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15. Переведите на русский язык в письменной форме абзацы 1,3 и 4. 16. Закончите предложения, выбрав соответствующий вариант окончания: 1. Welding is a process which provides... a) a detachable joining of two unlike metal pieces by heating them till melting condition. b) a detachable joining of two like metal pieces by heating them till melting condition. c) a non-detachable joining of two like metal pieces by heating them till melting condition. 2. The laser's high power intensity permits welds.... a) between similar metals having the same physical properties. b) between dissimilar metals of widely varying physical properties. c) between dissimilar metals of similar physical properties. 3. The process of plasma arc welding is efficient for fusion welding.... a) aluminum. b) combination of aluminum and nickel. c) stainless steel, titanium, nickel. 4. Plasma arc welding is particularly suited for.... a) repairing aluminum parts. b) repairing delicate parts. c) repairing massive and thick parts. Unit 5 Materials Topic 1. General Overview of Materials and their Structure 1. Прочитайте и переведите тескт письменно, используя слова после тескта. The properties of materials are sometimes referred to as structure-sensitive, as compared to structure-insensitive properties. In this case structure-insensitive properties include the traditional physical properties: electrical and thermal conductivity, specific heat, density, and magnetic and optical properties. The structure-sensitive properties include the tensile and yield strength, hardness, and impact, creep, and fatigue resistance. It is recognized that some sources maintain that hardness is not a true mechanical property, because it varies somewhat with the characteristics of the indentor and therefore is a technological test. It is well known that other mechanical properties vary significantly with rate of loading, temperature, geometry of notch in impact testing, and the size and geometry of the test specimen. In that sense all mechanical tests of material properties are technological tests. Furthermore, since reported test values of materials properties are statistical averages, a commercial material frequently has a tolerance band of ±5 percent or more deviation from a given published value. In the solid state, materials can be classified as metals, polymers, ceramics, and composites. Any particular material can be described by its behavior when subjected to external conditions. Thus, when it is loaded under known conditions of direction, magnitude, rate, and environment, the resulting responses are called mechanical properties. There are many possible complex interrelationships among the internal structure of a material and its service performance. Mechanical properties such as yield strength, impact strength, hardness, creep, and fatigue resistance are strongly structure-sensitive, i.e., they depend upon the arrangement of the atoms in the crystal lattice and on any imperfections in that arrangement, whereas the physical properties are less strucure-sensitive. These include electrical, thermal, magnetic, and optical properties and do depend in part upon structure; for example, the resistivity of a metal increases with the amount of cold work. Physical properties depend primarily upon the relative excess or deficiency of the electrons that establish structural bonds and upon their availability and mobility. Between the conductors with high electron mobility and the insulators with no free electrons, precise control of the atomic architecture has created semiconductors that can have a planned modification of their electron mobility. Similarly, advances in solid-state optics have led to the development of the stimulated emission of electromagnetic energy in the microwave spectrum (masers) and in the visible spectrum (lasers). Glossary structure структура sensitive чувствительный electrical электрический thermal тепловой, термический conductivity проводимость specific heat удельная теплоемкость density плотность tensile растяжимый yield strength предел текучести hardness твердость impact удар creep ползучесть fatigue усталость resistance сопротивление, стойкость indentor индентор technological технологический test испытание rate скорость loading нагружение notch выточка, выемка specimen образец statistical статистический average средний tolerance допуск band диапазон deviation отклонение solid state твердое состояние metal металл, металлический polymer полимер ceramic керамика composites композиты interrelationship взаимосвязь service performance служебные характеристики impact strength ударная прочность arrangement расположение crystal lattice кристаллическая решетка imperfections несовершенства resistivity удельное сопротивление amount объем, количеств cold work холодная обработка relative относительный excess избыток deficiency недостаток electron электрон structural структурный bond связь availability наличие mobility подвижность conductor проводник insulator изолятор semiconductor полупроводник solid-state твердотельный optics оптика stimulated вынужденный emission излучение microwave микроволновой maser мазер visible видимый laser лазер Topic 2. Physical Properties of Materials In studying the general structure of materials, one may consider three groupings: first, atomic structure, electronic configuration, bonding forces, and the arrangement of the aggregations of atoms; second, the physical aspect of materials, including properties such as electrical and thermal conductivity, specific heat, and magnetism; and third, their macroscopic properties, such as their mechanical behavior under load, which can be explained in terms of impurities and imperfections in the lattice structure and the procedures used to modify that behavior. In the selection of materials for industrial applications, many engineers normally refer to their average macroscopic properties, as determined by engineering tests, and are seldom concerned with microscopic considerations. Others, because of their specialty or the nature of their positions, have to deal with microscopic properties. The average properties of materials are those involving matter in bulk with its flaws, variations in composition, and variations in density that are caused by manufacturing fluctuations. Microscopic properties pertain to atoms, molecules, and their interactions. These aspects of materials are studied for their direct applicability to industrial problems and also so that possible properties in the development of new materials can be estimated. In order not to become confused by apparently contradictory concepts when dealing with the relationships between the microscopic aspects of matter and the average properties of materials, it is wise to consider the principles that