В. А. Пономарев, Е. С. Осокина, 2015 3
V. A. Ponomaryov, E. S. Ossokina, 2015 3
А. В. Добродеев, М. С. Гайдай, Н. Ю. Добродеева, 2015 5
A. V. Dobrodeyev, M. S. Gaiday, N. Y. Dobrodeyeva, 2015 5
А. А. Лысенко1, А. В. Собуль1, В. А. Полетаев2, А. Е. Ремизов2, 2015 6
A. A. Lyssenko1, A. V. Sobul1, V. А. Poletaev2, A. E. Remizov2, 2015 6
И. Н. Новиков1, Е. А. Абросимова2, 2015 7
I. N. Novikov1, E. A. Abrosimova2, 2015 7
Д. Н. Сыщиков, В. Ф. Безъязычный, 2015 9
D. N. Syshcikov, V. F. Bez'yazychny, 2015 9
А. А. Берстнев1, С. П. Серебряков2, 2015 10
A. A. Berstnev1, S. P. Serebryakov2, 2015 10
А. С. Волков, И. Ю. Долгих, 2015 11
A. S. Volkov, I. Y. Dolgikh, 2015 12
В. Ф. Безъязычный, Н. С. Воронцова, 2015 13
V. F. Bez'yazychny, N. S. Vorontsova, 2015 13
А. Н. Сутягин, 2015 14
A. N. Sutyagin, 2015 14
Т. Д. Кожина, А. В. Курочкин, 2015 15
T. D. Kozhina, A. V. Kurochkin, 2015 16
В. Ф. Безъязычный, Р. Н. Фоменко, 2015 17
V. F. Bez'yazychny, R. N. Fomenko, 2015 17
В. Ф. Безъязычный, М. В. Тимофеев, М. С. Елкин, 2015 18
V. F. Bez'yazychny, M. V. Timofeev, M. S. Elkin, 2015 18
О. В. Гусев, 2015 19
O. V. Gussev, 2015 19
В. В. Трусов, 2015 20
V. V. Trussov, 2015 21
В. Ф. Безъязычный, М. А. Ганзен, А. Н. Сутягин, М. В. Тимофеев, 2015 22
V. F. Bez'yazychny, M. A. Ganzen, A. N. Sutyagin, M. V. Timofeev, 2015 22
А. П. Бабичев1, Ф. З. Хачатурян2, Ф. А. Пастухов1, Г. К. Вейсса1,
В. В. Иванов1, В. А. Мару1, 2015 23
A. P. Babichev1, F. Z. Khachaturyan2, F. A. Pastukhov1, G. K. Veissa1,
V. V. Ivanov1, V. A. Maru1, 2015 24
А. П. Бабичев, М. Е. Попов, А. Эль Дакдуки, 2015 25
А. P. Babichev, M. E. Popov, A. El Dakduki, 2015 25
А. С. Лебедев, 2015 27
A. S. Lebedev, 2015 27
И. Н. Паламарь, К. А. Рыбаков, 2015 29
I. N. Palamar', K. A. Rybakov, 2015 29
А. С. Мирзоян, О. В. Малышев, 2015 31
A. S. Mirzoyan, O. V. Malyshev, 2015 31
А. Т. Кизимов, А. А. Шилов, Ю. В. Иванова, 2015 32
A. T. Kizimov, A. A. Shilov, Y. V. Ivanova, 2015 33
Н. И. Гусарова, В. В. Непомилуев, Е. В. Олейникова, 2015 34
N. I. Gussarova, V. V. Nepomiluev, E. V. Oleinikova, 2015 34
М. А. Башкин, 2015 35
M. A. Bashkin, 2015 35
В. Б. Нетыкшо, 2015 37
V. B. Netyksho, 2015 37
Д. А. Михайлов, 2015 37
D. A. Mikhailov, 2015 38
Д. Ю. Морозова, М. С. Сайкин, 2015 39
D. Y. Morozova, M. S. Saykin, 2015 39
А. П. Чирков, 2015 40
A. P. Chirkov, 2015 40
А. В. Манин, А. В. Юдин, Е. А. Елисеичев, 2015 41
A. V. Manin, A. V. Yudin, E. A. Elisseichev, 2015 41
А. П. Чирков, 2015 42
A. P. Chirkov, 2015 43
И. В. Иванова, 2015 44
I. V. Ivanova, 2015 44
А. П. Чирков, 2015 46
A. P. Chirkov, 2015 46
А. Л. Михайлов1, Д. А. Михайлов2, 2015 47
A. L. Mikhailov1, D. A. Mikhailov2, 2015 47
А. П. Чирков, 2015 48
A. P. Chirkov, 2015 49
А. А. Бурдина, Н. О. Мелик-Асланова, 2015 50
A. A. Burdina, N. O. Melik-Aslanova, 2015 50
А. П. Чирков, 2015 52
A. Р. Chirkov, 2015 52
О. В. Камакина, 2015 53
