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3. Выполните грамматическую трансформацию слов в скобках. Nobel Prize for Mo Yan Nobel Prize is one of the most prestigious awards in many fields of human knowledge and literature. The 2012 Nobel Prize for Literature 1) ______ (AWARD) to Chinese author Mo Yan. He is the 2) ______ (ONE) Chinese citizen to win the Literature prize. Gao Xingjian won the prize in 2000, but by then he 3) ______ (BECOME) a French citizen. Mo Yan 4) ______ (BEAR) in 1955 in rural China. Because of the Cultural Revolution, he 5) ______ (HAVE) to leave school when he was only 12. He 6) ______ (GO) to work in the fields, and finished his education in the army. After completing a master’s degree in Literature, he started his writing career. Mo Yan writes historical novels about the Chinese people and 7) ______ (THEY) fight for surviving life in the countryside. His stories have 8) ______ (HUNDRED) of characters. Many of his stories are influenced by the fairy tales he 9) ______ (HEAR) when he was a child. 4. Измените слова в скобках так, чтобы они лексически соответствовали тексту. Schools in Australia School 1) ______ (EDUCATE) in Australia includes preschool, preparatory (or kindergarten), primary school, 2) ______ (SECOND) school (or high school) and senior school (or college). Schooling lasts for 13 years, from kids' 3) ______ (PREPARE) to senior levels of studying. Types of schools include government schools, non-government schools (including 4) ______ (RELIGION) schools) and schools based on educational philosophies such as Montessori and Steiner. All schools must be registered and are subject to a lot of government 5) ______ (REQUIRE). Australian schools also prepare students for life − developing the skills of 6) ______ (COMMUNICATE), self-discipline and respect for themselves. Of course, schools offer a broad curriculum in the key 7) ______ (LEARN) areas. They also believe strongly in the benefits of a rounded studying – including the teamwork, self-expression and personal 8) ______ (DEVELOP). In Australia, students enjoy a diverse environment that is as 9) ______ (PERSON) enriching as it is educational, and develop the skills and qualities needed in a changing world. Текст для аудирования Now we are ready to start. Speaker 1 I enjoy reading but I don’t usually have much time for it because there’s lots of homework to do. Yesterday I borrowed a book from our school library. I wanted to read it for a while before going to sleep. But the book was really interesting, I got involved and put it aside only when I had read it up to the very end. In the morning, I wasn’t able to get up on time so I missed the school bus and got to school thirty minutes after the bell had gone. Speaker 2 I like reading, especially historical novels. That’s why I know more than most of my classmates. Our teacher often asks me to give presentations to the whole class. I may spend hours in the library or searching the Internet for information on some historical event or some historical personality. Some of my friends think that it’s boring but it’s incredibly interesting. I’m considering taking History as my major at university. Speaker 3 Our class is very united and we often help each other in school and in life. Yes, I’m very lucky that the people around me are friendly and supportive and there’s no bullying or fighting in class. My friends have different interests but they all are very nice people. There are those who like science, those who like sports and those who like arts but everyone enjoys school parties and school trips. Speaker 4 It was shocking news when my parents told me about their decision to move to another city. I was completely against it. I didn’t want to leave my school — I had so many friends there! I’d just joined the school volleyball team, the best team in the area! But there was no choice — my parents had to move because of their jobs. They have good jobs but we have to move too often. Speaker 5 I have lots of friends and most of them are my classmates. We often do homework, work in a library or do sports together. Our school is a good place for doing sports — we have a gym, a football pitch, a swimming pool and even a tennis court. The swimming pool is not very large but it’s enough for practicing different swimming strokes and for water aerobics classes. I wish we had a little skate park, too! You have 30 seconds to complete the task. (Pause 30 seconds) Now you will listen to the texts again. (Repeat) TEST Unit 5 1. Put in the verbs in the correct form. 1. Yesterday Linda (give) the interview to the youth magazine. 2. Mike (not, get up) at six o’clock. 3. They (read) this book yesterday evening. 4. He (do) his homework tomorrow. 5. She (visit) her Granny every week. 6. Mary (speak) English and French. 7. My parents (watch) TV now. 8. We (not, going) to play football this evening. 2. Use Present Progressive. 1. Where is Mum? - She (to cook). 2. Listen! The girl (to sing) a song. 3. They (to watch) a detective film. 4. What you (to read) at the moment? 5. I (no to write) a letter now. 6. Bob (to sleep) now? 3. Use Present Simple or Present Progressive and open the brackets. 