training is combined with scientific work at the scientific centres and students’ design bureaus. It is also combined with practical training at the advanced enterprises. Besides, we write our term papers and graduation papers on the problems connected with mechatronics. We operate experimental and industrial installations, carry out research work, read scientific literature which deals with our speciality. All these help to turn a student into a highly-skilled engineer, ready for independent work. 2. Answer the questions to the text A.
3. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words (from the word list to the text A)
4. Read and translate the text Text B. Mechatronics Engineering precision engineering – точное машиностроение mechanical engineering – машиностроение, инженерная механика electrical engineering – электротехника power system – система энергоснабжения biomedical engineering – биомедицинская техника CNC (=computerized and numerically controlled) machine tool – станок с ЧПУ collision detection – обнаружение возможных столкновений global positioning system (GPS) – глобальная навигационная система robotic system – роботизированная система software engineering – разработка программного обеспечения dishwasher – посудомоечная машина motor vehicles – автотранспортные средства manufacturing plant – производственное предприятие surgical devices – хирургические инструменты graduate – выпускник (вуза) design engineer – инженер-проектировщик software engineer – инженер-программист project planner – специалист по подготовке проекта product designer – разработчик изделия project manager – начальник производства W ![]() Mechatronics refers to the efficient and effective integration of mechanical systems and electronics. It is a blend of mechanics and electronics, and has come to mean the synergistic use of precision engineering, control theory, computer science, mathematics, sensor technology to design enhanced or "smart" products, processes and systems. It integrates the classical fields of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, mathematics, and computer science/information technology. Its application areas range from power systems to transportation, optical telecommunications, biomedical engineering, etc. Mechatronic systems are almost everywhere you look: computers, disk drives, photocopiers, fax machines, washing machines, CNC machine tools, robots, etc. Today’s modern cars are also mechatronics product with the usage of electronic engine management system, collision detection, global positioning system, and others. The future is virtually unlimited for mechatronics, and much of it is here today. Robotic systems and components are already as small as a few microns and researchers are investigating nano-technologies using mechatronic systems for implantation into the human body to repair or replace damaged physiological functions. The next two decades will see an explosion of automated mechatronic systems infiltrating our lives more and more every year – improving our quality of life and our knowledge of the world and universe we live in. What do Mechatronics Engineers do? Mechatronics combines mechanical, electrical and software engineering in the design, development and control of diverse systems used in a range of industries including manufacturing, medicine and the service industries. Examples of mechatronic systems include aircraft, dishwashers, motor vehicles, automated manufacturing plants, medical and surgical devices and systems, robots of all types, many toys, artificial organs and many others. Mechatronics engineers are therefore involved in almost every possible industry at levels from applications development to manufacturing and advanced research. Where do Mechatronics Engineers work? Graduates with a Mechatronics degree can take up careers in a wide spectrum of industries including robotics, aerospace, chemical, defense, automotive, and manufacturing industries where complex software plays a major role, as well as in businesses that require extensive computer support, such as banking and commerce. Contributions can be made to these industries in a variety of roles including design engineer, software engineer, project planner, product designer and project manager. 6. Read the text and do the following tasks:
Text C. JOB ADS Position: Senior Project Engineer, Automation Location: California Job Description: This engineer will participate in engineering research, design, development and the continuous improvement of in-house automation projects in a high volume manufacturing environment. This position requires a BS or MS degree in Engineering, and 7 or more years of experience in Mechatronics, including designing and developing complex electronic/electro-mechanical systems and components; project management experience; ability to document and communicate details effectively; strong problem solving skills and creativity; 3D CAD skills and proficiency with standard computer applications. The ideal candidate will have experience with robust automation equipment for high volume manufacturing; system integration and enclosure design. Apply online. * * * Position: Controls and Mechatronics Professor Location: California Job Description: The Mechanical Engineering Program at San Francisco State University (SFSU) has an opening for a tenure-track faculty in the field of Controls and Mechatronics. We seek applicants who excel in both teaching and research. The successful candidate must be capable of pursuing externally supported research and must be interested in developing new courses and labs. We offer a competitive salary, excellent benefits and an exceptional startup package. A Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering or a related field and an excellent record of publications in scholarly journals and conferences are required. This faculty member will also actively collaborate with other SFSU engineering programs, particularly with Electrical and Computer Engineering. Industrial experience is highly desirable. * * * Position: Aeromechanical/Mechatronics Engineer Location: the United States Job Description: The Cyprus Institute has been awarded a four-year grant to develop and operate a fleet of Autonomous Flying Platforms for Atmospheric and Earth Surface Observations (APAESO) and is securing funding for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) program. In the framework of these projects we are looking for an aeromechanical/mechatronics engineer to carry out payload design, aircraft modifications and perform testing. This will also include design and possible modification of existing instruments for atmospheric observations. The engineer will be involved in operational flights and also have the opportunity to participate in other projects including Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs). Strong skills in mechatronics and scientific instrumentation, fabrication and troubleshooting are essential. Previous experience with miniaturized sensors is highly desirable. * * * Position: Tester - Mechatronics Systems Location: the Netherlands Job Description: We are currently looking for a Tester who has experience in testing mechatronics systems. These systems will be mission and Real Time critical systems. Experience in VXWorks, Linux or Pro Engineer would be great. Hydraulic knowledge would be a bonus. Please call for more information. Square One is acting in its capacity as an employment business in relation to this vacancy. Square One embraces diversity and will treat everyone equally: Please see our Website for more * * * |
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