O. V. Kamakina, 2015 53
О. В. Камакина. Повышение эффективности функционирования региональных контрольно-счетных органов на основе комплексной информатизации деятельности 188
The content
Aircraft Engines and Power Plants Error: Reference source not found
V. A. Ponomaryov, E. S. Ossokina. Heavy airplanes turbojet engines developed by Rybinsk design bureau Error: Reference source not found
A. V. Dobrodeyev, M. S. Gaiday, N. Y. Dobrodeyeva. Enhancement of GTE reliability by implementation
of control techniques minimising resonance zone operation time Error: Reference source not found
A. A. Lyssenko, A. V. Sobul, V. А. Poletaev, A. E. Remizov. Features of vibrational characteristics
analysis of GTE compressor stator tip-shrouded blades Error: Reference source not found
I. N. Novikov, E. A. Abrosimova. Multiport oligoemissive combustion chamber Error: Reference source not found
Materials and Engines Manufacturing Technology Error: Reference source not found
D. N. Syshcikov, V. F. Bez'yazychny. Calculation of batches optimal quantities at gas-turbine engines turbine blades manufacturing Error: Reference source not found
A. A. Berstnev, S. P. Serebryakov. Improvement of heat resisting steels castings surfaces quality at manufacturing by investment casting Error: Reference source not found
A. S. Volkov, I. Y. Dolgikh. Development of a decomposition research technique for induction-butt welding Error: Reference source not found
V. F. Bez'yazychny, N. S. Vorontsova. Theoretical research on details mass errors caused by variation
in details' sizes within their tolerance extent Error: Reference source not found
A. N. Sutyagin. Determination of equilibrium surface layer quality parameters correlation with details'
operational properties Error: Reference source not found
T. D. Kozhina, A. V. Kurochkin. Technique of test researches on blades in briquette casting as part
of a GTE compressor blades synclinal test cycle Error: Reference source not found
V. F. Bez'yazychny, R. N. Fomenko. Development of a technique for computed estimation of details surface layer quality parametres with allowance for edge tool antiwear coatings Error: Reference source not found
V. F. Bez'yazychny, M. V. Timofeev, M. S. Elkin. Technique of integrated experimental research on end milling cutters treatment impact on details surface layer quality parametres Error: Reference source not found
O. V. Gussev. Control over demagnetization system force multipliers when working with steel details and preforms Error: Reference source not found
V. V. Trussov. Efficiency of a toothed planetary reduction gear with conical differential Error: Reference source not found
V. F. Bez'yazychny, M. A. Ganzen, A. N. Sutyagin, M. V. Timofeev. Laser monitoring technologies in compressor blading manufacturing for current GTEs Error: Reference source not found