1. They (to play) tennis now. 2. They (to play) tennis every day. 3. Where is Jane? - She (to read) a new book in her room. 4. Sam usually (to read) magazines in the evening. 5. I (to write) a letter to my sister now. 6. I (to write) a letter to my Granny once a month. 4. Put in the missing words Dear Linda, Thank you very much for your nice Christmas _____. You asked me to write about my family. Our family is a _____ Russian family: a father, a mother, two children (my little sister and me) and a cat. We are a ______ family and we ____ well each other. My mum is a Science teacher. She is ______. Her _____ is painting. My dad is a ____ programmer. He is _______. He has a good sense of _____.My little sister Ann is funny and sometimes _____. What is your family like? Have you got any brothers or sisters? Hope to hear from you soon. Your friend D. Korolev. 5. Put in prepositions if necessary. 1. What kind ____ music do you like to listen __? 2. Do you speak ___any foreign language? 3. We arrived at the station ____ time. 4. They have arranged to go to the theatre ___ 5 p.m. 5. In Oxford I stayed ___ my friend’s family. 6. It happened ____ April. 7. We are a close family and we get ____ well with each other. Прослушайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений с 1 по 4 соответствуют содержанию текста (True), какие не соответствуют (False). Обведите букву выбранного вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите текст дважды. 1. In late February and early March, Russia celebrates Shrovetide. A) True B) False 2. Yarilo is the god of water and the kind spirit. A) True B) False 3. People built a wooden puppet of Shrovetide Maid A) True B) False 4. The most important part of Shrovetide week was eating pancakes A) True B) False Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы с 5 по 9. В каждом задании обведите одну букву A, В или C соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Welcome to London. We start our tour from Tower Bridge. On the right bank of the Thames you can see the Tower of London. It is one of the oldest buildings in London. It was begun by William the Conqueror the first Norman king in the 11th century as a fortress and a palace. Then it was a prison where many famous people died. Black ravens live outside the Tower now. A man looks after the ravens and gives them food in the morning and in the evening. The Tower of London is a museum now. The Houses of Parliament are the seat of the British government. It was designed in the Gothic style and built between 1840 and 1860. There is the Clock Tower and the clock in the Houses of Parliament. It is the biggest clock Tower in Britain. It weighs 13,5 tongs. Now we are coming to Westminster Abbey. It was a monastery and a Norman church for a long time. Nearly all English kings and queens were crowned there. One of the greatest treasures of the Abbey is the oaken Coronation Chair made in 1300. Many famous people are buried here: Newton, Darwin, Dickens. 5. Where you can see the Tower of London? On the right bank of the Thames On the left bank of the Thames On the right bank of the Severn 6. What is the Tower of London now? It is a prison now It is a palace now It is a museum now 7. What are the Houses of Parliament? The seat of the British government The seat of the British queen The seat of the Scottish government 8.What was Westminster Abbey? It was a prison It was a monastery It was a castle 9. What is one of the biggest treasures in Westminster Abbey The oaken Coronation Crown The oaken Coronation Chair The metal Coronation Crown Раскройте скобки и преобразуйте глагол в Future Progressive или Past Perfect, опираясь на слова сигналы в предложениях с 10 по 15. 10. I (fly)………. to Great Britain at this time tomorrow. 11. She (read)………. book about London at 2 o’clock tomorrow 12. From 10 to 12 we (have)………. an excursion around London tomorrow 13. My sister (come)………. home by the morning on the 1st of January 14. By 9 p.m. we (finish)………. decorating a new year tree 15. When I came, the St/ Valentine’s party (begin)………. Прочитайте приведённые ниже предложения с 16 по 19. В каждом задании обведите одну букву A, В, C или D соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. 16. He …around Scotland now Is travelled Is travelling Has travelled Was travelled 17. The Tower of London…in the 11th century Was built Has been built Built Builds 18. London…. by many people every year nowadays Visits Is visited Was visited Will visit 19. New York ….by Mr. James last week Visits Is visited Was visited Will visit Закончите предложения с 20 по 24, дописав недостающую часть разделительного вопроса 20. St. Valentine’s is celebrated on the 14th of February, 21. Last year we went to the USA on Christmas, 22. Ann had come to the New Year party by the evening, 23. The Christmas Tree has been just finished decorating, 24. The Russians celebrate Christmas on the 7th of January, Прочитайте приведённые ниже предложения с 25 по 27. В каждом задании обведите один правильный вариант (A, В, C или D) фразового глагола. 