account for the nature of matter at the different levels of our awareness. These levels are the commonplace, the extremely small, and the extremely large. The commonplace level deals with the average properties already mentioned, and the principles involved are those set forth by classical physics. The realm of the extremely small is largely explained by means of quantum mechanics, whereas that of the extremely large is dealt with by relativity. Relativity is concerned with very large masses, such as planets or stars, and large velocities that may approach the velocity of light. It is also applicable to smaller masses, ranging down to subatomic particles, when they move at high velocities. Relativity has a definite place in the tool boxes of nuclear engineers and electrical engineers who deal with particle accelerators. For production engineers, relativity is of only academic interest and is mentioned here for the sake of completeness. Glossary bonding связывающий force сила arrangement расположение aggregation скопление, концентрация conductivity проводимость specific удельный, специфичный heat тепло magnetism магнетизм impurities примеси imperfections несовершенства lattice решетка macroscopic макроскопический microscopic микроскопический matter вещество; материал bulk объём, объемный flaw трещина, щель variation изменение density плотность manufacturing изготовление fluctuation флуктуация to pertain to принадлежать, относиться applicability приложимость contradictory противоречивый concept концепция relationship отношение, зависимость average средний property свойство awareness знание, осведомленность commonplace общеизвестный факт realm область, сфера quantum квантовый mechanics механика relativity теория относительности velocity скорость light свет, легкий subatomic субатомный tool box инструментарий accelerator ускоритель Topic 3. Mechanical Properties of Materials Designers and engineers are usually more interested in the behavior of materials under load or when in a magnetic field than in why they behave as they do. Yet the better one understands the nature of materials and the reasons for their physical and mechanical properties the more quickly and wisely will he/she be able to choose the proper material for a given design. Generally, a material property is the measured magnitude of its response to a standard test performed according to a standard procedure in a given environment. In engineering materials the loads are mechanical or physical in nature and the properties are recorded in handbooks or, for new materials, are made available by the supplier. Frequently such information is tabulated for room-temperature conditions only, so when the actual service conditions are at subfreezing or elevated temperatures, more information is needed. All materials have properties that designers must use to their best advantage. The following terms describe these properties: Ductility is a softness present in some materials, such as copper and aluminum, that permits them to be formed by stretching (drawing) or hammering without breaking. Wire is made of ductile materials that can be drawn through a die. Brittleness is a characteristic of metals that will not stretch without breaking, such as cast irons and hardened steels. Malleability is the ability of a metal to be rolled or hammered without breaking. Hardness is the ability of a metal to resist being dented when it receives a blow. Toughness is the property of being resistant to cracking and breaking while remaining malleable. Elasticity is the ability of a metal to return to its original shape after being bent or stretched. Load - нагрузка Design- конструкция magnitude величина environment внешние условия handbook справочник available доступный supplier поставщик subfreezing ниже точки замерзания elevated повышенный ductility ковкость, тягучесть softness мягкость stretching растяжение drawing вытяжка hammering ковка breaking разрыв, обрыв wire проволока, провод die матрица brittleness хрупкость brittle хрупкий, ломкий cast iron чугун harden упрочнять steel сталь malleability ковкость, пластичность rolled катаный hardness твердость dent зуб, зубец dented зубчатый toughness ударная вязкость resistant стойкий cracking разрушение, растрескивание malleable ковкий, тягучий elasticity упругость shape форма bent изогнутый, гнутый stretched растянутый Unit 6 Metals 1. Прочитайте слова, отработайте их произношение, выучите их. Lattice - решетка metalloid - металлоид, полуметалл nonmetal - неметалл boron - бор polonium - полоний copper - медь iron - железо lead - свинец conductance - проводимость valence band - валентная область (зона) ductile - эластичный malleable - ковкий alkali - щелочь hydrochloric acid - хлористоводородная кислота 2. Прочитайте и переведите текст. In chemistry, a metal (Greek: Metallon) is an element that readily forms ions and has metallic bonds, and metals are sometimes described as a lattice of positive ions in a cloud of electrons. The metals are one of the three groups of elements as distinguished by their ionization and bonding properties, along with the metalloids and nonmetals. On the periodic table, a diagonal line drawn from boron (B) to polonium (Po) separates the metals from the nonmetals. Elements on this line are metalloids, sometimes called semimetals. Elements to the lower left are metals. Elements to the upper right are nonmetals. Some well-known metals are aluminum, copper, gold, iron, lead, silver, titanium, uranium, and zinc. A more modern definition of metals is that they have overlapping conductance and valence bands in their electronic structure. This definition opens up the category for metallic polymers and other organic metals, which have been made by researchers and employed in high-tech devices. Aluminum is a metallic chemical element. It is ductile, malleable, and an excellent conductor of heat and electricity. The pure metal is soft. It becomes strong and hard when alloyed. Although it is chemically very reactive, aluminum resists corrosion. It is rapidly attacked by alkalies and by hydrochloric acid. Important alloys of aluminum include duralumin, aluminum bronze, and aluminum- magnesium. They are used extensively in aircraft and other industries. 3. Составьте предложения, используя следующие слова. При необходимости просмотрите текст данного раздела еще раз. 1. The, greatly, welding, of, process, the properties, depends on, the metals. 2. An, and, drawing, of, the tip, electric, by, arc, touching, is formed, the electrode, it, to, the metal, then, away. 3. Electroslag, only, efficient, steels, welding, be, is, very, but, can, with, used. 4. The, between, the arc, heat, from, the edges, the metal, formed, of, the electrode, and, melts, the metal. 4. Прочитайте и переведите текст. |
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