A. P. Babichev, F. Z. Khachaturyan, F. A. Pastukhov, G. K. Veissa, V. V. Ivanov, V. A. Maru.
Possibility of substitution of non-ferrous metals with ferrous metals by means of vibrational processing and vibrational mechanochemical coating of some gas heating gears details revisited Error: Reference source not found
А. P. Babichev, M. E. Popov, A. El Dakduki. Perspectives of vibroimpact and vibrowave methods implementation for crankshafts hardening and stabilizing processing Error: Reference source not found
Information Science, ADP equipment and automation Error: Reference source not found
A. S. Lebedev. Finding an optimal data placement during automatic parallelization of affine programs for distributed memory systems Error: Reference source not found
I. N. Palamar', K. A. Rybakov. Adaptive model for introducing of raster data in a system of complicated
ruled objects analysis Error: Reference source not found
A. S. Mirzoyan, O. V. Malyshev. Identification of aircraft in satellite images by their structural elements Error: Reference source not found
A. T. Kizimov, A. A. Shilov, Y. V. Ivanova. Research on UAV's navigational system frequency properties Error: Reference source not found
Physico-mathematical sciences and mechanics Error: Reference source not found
N. I. Gussarova, V. V. Nepomiluev, E. V. Oleinikova. Mathematical model for spatial dimensional chain Error: Reference source not found
M. A. Bashkin. A family of homogeneous non-split supermanifolds over the Riemann sphere Error: Reference source not found
V. B. Netyksho. A uniformly most powerful test revisited Error: Reference source not found
D. A. Mikhailov. Some algorithmic peculiarities of a polynomial equations systems solution by means of the KSO-method Error: Reference source not found
Science and Engineering Shared Problems Error: Reference source not found
D. Y. Morozova, M. S. Saykin. Magnetic fluid inclination angle sensors for flight vehicles Error: Reference source not found
A. P. Chirkov. From former standarts to contemporary methods of quality assuarance Error: Reference source not found
A. V. Manin, A. V. Yudin, E. A. Elisseichev. Circuitry of secondary power supply sources for
leucosapphire monocrystals cultivation settings Error: Reference source not found
A. P. Chirkov. Quality assuarance conformance evaluation through probabilistic approach Error: Reference source not found
Humanitarian, Social and Economic Sciences Error: Reference source not found
I. V. Ivanova. Continuous socio-cultural component methodology development as a basis for provision
of quality in experts' engineering education Error: Reference source not found
A. P. Chirkov. Quality management in the yaroslavl region's industry. initiatives, traditions and development trends Error: Reference source not found
A. L. Mikhailov, D. A. Mikhailov. Necessity for domestic scientific staff education for «computer»
technologies sphere in a context of current world informational-communication space structure Error: Reference source not found
A. P. Chirkov. Technological modes and factors of competitive production quality provision Error: Reference source not found
A. A. Burdina, N. O. Melik-Aslanova. Industrial policy investment component costs estimate toolkit for
aviation industry enterprises Error: Reference source not found
A. Р. Chirkov. The main content of works aimed at detection and support of critical technologies
implementation as they are major factor of production quality cardinal improvement Error: Reference source not found
O. V. Kamakina. Regional accountability institutions operations efficiency enhancement on the basis
of complex activity informatization 188
Научное издание
№ 3 (34)
Зав. РИО М. А. Салкова
Редакторы: Н. В. Мирзоян, Л. В. Калинина
Компьютерная верстка: Е. В. Шлеина, Л. В. Калинина
Переводчик А. В. Антонов
Подписано в печать 10.12.2015 г.
Формат 6084 1/8. Уч.-изд. л. 27,3. Тираж 150. Заказ 165.
Цена 174,69 р.
Издание зарегистрировано в Федеральной службе по надзору за соблюдением законодательства
в сфере массовых коммуникаций и охране культурного наследия.
Свидетельство о регистрации ПИ № ФС77-26739 от 27.12.2006.
Издатель: Рыбинский государственный авиационный технический университет
имени П. А. Соловьева (РГАТУ имени П. А. Соловьева)
Адрес издателя: 152934, г. Рыбинск, ул. Пушкина, 53
Адрес редакции: 152934, г. Рыбинск, ул. Пушкина, 53
Отпечатано в множительной лаборатории РГАТУ имени П. А. Соловьева
152934, г. Рыбинск, ул. Пушкина, 53 