25. He … to his house after his sister’s birthday party at night Came back Came round Go on Go out 26. “What is …?” Ann asked, when she saw police near her house Going out Coming round Going on Coming back 27. Why don’t you …and see me some day? Go on Go out Come back Come round Раскройте скобки и преобразуйте фразовый глагол в Past Perfect в предложениях 28 и 29 28. When I came back home, my sister (go) already out for a dinner with her boyfriend. 29. Mary (come) round by 2 o’clock in the evening and we went to the cinema. Напишите поздравительную открытку ко дню св. Валентина кому- либо из ваших друзей или родственников. (25 -30 слов) Audio Script In late February and early March, Russia celebrates Shrovetide, the most ancient festival. People believed that the change of seasons was the struggle between Jarilo, the god of sun, and the evil spirit. They believed that they had to help Yarilo. So, for the whole week, Russian villagers had fun and games. They built a straw puppet of the Shrovetide Maid and they burnt it on the last day of the festival. The most important part of the holiday was eating pancakes. They symbolized Yarilo. People thought that by eating pancakes, they got the power, light and warmth of the sun. TEST Unit 6 1.Установите соответствие между заголовками A-F и текстами 1-5. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок. A. Various activities. B. Summer journey C. Excitement adventure E. No chance of coming back F. Uneasy to organize. G Difficult flight 1We visited Spain in summer. The purpose of the trip was to study the art and architecture of the region, particularly the mediaeval Moorish influence. And, of course, to enjoy Spanish cuisine and people. We «travelled without a guide, but well supplied with guidebooks, that allowed us to take our time and enjoy the country. Organizing all our own sightseeing and meals gave us considerable flexibility, and not being tied to a guide and a timetable turned out to be quite a bonus. Finally, we made our way back to the airport by train and bus. It was a highly successful trip in every way! 2As we departed from Twickenham, having been on the exchange before I thought that there wouldn't be anything new to me, except the language perhaps. As I found out over the next week Russia always has new experiences to offer. The Russian host families were very kind and hospitable while we spent the weekend with our hosts, so we felt as if we were back at home — well, apart from having to speak Russian, obviously! Our guides had planned a range of excursions, including cultural, sporting and entertainment centres of the city. 3Going to London was a fantastic experience as it is truly the most diverse city in the world. Apart from the usual tourist attractions there are plenty of other areas worth visiting. Also, I found the English people not to be as serious and reserved as I thought they would be. They were very friendly and good hosts. I agree that visiting any European capital is going to give a broad insight into the culture and London is no exception. It's a shame that in future we won't have an opportunity to go on this exchange because of some restrictions of our partner school! 4I and other six boys from my group drove up to the Snowdonia National Park during the half-term break for three days of climbing. On arrival we booked into the Youth Hostel. Later that day we drove to a shop to buy equipment at discount prices. The next day after our instructor gave us some instructions we climbed an assortment of routes on Spotty Rock. We lead some very difficult technical routes over the three days. Overall the trip was a huge success. 5This year I decided to organize the work experience week in Italy and with a different company. Indeed, though the week in a foreign country had been a success every time, the main problem was in the evening as the students were all staying together and, therefore, speaking English. Trying to make them speak Italian to each other, after having spent the day at their work placement trying to understand, what was going on, was a very difficult task. This time I arranged their accommodation in different families. |
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Рабочая программа по английскому языку для 7-9 классов на 2016-2017 учебный год Федеральный компонент государственного стандарта общего образования (иностранный язык). М.: Аст-астрель, 2004 |
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Рабочая программа по английскому языку составлена на основе федерального... Умк «Enjoy English» для учащихся 2-9 классов общеобразовательных учреждений (Обнинск: Титул,2007) |
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Рабочая программа по английскому языку Умк «Enjoy English» для учащихся 2-9 классов общеобразовательных учреждений (Обнинск: Титул,2007) |
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Рабочая программа по английскому языку составлена на основе федерального... Минобрнауки от 06. 10. 2009 №373 (редакция приказов Минобрнауки РФ от 26. 11. 2010 №1241, от 22. 09. 2011 №2357, от 18. 12. 2012... |
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